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To deliver quality nursing care to the patient, what are the characteristics of the
Nursing Service Department? Pls elaborate 2-3 sentences and give at least 2
examples (related to nursing)

Nursing Leadership & Management

Nursing Service Department Characteristics
To deliver quality nursing care, the Nursing Service Department must exhibit strong
leadership, efficient organization, and effective communication. Two essential
characteristics are team collaboration and continuous education. Collaboration ensures
seamless coordination among nurses and other healthcare staff, fostering a patient-
centered approach. Continuous education guarantees that the nursing team stays
updated with the latest medical practices, enhancing patient safety and care quality.

Example 1: Nurses collaborating with physical therapists to create personalized mobility

plans for patients, enhancing their recovery process.

Example 2: Conducting regular workshops for nurses on advanced wound care

techniques, ensuring they provide the best wound care management to patients.

2. Make your own Nursing Service Department Organizational Chart. You as the
Chief Nurse.

3. Choose 1 among Nursing Trends nowadays by utilizing the Ishikawa diagram.

4. Make a Bundle of Care for a patient with acute kidney injury and deep vein
thrombosis with proper delegation to RNs and Unlicensed HCWs.

For patients with acute kidney injury and deep vein thrombosis, a comprehensive bundle
of care involves a multidisciplinary approach.

RN Responsibilities
 Administering prescribed medications and monitoring their effects.
 Collaborating with specialists (nephrologists, vascular surgeons) for tailored
treatment plans.

Unlicensed HCW Responsibilities

 Assisting with activities of daily living (ADLs) under RN supervision.
 Monitoring vital signs and reporting any abnormalities promptly.

5. Lines of Communications and give examples to each type.

1. Upward Communication. Nurses reporting patient progress and

concerns to nurse supervisors and managers, ensuring timely interventions.
2. Downward Communication. Chief Nurse disseminating new protocols
and guidelines to nursing staff, ensuring uniformity in patient care.
3. Horizontal Communication. Nurses collaborating with pharmacists to
reconcile medications, promoting accurate drug administration.
4. Diagonal Communication. Nurses consulting with interdisciplinary
teams, including nutritionists and physiotherapists, for holistic patient care strategies.

Nursing Management
1. Planning - Chief Nurse strategizing training programs to enhance nurses’
skills and knowledge.
2. Organizing - Allocating nursing staff based on patient acuity and
specialized expertise.
3. Directing - Providing clear instructions on care protocols and addressing
challenges faced by nursing teams.
4. Controlling - Monitoring nursing care outcomes, conducting regular
audits to ensure compliance with established standards.


Solman, A. (2017, September 1). Nursing Leadership Challenges and Opportunities.

Journal of Nursing Management. Retrieved October 15, 2023, from

Logan, R., Davey, P., Davie, A., Grant, S., Tully, V., Valluri, A., & Bell, S. (2018,
December 1). Care Bundles for Acute Kidney Injury: A Balanced Accounting of the
Impact of Implementation in an Acute Medical Unit. BMJ open quality. Retrieved
October 15, 2023, from

Altus, I. (2023, March 2). Nursing Technology Trends to Watch in 2023. Altus, Inc.
Retrieved October 15, 2023, from

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