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Project Report for A Goat Unit.

Prepared by:

1 Name of the Farmer
2 Name of the Village
3 Name of the Mandal
4 Name of the District
5 Age of the Farmer
6 Socio-Economic status of the farmer
7 Aadhar Number
8 Number of Goat proposed 100

9 Breed Proposed Osmanabadi

10 Project cost (Rs) 1568702
11 Margin money (Rs) 392176
12 Bank Loan (Rs) 1176527
13 Name of the Financing Bank
14 Rate of Interest (%) 12.00%
15 Repayment Period (Years) 5
16 Name of the sponsored Scheme
17 Rate of Subsidy (%)
18 Subsidy Cieling (Rs)
19 Number of Labor required 2
20 Number of Chaff Cutter(s) required 2
21 Leguminous fodder variety proposed Stylo haemata
22 Non-Leguminous fodder variety proposed Super Napier

Dr.J.Sreekanth, 9441184152,

Techno-Economic Parameters:
1 Number of Does/Ewes proposed 100
2 Cost of each Ewe/Doe (Rs) 6000
3 Number of Rams/Tups required 5
4 Cost of each Ram/Tup (Rs) 10000
5 Duration of Breeding cycle (Days) 180
6 Average number of cycles in a year 2
7 Number of Kiddings in 2 years 4
8 Kidding Percentage in first year (%) 85.00%
9 Kidding percentage from second year (%) 90.00%
10 Inter-Kidding period (Months) 8
11 Culling Percentage (%) 20.00%
12 Male Kids per Kidding (%) 50.00%
13 Female Kids per Kidding (%) 50.00%
14 Age of Kids at Weaning (Months) 3
15 Number of Kids per Doe per year 1.6
16 Fattening Period (Days) 180
17 Sale weight of Kids (Kgs) 30
18 Sale price of Ram/Tup lambs (Rs/Kg) 350
19 Sale price of Ewe/Doe lambs (Rs/Kg) 325
20 Mortality in Adults (%) 5.00%
21 Mortality in Pre-Weaning Kids (0-3M) (%) 10.00%
22 Mortality in Post-Weaning Kids (3-6M) (%) 5.00%
23 Floor space per Ewe/Doe (Sft) 10
24 Floor space per Ram/Tup (Sft) 20
25 Floor space per Kid (Sft) 4
26 Cost of Construction per Square foot (Sft) 175
27 Cost of wage paid to Labor per month (Rs) 6000
28 Quantity of Concentrate per Adult per cycle (Kg) 18
29 Quantity of Concentrate per Kid per cycle (Kg) 9
30 Cost of Concentrate (Rs/Kg) 18
31 Quantity of Dry fodder per adult per day (Kg) 0.4
32 Quantity of Dry fodder per Kid per day (Kg) 0.2
33 Cost of Dry fodder (Rs/Ton) 5000
34 Number of Mineral Bricks per Adult per Cycle 4
35 Number of Mineral Bricks per Kid per Cycle 2
36 Cost of Each Mineral Brick (Rs) 60
37 Rate of Insurance Premium (%) 5.00%
38 Cost of Equipment (Rs/Animal) 100
39 Cost of Veterinary Aid (Rs/Animal/Cycle) 50

