Acholi Clan Development Module by Humphrey Chris Kikwiyakare

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10th June, 2024




We the Acholi people of Northern Uganda collectively have a rich tradition of

communal living and strong clan ties; but economic development opportunities in the
region are limited; yet many clans possess vast tracts of fertile communal land that
remains underutilized.

For over two decades, we suffered an insurgency that crippled our social, political and
economic establishments with its effects defining a crippled future.

Much as there were many attempts of rehabilitations by both the government of

Uganda and the international communities, our community has consistently
remained the poorest in Uganda from one poverty index to another.

Unless the vicious cycle of poverty is broken, the elderly Acholi people will leave their
children with nothing except a much more impoverished community to battle with.

This concept framework proposes harnessing the collective resources and solidarity
of Acholi people to drive economic growth within their respective clans by mobilizing
the clan members to contribute financial resources towards their respective clan
communal economic projects under the Acholi Clan Development Module.


To change every clan in Acholi sub-region into economic blocks capable of utilizing
their communal land for sustaining their social, political and economic
Acholi Clan Development Module: Our Land, Our Wealth. Acholi Can Be Great Again
i. To foster economic empowerment and self-sufficiency among Acholi clans and
the Acholi people.
ii. To maximize the utilization of communal land in Acholi sub-region for
sustainable economic development initiatives.
iii. To strengthen social cohesion and unity among Acholi people through
collaborative efforts with a sole aim of eliminating poverty among Acholi
community and promoting economic independence.


i. Establishment of Clan Economic Development Committees (CEDCs) to oversee

project implementation and resource management in their respective clan.
ii. Registration of clan members by their respective clan administration (clan
iii. Mobilization of clan members to contribute financial resources towards their
clan communal projects.
iv. Identification and prioritization of economic development initiatives, such as
commercial agriculture, livestock farming etc.
v. Formation of partnerships with local authorities, NGOs, and private sector
entities to provide technical expertise and support.


i. Conduct community consultations and engagement sessions to garner support

and input from clan members.
ii. Develop a comprehensive economic development plan tailored to the specific
needs and resources of each clan.
iii. Implement a participatory decision-making process to ensure transparency and
inclusivity in project selection and implementation.

Acholi Clan Development Module: Our Land, Our Wealth. Acholi Can Be Great Again

i. Establishment of Acholi Clan Development Module Secretariat

 There will be Acholi Clan Development Module Secretariat whose sole

responsibility will be to oversee the clan development module in each clan;
 Each district in Acholi sub-region shall be represented in the secretariat by two
(2) members (a male and a female); and these positions shall be voluntary and
 The secretariat shall be based in Gulu City preferably at Ker Kwaro Acholi or
any place deemed fit by the members of the Secretariat.

ii. Launch of the Acholi Clan Development Module

 The clan development module shall be launched officially in Gulu on a date

deemed fit by the resources.

iii. Community Consultations and Sensitization

 The interim secretariat shall do community consultations and sensitization

about the module through the Acholi Cultural Institution (Ker Kwaro Acoli);
and this module shall be community owned in its entirety.
 The consultations and sensitization will be through media (prints and radio
stations); and community engagements (clan meetings).

iv. Establishment of Clan Economic Development Committees (CEDCs)

 Every clan shall have their own Clan Economic Development Committee
(CEDC) elected by the clan members to oversee their project implementation
and resource management for their respective clan.
 The Clan Economic Development Committee (CEDC) shall comprise of
members of that specific clan holding maximum integrity and reputation.

Acholi Clan Development Module: Our Land, Our Wealth. Acholi Can Be Great Again
v. Mobilization and Registration of Clan Members
 The Clan Economic Development Committee (CEDC) shall mobilize, count
and register all their clan members; and these members shall be the
legitimate beneficiaries of the clan projects.

vi. Development of Clan Comprehensive Economic Development Plan.

 Every clan shall develop their own comprehensive economic development
plan tailored to their specific needs and resources.
 The secretariat shall ensure a participatory decision-making process to
ensure transparency and inclusivity in project selection and

vii. Determination of project site.

