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SFA Altar Servers

Annual General Meeting cum June Monthly Meeting held on

No. Servers Name Attendance

1 Nick Nelson Present

2 Richard Hardy Present
3 Leonhart Setiawan Present
4 Alton Reno Present
5 Jac Rubenstein Present
6 Moses Cheam Present
7 Aksel Reno Present
8 Arion Lorenz Present
9 Cliffton Faith Absent with Apologies
10 Justus Jojo Present
11 Peter Paulraj Birigin Present
12 Donovan Jacob Cai Present
13 Dylan Josiah Cai Present
14 Joel Scaria Present
15 Isaac Damien Absent with Apologies

16 Emmanuel Absent with Apologies

17 Jayden Absent

18 Dominique Absent

19 Caelan Present

20 Joewin Absent

Next Monthly Meeting on: Date TBC

Prepared By: Nick Nelson

1. Roster
 New mass leaders(ML) have been appointed. Will review again if needed during the
next meeting.
o 6pm: Aksel
o 7.30am: Alton
o 9.30am: Birgin
o 11.30am: Donovan
 Cliffton brought up that he will be leaving the servers partly due to his family issues.
Nick has told him to sort out his issues and that he can return once he is ready.
 7.30am servers will need more servers. For now will tap on Arion to change mass group
to 7.30am mass
 Haydon will be returning to serve with SFA from July 2023 onwards. He will be joining
the 7.30am mass group.
 Aksel will permanently serve 6pm and will serve as a ML.
 The remaining servers will remain in their mass groups


6.00pm 1. Dominique
ML: Aksel 2. Jayden
AML: Moses 3. Dylan
4. Moses
5. Aksel
7.30am 1. Alton
ML: Alton 2. Arion
AML: Arion 3. Nick
4. Haydon (tbc)
5. Cliftton (On sabbatical)
9.30am 1. Birigin
ML: Birigin 2. Jac
AML: Jac 3. Caelan
4. Joel
5. Isaac
11.30am 1. Donovan
ML: Donovan 2. Leonhart
AML: Leonhart 3. Richard
4. Emmanuel
5. Joewin


 Fr Ben also brought up that the servers have not been punctual for their mass. I.e 30mins
before mass. Fr has asked us to be punctual and attend our masses diligently.
 Fr Ben reminded us that as servers, we are the only ones other than the priest who are able
to walk on the sanctuary freely to serve God. Hence it important to keep that in mind and
do our duties as an Altar Server with some reverence and piety.
 If an Altar Server serves a mass and does incense for that particular mass, he should make
an effort to serve another mass and not do incense so that he/she will be able to attend the
mass wholely without and disturbance/distraction.

2. Albs/Capes/Cinctures
 Washing of all the albs have no progress since the previous meeting.
 Understand that facilities manager have asked us to contact uncle jo. However, since
he is not feeling well healthwise, we need to find other ways.
 Check with uncle nelson/tony with regards to this.
 Nick found alot of alb number tags on the table and on the floor and hence removed
all the tag numbers from the alb. The albs were not arranged neatly and was in
random order. The servers agreed that it was diffcult to find their own albs and that
they understood the value the number tag system we have had in place.
 Alb numbers can be found at the bottom of albs. It should tally with the number tag
on the hangers
 Albs are to be placed neatly and uniformly where the zip goes into the cupboard,
away from the door and that no albs should be on the bottom of the cupboard at all
times. Refer to the images below.


3. Incense/Charcoal
 Thurible needs to be cleaned. Check if there is any holes which results in the leaking
 Don’t leave the thurible closed for too long. The heat and carbon will prevent it from
opening properly and increase the chances of snapping.
 For charcoal, as mentioned before, check with Aunty Elizabeth if the church can
order it on redmart and deliver to church. Alot of NTUC now out of stock.

4. FHC Retreat
 08 Jul 2023, Saturday, 1.30pm to 4.30pm
o The number of groups tbc
o 1 catechist will be assigned to our station. There are some worksheets to fill
o Justus, Arion and Dylan has volunteered to help out.


5. Recruitment of New Servers

 Start to recruit as soon as possible. As long as above Primary 3.
 Liase with Uncle Bernard to take in boys who are in Sec 1
 Aim to start training in Mid-End July. Start serving before Christ the King,
 To develop a proper Training Curriculum & Resource team in future.
 Training IC and the Secretary are to coordinate to publish in the bulletin and to prepare
the necessary.

6. Promotion of Servers
 Promotion have been delayed for atleast a year due to poor performance and conduct
by the servers previously.
 However, this year we will be promoting the servers and electing new members to the
exco committee of the Altar Servers.
 The table below shows the list of ranks for the Altar Servers.

