Uno Verbes Irréguliers

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CHANGE THE SKIP YOUR| REVERSE COLOR! B E TURN! DIRECTION! /bt/ ~ Z) PICK UP TWO CARDS! DO /du:/ +2 did done will do been will be will have, will make Weel SKIP YOUR H AD REVERSE DID PICK UP_| | MAADE TURN! DIRECTION! TWO CARDS! /waz/ /w3:/ (nad/ /axd/ 2 /mexd/ P have do make bea had done made a will have will do will make will be PICK UP. FOUR CARDS! BEEN : HAD +4 /bi:n/ /had/ be hove was/were had ‘will be will have REVERSE DIRECTION! oe PICK UP TWO CARDS! +2 will make will do POUR caret WILL SKIP YOUR WILL REVERSE PICK UP i BE TURN! HAVE || otrection! TWO CARDS! /wil hav/ 42 /wil metk/ have had had make made made +4 /wtl br/ be was/were been Og GO RUN JJ prInk}|}COME}|SLEEP]|) EAT /ean/ ran run. will run, will go Go /wil gau/ /wil ran/ run ran run. go went gone /drink/ /wil drink/ drink drank drunk /kamn/ came come will come /kexm/ come come will come /knm/ come came will come /wtl kam/ come came /sli:p/ Jil sli:p/ sleep slept slept Jit] ote eaten will eat will eat EAT /wal i:t/ eat ate eaten ~ a i > a Ss nee iil Ses oe o£ oe - Pe Si 4 ema 0, re ' a? s i Pe oa oon SS RS One ge eg, G3 aS 7 g Sy S Or a 5 oe ss sé a BS cA Ra s a ae ; v / se rea) Ors & G a ¥ 7 Con N ea Und a a 3 Ee on 7 % gi so om 7 ca 5 a Lat oon ee a ki 3% a ead A ee Sea eCce OBEY y 3 é roo a Et - OND 4 ee Rs RON 4 sae rn % rs 7 i ro ne ee oo oe » RR RZ an NS Roa han F 7 ae) eS mw 2% oS wow ws % a erin cay cr = oan Pe aw ae S 3% r ; rs x Fs My eer a 3 Be s "ir Cy, men ¥ % ie Pe é ; Y Ee 5 X _ ‘ Mos, NO. a By eS % 9 ow Ey Ss, cy; , i Wea Es SS x aa 4 rT i) RS x J 7 Roa on? eS a . R 5, Z CHANGE THE COLOR! PICK UP. FOUR CARDS! +4 PICK UP FOUR CARDS! . BUY /bax/ bought bought will buy BOUGHT /bo:t/ buy bought will buy Jw bar/ buy bought bought SKIP YOUR) TURN! FIND [faind/ SKIP YOUR en FOUND /raund/ find toon aan SKIP YOUR TURN! FOUND [faund/ tn ae re skip your) |) WILL TURN! FIND Jul farnd/ find found found REVERSE DIRECTION! go REVERSE DIRECTION! REVERSE DIRECTION! oe REVERSE DIRECTION! Og HOLD /havld/ held held will hold HELD /held/ hold held will hold HELD /held/ hold held will hold WILL HOLD /wal havld/ hold held held PICK UP TWO CARDS! +2 PICK UP TWO CARDS! +2 PICK UP TWO CARDS! +2 PICK UP TWO CARDS! +2 HEAR /ha/ heard heard will hear HEARD /h3:d/ hear head will hear HEARD /h3:d/ hear heard will hear WILL HEAR /wil h1a/ hear heard heard learnt learnt will learn LEARNT /isint/ earn learnt will learn will learn LEARN jul s:n/ learn learnt learnt /savld/ sell sold will sell SELL jul sel/ sold sold /ment/ mean meant will mean /ment/ mean meant will mean WILL MEAN Jwtl mizn/ meant