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3 Adam Horsburg CEO & Ors 27-6-2024
4 Austin Health
5 Forwarded via email
6 COMPLAINT-Supplement 3
8 20240627-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Adam Horsburg CEO & Ors Austin Health
9 Adam,
10 further to my 24-6-2024 & 25-6-2024 Suppl-1& 26-6-2024 Suppl-2 complaint I desire to
11 add the following;


14 On Sunday 23 June 2024 I presented Olga to Austin Health emergency, and we had to wait about
15 4½ hours before finally she was seen by a doctor. I previously criticised how the Emergency
16 Department triage operates and made recommendations. Olga was later submitted to the Short
17 Stay Unit where I remained overnight with her on a reclining chair. Olga was then transferred to
18 Ward 7 East 9 and as I indicated she was assaulted by a nurse twice trying to put a mask on Olga
19 despite that she is a heart failure patient and is exempt from a mask, in regard of which I filed a
20 complaint with you. On Wednesday Olga was released from Austin Hospital, that is the
21 paperwork for her release was done, but then at the end MEI the wound nurse attended and was
22 unable to find any blood reading in Olga’s right leg and a mere 50 on her left leg, she explained
23 was the very minimum. As result Olga had to remain another night at Austin Hospital to get
24 scans, etc.
25 Today, I arrived and was shortly thereafter informed that Olga had blood blockages and a team
26 of doctors needed to decide what was best to be done. Moment, Olga attended to Austin health
27 on Sunday for the problem she had and despite all the doctors who attended to her in the
28 meantime finally it was MEI the wound nurse who alerted to the blood blockage? Is that how
29 competent the medical doctors are? Is it that the medical doctors were awaiting their instructions
30 of the VETERINARIAN Director-General of WHO? After all, they are still following his (the
31 VETERINARIAN) directions of wearing a mask you seem to enforce.
32 I attended to the centre desk and asked if it was possible that I could have free parking as it is
33 costing me a small fortune to be parked down below. I was asked if I was a “carer” and I
34 explained I was Olga’s husband. Well, it seems I need to turn my money into some cask person
35 to get monies to care for her as being the husband doing so seems to be out of order. So, no free
36 parking. OK, Olga is unable to walk with the nurses and then have to wait for some time to get a
37 pan and then well can be waiting for a long time before they assist her to get off, etc. That is to
38 Olga torture. While I am there I (as we did at home) hold her hands and without that I say
39 anything other than “RELAX” she manage the about 4 meters walk to the toilet and another 4
40 metres back. This, because she has confidence in me, as we have been doing this at home.
41 At times it may take Olga half an hour before she makes known she is ready to go back to the
42 bed, and well in the meantime I just sit on a chair in the toilet/bathroom. The first time I did sit
43 down I discovered the darn seat of the chair was wet, but now I make sure to check it first.
27-6-2024 Page 1 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 Anyhow today Olga on 3 occasions asked me to assist her to go to the toilet and this underlines
2 that this suits Olga better and also takes the burden away from nurses. After all, I have the
3 strength to hold Olga up in case she was to lose her strength, whereas nurses unlikely have this
4 ability. Also, Olga finds it more secure to her where I am with her, and asked if I couldn’t stay
5 with her as was with the Short Stay Unit. However, this is not possible, I am informed, in Ward 7
6 East. Actually, neither any food for me. Olga’s overall health is deteriorating and she appears to
7 become more fragile. Hence the small walks to and from the toilet is some way I build her
8 confidence as well as give her a little bit of exercise. When the ward doctor came, on my request,
9 he seemed to be telling about “it is on the computer” and afterwards Olga explained he seemed
10 to be disinterested. Well, I did comment that I didn’t know what was on the computer. For
11 example, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday it was made clear that Olga was allergic but
12 apparently not until Thursday was finally an allergic band provided to Olga. On Sunday at
13 Emergency the doctor asked permission to scan Olga’s personal recordings, this was agreed to.
14 On Wednesday I was informed that this scanned details were NOT on Olga’s medical files and
15 Olga couldn’t get her own documents back until they scanned them again. We later got the
16 documents back. Obviously why were the scanned documents not placed on her medical files?
18 Olga and I were informed that a team would decide tomorrow (Friday 28-6-2024) was to do with
19 Olga blood blockages. Hello, no one is going to decide anything unless I am part of the
20 discussion! Olga, made clear to me that I have medical authority and she cannot take in all
21 details and so wants me to be fully involved and explain to her matters in a way she can
22 understand it. As such, Olga made clear she doesn’t want to make any decision without my
23 involvement! Now, you have to be a complete idiot if you think I am going to park the entire day
24 in the car park to have Austin Hospital once again making monies out of me where after all this
25 game was played before that I cam and then the physio didn’t turn up and I needlessly incurred
26 parking cost.
27 There obviously has to be a thorough investigation why the blood pressure test was not done on
28 Olga’s feet soon after she entered Austin Hospital, and in the end days later it was the wound
29 nurse MEI who alerted us of the problems? After all this goes to the core issue why Olga was
30 retaining fluid in her legs in a massive manner! Had this been attended to say on the Monday
31 then perhaps Olga could by now has been assisted. The delay in my view could have even cost
32 Olga’s life as blood flow restrictions are not a simply issue and considering Austin Health is well
33 aware of Olga suffering from heart failure and her heart only pumps for 30% and her valves are
34 leaking then I view it was grossly irresponsible that no proper measurements were taken and
35 only the wound nurse MEI, to her credit, was the one alerting about it.
36 There is also the issue that the ward-doctor this evening gave me the understanding that a stint
37 may have to be inserted into Olga. Only hours before I actually mentioned to Olga that the
38 medical team may have to resort to putting a stint into her. After the ward-doctor left and I
39 explained to Olga that the medical team may have to use a stint Olga then gave me the
40 understanding that several past doctors had made clear she couldn’t have a stint but they didn’t
41 explain to her why not. I also explained to the physio that Olga has a problem sleeping on a flat
42 bed and see had pillows. And she then indicated that could be a problem, and a doctor who also
43 attended during the day made known that Olga would need to lay flat for 4 hours and a dye needs
44 to be given to Olga. Olga explained she was having problems when previously she was given a
45 dye at the Eye & Ear Hospital.
46 Olga mentioned to me that a nurse attended to her and introduced herself as Melissa and that
47 Olga was very impressed as to her manner to introduce herself, etc. I later made known to
48 Melissa that Olga was very impressed with her conduct.
49 There often are complaints about medical cost on taxpayers and beds shortage, etc. But let it be
50 clear in my view there is a gross mismanagement of Austin Hospital where Olga was to be
51 discharged without any medical doctor having even bothered to make sure that Olga’s blood
27-6-2024 Page 2 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 3

