P2 - Ingles

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A. your
1. Choose the correct alternative to D. her
complete the sentence below. E. my

-My Aunt Sally lives in _______ house over 5. What time is it?

A. this
B. that
C. these
D. those
E. his

2. Select the right option to complete the A. It is half past to eleven.

sentence below. B. It is thirty to twelve.
C. It is half past ten.
-Look at ________ children fighting at the D. It is ten thirty.
other side of the street. E. It is half past eleven.

A. these 6. Complete the following dialogue with

B. that the correct option with prepositions.
C. those
D. this A: When is our next seminar?
E. their
B: It will be ____ Friday _____ 3 o’clock.
3. Choose the correct possessive
adjective to complete the following A. on / at
sentence. B. in / at
C. on / in
-That dog is very cute. _______ name is D. at / at
Hulk. E. in / on

A. his 7. Use the correct preposition to complete

B. her the sentence.
C. it’s
D. its -My grandmother was born ____
E. your December 23rd _____ 1954.

4. Fill in the blank with the correct option. A. on / in

B. in / on
-We cannot come on Saturday. It's C. at / on
__________ father's birthday. D. in / in
E. on / on
8. Choose the correct option to complete the
following sentence.

-The Tower Bridge is located in London. It

is an _________ monument.
A. It is fourty -five dollars
B. It’s forty-five dollars
A. American C. It is forty-fifth dollars
B. English D. It is dollars forty-five
C. British E. It is fourty -fifth dollars
D. Egyptian
E. German 13. Which is this number?

9. Select the right option to complete the

sentence below.

-My grandpa was a soldier who A. Fifty - fouth

participated in the World War II he could B. Fifty – four
speak __________ and __________. C. Sixty – four
D. Five and four
E. Fifteen and four
A. German / British
B. Germany / British 14. Use the correct preposition to
C. Dutch / Britain complete the sentence.
D. German / English
E. Portuguese / Germanese -My birthday is _______ July 5th.

A. at
10. Choose the incorrect time.
B. on
C. in
A. 11:20 = It is twenty past one. D. to
B. 7:05 = It is five past seven. E. ---
C. 3:40 = It is twenty to four.
D. 6:30 = It is half past six. READING: TEXT 1
E. 2:25 = It is twenty five to two
Read the text and choose the best answer for
each question.
11. How do you say the date?
"Learning English"

Today, millions of people want to learn or improve

A. The twenty-five of November
their English but it is difficult to find the best
B. November the twenty - five
method. Is it better to study in Britain or America
C. The twentieth-fifth of November
or to study in your own country?
D. The twenty-five of November
E. November the twenty-fifth The advantages of going to Britain seem obvious.
12. Which is the correct number for this
Firstly, you will be able to listen to the language all
the time you are in the country. The language will

surround you wherever you go. Another B. You win a lot of money.
advantage is that you have to speak the language C. The teachers are not very good in Britain.
if you are with other people. In Italy, it is always D. You have to work too hard in Britain.
possible, in the class, to speak Italian if you want E. Your life can continue more or less, as it
to and the learning is slower. was before.

18. People who do not have a lot of time and

On the other hand, there are also advantages to
money should...
staying at home to study. You do not have to make
big changes to your life. As well as this, it is also a
A. Learn may other languages at school.
lot cheaper than going to Britain but it is never
B. Learn English in Britain.
possible to achieve the results of living in the UK.
C. Try and speak English in class more often.
If you have a good teacher in Italy, I think you can
D. Go to Italy to learn English.
learn in a more concentrated way than being in
E. Learn Spanish and English at the same
Britain without going to a school.

Therefore, in conclusion, I think that if you have GLOSSARY

enough time and enough money, the best choice
is to spend some time in the UK. This is simply not On the other hand: moreover, otherwise,
possible for most people, so being here in Italy is besides, again, too (Por otro lado).
the only viable option. The most important thing to
Maximize something to increase something as
do in this situation is to maximize your
much as possible (maximizar).
opportunities: to speak only English in class and to
try to use English whenever possible outside the Whenever: at any time that; on any occasion that
class. (cuando sea).

15. What is the article about? Outside: not in a room, building or container but
on or to the outside of it (afuera).
A. How many people learn English?
B. The best way to learn English. READING: TEXT 02
C. English schools in England and America.
D. English is difficult subject Read the text and choose the best answer.
E. Learn new things is a good idea.

16. What is one of the advantages of going to Mrs. Barley’s job

the UK to learn English?
Mrs. Barley is a good teacher. She is an English
A. There are no Italians in Britain. teacher. She works at a secondary school. She
B. You will have to speak English and not your
C. The language schools are better.
D. You know many interesting people.
loves her job. Her work is good .She works
E. It is nice to know other places.
efficiently. Her classes are very funny too. She is
17. What is one of the advantages of staying a lovely and hardworking teacher. She always gets
in your country to learn English? up early, has breakfast and walks to school.
Students like her a lot. Her classes are nice. They
A. Students doesn´t need to travel.

often say Mrs. Barley is the most affectionate A. Students are preparing hard for the
teacher. contest.
B. Mrs. Barley is not certain that students will
Her students have reading classes before lunch win next time.
but this week, they are outside for physical C. Students performed best last year.
exercises and training. She takes care of her D. Students do not respect Mrs. Barley.
students and worry about their learning. They are E. Students hate her classes.
preparing for a contest. Last year, they were not GLOSSARY
lucky and they ranked the second team, but this
year, they hope they will be the best one. Mrs. Contest: a competition in which people try to win
Barley is sure that they will achieve it. something (Concurso).

Lucky: having good luck, (afortunada o

19. What is the contest mainly about?

A. Fine arts. Hardworking: putting a lot of effort into a job and

B. Social sciences. doing it well (Trabajadora o trabajador)
C. Physical performance.
D. Spiritual values. Achieve: to succeed in reaching a particular goal.
E. Biology and science. (logro)

20. Where does Mrs. Barley teach?

A. At a library.
B. At a pension.
C. At a middle school.
D. At a primary school.
E. At kindergarten.

21. How does Mrs. Barley go to work?

A. She walks.
B. She cycles.
C. She takes a taxi.
D. She drives.
E. She takes the bus.

22. The phrase “they hope...”

Means _________________ .

A. They have.
B. They expect.
C. They accept.
D. They know.
E. They wait.

23. Which of the following is true?


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