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Social Science Part -| VIll Class -C

I. Choose the Correct Answer:
1 James Mill belongs to this country.
B) France C) Portugal D) Germany
A) Scotland
2 The first Govermor General of India.
C) Warren Hastings D) Comwallis
A) Wellesley B) Dalhousie
3. The last Viceroy of India is
A) Dalhousie B) Mountbatten C) Rippon D) Canning
4 The first map of India produced by James Rennell in this year.
A) 1780 B) 1781 C) 1782 D) 1783
5 The British preserved the important documents in
A) Record rooms B)Store rooms C) The law courts D) The Tahsildars ofice
6 Census operations are held for.
A) every five years B) every seven years C) every ten years D) every twelve years
7 The word 'calligraphist' means.
A) One who is specialised in the art of painting
B) One who is specialised in the art of music
C) One who is specialised in the art of beautiful writing
D)One who is specialised in the art of public speaking
8. A "History of British India" was written by ...
A)Charles Darwin B) James Mill C) Albert Einstein D) Thomas Hardy
Where the headquarters of National Archives of India is located?
A) New Delhi B) Kolkata C) Chennai D) Mumbai
10. The historians have divided Indian history into these many parts.
A) One B) Two C) Three D) Four
II. Bridge the gaps:
1. The Britannia was the symbol of ..Qtish.
2 Warren Hastings became the first Governor-General of India in . . .
3 The last Viceroy of India was ..k.9dMount Baten
4 The 1922 advertisement for Lipton Tea suggests that .... is associated with this tea.
5 Mill divided Indian history into three periods .Hundu, brtsh and.Muslim

8 Varsity Education Management Pvt. Ltd.

IL Match the Social Science Part-1
Column -A
An of beautiful handwriting
An important task of Briish a)
Column -B
by Colonisation
) Subjugation of one country by carrying out survey
another C)
AHistory of
written by
British India was Calligraphy
d) every ten years
Census operation are held for
) The National Archives of India e) James Mill
is located in
three periods
vi) Historians have usually divided
history into New Delhi
i Column-A
i) Revolt of 1857 Column -B
a) Prince Arthur
ii) Warren Hastings
b A History of British India
ii) Duke of Connaught
iv) James Rennel [aj c) Sepoy Mutiny
d) 1773
V) James Mill
e) Map of Hindustan

1. What is the correct sequence of the following
l) The Battle of Buxar
events: ?
2) The Battle of Plassey
3) The First War of Indian
Independence 4) Arrival of the East India
Company to India
i. 4)
Arriyal of (he east ndio (ompony
to indio
.] he balle of plosty
.3the baltle of buxor
|N. the fust wos o Jndion indeptndrnte

Varsity Education Management Pvt. Ltd. O9

Social Science Part-| VIlI Class - CBS
2, Find the names of the prominent personalities with the help of given information.

First Governor - Gencral Qucen of England who had

of India (Presidency of given the title as "Empress
of India" (Victoria Memorial
Fon William - Bengal).
at calcutta is constructed for
her mrory.

Fist Govemor-General King of United Kingdom

of British India who had who visited Bombay in
abolished Sati, 191l and also un Emperor
laLd of India.
alm. ..Kin.

Firt Viceroy of Indin during

the Indian Rebellion of 18S7,
who had appointed by Last Viceroy and Fit
Quecn Victori British Governor- Gencral
of lndependeFt india.
Cannng MAuni. eotter.

First and Last Indian

Govermor - General of
Indig after Jndependenge.
Ch¡k cauai

Last Mughal Emperor of The Qucen who visitled

India Delhi Darbar (Gateway of
oh.| India was constructed to

Varsity Education Management Pvt. Ltd.
Social Science Part- I
VII Class.
Mark the Union Territorles:
2) Ladakh
4) Puducherry
3) N.C.T. of Delhi 4) Andaman and Nicobar Islands
6) Lakshadweep
S) Chandigarh
) Jammu and Kashmir
8) Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and n

