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> Ouns a < ‘month-old ncan-Amercan nae bought othe pean fr awal-baby che up He wat born 2 tem ‘vous a noral vaginal dele and hasbeen well since, Wis 4-year ol rate haa siclie-cl disease. Hes excushely Dressed ard receives vain D supple Hs immunizations are p-10-dt, He appets Realty i length athe 2 percent ane weight athe 70 perce Carhopumonaty exarinaion otal Hs mather as Nea repars ‘ot ssen fart cen syrane (05 beng conch nn age au an wes ie > hes ore information aot ‘Which of te flloning ite most important tecormendain fo prevent this codon? be Tse the Bay leap wth he parent Have me bay siegp Supine poston Make sure nat noone stokes aroun the baby (©) Arid teeing the baby coe ta edie © Use soft edding an pons forthe bby (Fae ebay wat wth ck Banka (© cacocespateny mentoring of te baby atRome ougs a oO p ‘.¢-momhold tean-Ameian inf brought he esac fr abby cc pH ks Bor am go ee ‘vous normal vaginal every and as ben wel sine 4-year brother has scle-cel are. Hes exclusely ‘breasted and recs wana supplements Mis imunizstons se up-to-date He apes healy eng st the _ 27 percent ae wight a the 75% peter. Caropuimonayexaination a noma moter hs Ren repos A ‘f uacen facet snore (SS) Bein oro nhs ge aoa ans woul 0 Res re nformaton abut = ‘hh of efolowng te mest mgatarecarneneion reve ths conn? tessa ot rege as sae rae, scorn to rconmenowon ofthe America cae of eda Sdes cad and adatonal bedding, may contbute te this risk, " g Fo cy Se fe sn ke tome ie Anais et feos. ssvaral sua hve shown tat leaping th prone poinon fhe mos gent modebe nck far fr S105. though te mechanism snot dear, sleeping inthe prone postion seems to predispose cite to sffcaton. sae tae dest smdrome Exposing ars to secondhand smoke ceases the sk oF SOS and SMO, errs, be WO, However, Ki nt Me ‘most apart ecanmendatn for SDS revert. ‘Thao assocaton between te ne a which a babys ed and reaucton of he Sk SIDS, Having the baby lesp in supine postin i tstgy recomended bythe American Academy of Peace or edcing the ‘ngk of I. Several tudes have shonm that slesping inthe prone pose ithe most gman mada nk fer or S105 although te mechanism snot dear sleeping nthe prone postion seems to predispose cite o sfcaton. Exposing ners wo secondhand smoke ceases the sk of SS and shoud, therfore, be aided, However, is nthe Fo ae erence ee Os eye ‘There 5 no association between the ime a which a babys ed and eduction of he Sk OF SIS Soft ding and plows ae factors that hve been ndepenerdy associated wth increased riko SOS Studies hav shown ‘opto sve fldinctese rk of IS, pssy duct aon aber, Chen beyond ra months of age because may Incease the ik of suffocation the bay al ove ‘he Amancan eaten of Peds econmends aaas e use of eorespratry Menton dees fr SES sk wots lardeyes. is wine has ean cer and soos hae ben normal He was bor tem by vacam-assited delney 2 Wighes £000 (5b 6 on, Pepnancy was complicated by gestational labels Maus ote ig ad unde ‘he neonatal pat, Val igh are thin ermal lt. He appets let and comfortable Phi examination shows sumaiee ofthe shin and scrae. The ners palpated cm Below the ng coal mag. Laboratory suds Show: ay-old neonate x bough otha phsian because of yellowing ahi sk Hemoaloom —17aieh etloeyte count 05% Inareramobin 190 me Coomes tet Negatne ® trwaverous mmurogiouin (©) mvease equency of rest ees (©) Observaton only (©) mowrnatay a R ouns a <2 tim > ‘an otheris aay eacavely bested tx bought tothe pinion because ofan “dey. is wine nas ben ear and soos have been norma He was bo te by vacum- asta elNey 2 \eighes £000 (6b 6 on, Pepnancy was complied by gestational labels Matus ote had June sumaiee ofthe shin and scrae. The ners palpated cm Below the ng coal mag. Laboratory suds Show: Hemoaloom —17aieh Indirect oamubin 1521 mara Coomes tet Negatne ‘Ths neonate presents wth esues and abratory parameter orient wth unconjugated hyperileubser without sreepalopaty. Rik ators nde vacum-ascted delay, wh can cau cephlohemator material cabs, eh can cause neonatal pleyenia, and beast eng 2a Intravenous mmunegabin NG 2 wed to reat infant th ypeteabinena secondary to mmue- meat heal snomiao,fom Rhesus incompatiie The nfar abratay ters thw ma ne of ama oral eteloye count ‘nd nemocbin ler, ands neat Coombs test ules ut immune-mediated heels ‘an mctease requancy of eas feeds is ecommended in he management beasteesing aura. ts condo, te fest eer be ene cel eee paren eels are aes coy reece Be ‘srercbpat Caden and ratrerion of nn ram te stn junien uly evogs win te ret week. Since hi ifr is exch breasted without showing signs of weg oss, besteeding June's unnely.Regrcess, er high bien eel demand immediate atentin to preven complains. omnes a e 0 > pokeyinteee never tp tae ‘an creased reuency of beast feeds is ecommended in he managerent of beasteeding aun. ns condone aoc of ens and subeequeny educed bows movement led 0 fale to excete bub hetey mesg the tnershepati alain and reatvorton of irbin or the testis Jaundice wus develops thin the et eek Since ths ifr s excuse breasted without showing ins of welght oss, breastecdng unde Is unk. ReQTOES, ‘ar high biabin nels demand indice ae ton to prevent completo ‘eal breast fecng wh formula ees treatment option for beast mikzunee, hough phocthespy may aso be ‘que babi levels do no decease sumceny. nts conden, eevated cncenons ot B-ucuronase a brst ead to inceste deconupaion and teaberpton af bin, thereby caving hyperairabnema Cinealy, janie Imenfere~ 1-2 eke after bith wt simultaneous pain bran eee hie unl o have develope yin he *fayold ita Ragas, her high blrbin leas demand melate anton to prevent complations ‘servation of inane with sun suet bbl els re Blow the esol or thre eu < 20 mgd ina [S-hourold info Sine hs fant hes a bine lee f 212mg. nterenton = inated, Dae x nadeguie treatment increases tens of evetepna sever mperalirtremla, WA the Dssbiy of rer acute or cronicnurlogcl Clmage eg, acute nub encephalopty, Kites ‘hn is mated conf bran damage nae cases of neonatal