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The Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (the Agreement) is made and effec:ve August 15th 2020

BETWEEN: Alanna C. John (Disclosing Party) for a developing start-up cafe here on the island of
St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands.

AND: Valdamier Collens (Receiving Party) an individual that resides on the island of St.Thomas,
US Virgin Islands.

The Agreement

1. This Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement is an agreement between both par:es as listed above. Each
party, mostly the receiving party, agrees to not share any sensi:ve informa:on that benefits this
start-up cafe, which can create a disturbance in the growth or success of the business. Sensi:ve
informa:on fall under the following:

• Loca:on choice of the businesses choosing for future leasing

• Interior setup/build out
• Detailed informa:on about the business plan
• Financial informa:on
• Any poten:al funding or investors that may be involved
• Dates and :me in regards to any deadlines towards the development of the business
• Any legal approach that might be disclosed

2. Informa:on disclosed to the receiving party or par:es might reveal informa:on that is given on a
one-on-one basis. All informa:on disclosed may involve final decisions, deadlines, and accurate
financial figures that is in the benefit of the business.

3. We ask that all par:es that may be involved not to reveal any informa:on that is shared. Not to
disclose informa:on to other en::es that share a similarity in the venture of this start-up and its
contents. Any viola:on that counter acts our agreement can or will lead to any necessary legal
maTers. Confiden:ality maintains a level of integrity of all par:es and the business involved towards
its future growth. InformaJon revealed is an indicaJon that you are fit to hold a certain level of
informaJon that helps with the outcome of the business involved.

Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (the Agreement) is made and effec:ve August 15th 2020
This Agreement and each party's obligaJons shall be binding on the representaJves, assigns, and
successors of such party. This is an acknowledgement that you understand and agree to everything
that has been stated.

Disclosing Party Receiving Party

By: ____________________ By: ___________________

Alanna C.
Printed Name: ___________ John Valdamier
Printed Name: __________ Collens
Title: __________________ Friend
Title: __________________

Dated: _________________ 08/15/2020
Dated: ________________

Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (the Agreement) is made and effec:ve August 15th 2020

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