N CÍof chandigarh

land Nogot
land Hovet;

ound nicobar

Social Science Part- I

Choose the Correct Answer: ANALYSE &APPLY -1/

Which onee of the
A) Utility following does
B) Value not make a

Which one of the

C) Quantityresource?
2 following
A) Medicines to treat is a
cancer human made
D) Color
C) Tropical forests resource?
B) Spring water
Complete the statement: D) Minerals
Biotic resources are
A) Derived from living things
CDerived from non living things B) Derived only from
D) Derived only from human beings
Dasources that are drawn tirom
A) Potential nature are called as animals.
B) Natural ......s.ource
C) Actual
Which resource has economic D) Renewable
A) Ice cream value with time?
C) Grand Mother Home B) General Knowledge Book
Remedies D) Petrol
landscape may not have
A) Economic value B) Social Value C) Political Value D) Spiritual value
Resources are a .......... of a nature to man.
A) Gift B) Package C) Debts D) Knowledge
Find the odd one.
A) Discovery of fire - Practice of
B) Invention of wheel - cooking
C) Thermal Development of transportation
Electricity - Kerosene
D) Hydro electricity- Fast flowing water
Inexhaustible resources do not include
A) Solar energy B) Water C) Coal D) Air
. This is not an example of actual resources
A) Coal deposits Ruhr in Germany B) Petroleum in West Asia
C) Dark Soils of Deccan in Maharastra D) Uranium found in Ladakh
Which regions of India generating energy by wind mills? Ibi
1) Nagercoil in Tamilnadu 2) Rayalaseema in Andhra Pradesh
3) Coastal area of Gujurat 4) Bombay Highway
A) 1,2,3,4 B) 1,4 C) 1,3 D) 2, 3,4
Non- renewable resources are those which have a ....... stock
A) Limited B) Unlimited C) Surplus D) Deficit
|3 . years ago.
High speed winds were a potential resource. C) Three hundred
A) Hundred B) Two hundred D) Four hundred

Varsity Education Management Pvt. Ltd. 53

VIll Class - CBSA
Social Science Part-I resources.
and water ae. D) Biotic
14 Resources that are found evervwhere like air C) Non renewable
A) Ubiquitous B) Potential
non-renewable but can be
15. Which of the following 1resources is D) Iron
B) Water
C) Wood
A) Coal

16. Sustainable development secks to prevent. B) Pollution

A) Wastage of resources D) All of these
C) Loss of bio diversity are called
drawn from nature and used without much modification [C1
17 Kesources that are B) Mineral Resources
A) Environmental Resources Resources
D) Human Made
C) Natural resources
picture has been categorised?
l6. Under which category of resource the given

B) Potential C) Non renewable D) Renewable

A) Localised

Bridge the gaps:

The object or substances is made a resource by
2 The exclusive right over any idea or invention means ....pkknt........
..AcuoL.kesour ce
3 The resources whose quantity is known is called as
4 The distribution of natural resources depends upon number of physicofactors like terrain, climate
and altitude.
5. Natural substances become resources only when their OLAunolform has been changed.
1 Classify the following resources into natural and man made.

-ngura.... MOn.ngde ..MaAnAad nghwal

54 Varsity Education Management Pvt. Ltd.


Casilyythe following into abiotic and biotic Social SciencePartI


Classifythe following into renewable
non-renewable resources.

sLQLcb .reable
Carefully observe the given pictures and answer the questions that follow:

i) Suggest a suitable title for the given pictures.

Ghe Suiboble title is renlwable tnerqy
i) Mentions one advantage and one disadvantage of the above sources of energy.
A. Advantages :| h of enug Sources cre environmontoly
frindly 1yot elese toxic gojes -
Diadtantages:, Solo, enkrgy is nol Suf funlty storrd when
isocloudy doy
What is the main source of energy?
un s moin Cour ce 0f enr9g Dn earth
Theincludes Coal, wind energy,biomoss, petr o nuclear energ
ersity Education Management Pvt. Ltd. etc

Social Science Part-I
Jdentifyand name the states,
capitals and union
fAJIKISTAN territorles in the space provided:


20.(S) Lah
Aadakh 17.(5)

18.(9JAunoaha, Prodeh
TaET) Skim , (S)

Laslhon 15, (C)

5.(3) BHUTAN)
Luckna Aispo. (c)
1. (C) Dalno
9eRaipur/ MYANMAR

SEA ielangato
21. (S)

Aesh_2. (9)
Chennoi -13. (C) ADAMAN&
C.Capital of the State
JU-Union Territory

7.(uyPard Alaic
arsity yFEducation Management Pvt. Ltd. 57
imbalance." VI Clas
Social Science Part -I
of wild
aninmals creates ecological
Discuss the ill t
7 Indiscriminatee hunting maintainingthe,

of indiscriminate hunting.
Wildlife consistsof animals.
birds and fish. It helpsin
ecological bal
the nature. clearing forests for
being disturbed by man by
nature is
Ihe balance in settlements and other needs. or
cultivation, human
and animals for meat, lurs, featherS
Indiscriminate hunting of birds
m) resulted in the extinction of some species. herbivorous.
Skin have
results in over population of
iv) Reckless hunting of tigers important to preserve it for our future
wildlife is
v) The conservation of
beauly an3
beauty to nature. So, in order to preserve scenic reserver
Vi) Wildlife adds charm and sanctuaries, national parks and biosphere
up the
Our govemment has set