juncice where brn encephalopathy suspected Homer, the cages of Bath acute bun encephalopathy and heacieus smote commoiy established based on cnc (esi eS sire dan Sa at to eee iret nel greet eset yee cma ‘tee eg hypotonia sl ery, etharay bin enaphaapsty canbe ued ou. Unconjugated “bilirubin ey @ Macrophage Spleen Unconjugated bilirubin Conjugated bilirubin Urobilinogen Albumin Conjugated rs bilirubin ) Ceo Pere! a Urobilinogen siothogen onney <2 i> ‘hn Ma ncicate to confry ran damage nae canes of ional juncce where tin encephalopathy i sunpectes omer, the capross of both acter enceslopathy and Kermceruss mre commonly eablshed based on CMa) Festurs and provi lef daa. ce hs Chalet and shows ho ine of isso pies neuralgia dec (og, hypotonia sl ey, lethargy brbin enechaopuhy can be ued et Pottery ithe fst-lne waster for neonate jaune in infest sar lias Ile above the age-spece thrshols and no signs of rub enephaopsty (gtr, porn, poor Feeding a 2a nant, ns tisnoi iat 22019 /aL vestments notated sy, he sk rewrote daage eg, Remit) CEUTiNg 3 8 ‘esl of hyperbratiema increases reset pte ‘xchange vanfsion since nfs wi fot birbin stu les above he age-acsted resol 25 mdi {4-duj-old em fang, an naequate responce to otatherapy, apie ttl serum in evel orig ot eurtecty(o poten, etary, sl en wach alle present ims or {32-yard pag woman comes for 2 llow-ap prenatal vt at 18 wee getaton. Uraronography 2 12 weeks! gestation showed a nuchal warsucency above the 99" percent, AL tha Ws, pregnarcy-assocatd plasma PyotainA PAPE-A wae deceased (02 sandard deviations bel te edn chon ws anplag wes peered ‘eich shoned a 47K karofpe At todays wa ital gn ae win normal mts. Fei examination shows ater Consstenein size with ap 15-week gesaon,Utasenepephy shows shortened Femur length reteed mile phalonges ofthe ith digs wah nagar, and a hypoplastic nasa bone, quip rater est woud ost key show which of ccFetoprote WP) Gol B-tuman chorionic genadetropn (HE) nbbin A be ouns a < om > toa gan woman amet afaewig maa atom’ panion cure 10 2 standard deviations below te mean A chononic is sanpiag wat peered ajelpe At todays wal gn are mts Feb examination shows ater Consstenein size wie ap 15-week gesaton,Utasenepephy shows shortened Fem lena sretened mile phalonges ofthe ith digits wah nodacyy, a « IBRBE NASBA quacupe reter est woud mos kcly show which of ccFetoprote WP) Gol B-tuman chorionic genadetropn (HE) nbbin A a scm a a Uncreased nuchal wanslucency,decrssed level of PPP“, shored femur length, shortened Hh git th nod and a Srl rsal bone ma fets wth 47, arotpe are features Mah sugges of tsaMy 21 (iy Down syndrom 2a ‘eu qurupl coenng este ay pformed a 1-18 wel getaton and can lp to dagnose Down sore ard pecot cer eral aneuploid, 25 wel as open net tube defects, Farts wth Daw serome play hae signa (laceesd ar and fee stl wih amarted inrease in ACG ar WIND e ‘Neca idings iw ll quaduple Screening markers ate consistent th a normal es, bua concing fo WSomy 13 (ey Pata spate) in fetus tha uapeted anepirdy se on the AP, XX kareipe While Pt symcame ean aso ‘Neemal fringe all quadupesrecing markets ate content wth a oral fos, but ae contin for ory 13 (Le Peau saree) n 2 fetus with a suspected ened tase onthe 6, Ckanorpeh While Patou side can also present with ceased nuchal vasiceny and deceased PaP-a dung st-mese eceein, as nell ar a7, [jot is puents shortened femur gt shortened ith its wth cnodacyy. and hypoplstc nal ere re Incceve of Down sydrome.unvasound findings sageste of Fatau syndrome ince rocker -brtom fe, mroceDhahy or hotoprsencephaly, ad plac (ate than cnadac) ‘Al crease al quadruple screanina markers consent wth Ture nome, While Turer syndrome can also presents with increta michal wansucency ust mona ype) shrtanes femur lang and deceased PAP lett tha patents chvone vis serpin reteaied 7,20 karyotype, which snot canister th the 45, XD karatpe that characte of turer seco, ‘A ecrease AF fee esto and B-HEG with normal or decreased ibn Ais consistent with som 16 ey Eaves Syrome te canara synrome can abo present th ceaced chal Uensiucency and deceased PAPP-A curing fsttrmester seeing. a ella 47, karyotype th pen’ shortened femur length shortens fifth digi with clinedaewy and hypoplastic asl bon are nce of Down syome,uascune findings pil of awards syndrome Include rocer-boom feet and che swith eelaping ofthe hd and fourth digs by the second and fh i, ‘spective rater than chooses. ‘an olaed increas n AP dung pregnancy is haacerst ofa nau tue dete or open abdorninl wal dees sn ts gatoscnn of erptlacele Whe sore of these defect (seh as orpalocs) ray be succiae wth an erase ruchlwaneacocy, stmt fet sresing woul show normal PaPeA loti an 8, 2X karyotype Furr, rove of thse condtons would vole shrtaned femur eth, shored ith cigs wth cna, or hypoplastic ase Bs all 15 2100-9 (49-8) mae neuborn brought othe emergency department by i moter becaute of fever andres ‘The nenbor was dered at home 15 hous 29a He was born a 39 weks gestation Te mathe’ ast prenatal Vt wa5 atthe begining a the ist wimese. he received al standard immunizatos yao immlraing em Meco 9 us hours before gong it lator she nonced a gush of blood-tnged fd rom her vagina The newton is l-eppesring and lee Hs temperatures 382°C (103.8), pulses 170/mi, respirations ae 60/mip, ane bid pressures Leukeete count 33,00)? hich of flowing iste mos ily aus! eganisn? “a © stepyloseu suraur ke (| Glestritia vorinum 3) ster enaeyagenes ‘lst ean Stapoceu perms (© emerococeus tacas (©) Heres simpex seus 1 omas a . {3100-9 (69-16) mae nenborn i brought tothe emerganey department by his mothar because of HSPN). come ‘The nenborn was delivered at home 15 hours age He was born at 39 weeks’ gestation, The mothers ast prenatal visit mas atthe beginning of the fst wimastr. She recelve all standard immunizations upon immigrating from Mexico to yeas 4 hours before going it labor she nouce a rom ber vagina The newoorn is -appering and = letarge Hs temperature i 38.8% (103.87), pulse is 170/ min, respirations se 60/mir, ad