meant aid will pay /slept/ sleep slept will sleep /slept/ sleep slept will sleep WILL)" WILL SLEEP || pay Jul slizp/ /wal pet/ slept paid slept paid /set/ said said will say /sed/ say said will soy will say /wil ser/ say said said Fi ad PPL Fy s 0 Py es Fl ic i ee ine anes Py as menos s al re ars a ane Ree ¢ oS, oa v Pe FE In ae om - wn aoe eNO cy Ey Nahi Sons ey cn $ 3% Pr ns! Qin % 2 , hae RR sac Ee orn cola £38 53 Spa % Pe . ee ss 2 eS ae Poe a s e aX. a gt i ie Ea! Pan Ce Fa 5 3% & Py ad 5 es % Pars ee &% %, ant eS % 5) ero! es 6, he Ny Sy & % al oad F Fs * Zs pea NL Pers iA % cy Deri net Cac ery reco on Con 4 Slay ei CS ede 33 Ig: cy a % Fy va % Pe oo 8 Se me + Re 7 S5 °89,,.5%y on a aN ry haa ac x ee 7 _ ars 8. 3 a: aN a ia em Roe) 7 ba owed org x Perey rs “ 3 Be cae “y ae . uy mabe De é a Pe Aes an 7 8 SNA a om y g eta ne ge Pa & % é 58 a, nes! Fi ry Parity ahs 3 Fa Es cy w ve LA bard S 2 < 3 oe ane na ees Pe os & Hy es i a 2% Py os es? § al em Pn Ey ca 7 oa a ret rer s as cas tS & g $e gs é , Pocus) is Es . i ca PUL got Rh % g iS é a co 2 Ey an Peed Ed FoR aa Pes EY Stoel && 7 ) Fi % re luy es or Rs -, 2 £5 2% F cs aed Gs, ot Rea & a an Pane) oes 2 cm a0) oa org Bad ag oe SRL ays oe CHANGE THE SKIP YOUR} COLOR! SPEND TURN! /spend/ spent spent will spend SPENT SKIP YOUR TURN! /spent/ spend spent will spend PICK UP. SKIP YOUR FouRcAS' HE SPENTEE turn +4 /spent/ Bi = spent will spend rourcaros |, WILL || skp your SPEND |) TURN! +4 Jwil spend/ spend spent spent TELL [tel told told will tell TOLD /tavld/ tell TOLD /tavld/ tell told will tel WILL TELL /wil tel/ tell told told REVERSE DIRECTION! REVERSE DIRECTION! REVERSE DIRECTION! REVERSE DIRECTION! |UNDERSTAND [pnda'steend/ understood understaood inderstand. UNDERSTOOD Janda'stud/ understand understaood will understand UNDERSTOOD Janda'stud/ understand understand understood understood PICK UP TWO CARDS! +2 PICK UP TWO CARDS! +2 PICK UP TWO CARDS! +2 PICK UP TWO CARDS! +2 will win WIN /wal win/ win won won CAST /ka:st/ cast will cast CAST /ka:st/ cost cast will cast WILL CAST Jul ka:st/ cost cast cast will put /pot/ will put PUT {wil pot/ CUT /knt/ cut cut will cut CUT /kat/ cut cut will cut CUT /kat/ cut cut will cut WILL CUT Jw kat/ cut cut will hurt /ha:t/ hurt hurt will hurt HURT Jal ha:t/ hurt hurt READ /rid/ read will read READ /red/ read read will read READ /red/ Jitt/ reo read will read will hit WILL READ HIT Jw vicd/ /wal bitty read read read re Treen 2 ie as ean Ets oe £E er R Pers a es oe ge Ras BC UyeDg e se & a] Pare 3 Ca ety vas Pe sy Se ST es Fs 5 38 ene cart es at ae Pes sh ey of 5 aed oy Ks we EF} ie a% xy aay eS Loe es eee ur) ae ‘ mn a Pa ert