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1. made maid The maid made tasty food.

2. steal steel The thieves came to steal the steel jug.

3. which witch The witch did not know which lane to go to.

4. plane plain The plane glided on the plain land.

5. waste waist The tailors waste a lot of cloth near the waist of the trousers.

6. weather whether I did not know whether the weather was hot or humid.

7. peace piece The mother made peace between the twins by a piece of cake.

8. soar sore The pilot with a sore throat soar high in the air.

9. where were Where were you last week?

10. ceiling sealing The mechanic repaired the broken ceiling with a sealing paste.

11. dye die You will not die if you dye your hair.

12. buy by / bye I went to buy the shells by the sea.

13. flour flower Mom asked Dad to bring 5 kgs of flour but he bought a

of flower instead.

14. grate great The great chef will grate a lot of cheese for his food.

15. billed build They build the apartment and billed the required amount

to their clients.

16. check cheque The bankers will check if the cheque is still valid.

17. cereal serial The small kids ate cereal in the serial.

18. we’ll wheel We’ll try our best to change the punctured wheel.

19. right write We need to write the right answers.

20. jeans genes The small boy did not like to wear jeans like his father, it

was in his genes

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