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Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

Prefeitura Municipal de Viamão

Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental RICARDO FAICKER NUNES

Nome: _______________________________ Ano: 9º Turma: _______

Teacher: Magda Garcia Data: ____/____/2024
1. Complete as frases passando os verbos entre parênteses para o futuro com o going to e
as traduza.
A ) I _______ _________ _____________ (travel) with my family.
B) My Family and I ______ _________ _________ (go) to Disneyland.
C) He ______ ___________ __________ (drive) the car.
D) We _______ ___________ __________ (stay) in a hotel.

2. Complete as frases com os pronomes reflexivos das alternativas abaixo.

a) I never hire a tour guide when I travel. I prefer to determine the routes by _________
a) Myself
b) Yourself
c) Himself
d) Themselves
b) Last time we traveled, we enjoyed _______________very much.
a) Myself
b) Themselves
c) Ourselves
d) Yourselves
c) They have planned the trip by ________________.
a) Myself
b) Herself
c) Itself
d) Themselves
d) Caroline likes traveling by ___________________
a) himself
b) herself
c) myself
d) ourselves

3. Complete as frases com as palavras que se referem aos locais para férias de viagem que estão
no quadro abaixo:
A) In a _________you can see wild animals such as elephants, lions, zebras and giraffes.
B) If you like mountain biking, rock climbing, swimming, white water raffing etc., you have
to go on an ______________________________
C) If you feel confortable in the middle of nature and don’t care about sleeping in a tent, you
can go _______________________
D) During the summer people usually go on a _____________________________
E) ____________________ is good option for travelers who enjoy historical places,
museums and monuments.
F) A _________________is for the ones who enjoy being on the road , driving a vehicle or
riding a motorcycle for long distances.
4. If you aren’t afraid of crossing the ocean and being with different people for some days on
a big ship, you can go on a _________________________

Endereço: Av. Paraguassu, s/nº - Parque Indio Jary - Viamão/RS – Fone: (51) 3493.3035

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