 Every clan shall gazette a specific land for their projects; and the project
site must be agreed upon by both the clan members.

viii. Implementation of The Selected Project:

 The selected project shall be implemented within the community using
the community resources.
 The members of the respective clan shall work and take lead as employees
on their project. The surrounding community members (belonging to
other clans but residing near the project site) will be employed as well if
they show interest in working with the project.

ix. Role of Acholi in Diaspora

Acholi in diaspora shall contribute towards their clan development module by:
 taking over leadership in their clan economic development committees,
 making financial contributions,
 and looking for markets for the projects of their clans,

Acholi Clan Development Module: Our Land, Our Wealth. Acholi Can Be Great Again

The income generated from the clan projects shall be for their respective clan
developments as deemed fit by the clan members; however, prioritize shall be given

a) Education
 ‘DERO KWAN’ (Acholi Education Scheme); where Acholi children who
perform excellently from any of the schools in our region in O-level or A-
level are sponsored to further their studies.
Every clan shall have its own “dero kwan” to support its members.

 Community School. The clan members shall establish and support their
community school with the basic scholastic materials their resources can

 Skilling Centers. The revenue from the community projects shall be used
for opening up and maintaining skilling centres so that every young person
gets empowered with a vocational skill for earning a living; and students
who will complete from these skilling centres will be given start-up capital
and loans for boosting up their businesses.

b) Social Amenities
 The project revenues shall support social amenities deemed fit by the
community for example constructing clean water sources like
boreholes, and opening up community roads.

c) Health
 Health is wealth. The income of the projects shall be used to support
health programs for debilitating conditions within Acholi community for
example the support towards nodding syndrome.


 Every clan in Acholi sub-region shall contribute specific amount of
shares to start ACHOLI DEVELOPMENT BANK, which shall be a

Acholi Clan Development Module: Our Land, Our Wealth. Acholi Can Be Great Again
community bank; and shall give affordable loans to the Acholi people
especially the young people to start their businesses.


 Increased income generation and economic opportunities for clan

 Enhanced food security and livelihood resilience within Acholi
 Strengthened social bonds and unity among clan members through
collaborative economic ventures.


The secretariat shall perform:
 Regular monitoring of project activities and financial management by
Clan Economic Development Committees.
 Evaluate the selected project impact on income generation, food security,
and social cohesion.
 Develop feedback mechanisms to gather input from clan members and
stakeholders for continuous improvement.


For sustainability and scalability, the secretariat through the Clan Economic
Development Committees (CEDCs) shall:
 Develop income-generating activities that can generate revenue to sustain
projects in the long term.
 Promote knowledge sharing and replication of successful initiatives
among different clans.
 Advocate for supportive policies and resource allocation from government
and development partners to scale up the concept regionally.

Acholi Clan Development Module: Our Land, Our Wealth. Acholi Can Be Great Again

The secretariat and the Clan Economic Development Committees shall:

 Forge partnerships with local government authorities, NGOs, and private sector
actors for technical support, funding, and market linkages.
 Collaborate with traditional leaders and cultural institutions to ensure
alignment with Acholi values and traditions.



1. Collective Ownership: Communal land ownership fosters a sense of shared

responsibility and unity among clan members.

2. Financial Contribution: Pooling money allows for larger-scale projects that

benefit the entire clan.

3. Resource Access: Utilizing communal land provides access to resources for

agricultural, residential, or commercial purposes.

4. Cultural Preservation: Supports traditional practices and strengthens cultural

identity within the clan.

5. Decision-making Autonomy: Clan members have direct involvement in project

planning and execution.


1. Financial Disparities: Discrepancies in members' financial contributions may

lead to unequal benefits and tensions within the clan.

2. Lack of Expertise: Limited expertise in project management or resource

utilization could hinder the success of initiatives.

Acholi Clan Development Module: Our Land, Our Wealth. Acholi Can Be Great Again
3. Dependency on Cooperation: Success relies heavily on the willingness of all
members to collaborate and contribute.

4. Legal Complexity: Ensuring legal ownership and management of communal land

may involve bureaucratic challenges.

5. Sustainability Concerns: Poor planning or overexploitation of resources could

lead to environmental degradation or long-term sustainability issues.


1. Economic Development: Effective use of communal land can generate income

through agriculture, tourism, or other ventures.

2. Community Empowerment: Provides opportunities for skill development,

entrepreneurship, and leadership within the clan.

3. External Partnerships: Collaboration with NGOs, government agencies, or

private enterprises can provide additional resources and expertise.