ia cal can One Ew oo cy hi SN Ps 7 Pca a? Seen Fs 4 a Lae) % %, UR EI an iA ae OO a5 aS ad cn nn ee “op ‘ PCa ye} vr a One ge PCW uetn CaN ” aa ay %e a ~~ Om ead ay Ra Ra ed a oe £2 cm er om tars) 4 e i eT Te s eo cy Co Lo aeintated se fk a] eae Fe ge Ey . ee a8 ry ee" as ce A ste ga Pe aa pret Rn oe art ad Cee oe s Fr co ees PId4 pun say = ak . Derr ean a Tine) Bs Fi ro ee ania ey 2s oS PE ae de! wee a cs Preece d a >. $3 2 ost 3 Rta as Ce Prd ss a Sener as ES ¥ Ss re are iar) Ces at Rs es Pes 8 z on ots Ls Cyeo ey as a oo Pad ce) Re, xs Sr a ee ro Sr %% Fe p Ps i CN eé 7 CON eo pone aes cae ne im Dense eed ® So ie “ngrre voit be yd, iG a a? ne a Ce 7 Ewe Rear) a a a Fe eee et xe Ovi EBS a 3 am ke %%, Ra 33 a . x Ss es % se oa ey e ee G a Rirmnoc 2 Sak ea 9 aa a oe Pa sy ¢ re 38 gg Ci Pe * as a= Cary #3 Pa ee ory ad Cr aS ° Pes A Irregular verbs: eo Li era CHANGE THE COLOR! BUILD Joxld/ butt itt will build PICK UP. FOUR CARDS! +4 PICK UP FOUR CARDS! BUILD +4 Jul brld/ bull built buit SKIP YOUR) TURN! SKIP YOUR TURN! DREAMT /dremt/ dream dreamt will dream SKIP YOUR TURN! DREAMT /dremt/ dream. dreamt wil dream skip your) WILL TURN! DREAM Jul drism/ dream dreamt dreamt REVERSE DIRECTION! Og REVERSE DIRECTION! REVERSE DIRECTION! oe REVERSE DIRECTION! Og FELT /felt/ feel felt will feel FELT /felt/ will feel /wil fil/ feel felt felt PICK UP TWO CARDS! +2 PICK UP TWO CARDS! +2 PICK UP TWO CARDS! +2 PICK UP TWO CARDS! +2 will keep KEPT /kept/ keep kept will keep will keep /wtl kizp/ keep kept kept will leave will shoot /ett/ leave left will leave. will shoot will leave will lose /ost/ lose lost will lose /ost/ lose lost will lose LOSE Jw lu:z/ lose lost will Bure BURN wil ba:n/ burn burnt burnt SEND /send/ will meet /met/ meet met will meet MET /met/ will meet Jwnl mit |) 4) al send/ meet send met sent met sent Ny foe yy oe eee Sia Coes baat va oe _ rea f / fa Rees Re ca . Ry ee ; : Waa I Par ev Cal mn ; “i fa ten al Esai a nd at I _ : rr ; , TTT ' PS go if aL at u se oi UE a : ’ — cho Es iP oN | re 32 abe rat 7 os j A 5 a | o¢ Bem ae soessyive™ ? ; N # ; - ery s & Pntaers FRAN ¥ rs E rn oe ea eT rea e S$ ° - se ‘ : SN | Ey &e ‘ : 32 7 a ; ‘ . ce aaa Es 7 Fa ia ra wt in | | , Me CU de rs Sy ee 7 5 sf BE Pre ee oe sd | ea a ; * ; NS rs é _ ee oy cr mor a errs se cod | iF ng "ge ge rer - & a s on Rew ge ci Tas Ran oat AG gs y aa hey Se a - a ad oa os Fs] oe ry. 09 e EE Oo * A * al ca rs eo SN aes - eS aa ; , a ava # ; A Pal se / ge a5 RCL a s I i \ car Es 52 Bt ae S rs A 8 ree el a veg 4S Tt rw eas ee ss oy " " ; os eS ¢ oie oa — rw one a ‘ | mo) a 7 ' 3 a . f - Oa eal Z motor eT 7 - ; és In Baus ae i a . | ; ene eens rave eB SF cal ars oF a _ : ; lt} OTCTe on Tew Le) es - ; voy, ; . on on Vo, os a aa ETN cn Evia CHANGE THE SKIP YOUR| REVERSE COLOR! TURN! CATCH DIRECTION! keet{/ r wo carosi | EACH pit +2 brought caught brought caught will bring will catch taught taught will fight will teach SKIP YOUR REVERSE PICK UP BROUGHT | TURN! CAUGHT] | pirecrion!