1. Choose the Correct Answer:

on steep slone
one of the following methods is most appropriate to check soil erosion
1. Which Terrace cultivation D) None of these 1e
A) Shelter belts B) Mulching
of the conservation of nature?
Which one of the following is not in favour
A)Switch off the bulb when not in use B) Close the tap immediately after using
C) Use of poly packs after shopping D) No usage of single use Plastic
glaciers in Antarctica.
3. Nearly. . .percent of Fresh water occurs as ice sheets and D) 90
A) 50 B) 60 C,70
4 Which of these areas, according to you, would have the densest population?
A) A rocky desert B) Adense equatorial forest
C)A fertile plateau D) Afertile but low-lying area prone to loodin;

Land which can be cultivated, but has been left unused for a season is called..
A) Fallow land B) Cultivable waste land
C) Arable land D) Pasture land
6 Which of the following facors is responsible for land degradation?
A) Excessive exploitation of land B) Deforestation
C) Untreated industrial effluents D) Allof the above
7. Some of the common methods of land conservation are
A) Deforestation
B) Uncontrolled use of chemical pesticides
C) Controlled mining
D) Overgrazing
8. The layer of soil that has the maximum amount of humus is
A) Parent material B) The bedrock C) Topsoil D) The subsoil

64 Pvt
Varsity Education Management

s0il IS Clayey. fertile.,

)Alluvial sojl
develops cracks during summer, and is Social Science Part - I
B) Red soil
proccsS of C) Laterilte soil ideal for the growth of cotton.
conserving moisture by covering the
soil D) Black soil

Plugging B) Mulching ground with layers of straw or peat is

Lcachingisnmost coMmon i C) Terrace farming Ibl

4) Topsoil
percentage of land
in. . egion.
B) Subsoil
C) Rock fragments
D) Bunding

4)97 per cent
cover is found on Earh? D) Bed rock
B) 3per cent
C) 29 per cent
u'hich soil contains iron oxides? D) 50 per cent
4)Blacksojl B) Red soil
C) Alluvial soil the D) All the above
levation contour lines.farming practice of ploughing and/or
A) Teace farming
planting across aslope tolowy
B) Contour
The most abundant soil in India is
ploughing C) Mulching D) Shelter Belts
A) Red soil B) Laterite soil
C) Alluyial soil D) Mountain soil
This is not a mitigation technique of
A) Construction of a mitigation wall
BConstruction of abridge across the river
C) Increase in the vegetation cover
DThe surface drainage control works
What are the factors responsible for slowing down surface run off and replenish underground
A) Forest and other vegetation cover
B) Winds
C) River water D) Over grazing
Vultures in Indian sub continent were dying of..
A) Kidney failure B)Cell failure C) Heart failure D) Lungs failure
1: Kaziranga National Park is in. *******.

A) Assam B)Odisha C) Madya Pradesh D) Maharashtra

Massive land slide hit Pangi village, which is located in/near.
A) Dehra Dun in Uttara Khand
B) Recong Peo in Kinnaur District in Arunachal Pradesh
C) Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir
D) Recong Peo in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh
WO most commercially important trees of monsoon forests are
A) Sal and Teak B) Sandalwood and Rosewood
C) Bamboo and D) None of these
Soil is formed by the process ol
A) Weathering B) Erosion C) Gradation D) Alteration