4. Cultural Tourism: Leveraging cultural heritage and communal practices can

attract tourists and generate revenue.

5. Policy Support: Supportive government policies or funding initiatives can

facilitate clan development projects.


1. External Interference: Potential conflicts with neighboring communities,

government regulations, or land disputes may threaten communal land ownership.

2. Environmental Risks: Natural disasters, climate change, or unsustainable

practices could jeopardize the viability of communal land use.

3. Socioeconomic Changes: Rapid urbanization, migration, or economic shifts may

disrupt traditional clan dynamics and practices.

Acholi Clan Development Module: Our Land, Our Wealth. Acholi Can Be Great Again
4. Internal Conflicts: Disagreements over resource allocation, decision-making, or
leadership could lead to internal divisions and project delays.

5. Economic Instability: Fluctuations in market prices, inflation, or economic

downturns may affect the financial sustainability of clan projects.


1. Financial Risk

-Risk: Unequal financial contributions from clan members leading to disparities in

project funding.

-Mitigation: Implement a transparent contribution system where each member’s

financial capacity is assessed, and contributions are adjusted accordingly.
Encourage open communication and mutual support within the clan to ensure

2. Resource Management Risk:

-Risk: Inefficient utilization or overexploitation of communal land and resources.

-Mitigation: Develop clear guidelines and sustainable practices for land and
resource management. Provide training and education on sustainable agriculture,
conservation, and resource management techniques. Establish monitoring
mechanisms to ensure compliance with these guidelines.

3. Legal Risk

-Risk: Legal disputes or challenges related to communal land ownership and

business operations.

-Mitigation: Seek legal expertise to ensure proper registration and documentation

of communal land ownership. Establish legal agreements or contracts outlining the
rights and responsibilities of clan members regarding land use and business

Acholi Clan Development Module: Our Land, Our Wealth. Acholi Can Be Great Again
ventures. Stay informed about relevant laws and regulations governing land
ownership and business activities.

4. Market Risk:

-Risk: Fluctuations in market demand, prices, or competition affecting the

profitability of clan businesses.

-Mitigation: Conduct market research to identify potential opportunities and risks

in target industries or markets. Diversify business ventures to reduce reliance on a
single market or product. Develop flexible business plans that can adapt to changing
market conditions. Explore partnerships or collaborations with other businesses to
mitigate market risks.

5. Social Risk

-Risk: Internal conflicts, disagreements, or social tensions within the clan

affecting project cohesion and implementation.

-Mitigation: Foster open communication and conflict resolution mechanisms

within the clan. Facilitate regular meetings or discussions to address concerns and
ensure consensus-building. Promote a culture of cooperation, trust, and mutual
respect among clan members. Provide training or workshops on conflict resolution
and interpersonal skills.

6. Environmental Risk

-Risk: Environmental degradation or natural disasters impacting land productivity

and business operations.

-Mitigation: Conduct environmental assessments to identify potential risks and

vulnerabilities. Implement measures to mitigate environmental impacts, such as soil
conservation, water management, and disaster preparedness plans. Collaborate with
environmental organizations or government agencies to address broader
environmental concerns. Invest in resilient and sustainable business practices that
minimize environmental risks.

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Acholi Clan Development Module: Our Land, Our Wealth. Acholi Can Be Great Again

By proactively identifying and addressing these risks through appropriate mitigation

strategies, the Acholi clan can enhance the success and sustainability of their
communal land-based development module and empower clan members to pursue
their business projects effectively.


 The clan development module shall be entirely community sponsored as far as

startup costs, operational expenses, and investment in infrastructure.
 For monitoring and evaluation process, the board shall seek funding
opportunities from government grants, donor agencies, and corporate social
responsibility initiatives.

2.3 Conclusion:

This proposed concept aims to harness the collective strength and resources of Acholi
clans to drive sustainable economic development and improve the livelihoods of the
clan members using their communal land.

By leveraging communal land and fostering collaboration, Acholi community can

unlock their full social, political and economic potential.

I look forward to your support towards the adaptation of this ACHOLI CLAN

Yours Sincerely,

Humphrey Chris Kikwiyakare

Vision Bearer,

Acholi Clan Development Module


Tel: 0775 621 300

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Acholi Clan Development Module: Our Land, Our Wealth. Acholi Can Be Great Again

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