| | FOUGHT) | ve carps, TAUGHT Jorat/ /kat/ fot/ 2 /tost/ bring catch fight teach brought caught fought taught will bring will catch will fight will teach PICK UP SKIP YOUR REVERSE FOUR CARDS! TURN! DIRECTION! Oil: ZC PUR Cad SKIP YOUR REVERSE BRING TURN! CATCH || ptrection!|| |) FIGHT PICK UP TWO CARDS! +2 will fight will teach PICK UP TWO CARDS! “2 Joa tis]/ teach taught taught +4 jul brin/ Juul keet{/ Jwal fart/ bring catch fight brought caught fought brought Irregular u eas roars Lae roe pais x ace pee ~ fa} - [u] and ine pe a 7 eeu Oey ae st [omc oo) ac a S he é es Gi x PoC} ee oss 5 Penis per iana a w ee ens Co & Ss aa cen MI ec 5 a reac ws eo aes re [ua] - co ben) eo og pu alte) "aga amas BOWIE Bae na Oe oo a iol eS ory nad und ‘oF ors Cie aes ee ace [ua} cs Ae a Pi ao ae AO an or le eae S AOS ne coe Ow Pa ty Rey a Bs Pas Phe Se ss cet wei cy 4 a2 neo ar aeaca) . rd ea Fo aeecae Reacee es RON sae reat rs con Ss = aoe gt rae el ~ neCacl ne ND: 28 NO sie SS = ° -_ aa fe. Be CHANGE THE COLOR! DRAW /dra:/ drew drawn will draw DREW /dru:/ draw drawn will draw PICK UP. FOUR CARDS! DRAWN +4 /dro:n/ Pl: PICK UP. FOUR CARDS! WILL DRAW +4 /wal dro:/ draw drew drawn SKIP YOUR) TURN! SKIP YOUR TURN! SKIP YOUR TURN! SKIP YOUR’ TURN! FELL /fel/ FALLEN /fo:tan/ WILL FALL jul fo:l/ fal REVERSE DIRECTION! go REVERSE DIRECTION! REVERSE DIRECTION! oe REVERSE DIRECTION! Og FORBID [fabbrd/ forbad forbidden will forbid FORBAD /fa'beed/ forbid forbidden will forbid FORBIDDEN /fa'bidn/ forbid forbad will forbid Jul falbrd/ forbid forbad forbidden PICK UP TWO CARDS! +2 PICK UP TWO CARDS! +2 PICK UP TWO CARDS! +2 PICK UP TWO CARDS! +2 RIDE fraid/ rode riden will ride RODE /ravd/ ride ridden will ride RIDDEN /ridn/ will ride Jil rard/ ride rode ridden y Br] >a aA Fd Be Bt es ee Po in ae aes eS Pi an’ ay or ae Ls 2 i aa rs * a a $ E f es ey n * pe ae ne eos ce 90 ee ee eo a oS a oe Khe ge oS ge a Ss a4 ira ro eee ao Bs aor Es a path vers ae ar ye, 5 4 hy Ea ict Le io A ers Eg 35 5 Ss er a ad al Bs ie a Fig a i a a 5 5 x a Sa torre OS Trequiar yer a ens es rT Bo 92, es nly Ton Be ae Orsi xo aaa an Re gs Ore na <4 SP CRS PA 4 2s % PJ baat Coy a &S F a oe is a $s oreat] ag é ci 2% 5. ay Fea ee re cow Co acs S CRTs mame SS s ac AG 2 meat) ra) Rd és a Preis rs Peers

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