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Mar 27, 2023

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Book Review on Corporate Chanakya By Mr Radhakrishnan Pillai published by
jaico publishing house-mumbai ISBN 978-81-8495-133-2 page count 346 The
book Corporate Chanakya is written by author Mr. Radhakrishnan Pillai. He is
known in bringing the learnings of Chanakya neethi and relaying it to the
modern corporate culture and business dynamics. The experience states that
the organisations today face business, people and resource challenges. There
is absolutely no reason these challenges cut across varied business verticals.
Recently businesses are having lot of competition with dynamic changes in
business environment. It is proven that value of the product has no
correlation with the expectation of the customer. Augmenting every effort pit
in by business is key to their success. The business potentials in today’s era
can be unlocked through skill v/s will. Corporate Chanakya highlights the
magnificent combination of Leadership, Management and Training.
Organisation’s goals are derived from eight different areas. Revenue income,
profits relevant to costs, investment towards technology, and productivity of
employee. It was brought to the notice of people from various walks of life. It
is new experience to internalise the findings and discover the Chanakya in
you. A snippet review of Corporate Chanakya by Mr. Radhakrishnan Pillai,
would bring the following facts to you There is highlighting on innovation in
the areas of leadership, Management and Training. As we believe in longevity
of lifecycle of products, the author influences the reader to view career
lifecycle concepts through self awareness and self control. As it is said by
global leaders that every business is 99% of execution and 1 % of strategy. If
we all want to get things right we have to ensure that our people are in the
right frame of mind to execute any task. The careful selection of words gave
us an opportunity to understand Chanakya neethi in it’s most practical and
relevant way. Innovation strategy by every reader of this book should be used
with great care and caution. The reason is simple that the software of mind
does not change, and doesn’t matter in which part of the world you belong
take-the knowledge step by step and maintain some your own learnings and
practices will help you to get better results. The description on leadership is to
work on heart and mind of people. when people create multiple barriers it is
the responsibility of the leader to identify where the solution to problem at
hand. The write-up on leadership do’s and don’ts sensitises us towards
correction on our ideology. each capsule within this book will help you to
reflect on your experience and take you through corrective phase. young

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generation may face challenges in genuinely understanding the ancient
scriptures. The author’s objective to guide the youth now will change the
reader’s thought of not maintaining profits alone but retaining the brand of
the organisation. This would reflect the attitude of the individual towards
one’s own work. It will come in the form of passion, energy, commitment,
drive, initiative and most important accountability. The practice of
techniques of success, in accordance to counselling and guidance which
inbound would enhance one’s own self worth as an end result of completing
this book. It is rightly said what matters to you today should be morally
,ethically correct . Chanakya neethi shares economic, finance and
management to its disciple. The author believes in financial freedom
through saving and rewards being result focused. This book facilitate to take
pride in fixing up the achievements on your shoulder that enhances your
stand in society and projects your calibre. The book reveals, reassurances and
reinforces interesting things you have done till today to reach where you are.
The book highlights the principle of safety and helps us understand that
minimalism is more. The appreciation of the technique on “Plan before you
act” is marvellous. Unhappy endings as compared to happy ones are what we
face more. We just need to be visualise, believe and act upon in order to have
happy endings, thus clarity will clear the mind and would develop the clarity
to improvise. Reputation is the nucleus of your power. Through reputation
you can intimidate and win convincingly. Make your reputation be
representative of excellence, efficiency and enthusiasm. I believe that we will
wear our egos because of experience that we have gained over years,
however, gain the power of realisation as to when and whom to show. This
helps us drive varied sources of Power. The men who have changed the
universe have never reached there by working on the leaders alone; they
rather moved the masses. Working with the masses is the weapon of genius
that changes the face of the world. This is an ocean full of wealth if you find it,
your wealth is now secured. robbers and thieves will appear from all sides,
never take your wealth for granted and constantly review it , time will
diminish your wealth’s lustre and bury them from your sight. Accountability
is the key word which this book helps you to learn with interesting analogy
and experiences. It’s a must read one and is the worth the price to instils
Value Principles in Young India. Gedela sai saranya 122014201022 of BBA
financial markets pursuing at Gitam school of business ,vishakhpatnam,

9% Plagiarized
Sep 15, 2015 — Thus, accountability is the key word which this book helps you
to learn with interesting analogy and experiences. It's a must read one and ...


6% Plagiarized

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young generation may face challenges in genuinely understanding the
ancient scriptures.


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