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Department of Education

National Capital Region

Schools Division Office – Caloocan City
Caloocan City Science High School
P. Sevilla Street corner 10th Avenue West Grace Park Caloocan City, 1400

Scenario 1: The Unexpected Audience

Story: Meet Alex, a Grade 12 STEM student with a

passion for artificial intelligence (AI). Alex, along with
their research team, is deeply engrossed in a project
exploring the applications of AI in healthcare. Their days
are filled with coding algorithms and analyzing data.
One day, while presenting their project progress to their
mentor, Dr. Rodriguez, she suggested that their research
could have a much broader impact than initially
envisioned. Dr. Rodriguez explains how policymakers,
healthcare administrators, and even patients could
benefit from their findings.

Guide Questions:

1. As Alex and the team, how might you adapt your

research to accommodate this unexpected audience
of policymakers, healthcare administrators, and
2. What strategies can you develop to effectively
communicate complex AI concepts to a diverse
audience with varying levels of technical knowledge?

1 Prepared by Erickson F. Del Mundo, LPT

Special Science Teacher I
Science Research Committee Member
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office – Caloocan City
Caloocan City Science High School
P. Sevilla Street corner 10th Avenue West Grace Park Caloocan City, 1400

Scenario 2: The Race Against Time

Story: In a bustling research laboratory, Emily is a Grade

12 student researcher with an unquenchable curiosity
about particle physics. She stumbles upon an exciting
discovery related to a novel particle, which could
revolutionize the field. There's just one catch - an
international physics conference is only a few months
away, and Emily wants to present her findings there.
With limited time, Emily must navigate the world of peer-
reviewed research, experimental data analysis, and
preparing a presentation. Her days blur into nights as she
races against the clock to present her groundbreaking

Guide Questions:

1. How can Emily optimize her research process and

make strategic decisions to ensure she's ready to
present her findings at the international conference?
2. What trade-offs might Emily face in terms of the
depth of her research and the need to meet the
conference deadline, and how can she make
informed choices?

2 Prepared by Erickson F. Del Mundo, LPT

Special Science Teacher I
Science Research Committee Member
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office – Caloocan City
Caloocan City Science High School
P. Sevilla Street corner 10th Avenue West Grace Park Caloocan City, 1400

Scenario 3: Lost in Translation

Story: Meet Jake, a student researcher eager to explore

the world of quantum computing. However, he
encounters a significant roadblock - the guidelines and
rubrics provided by his mentor, Dr. Carter, are filled with
technical jargon and complex mathematical concepts
that Jake struggles to grasp.
Jake knows that understanding these materials is crucial
to the success of his project, but he's feeling lost in

Guide Questions:

1. How can Jake bridge the gap between his current

understanding and the technical language used in
the guidelines and rubrics provided by Dr. Carter?
2. What steps can Jake take to ensure that he not only
comprehends but also effectively implements the
technical requirements of his research project to
avoid misinterpretation?

3 Prepared by Erickson F. Del Mundo, LPT

Special Science Teacher I
Science Research Committee Member
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office – Caloocan City
Caloocan City Science High School
P. Sevilla Street corner 10th Avenue West Grace Park Caloocan City, 1400

Scenario 4: Research Beyond Borders

Story: A group of students embarks on a research

adventure studying the migration patterns of a rare bird
species. As they delve deeper into their project, they
discover that these birds migrate across international
borders, adding complexity to their research.
Now, the students must navigate diplomatic channels,
secure permissions from multiple countries, and
coordinate with local experts to gather comprehensive

Guide Questions:

1. How can the group effectively manage the

complexities of conducting research that spans
international borders, including obtaining
permissions and addressing potential language
2. What ethical considerations must the group take
into account when conducting research across
multiple countries, and how can they ensure the
welfare of their research subjects?

4 Prepared by Erickson F. Del Mundo, LPT

Special Science Teacher I
Science Research Committee Member
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office – Caloocan City
Caloocan City Science High School
P. Sevilla Street corner 10th Avenue West Grace Park Caloocan City, 1400

Scenario 5: The Clash of Ideas

Story: In a student research group dedicated to

sustainable agriculture techniques, tensions rise as
members debate the use of genetically modified
organisms (GMOs) in their project. Some members are
enthusiastic about GMOs, while others vehemently
oppose them.
The clash of ideas threatens to derail the project, and the
group must find a way to navigate this challenging

Guide Questions:

1. How can the group foster a constructive dialogue

among members with differing opinions on
controversial topics like GMOs in agriculture?
2. What mechanisms can the group establish to ensure
that they make decisions aligned with their research
objectives while respecting diverse perspectives
within the team?

5 Prepared by Erickson F. Del Mundo, LPT

Special Science Teacher I
Science Research Committee Member
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office – Caloocan City
Caloocan City Science High School
P. Sevilla Street corner 10th Avenue West Grace Park Caloocan City, 1400

Scenario 6: Balancing Act and the Power of


In a bustling city, Sarah is not just a dedicated student

researcher but also a key member of a close-knit
research group focused on climate change impacts. The
group comprises four students, each with their unique
expertise and responsibilities. They meet regularly to
discuss findings and progress.
However, life throws a curveball at Sarah. She's been
working a demanding part-time job to support her
family, and recently, a series of personal challenges have
surfaced. Her father's unexpected illness, coupled with
financial strain, is taking an emotional toll on her.
As a result, Sarah finds herself struggling to maintain her
commitment to both her research and her part-time job.
It's affecting her ability to contribute effectively to the
group's research efforts, and she's growing increasingly

Guide Questions:

1. How can Sarah effectively communicate her

personal challenges to her research group members
without feeling like she's letting them down?
2. What strategies can the group implement to support
Sarah during this challenging time while ensuring
that their research project stays on track?

6 Prepared by Erickson F. Del Mundo, LPT

Special Science Teacher I
Science Research Committee Member

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