arsity yEducation Management Pvt. Ltd. 65

VIl Class CBS
Social Science Part-|
23. Water can be conserved by Constructionofdams
A) Rainwater harvesting
C) Judicious use of water D) All of these
the depletion of flora and fauna?
24 Which of these statements is not a valid reason for development projects
B) Large-scale and urbanisation
A) Agricultural expansion
C) Grazing and fuelwood collection
D) Rapid industrialisation
25. Soil is made up of D) All the above
B) Minerals C) Weathered rocks
A) Organic matter of soil as
26 The colour, texture, chemical properties mineral, content,permeability determined by.
C) Temperature D) Time
A) Parent Rock B) Relief
Bridge the gaps.
intenational convention...UE.S. has been established that lists several species of animal.
and birds in which tradeis .Q..9h.baled
National Parks are natural area designated to protect the . <.sologisal integriy.
3 Brahma Kamal is a.SausS.uKeO...Db allato
4 Awareness programmes like Soialacestuy and.aaiakeseshould be encouraged
the regional and community level to promote aYforestation.
5 Tundra vegetation of cold polar regions comprise of ...M..... and d.kihans.
6 Who has the ability to feed on dead livestock is a scavenger and considered a vital cleanser of the
7. Due to the life supporting system where biosphere living beings are inter-related and interdependen:
on each other for survival is ...KOSustem...
8. Ploughing parallel to the contours of a hill slope to form a natural barrier for water to flow down
the siope is known as .Contur..Jlouqhng
III. Match the following.
Column A(Factors of soil formation) Column B (Effect on soil formation)
Parent rock a) Accumulation
ii) Relief b) Rate of humus formation
ii) Flora & fauna Ial vc) Color and texture
iv) Time Rate of weathering
V) Climate L e) Thickness
ii. Column-A
i) Land use
a) Prevent soil erosion
ii) Humus Lo b) Narow zone of contact between the
iii) Rock dams Lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere
iv) Biosphere
Productive use of land
V) Contour ploughing Organic matter deposited on top soil
Soil Conservation Method
Varsity Education
Management Pvt. k
Mal Class-CBSE
Social Science Part I

Look at the following images representing some
Fnd out their hames with the help of the animals, birds, insects, forests and herbs.
given hints.
Hlnt:Leopord, Lady Bug, Chectah, Cougar.

int: Polar bear, Warthog, Bear, Elephant herd,
.chittah ady,buA

Hint: Gaur.Chousingha, Chintal, Black Buck.

Lchunha.. Alask.kuck.
Hint: Baboon, Skunk, Monkey, Squirrel.

Aanky.abaàn. Skunk... SQu.s.
Varsity Education Management Pvt. Ltd. E 67
Social Science Part-1 VIlI Class CBSE
Hint: Pamot, Vulture, Kinglisher. Toucan.

-.Alus....LLS... .Kilis!
Hint: Brahma Kamal, Thorm, Mangrove, Saffron.

.ManQroLt. Ihord. Acohooa.kamolSallacA.

1, ldentify the soil conservation method and mention one feature of each.

Sanlaw.L. TsLL.aLLÍaing ..alek...

..plugbing .aapping..acicLs..
Observe the picture and answer the questions:
1. Who am ?
2. What type of resource am 1?
non-renewable re ource
3. What are contained in my sub-soil horizon?,
less humus, Solubte minerals ond
4 Why am Igeting eHon
Monglulurt praChi
gcultur andEnten
nvou Wprotectn mé?knownas
Rotire no ti armin
uSoroin borrr andRestore(earoce t a j
68 Varsity Education Management Pvt. Ltd.
Social Science Part -1
ldentify the soil type marked as 1, 2 and 3.
ILaterite soll with different colours.
Shade the areas of Red soil and

-forest Mountoinos



Glagk Rod and

Yellqyo So

Soil forest andSr(Mountoinous
Arid soil
Laterite Soil
Red Soil
and yelloa
Block Soil

Varsity Education
Management Pvt. Lto
Social Science Part - I
MAP POINTING: outline India Map:
National parks on the
reserves and ) Jim Corbett M Kanha
Mark the following Biosphere
M) Kaziranga 2) Gir 7) Nilgiri 8) Similipal
S)Ranthambore 6) Periyar

Jim Gorbett



Social Science Part -|
inquiry and reform CBSE
to develop the scientifie temper, humanism, and the spirit ol
) abjure violence.
ix) To To safeguard
strive towards
publicexcellence in allto spheres
proppertyand of individual and collective activity so that th¹
endeavor and achievement.
a parent orrises
Who isconstantly to higher
guardian, levels of
to provide opportunities for education to his child. or as the Case
fourteen years.
may be, ward between the age of six to