Dr.J.Sreekanth, 9441184152,

40 Cost of medicines and Supplements (Rs/Animal/Cycle) 200
41 Water and Electricity Charges (Rs/Animal/Cycle) 50
42 Miscellaneous Expenditure (Rs/Animal/Cycle) 50
43 Area required for fodder cultivation (Acres) 8.65
44 Cost of fodder cultivation (Rs/Acre) 20000
45 Cost of Chaff Cutter (Rs) 50000
46 Quantity of dung from Adult per day (Kg) 0.5
47 Quantity of dung from Kid per day (Kg) 0.2
48 Sale price of manure (Rs/ton) 1200
49 Annual Appreciation of prices (%) 5.00%
Unit Cost
Non-Recurring Expenditure: Units (Rs) Total (Rs)
1 Cost of Ewes/Does (Rs) 100 6000 600000
2 Cost of Rams/Tups (Rs) 5 10000 50000
3 Cost of Animal Housing (Rs) 1740 175 304500
4 Cost of Equipment (Rs) 105 100 10500
5 Cost of Chaff cutter (Rs) 2 50000 100000
Total (Rs) 1065000
Unit Cost
Recurring Expenditure (Per Cycle): Units (Rs) Total (Rs)
1 Cost of Concentrate feed for Adults (Rs) 1890 18 34020
2 Cost of Concentrate feed for Kids (Rs) 1224 18 22032
3 Cost of Fodder Cultivation (Rs) 8.65 20000 173000
4 Cost of Dry fodder for Adults (Rs) 7.56 5000 37800
5 Cost of Dry fodder for Kids (Rs) 4.896 5000 24480
6 Labor cost (Rs) 2 36000 72000
7 Water and Electricity Charges (Rs) 241 50 12050
8 Cost of Veterinary aid (Rs) 241 50 12050
9 Cost of Medicines and supplements (Rs) 241 200 48200
10 Cost of Mineral Bricks (Rs) 392 60 23520
11 Miscellaneous Expenditure (Rs) 241 50 12050
12 Cost of Insurance (Rs) 650000 5.00% 32500
Total (Rs) 503702

Total Capital expenditure (Rs) 1568702

Total Capital expenditure per Year (Rs) 2072404

Dr.J.Sreekanth, 9441184152,

Flock Projection Chart: I Year II Year III Year IV Year V Year VI Year VII Year VIII Year
1 Opening stock of Ewes/Does 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
2 Opening stock of Rams/Tups 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
3 Opening stock of Pre-Weaning Ram Kids 0 3 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 Opening stock of Pre-Weaning Ewe Kids 0 3 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 Number of Ram/Tup Kids born 68 72 72 72 72 72 72 72
6 Number of Ewe Kids born 68 72 72 72 72 72 72 72
7 Opening stock of Post-Weaning Ram Kids 0 3 4 4 4 4 4 4
8 Opening stock of Post-Weaning Ewe Kids 0 3 4 4 4 4 4 4
9 Number of Ewes/Does dead 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
10 Number of Rams/Tups dead 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
11 Number of Pre-Weaning Ram Kids dead 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
12 Number of Pre-Weaning Ewe Kids dead 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
13 Number of Post-Weaning Ram Kids dead 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
14 Number of Post-Weaning Ewe Kids dead 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
15 Number of Rams/Tups replaced by Insurance 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
16 Number of Ewes/Does replaced by Insurance 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
17 Number of Rams/Tups Culled 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
18 Number of Ewes/Does Culled 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
19 Number of Kids replaced for culled Ewes/Does 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
20 Number of Rams/Tups purchased 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
21 Number of Ram/Tup Kids sold 58 68 68 68 68 68 68 68
22 Number of Ewe/Doe Kids sold 38 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
23 Closing stock of Ewes/Does 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
24 Closing stock of Rams/Does 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
25 Closing stock of Pre-Weaning Ram/Tup Kids 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
26 Closing stock of Pre-Weaning Ewe/Doe Kids 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
27 Closing stock of Post-Weaning Ram/Tup Kids 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
28 Closing stock of Post-Weaning Ewe/Doe Kids 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Total Stock 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119

Dr.J.Sreekanth, 9441184152,

Cash Flow:
Income I Year II Year III Year IV Year V Year VI Year VII Year VIII Year
1 Sale of Fattened Ram/Tup Kids (Rs) 610470 748234 788149 823974 859799 895624 931449 967274
2 Sale of Fattened Ewe/Doe Kids (Rs) 371865 490038 517353 540869 564385 587901 611417 634933
3 Insurance claim for the dead Ram Kids (Rs) 32130 37408 39293 41079 42865 44651 46437 48223
4 Insurance claim for the dead Doe Kids (Rs) 29835 34736 36486 38145 39803 41462 43120 44779
5 Sale of culled Rams/Tups (Rs) 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000
6 Sale of culled Ewes (Rs) 108000 108000 108000 108000 108000 108000 108000 108000
7 Sale of Manure (Rs) 22998 24148 25298 26448 27597 28747 29897 31047
8 Sale of Gunny Bags (Rs) 747 785 822 859 897 934 972 1009
Total Income (Rs) 1184046 1451349 1523401 1587374 1651346 1715319 1779292 1843264