Rank Abbrevitation Remarks

Recruit R During the Training Phase
Apprentice A After the recruit has finished the
training phase and has started to
serve before the commissioning, he
will be given this rank

Junior J
Senior S A server has to be a senior in order to
be a Mass Leader. Additionally, he
must be able to AL, AS and BTM
Excecutive Commitee E Server must be able to do all positions
Vice-President VP including THR and VIM. When
President P selecting a New E, VP or P, the server
must atleast be a S for a good few

 Nick and Richard will be stepping down from their respective roles in the end of June
2023 and the newly elected will resume their roles wef 01 Jul 2023.
 They will continue to serve and assist the incoming leaders until the servers have
 3 servers have been selected to run for the roles of president, vice president and
secretary. The candidates chosen to run for leadership roles should ideally be serving as
a Senior for a few years.
 However, with covid, it was promotion was made difficult. Hence, we will be making a
deviation for this round. in years to come, this should be stabilised as more boys join us
to serve the Lord.
 The candidates are below:
o Alton
o Birigin
o Justus

 During the election, Fr Benjamin was the viewing officer. During the first round, we had
a close fight where both Alton & Birigin had 5 votes, and Justus with 4 votes.
 Justus was then announced as the Secretary.
 We then held a 2nd round of election. Alton has the majority of votes. Receiving a total
of 9 votes while birigin received 5 votes.
 We congratulate Alton Reno as he will lead the SFA Altar Servers as President with effect
1 July 2023.
 The other servers will be giving other appointments where they will have upheld their
duties diligently.
o Housekeeping & Logistics IC
o Alb IC
o Training IC
 Nick brought out that it is necessary for the servers to help each other despite being the
IC for the respective roles. For instance, even though Arion is out Alb IC, we need to help
arion out to ensure that we can run smoothly.
 Fr Benjamin reiterated this point that it is important for us to have a greater bonding
and to help each other in our roles. This way the servers will instil a greater sense of
responsibiity and a sense of brotherhood amongst the servers which is important for us
to function properly.

 The list of servers with their ranks and appointments are listed in the table below:

No. Servers Name Rank Appointments Remarks

1 Nick Nelson SE
2 Richard Hardy SE
3 Leonhart Setiawan SE
4 Alton Reno P President
5 Jac Rubenstein S
6 Moses Cheam S
7 Aksel Reno S Training IC


8 Arion Lorenz S Alb IC

9 Justus Jojo E Secretary
10 Peter Paulraj Birigin VP Vice-President
11 Donovan Jacob Cai S Asst Alb IC
12 Dylan Josiah Cai S
13 Joel Scaria S Asst Training IC
14 Isaac Damien
15 Emmanuel
16 Jayden J
17 Dominique J
18 Caelan J Asst Logistics IC
19 Joewin J
20 Cliffton S

7. Roles and Responsibilty

Alb IC

 Albs are to be washed every 2 months in numerical order

 If certain albs are dirtier, we can send the numbers to him to prioritise them for
 Alb IC is also to liase with the caretakers regarding this moving forward.
 Caretakers, Uncle Tony & Uncle Nelson are doing the washing
 Alb IC to keep track of the dates of which the albs are being washed on excel
 Ensure that the albs are kept in a tidy and orderly manner.
o Maintenance of Albs
 Albs in cupboards are to be in order (Number 1-35)
 Keep your albs in correct order

 Washing of albs to be done regularly
 Bring this up during meeting
 Bring home your alb and wash
 Wash in batches
o When sharing albs, write inside logbook what alb
number you used
 Liaise with Uncle Paul or Uncle Jo
 If alb size is too small, bring it up during the meeting
o Do not hang your things on the window
 Hang inside the spare cupboard
o Cincture
 Do not throw inside the box
 Untie the knot, then keep it properly
 Let the Mandarin and Tamil servers know about the cincture via a
o Capes
 Capes are to be kept in their sizes (S, M, L) e.t.

 Attend Lit-Com meetings on First Wednesday of the Month
 Prepare the minutes before the meeting
 Send weekly roster reminders before Thursday 9pm (Jac)
 Change recruitment form copies to E-Forms (Google Forms) (Moses)
 Particulars
 Kin details
 Address
 Current Parish
 First Holy Communion date
 Preferred mass timings
 Inform in Lit-Com meeting to plan a commissioning of recruits that are ready to
start serving – Training ICs will inform Secretaries

Logistics/Housekeeping IC
 Social Media (Instagram account)
 Cleaning Day
 Next month
 Incense
 Buy charcoal and incense

 Charcoal can be bought at NTUC or bag of charcoal (15
kilograms) (need to source)
 Incense can be bought:
 500 grams St. Michael’s Incense – $48
o Katong Catholic Bookstore
o Wellspring’s Catholic Bookstore (Siming)
 500g Frankincense - $90
 Maintain cleanliness of lounge
 Do not throw food into bin in lounge
 Bin is only cleared once a week
 Cleanliness of lamps, globes
 Remove wax from lamps to fit globes
 Buy globes/transparencies
 Incense cupboard
 Next week Cliffton clean
 Dust the cupboard
 Lampstands are to be polished before every start of March
 Every month, wipe down the sacristy to maintain hygiene
 To be done during meeting week

Training IC
 Manage the training of the new recruits
 Ensure discipline and punishments
 Punishments:
 Kneel and stand up repeatedly
 Kneel for some time
 Attendance taking
 Send attendance to WhatsApp group
 List of all servers
o Training attendance
 Divide training into 3 parts
 1. Church tour
 2. Explain the notes: Vessels, vestments
o Phase 1:
o Walk through the sacristy, make sure the recruits know
what everything is
o Do a few rounds, test recruits

o Give them the worksheet to test them
o When they get 25/30 or above, move on to the 7
o Explain the Colours
o Explain the Liturgical Calendar
 Phase 2:
o Explain the bows (head bow, body bow)
o Explain genuflecting, kneeling
o Explain how to stand, sit, processing in and out
o Explain how to walk around the altar
 Phase 3:
o Explain Order of Mass
o Explain procedures
o Explain prayers used during mass
o Explain High Mass vs Normal Mass
o Explain how to use lamps
 Maintain lamp height above Nick’s head
 Lamp height should be below the Cross


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