Choose the Correct Answer:
The fundamental nature of our society can be known from
A) Constitution
B) Directive principles
D) Fundamental Duties
C) Fundamental rights
Constituent Assembly in 1946.
Around ..people became the members of the D) 400
A) 100 B) 200 C) 300
3 The existence of more than one level of government in a country is referred as Id
A) Socialism B) Secularism C) Communalism D) Federalism
When did the Indian National Congress (INC) made the demand for a Constituent Assembly?
A) 1934 C) 1946 D) 1947
B) 1945
The system of courts in the country is known as Id
A) Legislature B) Executive C) Parliament D) Judiciary
6 A state is one in which the state does not officially promote any religion as the state
A) Socialistic B) Secular C) Republic D) Communist
7 The chairman of the Drafting Commitee of the Constitient Assembly of India was...
A) Rajendra Prasad B) B.R. Ambedkar C) Jawaharlal Nehru D) Mahatma Gandhi
The father of the Indian Constitution is
A) Mahatma Gandhi B) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
C) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar D) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
The President of the Constituent Assembly of India was
A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad B) Jawaharlal Nehru
C) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar D) Mahatma Gandhi
10. Which one of the following is not a key feature of the Indian
A) Federalism
B) Presidential form
C) Secularism government
D) Separation of Power
|1. This Fundamental Right allows citizens to move the
Fundamental Rights have been violated by the state. court if they believe that any of h
A) Right against Exploitation B)
C) Right to Freedom of Religion Cultural and Educational Rights
D) Right to ConstitutionalRemedies
12. When Nepal became a democacy
after abolishing monarchy?
A) 2002 B) 2005 C) 2008
92 D) 2010
Varsity Education Management Pvt. Ltd.
Class CBSE
When didthe Constitution of India Social Science PartI
Come into force?
A) 26th January. 1960 |b
oLsh August, 1947 B) 26th
D) 30th January. 1950
many Fundamental Rights have been granted to theJanuary, 1948
A) Four B) Five
cilizens of India?
Duties D) Seven
6 Fundamental have been
A) 42nd Amendment B) 43rd incorporated in the Indian constitution by the
Amendment C) 39th Amendment D) 44th Amendment
Prohibition Act was enacied in this year.
A)1961 B) 1983
C) 1987 D) 1971
.Cnne anti-liquof agitation started in
A) 1970 Andhra Pradesh in this year.
B) 1980
C) 1992 D) None of these
All subjects of legislation have been
AL Two
classified in how many lisis?
B) One C) Three
D) Four
19. India got independence on
A) l5h August, 1947 B) \4th August. 1947 C) 26th
January. 1950 D) 26th November, 194 I
What is the minimum age required to be registered as a voter
in India?
A) 17 years B) 21 years C) 18 years D) 10 years
1 Federalism mecans
A) Only One level of govemment B) Only Two levels of government
C) Two or more than two levels of govemment D) None of these
How many 'organs of govermment' are there at the central level in India?
A) One B) Two C) Five D) Three

IL Bridge the gaps:

The Maoists join other political parties in Nepal to sign a 12-point agreement in.
The Constitution prohibils human traffiçking, forced labour, and employment of children under 14
years of age. It is mentioned as .LaSS.).in the Fundamental Rights.
Ihe 'conscience' of the Indian Constitution is referred to Rhnon fundomentl
The 3rd tier of the govemment in India is Panchayat.
enforcing laws is the responsibility of .LADNL.CAnt
Administering and
The Father of the Indian Constitution is
Ihe citizens can move the court if they believe that any of their Fundamental Rights have been
Violated by the State through..A.`sle.32.
Ihe first deputy Prime Minister of Independent India was VallobhoiShoverbhai

arsity Education Management Pvt, Ltd. 93

Social Science Part-I
lI. Match the columns: Column -B
i. Column A a)
Cultural andIEducational
i) Panchayati Raj system Drug addiction
L )
The State cannot discriminate against
anyone in matters of employment Civil Disobedience Movemen
ii) We have right to express our views Right to freedom of speech
iv) Minorities have right to preserve ther
own culture
Lowest level of administration
Dandi March Right to cquality
vi) A Social evil

to the citizens but als0 mentione a
The Indian Constitution not only gives Rights posters given below sho
Fundamental Duties, a citizen is expected to do for the nation. Theposters and fill the blank,
certain Fundamental Duties and Rights. Give suitable titles to the

2. Identify the pictures and describe few lines about them.

He kojenadro Prosod hmt who

ldayejourhangt A po)ii,!.
in ro..t.aAn konitut
94 1 Varsity Eutication Managenent t P
a s s -CBSE
Social Science Part -

Colourthefollowing countries in the map provided.

red b)Nepal in green c) Bangladesh in yellow
a) blue e) Sri Lanka in brown
) 80







88 92°
76 80

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