blood pressures 70/45 mam Hg, He skin is mildly etre. Expiratory grunting is heard on auscultation. Skin turgor and muscle tone are decreated, Laboratory studs show: i. Leukocyte count a ‘which of he following i the most ky ceusl organs? “hs neubeen appearance, fvr tachycardia, hpoterson tachyene, ad lnstad leukocyte aunt concerning for neonatal e055. “a rococo sururi common caus of tense onal sep. occuring > 72 hour fet delve), nt 15 eure — ‘fer bith. adivonall, Sareus commonly presents a Shin So Sue, or bone fetions in menborns tha prorese5 © Sepsis while his nana aso Sn sions to sugges a Saueus fect. botlam ate potest pon poor rc poor hen cnt ard faci pare none ate af prerartin ni are oreo fant botlsm doesnot resent wth ee nd sign a epi dol, his fant hes no ik ars or botulism (ay exposure to sto none oua i ‘Preudamonarsruginerae 2 common cute of at-onet neonatal rps. > 72 hours aftr ery wena present ‘in symtoms 15 hours ar birth an he lacks nk ars or neonsalF.erigmossinecron BIEN WERE < 15008, ncn care unt tay, “Later monocytogenes ca acaba caus neonatal epi expel ssing outbreak of terion) but ts nt the most Eee lies rieah ce lp meee ce ean meter tio mening presents wih nonspeci symptoms fe. fee, tel, dyed 25 seen nth baby, Lmonacyogenes Commeny causes mening a age 24 Weeks ae! Chan Whit as of Bh ‘loti recanican cause neonatal ean. This wether hada home bith ad ely as aspicwmbi strp wounds, whch re ik factor for neonatal tetanus However neonatal tetanus eal acct? aa afte bith wheres th ant fas sergtome 15 hours after vary. Neonatal tans causes hypertn,tsmas, andeffealyopanng the mouth, ane of ‘ch ae presen nts patient. Altona, he rcther as been vacate, So he new Sele Re Passive mmunZ gant € eran cre gate ere ne lost cel psf 7 br a vk Te [recent wth syrptome 13 hows ser i, alo acs vk cor fr neooial Septenmics facto obama ‘51500 intensve cave unit sty, periph sin cate). “nrocaeur ppt common cea neonate preterm na. Howe ths enborm wna was bor 38 wae gestation re Isnot he mostly causa organism in omnes a < sis > [events wth symptoms 13 hours aft it loads ik cor fr orem Saptermics facto os, rit waht ‘©1500 g, tense care un ty, enpherl sm cates) _erorceu pp 3 common cause of neonatal sepa pret nf, Houvet ot he Mt aly aul xgen in {hs eno who was bom 38 wee gestation. nesses mening causes mening and at pial proges (0 sepsis. AtoUgh Nese meniags can present ws rowepeie ymptoms ike fever, tay, and tchjeaaa a aten nth poem eacecingly rare he at neck ie Do Herpes simpler we (50 cavte gana herpes and can be area o 2 rewborn dering hd, tonata HV fection resents with vesicular eruptions th noo a5 wel as alssminatea sepss- ke nessa seen tis patent. TM Panes mother hey had genie nepes pau vst genta ras); home, te 35h ese 7 wees pelo Coe OWT Sf ator Vertical Waranision of HSV sul thou an arte anh. sa, HSV infcton weal Rot connate! wh he Incest laucete court sen ih patent. Theaor, herpes sips exh uly ave of he nenoor' ner Sreroccces eglcie ue qoup 8 proccess he mest commen pathogen of e-anse neonate Sess en “ya naurs ater delve. Comer cause or eat-onee neonatal spe nce concamonts or Det clniation of ‘he maternal genta! wet with napa pathogen transfer othe infant. common rk facto pratt aptre oF membranes PROM whch was suagests by he qs f Bloody Fd pir tte nse of tor. or ES < sim > ‘upere of membanes er preanancy has beet complicated by gestational bees ested wth msl Hers chi eas daveredvagnay He! wruszuins ae up-1-date Ste delvers he hs a csaran Secon Without ‘amplcatons afer fare to progress for 16 hows Frtecn hours ater bth, she epers having bey aches and feng arr Shera to change her serine! pad ever 2-3 Rows she has abdominal cramoin,espealy when beastfeang ‘Shere voided her blader four tines since the bith, She apes uncomfortable, Her temperatures 37.9% (10027, funds pspated a the lv! ofthe umbtieus. Thee bright re loot onthe perineal pads The rest are engorged ara ender, neu redness palpable masses, Whe of Be olowing se most appropriate ext step management (B) Dist an erage be -minsraton anravenouschdanycn and gemtamycin > ouns a ‘Az. ysar-old woman, gid pata, at 2 ask’ ova x aod to th xp 20 mine ater spontanccus (UGE ‘ugar of membranes. er orenane as ben complicated by gestational dels rested with sui He tc seiner vagy, Hermanson ar up-to-date. She vers the oS a weno ompleatons fer florea progres or Whours, Furten hors er ith she reports hewn bey aches an feng arm. a 0 change he perme! pd every 2-3 Rou She has sbdominal rang, exec when eeastee a, ‘She has vole er bdr or tes sine te bth She eppesuncoorable, Mer tnperare 97. 10027, pulses 05min, eapaons ae 18min andood pressures 115/60 rn Hg The abdomen sof datended and fans paces ae lee of the umes, Tee Brg reaoooa on te perme] pc The bess re engoroea arden wiroutedresso papal meses, Nero ee flowing i te mest apropae net step M manager? ‘Ths patlen as loci ara breast engoraement, 2 low-arace fever, and sherpa fallowng an uneomplctee cesarean GF seta. er abdomen doesn appee tbe tel, andthe uterine fundus is ta noal pope hight for 14 hous tng deve. 2a Inte postpartum pero son ang curettage cn used remove retained preducts of conceaton(POCR such 5 Plecertlnagmers oF membranes. RFOC anes cna with anormal Uti ted, Fev td eh oF Ue ne Tenderness, Hamre ths patent prevents witha nontender bomen cm exam fret tat ony low-rae,and cramping lees rig ec i eer neg el Seep eee ‘wou als be elf abdorana or pec sources effec urelteé to pregnancy were suspected. Features of sane Pvc hiomboss nde fever and funda tenderness oer atdorinatandeness andor a ass on abdominal examination sere ete es et peal el Fre Eat sony We raid apc em Ons al <5 19 Pei atracnography maybe lp etecing retained products of orception (POO), pee abscess oft hematoms 8POC mares cca wh abnormal venne Been, franc eMC or erie tenderess However, IS Pater rears wha norende abdomen on exam fever thts nl foarade ad campsng father than utene Hysterectomy s conducted in eases of severe postpartum nemertage (2 S00 