Expenditure: I Year II Year III Year IV Year V Year VI Year VII Year VIII Year
1 Cost of concentrate fed to Adults (Rs) 34020 35721 37422 39123 40824 42525 44226 45927
2 Cost of concentrate fed to Kids (Rs) 22032 24494 25661 26827 27994 29160 30326 31493
3 Cost of Fodder Cultivation (Rs) 173000 181650 190300 198950 207600 216250 224900 233550
4 Cost of Dry fodder for Adults (Rs) 76650 80483 84315 88148 91980 95813 99645 103478
5 Cost of Dry fodder for Kids (Rs) 4964 5519 5782 6044 6307 6570 6833 7096
6 Cost of Labor (Rs) 72000 75600 83160 95634 114761 143451 93600 97200
7 Water and Electricity Charges (Rs) 5930 6269 6567 6866 7164 7463 7761 8060
8 Cost of Veterinary aid (Rs) 5930 6268.5 6567 6866 7164 7463 7761 8060
9 Cost of Medicines and Supplements (Rs) 23720 25074 26268 27462 28656 29850 31044 32238
10 Cost of Mineral Bricks (Rs) 23520 24696 25872 27048 28224 29400 30576 31752
11 Miscellaneous expenditure (Rs) 5930 6268.5 6567 6866 7164 7463 7761 8060
12 Cost of Insurance of Breeding Stock (Rs) 32500 34125 35750 37375 39000 40625 42250 43875
13 Cost of Insurance of Kids (Rs) 6630 7371 7722 8073 8424 8775 9126 9477
14 Depreciation on Civil structures (@10%) (Rs) 30450 27405 24360 21315 18270 15225 12180 9135
15 Depreciation on Equipment (@15%) (Rs) 16575 14089 11603 9116 6630 4144 1658 0
Total Expenditure (Rs) 533851 555032 577915 605712 640162 684175 649647 669398

Gross Profit per Annum (Rs) 650195 896317 945486 981662 1011185 1031144 1129645 1173866
Gross Profit per Month (Rs) 54183 74693 78791 81805 84265 85929 94137 97822

Dr.J.Sreekanth, 9441184152,

Repayment Schedule:

Gross Principal Interest Installment Nett. Income

Profit (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs)
I 650195 235305 141183 376488 ₹ 273,706
II 896317 235305 112947 348252 ₹ 548,065
III 945486 235305 84710 320015 ₹ 625,471
IV 981662 235305 56473 291779 ₹ 689,883
V 1011185 235305 28237 263542 ₹ 747,643
VI 1031144 0 0 0 ₹ 1,031,144
VII 1129645 0 0 0 ₹ 1,129,645
VIII 1173866 0 0 0 ₹ 1,173,866


Year Cash Flow
0 -1568702 -1568702 Discount Factor 5.00%
1 ₹ 273,706 ₹ 260,673
2 ₹ 548,065 ₹ 497,111
3 ₹ 625,471 ₹ 540,305
4 ₹ 689,883 ₹ 567,569
5 ₹ 747,643 ₹ 585,798
6 ₹ 1,031,144 ₹ 769,456
7 ₹ 1,129,645 ₹ 802,817
8 ₹ 1,173,866 ₹ 794,519

NPV ₹ 3,249,545 ₹ 3,249,545

IRR 35%
BCR 2.591
The prices mentioned in this report are as per the prevailing market prices of the
Respective items.
The project is technically feasible and economically viable under proper care and
Management by the entrepreneur.

Dr.J.Sreekanth, 9441184152,

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