1 pressure was properly taken not just her arm but also her toes, as MEI did and alerted us and
2 others, may also be a cause of uncalled cost, etc.
3 As I yesterday explained to the pharmacist, Dr Tan had provided a referral to Austin Health
4 regarding Olga’s medications and so Olga had done no more but to copy that list also, that was
5 originally done by Dr Lu Cardiologist of Austin Repat and then subsequently also by Dr Rayoo
6 cardiologist, and as such, it seems there appears to me a lack of proper management that relevant
7 and important records are missing from the files.
8 By now, the ward doctor seems to indicate we have to wait till tomorrow what is planned. Well,
9 no one is going to do anything unless I am not just told something but I am involved so as to
10 make sure that any plan is suitable to Olga. The delay and the wasting in bed has caused Olga’s
11 health to deteriorate and I view it is appropriate for a proper investigation why this was not
12 properly attended to in the first place.
13 And, today Olga had a gain a nurse wanting Olga to wear a mask but Olga refused (explaining
14 she was exempt anyhow) and rightly so. How on earth can you be deemed to properly manage
15 matters where you are asleep behind the steering wheel, as surely common sense alone should
16 indicate that a heart failure patient who already has breathing problems never ever should be
17 denied proper ability to have access to air. When are you going to get the message that a
18 VETERINARIAN should never dictate medical care of a human patient?
19 Perhaps, Olga should be placed back in Short Stay Unit where I then can remain with her
20 during the night and I can park free of charge, as after all I am badly needed by Olga to be
21 there and more alert to Olga’s needs.
22 OK, nurses are constantly cleaning their hands and wearing gloves after all it is all about
23 hygiene. Here you got a person walking in from the street, and well animals do what they do on
24 the footpath, etc. So, people walking over that then walk into the hospital and well their footwear
25 slowly is decorating the floors of the hospital. The, as I previously indicated, a nurse drops her
26 mask and well picks it up and put it on her face. Great hygiene. Don’t worry they are recorded
27 on videos to do the same in the USA! And when a nurse drops a bandage on this decorated floor
28 then she simply uses it on the patients and no decorate the patient’s leg with the same. But at
29 least you pursue hygiene for wearing a mask because a VETERINARIAN dictated this.
30 Perhaps, you should put on your shoes a shoe cover and then walk through the wards to see how
31 dirty they get and you may even collect some of the decorations left behind from footwear! Last
32 Sunday at Emergency a woman grabbed a mask and placed it on her face and then sneezed into
33 it. Well, at least she is allegedly protected from the non-existing covid while inhaling what her
34 nose rejected! And you wonder why people end up sick? Perhaps this woman may end up with
35 Influenza, this because she did breathe in what her nose had rejected, and so it bypassed her very
36 filtration system. But again, wearing a mask is to safeguard her from getting ill? Well, did you
37 ever measure the dirt they breath in after holding the mask numerous times, including lifting it
38 up over their nose many times, etc. How many people close their eyes when sneezing? After all,
39 if you don’t the plumes from sneezing may go into the eyes and then enter your system by-
40 passing the nose filtering system? How many people sneeze while failing to keep their mouth
41 close and so again it enters the body and influenza may be the end result. Perhaps rejecting the
42 advice of a “VETERINARIAN” and having medical doctors dealing with human health by their
43 knowledge and experiences may just be better for their patients?
45 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
47 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
48 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


50 (Our name is our motto!)
27-6-2024 Page 3 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also

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