mL ar agin deer, = 1000 mL anter ean Seen rey rks ese eared Pett cfg re repay eared Py ‘tenine wary lies manterators inclu ighneacedpece,palptstone,taehyeari hypotension and seers aga beeing Posperum hemortage may ao occur witout veg! leeding, eg, nui rupture i which case the ood ‘maybe feted ete abaomen, agnosis in tese cases egues 2 high dk of uspcon, it presenta hey tudng ‘clr pate and heeedami ati Ths patents Hedin, vl sigma fda gt ve ahi morals for the frst 24 hows postpartum, ard herack of abceminal Fanon Papston mate Pesaran Ramorrage une, Cinanycin and getanicin woud be the anibo estmen of coi For postpartum endomari, whch pases wth fever lower abdormal pa, serine tenderness, chill; mals, a ou-smaling lea Ths patent has ony ow grade vil ase The sss of dvr can rest in otgrade fever, srvering and leukocrosis during the fst 2 hours pstparcam tama oral ns vo tcl whe ny ad cr watesg Yo er, Doster, For row, tee shou al be considered normal slog changes flowing delivery. However, her Fever etnies or nota day or increas, possible conpicaons shou be vestige Othe wating sgh of Pasa omplcaton inde beeing that oak through a enna edn ure les, abdominal pin. dysui, ges of mas, pan or naling neh ee or aut pi lcubar, ad near pressive symptoms rgeeatonal dies malt ee ge ee ee ore en eee et ouns a ree improve te cyanosis He was delivered by cesarean deiner at 37 weeks gestation o «36-year-old worar taida 3. Pua Apgar sores wate 6 and Sat and Smite, espectne The mothe has type 2 dabetes ells Chat Was Wall q 15 37."€ (98.57, ules 170/mm, respons ae 35 man ana bod pesur I 0/60 mm Hp Pulse oxmety Shows : lonygen stration of 858. Caropumenary examination shows &2/& hess murmur slong ts lower le steal 7” eres. The abdomen oft anenon-encerEahoeriogaphy sows pulmonary ater araing Wor te poset fe Ine maragement ofthis patient (© ewagandn€adminisraton wy (©) supa par (© oma scr Anpoarspny Ea {5 37.1% (98.5%, pulse & 170, mm, respirations 27255 min, an blood pressure 1s 89/60 mm Ho. Pulse oximetry shows ‘ventricle, and the aorta sing anteriorly from the right vance, be Inthe managers ofthis patie “a 5 @) Renate Witouc vestmen,canspstion ofthe gest esas is fatal the diseases allowed wo follows natural couse, the moray @) rrenelnda 2 seminneon The gucusaterious keegan nfl Grulaton byte effec of ow patil pressure of oxygen neal cco, as fe ey lage cece esther te di asi eae be ce rene ean ie ising of lod betwen the pulmonary ad systemic culation, Ts fc icc ori sural finan with TA Decne cis the cry way to malta dygeratin of te eri Bld ut Sigal ep can be perormed Atrial septal defect Patent ductus arteriosus Atrial septal defect Patent ductus arteriosus ig onal a he cactus tenons kept patent nfl eclation by tefl of nw paral petur of oxygen fetal clon, at val by endogenous produced prosasanainE ter bith the ducts aneriosus bein fo ose n respi oan increase Inte paral presut of onige.nvavencusty amistad prostaglandin € eeas De ucts aersus open at afows ecause tthe ont ayt9 maialn oxygenation ofthe aera blood uml Sugalrepar can be prema By Cyanotic congental heart defects “The ducts arterlosus hep pater In fetal culation by the ow pal presur of oxygen fetal culation, as wells by endogenous produce prostagiura E Idomthaan, nonselective cYooonygease eho, cles the ucts aesus byeteming prostaglandin syntens,Secnune a pate! datas aeons sal for ths neuter’ sane amiiaterng Imaometacn would be 2 rave mistake an anenal ante operation requ in all ncanates ith tanpostin ofthe great ater. Thi procedure ually fisayedsor 22 aay nel pe hich puimanary vars raitanc teal eteitondecresee Aero terpatie measures equied imately o mara «peter tus atrioss while preparations fr sugey se made ‘ACT engogaphy is atindcated mms nenbora with varsposion of the teat vassal because woud pot ater the cia ‘management and echorriography ha easy confirmed te diagnos kuin Bs all <7 tim > | 2oweek old orale nanborn i rough tthe phate forthe valuation of eae with change for 2 day. she wat om at 39 weeks estan to a 22-ye-old woman Pregnancy and dlvery were uicomoliated. The mother received regal penal care durig th econ al of th tegnany The neon weighed 3700 9 (8b 2.5 c2) ALB, and nO congenital anombes were noted She cartently weighs 400098151 a Examination ofthe nes shows pink sn “Te linear sear sueeuation, here mucopurlntsenagsn both ees snd ml eels wel. Flere ‘hain reacon aay of conjunctival scraping cots the hagnoss Which ofthe flowing she most sppropeate next za (B) Tones entnvomyen ssminsraton (© naverovsaycloieadminsraton (D) Or! doryeytine adrminutaton (© 01 entiromren aémsaten ke a ouns a . <7 -im> ke female newborns tought othe pyscn frie evan of rad ayes wh charge fr 2 days She was a apnea oT aera ma regal penal care during th econ rl of the tegnancy The netrn weighed 3700 9 (8b 2.5 c2) ALB, and nO Tee a eee hlanyaal conuncs ypc cca i nnbons 5-14 das ater delivery and resents wth watey oF mucopurnt sense, 2a ‘ | ough his manatee cnc features suggestive of chlamycal conjunc, pica rytromycin administration woud beinsucen wo wes eintector, Clamyailconuacs inate Datel clnsaton ofthe upper respiratory tac. ‘hich ope! ereronyen annat west The retary act clusion, lf untasted, il lly proper 0 clay estarancs and fol-up eat afer thing eyes with sli cats of nn-herpr al conpncis = chemi Cenuncvtis ich general resales on Rs on Cem conuncvs ecu aer epcal ivr nitate amination and ‘ypcalypresers wi aay oF Bt and testes ae 4-5 days. Not-herpes Wal Conjueinsis Comment real Wi ‘eyo is red to tet herpes fection. Hepa neonatal conjuntvts preents with unataral or lateral ea, Inodeate conjncival jection, anénonpr ule, serosengunousdsca'ge mtn 1-2 weks at ith. Cte ins incude ‘esis one sin sucunang the ees Cotrel eine! ovement Wn deri er eeogaphic ees tM eon, basaltic pmironicrrd dient qaeloprivencemmapeurir eee arpannt any Ou as wl <7 0 > Dosyeyine an be used 10 eat arya conjunc Hower, since the wef doxycycline convanacted in Chiren Cafznone i ofetve spat nese conjunc, nt aga aryl