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Navigating the Tightrope: Balancing Freedom of Speech and Regulation on social


Social media has a very strong impact on the society. Due to technological advancements
various new social media platforms like YouTube, fakebook, Instagram has immerged. There
are various different opinions regarding the impact of social media on the society. There exist
various valid viewpoints regarding the influence of social media on society. The way in
which social media has altered public discussions has resulted in the proliferation of
disturbing content like child abuse and revenge porn, which is quite concerning. Therefore, if
these disagreements are utilized as a reason to limit freedom of expression, there is a
possibility that social media platforms could evolve from spaces that enable a variety of
voices to reach vast audiences to platforms where only a few powerful voices can reach a
large number of people. India provides its citizens with freedom to express them freely
without any obstruction. In this era where social media is easily available to everyone it’s a
challenging task to strike a balance between freedom of speech and regulation imposed on it
in order to stop the spread of fake news, hate speech, cyber bullying etc.

What is social media?

Social media refers to the online platforms and websites that facilitate the sharing, creation,
and exchange of user-generated content. These platforms serve as virtual spaces where
individuals and organizations can connect, interact, and engage with one another. The world
of social media encompasses a wide array of platforms, offering diverse opportunities for
communication and collaboration. These include social media sites, blogging sites, discussion
forums, texting apps etc.

Freedom of Speech and Expression

India provides its citizens right to freely express their thoughts and ideas without fearing
anyone. The freedom of speech and expression is a fundamental right which is guaranteed by
our Constitution; given under Article 19(1)(a). Nevertheless, it is essential to understand that
this right is not without limitations. Article 19(2) outlines specific reasonable restrictions that
can be imposed on this right. These restrictions serve various purposes, including the
preservation of public order, protection of India's sovereignty and integrity, promotion of
friendly relations with foreign nations, prevention of incitement to commit offenses, and the
maintenance of decency and morality.
Balancing Act: Freedom vs. Regulation

In the modern digital landscape, the struggle between safeguarding freedom of speech and
managing online content has become increasingly noticeable. While regulation is vital for
preventing harm and preserving order, it should be approached with a thoughtful reflection on
the ethical dilemmas at stake. To strike a balance between freedom of speech and social
media regulation, it is imperative to enhance content moderation, establish transparent
policies, empower users through digital literacy, and enforce stronger accountability
measures for platforms.


In summary,finding the right equilibrium between freedom of expression and control on

social media necessitates a careful approach. Upholding basic rights, promoting transparency,
empowering users, and ensuring accountability are all crucial components for creating
efficient and ethical regulations in the modern digital era.

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