nfecton.Nesscil conjnete Nl, Desens 2-7 des after birth ad not 2 week fe bith as seen ns paler. Adlon, Pal mans wih pofSe Dae purulent damage 2 promient eel Sweling fate tar the mucopurlet sha’ sh la sling seen LHytromyain i eecne agains cham conunctfe, Oral eyvonycin se ester of cole a yeemc mvnrsion fhe anebatican wea the charles wit he ee at wall a he upp rsp act where {clones Therefore oa entvemyei can also prevert chlanll preumona fom developing. These Benes are general ensured a outwegh te ncensed rk of deoping fant yperrophe pote steno APs) flouirgenytromyn ‘herpy fants should stil be cosy montored or any gn of MPS sch 8 nonliousvortng and tei when bo ‘ner nerate solution wa forms ied int the aot of maoraes a propyl aga gonocrzl conjunc (cred propants Hower, she ive was ete found o be toxico the conjunctiva an thus cause chemi nunc. Today, shar mia ro lnger ued prophylactically or Werapeutaly We US ard tpi ambos are ouns a o so-yral moma, gaps a0 when aia te og mac ib rt = brane od ere we corgi by Won eee arena a rean-ced penn, Ths eae ‘comic y sgn. epost he syecsg onseur us The eandee 7 ‘ea ry ot ney rte 00g ea mach 2 ated gay Ager ae 5 Find9 wt ans ms reset rinaon here hos # hr webs eka i {edu peram dong wh sare piper nurs wc ees a a Poton eaplnw of as " phan wt per Wh tte etn te mes eng cane of ec i ed th : Zo (R) Maral prey merzpy (©) Fee poner rena ves (@ Naser lel nae ouns a o Pe ee err z eet ‘pregnancy and delivery were complicated by iron deficiency anemia and pregnancy-induced hypertension, This pregnancy = ee pera a arseee eee eee oer Tiss temp ivtetreaney ata Abin er aes een Sees Magee eee ae 5 ee Se wana en et eee aay mavneeeree stencil meee fence ea mers ommend mano ace 2 — 4a 4 Geese vi StS a so enc an a W ne See ee ee eee = eee ee ee issues, and on-set ef) 2 short nec, a pales Tingernal Pops. Teauner ee supportive and luo Sees Fetal posterior wethralvaes cause airy Wat cbstucton which an eed 0 olghyarannios ard subsequent Foret Se i Fee a neil crete es pale el ete halve eal pops Adctonaly porenor urea sas ony ecurn nen mls, ling ott agnor Infants born to cabetic mothers ae at isk for causal rearesion syndrome, condition that causes abnormal nthe caudal Fetal posterior wet vabes cause airy wat obstruction which an lee oigoyarannios ard subsequent Foe equence, Though Pon eequece can ao caute he cranial sbnormalies seen nthe pce, wou nor cause ‘halved pops Adon postenor real vars ony ecu nrwern mls, ling ost agro. Infants born to alabetc mothers ae at isk for causal regresion syndrome, condion that causes abnormal nthe caudal Portion of the dy Ts nfancs fests ae lagaly coed ote face and thorax, making aul ragrssion sya tena alcool cake can eed o fet aoe! specu asc, whic an aso cause nvautsne grow esuicton, ypoastc nas an facil dyamorphams (ocular Hyperterminal Hotever, tal ales opetum dod: ene sono cau et past, making am nay ents of hint neon a De ‘homesomal abnormal an lead Ture syndrome, which may also cause a webbed neck and on-set e's in female reborn owas, Tamer syndrome geeraly does vot cause lt pale or palantngernalhypopisia, making ca iikely cae of os nfants symp. Cee pod wos al <2 +im > area real ce er woe rece lrasound at 20 weeks of gestation confirmed accurate fal dates end apprograte fea delopment. she aks sry oxne for Myth yom, She used To woth as arse befor se ‘ciatne she soners lta slgn are nthin noma me. Pose! exaation son a nel Plato 25 {and o dora. n ELBA scr Hs naga Srelogy esting for heats B surface ard ar pats © Grated are bth postive. Hepes Score abo, hepa Uurace antigen, ad hepts Rann ae Pest Felymorse chan ear of opal CRA poe for gence | Which ofthe flloung the mat approprinte recommendavon atin cme? be Pla og Rapa ig othe newborn “Sart combination therapy wih Ieper sofosbuci and iain ale Fiano formula ee he newoorn OC Undergo ner ops @ (1) Pan oe haat vaccine and nepali Bg 1 he newborn Ouns a o 18 24-year-old woman, gravida 2 para ya comes to the physica for 2 prenatal wt sha has not i oma ad regulr prenatal cre. Her most recent ukrasound a 20 weeks of gestation conrmed acurate fet dates and = ‘appropiate etal development. she takes evocryoxie for hypothyoiim. she wed 0 work asa ruse Before she a ‘accnations. She appears wel Vital signe are nin normal mis. Phil examaton shows afundl height of 26 em =, {and no abroxmektes An EUSA st for HV negate elegy estig fr ha ean of or genotype - Which of th folowing x the most appropiate A ‘ecommendaon at hs me? ~ “This pregrant woman has @ postive hepa € antibody ands hepatis CANA postive fr genotype 1s nding she as JFrame rer seas de oan ace nepar's C nfcton. The presence ofthe pets Bsrfaceabody and absence oF hepatic and surface anigens inet she has immunity aque by vaccination. pers Za « ‘Nenborms ae gen tepite#mmunegabuine afi bid f ion mother hasan act hepsnte infection Ths womans Ee Serlon is postive forthe esate 8 surface arcboy ang negate fore core and surface angers, nacabg she has Been Vaccinated against nepats 8 a hat she dos ot Nee an acve Teton, There he NewDO/n Wil ot Ned Pepa B Combination weapy wi ips stesbu and bas ncated in pets wth hoe hepa Cfecon. nett, risrin has known eratogen fets and lian fob corbin shoul only be used the ents cutnlah the sk, None of hase args af prove te prevent the vert ansmision of Se wus 0 thefts Inada found o be HC¥-posove usually recevecombnation resent wth neswnn and ineferens such a5 mereron a. ona Inada found o be HC¥-posove usually recevecombnation resent wth neswnn and ineferens such a5 mereron a. omer, rain has Wrown eraogenic eet On he es an erTefons hve shown fo cause abortion tha mode. ‘The Zk wu is eponsbie for causing congennl malformations pregnant women who ae efteced, Tere mas an pcemic in tant 2015 that was espa fr sage name f Debora th mcrcephaly 2s hs ora merged fom ea 13 yrs go, 1s une ha ne woul have been infected wih he vs, Feo 5 a subst for beast mk maybe indicated if the mother has an ave infection Suh 5 hepa estons on the eas, steis undergo clmtetapy ore baby Ras Galcosemia. Hepa C does Mo spread Wa reas mk So Liner bepey a woed in hepatitis Ct stage the nea and denity the amount of rons to gue Weatment. However, this ‘somnis a 28 eske getton aie eynstaratic Performing = ner bapa hat alps ae ot erommened Churn reareny. The don conduc ver bens an be mace afte elves. "The pregnant woman hs Wane Has chon Nepal C econ Ste nas Ben acral aguas hepa bu ot ‘gun hepato &. nau wha have coi ver onae sucha pain Can elo ureaant pai fected “nes epstns A fe prevent such emplest ane, et mpeatne tar tis homan raceher te hapetee Avsecne By Hepa € omnes al <5 0 > Formal asa subst or best mk maybe ate the mother Rasa ave econ Su as epee On he east, fakes undergomg cematerpy or the baby has alcove, Hepat Coes Rot prada beast mike 20 beasfeecng sno conaceates Ler bop it weed in hepa ct stage the eae anon the amount of ros to gue weatment. Hower, hit ‘woman sa 28 weeks gestation ad Is symtoms, Performing 2 ner bopsy has mle nsks and Is ot recommended ting pegrany. The dcizon conducts er hopy canbe mace ster ley guint heptane who have coi ner sae sucha patie can velop uranane pai fected ‘th hepa A To prevent such complications is pert that hs woman reeves the hepa vac By Hepatic shown to prevent or reduce vertical ransmission of HCV C-secoons ae use rede transmission nds HIV-postve PERS Unless al fads vr lo ar ehse wn ate genta apes Nestor are gen the hepa Bvccine an iounplcbuin the mathe esa ave hepatitis dinfecton Hower he potsve hopats surace anid) and the negate roe and race srgee ines the worst har ready beer Vaccinated ogasthepats she nee infeed, the hepa Bsrfce agen would be postive. Thetefre he newborn oes noes hepa Bmmunog obi Btw equ vacation agent hepa Bi acrdance wi the Wamui2aten [Feo and coadicae | Won tage Noten | Ay ouns a < wri > 1527 -yarold woman ord, pata 27 woo’ gestation dtd o he Horan ate labo. Se at received tute prenatal cre but re hasnt been este for group 8st eptococcal (GE) colonization, Prepay 2nd etry oe tend were competed by an econ win CES tha estes Sep he neem. Cent onratons ae fet ever # minutes, There clear amie fd pooling the opis The Fetusis na cephalie presentation “The fc haar rate 140/min, Which ofthe flouing she mst appropriate xt ste in angered? be ‘Oban vaginal rectal ab or CIS cure and avavenous penn adminaton d ® a Administer iraparcum ravenous pani ‘Oban vagina rei ab or CS uur and mule 29 arpiiatoncesting = & ‘oben vagina tetl se or ncec aes ampiieaton tert + 1 < wri > ouns = ae. apa pip pn ne St z eet ‘received routine prenatal care, but she has not been tested for group B streptococcal (GBS) colon = sons &® contractions are felt every 4 minutes, There Is clear amnietic fluld pooling in the vagina, The fetus is in a cephalic = preset, The fel oe ae TsO Which a We lounge es appropame Nex seh Menagenen ; ‘ube hin i er ssp opp 4 een opener eae 2a [. =e Hone’, NAAT net outnl Sedbecese ofS lw Sestnty computed to Stadaré CAS cle Aso, favaperar iW rabioce prophase worien wt uonn arteparum cue status shuld We besa on ate ators ate han Ee oneer, screening for Gas clonization snot necessary nts paver wr ipartum nk factors fr GBS Infect. Inston o a prenous newbom wi GBSinecion ab prophase fares o est eS tre of si usualy cicada 35-37 weeks gestae for agnosis of maternal GS colonization. saparun dminsvation f mavenous pila Gis used fo he poplans of neonatal CBS eC. Int ar prop Infection arn hie patent ecsire tis patent sissy nat an nda for bron Gis eeeening cures re rot eure omnes a < wri > — = "spot mney ag a AEE mn AEE bacteria uring pregnancy or ahistory ofa prvvs newborn wth GBS infecson as nhs pte rae propyl Thaetove She doesnot equ Turher test ast would no ance he water. napa adnan traverus pein i used for he prophylass of neonatal CAS nfecton Meera 5 Caloicton na apr acter for ery-anaet neonatal nfm ar sep autne eeering fr GBS clonzton of al Bacteria cccurring anytime during pregnancy o hse of a previous nenbern with BS fection, 5m ts Patient shoul ‘eceverovtne prophylactic andbcs and do not have Yo undergo pir srening for ES Bacteria curring anytime rng pregnancy ohstaryof «previous nebo with BS infection, 5m Ts patent, shoul ‘eceverovtne prophylactic snubs and do nt nave Yo undergo pir srening for ES colon zavon, NAAT cen ve uses opi nmapartum Bagnsis of mata! GBS colonization n Wome wih urnowa cute Sas oncvar NAAT aot routinely ued becsine of resi compaed to stardaré CHS clr ntaparum ana rephvansm women wt unkown antepartum clue satus should be based on maternal rk far ater than NAAT tre of si usualy dicated 3 35-37 weeks! gestation for agnosis of maternal GS oonzaton. NAAT cah be used or ‘aoe agar Gagnoss of maternal CES colniaauon im women wh unkown cure Su, However, NAAT nt ‘outnly ses because of lo seratiy compared t standard CBS eres, irapartumaniboti propl ‘women wth unknoun antepartum cure tts ould be bese on maternal sk factors rather tan NAAT resus Screening orcas colton ot ncessar inthis patent wth apart sk atrs o GS infection ie, history fe previous newborn with GUS infection as propia diene rgurens the fea reat NAAT cen be uted for rp inapartam dagnous of maternal CES clnizationn women wth unnown cre sat Homer eine routnely ea becbse of sentry compared to stander C85 cue, ‘hs patent moet Healy cloned by CHS However, his ent an ndeton for C-section. ouns a o ‘Pe aaa dma, entra del te aad a i yl chagh he a ar 38 ee geo = {be zereei woman gb Patan on eveyone Tema a eer Syl sicher tn pena The rebunstemperae 37-2 GB use 10 a, spas a - ‘Rit band eres 52 ig. opine teat hon sel eee pcan an ji {enous elon moron are rae tee Therese ome een oe et i Tundacipcsumateas mralTh ignite! ad epope armenia ch he a Za B) orl enthromyensdminseres othe nfs (©) Tec exyivonpcinacintred ote fan e ouns a a ronben cele red nated ye with lo echarga. She was born 2130 sks getaon x {93 25-year-old woman gravida para T- Pregnancy and dlvery were uncomplate. The methe had ot seen her = ‘yeclt since nest penal WS The nenbom’strperate is 27.7 (9.07, uses 140m, respeatons a “Timi and blond peste 72/53 nen Hig. Opthainc amination sows “arise come uceraton or eudene of kent Fonduscopic examination norma Te agnosis conte! an appropiate resmet easter, hin of he “uggets neonatal conjunc due to ae scan wt Nleera gororoeae. The mother ihre fected and ee on OU aramid Nesenato er neubor’s eyes whe gag bith “a ‘rl aed pce eytvomycnadintees wo the fais he reatmant of choice for newborn conjunctt ero an Infection with Chaya rachomats C. echomars onjnciMs peal oct 5-14 days ate deel ahd acted reuboine presen nth mld esis ueling and watery mucoid orl daharg, tad th pate eynptors of copout ‘elon mucopurtentascrarge occuring 2 das afer Birth suage5 gonocece neonatal Conuncovs loys qeston sks ‘Shou the prophac measure tat woud Mave preverted Newborn Crjuncnts om Gccuring ie HS la, a ofa rytromyein not dmimstered spt ofthe props Inraverout ar an inuamuscar ceiaxone te eaUre of choke in nar wih newDOr conjunc ue an fecon sith Neasena gonorhoeaelas seen tha patie), However, the question aks abou the appropraeprphylcte meme for pesanongnetseral conunctvlsm he newborn nthe Fst place 26misaton of cefaxOne sot Used as & prphacte measure opal eyvomyan eminent stould be applet the ees within | nou of Beto prevent gorecacal neonatal RE re eat a ae ere erie aaa tok ec cicee Ee a ae a eae OM Boal <1 a> proprvact measure Topical enthromycincntment shoul be appli to the ees within | how of ith to prevent gorecocal neonatal nunc: Neonatal canner canbe due to Nese gonahoes(aeurs 2-7 day afar a an, ‘Ctamyetawachomans occurs 5-4 days ae i) most ates the US props apa neoatl NENTS 5 equ by a Ie uvented, gonococea Com urcts may fsa ore seat ana nae. ‘ral dorjyene maybe ainsi to teat moter of rezrns who have netom conn defo an icin ith ‘Chamyaa wachomats Howeet,sdminsvation of fl doxycycline a propyactc measule) pregnant womens Conraascaed vecase ray lead to bone damage and depen in eeth yalloung of primary cet) inthe Tseng. (flamers canbe toed oat fection wth Clary rachomatisn pregnant women restent of clamysia an provers Hanya peanatal conjncht, wich peal oceue 5-1 des afer Severy-affectesneaborhs present th alld eh sneling ad watery mucol oct discal, std this patent's symgtons of copes ylow mucopuuert tdecarge occuring > day er bth suggest gonooccl neonatal conjunc, Mattel eaument wh amoxil ots not help t revert gonceseal neonatal ene [Feo and coadicae | Won tage Noten | Ay Ce Cea ears eae eres «> Bs al < Stared wating mith poor atthe ape of 2 ees He can rare ony ver few farsa objects and uses se ewo-word Sentences He cane stack mote tat 2 blocks. Hs poets report that he oes ro ke paying wih aver ener es {the #0" percentile for head creunfrenee, BS" percent fr hei and SO percent or wight He salon ened ‘rr face as wel sarge provuding as. as tums canbe passe eked othe lateral forearm. Ths paves [tinreazed rk of evelping wih of he folloning condition? Gerona 3) { ‘Type? dabees litus a equation 4 |G a oups a < tia > |As.y-d oy brought he phy rain of cena cen etree B a ne ae ference, Me cat stack mor tha 2 locks. pares report hte oes fo ke plying wih er cae. Hes te 4 cet ores ‘aru are orang as thumbs canbe passhely flexed tothe islaerl forearm. This pants [Rincessedat of Geelong which ote along conden? “hu boy dale development, suite boar. log ad naro face, toring ets, and an above average hight and ea encumerence ate sete of age x syndrome. Aeced indus on presen wth mpermabiy of er jos an eect! aby. 2a < ‘Chemcomt a wel eal satire and star porate alla symptoms of Ketek yo, corral enaiton tht epic manfests he onset of puberty ue esticulrdsgenesis ad Subsequent esosteone deny ‘Young ciren re yea tal for he ape may veld esnng cas, but ate omens asymptomatic an each {hr Geeopreentalfertonen, niche nt content wah the ptt 9 The risk t aevelopng acute eke seas 10-10 100-ol a pavents lth Down synatome (OS). Charen wt OS {ual resent nth scala pone wth ert 12 months of ic and general fal fo ec de deeopmens restores, whe cevlopmercl dls commen and ort parody may occur, te dysmerphc fal exturesn patents with Ds, upward sarang eyes and sal ow-se easier om the ndings described in signet, Organ. ‘alfrmaton suchas congenta heat fect e.g tvoventclt seta defect], duodenal ten, a Hrschprngs hres ae Fequnt, wheres ital ae peep rate ean loss occurs a up 958 of patents with nauofbromatosstpe 235 2 resi of bist accuse nero. Patents . ean loss occurs a up 958 of patents with nauofbromatosstpe 235 2 resi of bist accuse nero. Patents its conor area an cease ik of devioping CRS meopesms i dloed. Charen yp develop normaly ‘iota exit Sa esclnometal iey r tal cero wc seo ce ee pai ‘orc secon she leading cause o morbid ad moray n patent's wth Maran synarome, above avrage gh and tne npermabity, a seen inthis pet ae common facings Mfrs syndrome, bu erloprertal delay, ute [enavor and talecaldsabity wuld not be expected, Type 2 sabees melts, 25 wel as lep apnea and crcevascular disease ae cormon obesity-related complains in Young acts won Prader-W syndrome, Muscular typetonia and genta hypoplasia ate Casi ngs i ane, an young ated Garay obese feria eat anc cer tet eee ese eciarencteard shove terageshoughanisran may he sors cognitive nasment apa sclvsceslopartlmstnes at han ‘apes, beheioral problems e tmpe anv) ae mote prominent and fret fac smog features (29, bimond-snapec eyes and ta uppe lo) Would be expected. ypeucemia occurs in Lsc-hianayarome a a result oan enzye dsicency, Oepening on me gr of decency, patents wth Lach Nun ayncrore may pest with devsoprenal deny, a seen tsp However, reuse Eympton eg, chorceatead movement) uel csr by 12 months month of ae ad self njrios bahavo would tls be exec. Moreover, lrg and aro fae prtaing a, and an above average height an hed cutee are ot consent wth Lesch-hitan Syne Mira save prolapse VP) present n about af fal patents wh ape Xaynsrome and while uel enn oua Do ‘aru section tela cause of meray and metal in pans wlth Marfan sytem Above average Naga tne nypermabity, a seen in ths ptet ae common fangs Matfarenyparome, bu elope dl, ute enavor and relecal dab wuld not be expected ‘Type? diabees melts aswel sleep eons and cachvascula disease are common obsty-1ated complications in ung aouts wan Prader-Wal syarome, Muscular Pypetonia and ena hypoplasia ate Casi ings ane), ené young ict err obec sherri ence tare tc ems i ec faen ‘hove average. Although chien may have Some coontve matt and achieve cevlopentl mlstnes ate than ‘apes, behavioral problems 2 temper tans) ate mote prominent and fret ac ysmophic features (29, timond shaped eyes end th upp In) would be epee. perce occurs in Lsch-hyransynrome a are fan ene dicen, Depending onthe gre of decency, pens wth Leach Nyhan aycrore ma pest with desoprental deny, a seen hs patent Hower, neue Eympton eg, chorceatea movement) uel occ by 12 months month of age a al njriour behavior wuld tls be expected. Moreover, lng and aro fae preaing a, and an above average height and hed cumftence are Pot consistent woh Leena Syarome Ma save prlape VP) present in about af fal patents wih ape X syndrome an wie url a benign enter may ad to mil requrtation, nat, MVPs the Mest common val eae of ero mitral equate, ouns a ‘avsea, She hes no Wistory of serous ness Mens accra regular 27-Ssterale and ast 46 days wth moderate ‘ow Her ast mrstualgtiod was 6 Weeks apa Shes sexual ace Wht Seu alts and ues oa ‘onraceptne pls inconsistent, She appear al and cuphorte Her ternperatre 27.7 (9897), ules 120/min, respirations ae 20/m, ard ood pressure 165/70 mm Ha Abdominal examination shows dius abdominal “eens Fekicexanipation shows oral appearing vagina ct an ues, wth 9h anatase hemegbn concenvaton 212 g/dL leuko cours 10,000? nd platelet coun 350,00 rm Resale oF 2a ae -ertorm explratorylpaoscooy esr CF san ofthe abdomen and pei wih coast. @ aC be ouns a < aria > sect at eer oor onc eet ee tom er was Shes ena acve Wht Seva putas and ues oat Ccotegine et eres Her temperatire 7.7 @897) respirations ae 20/0, and ‘Apsominl examination so dite som “eeinssFekicexanipation shows oral appearing vagina ct an ues, wth hk aes tees. Her hemepbn concenvaton 212 g/d leuko coun 10.000? and pate coun 350,00 Resale of ‘The patent in the eproductive ae, sexually acine ses ofl conraceptve pls incansistnty ander menstal pared ‘sovedueby anor tne west. The acute one of andominl pain ight adnexal tenderness and nigh f shock sucha ‘Saphorss acca tachypnea and hypotension sugges thatthe PaTEN has 2upRured eC Brean FSU Inemorhagie shock Waribon admmnstraton san mporanteary step n manana sos Sete sock due pertont es flowing ‘2ppenicss) may present th adominal pan a5 wel as signs of shock een hee Bu ths abet dos ot hae ay Features of eps sucha ever, eakecon, or eukoeytspens atough ruptured eco regnancyrequres emergency sugty co onal leeing and est the ectopic estan sc, this patent an shock and must be sbied temetaey ‘he patent in hypotonic shock due wo ntraprtanel hemortage and esse be sablzed wh el resueaton ing ‘ser normal sine o lad Ringer Sluton whe prepeatens for surgical vesment ae made. oe we OD Distoal Kors a0 sbpencicss) ny preter th ori pa ab wea gh ot oko ee8 Ree ts abet Sos ot Nae any fears of sepsis uch a ever, ukocyos, or leukoepeni attough rutured ect pregnany raqres emargancy surgery fo contol leding and etc the ectopic getatonal st, thispetert 5m shock snd must be Stabied imme ‘The patent hypovolenic sick dv 0 nrapernenel Meme ard sas tobe sabIZEd wh Md susan sing ‘sternal sine or lca Ringers sluton whe peparators or sural esiment ae made [ACT scan ofthe abdomen an pelvis is usefl eu ov her conaons such sate append and/or bel nection ‘hat io presen th suden abdominal pin and nauseam puters with suspected ectopic pregrancy,taronegash and rot CT ream ethe maging modabyofchace. However, another sep shoul be candied before undergoing urher abaton The patent's hemealobn concentration of 39/5 hy to dop a5 a eso wrapetonel Remothage. Cespe s, trarafanon act inate for pate wth hemoglbin oer 10g, even they are ciety Bling. ‘ough pec utrasound (especialy ansvaginal uasonegraph sus in deity cagoosing a ptued ecopc regncy. ths pees actly fl ard mat be sake ene fore underging ny fre vast, ompss < uri > amines of he ight foot seis unable o walk without tagging and Suing te fot. The dvery nas complied by Prolonged bor and Nad feces epcual analgesia. Ter so personal fay itty Stow ass Het femperstareis 27-¥C(03. 1), pulses 8mm, nd blod premure is 118/70 mm ig Examen shows shigh-seping ‘ats Theres weskess of nat foot orsifaion an mat ankle everson. Sensations decreased ove ie dorsum ofthe Tigh foo ar the arerlatral pec ofthe gh loner oxy below the bres Oneptndon reflexes sre = bla, “The remainder ft amination shows we morales, Wich of the ollowng ste ros ay ease oth pants symone 2a (@) 124 nacopacny (© tec of endure anesesa Posts nsiopathy (@) Compression of he common prone neve be > Ouns ul < ut i0 > ghcen hous afar he vaginal delivery of 2788-5 (Is 22) peubom, 2 22-year-old woman har west and rox famines of he ight foot seis unable o walk without tagging and suing te fot. The devery nas complied by Prolonged bor and Nad received epaual anaes. Ther so petsonal fay itty Stow ass Het femperstaeis 27-¥C(03. 1), pulses 8mm, and Blod premure is 118/70 mm lg xamnetion show "here iat fra ori ie ail version Sensations decease overne dorsum othe igh foo ard the arefltrl aspect of the igh loner exit below the tree. Deep tendon reflex wre 2-bieteally “The remainder ft eamanation shows we amoral, cho the lowing ste ost ey ease oth pats symone ‘The semi-Fowe tetany positon eg Need atthe ips, abducie, an extemal otated, fret We en, and 2a Pegrart omer af at an seased sk of lumrraislopaty a5 an ncrease tbody weight and mechancal sues when [eng puts rears on pre-axtng bx er Remand eink teow back. 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Wie he fo8ouen he mest ey agnosie 2a Cephalhematoma ke “age henarrage Epidemoa yt ‘caput sucecaneum

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