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Bearing Capacity Equations

B = 0.5 m
L = 2 m
Df = 0.5 m
t/m3 F.O.S 3
D1 m

he General Equation of Bearing Capicity

c*Sc*Ic*gc*dc + q*Nq*Sq*Iq*gq*dq +1/2*B Nγ*Sγ*Iγ*gγ*dγ

hape factor Depends on the shape of Footing

clination factor Depends on load angle with the vertical (θ)
redian factor Depends on the slop of the Earth
epth factor Depends on foundation level Df

Nq Nγ
187.28 299.648 Hansen Equation
403.821 Vesic's Equation

Sq = 1.3405 Sγ = 0.9000
clination Factor θ
iq = 1.0000 iγ = 1.0000

sumed to be Horizontal with the Footing

dq = 1.0027 dγ = 1.0000

t/m2 γ3 = 0.931 t/m3

last Update 05/09/2005
Hansen's Bearing Capacity Equa

Date Input Tabel

c = 0
Φ = 47
θ = 0
γ = 0.931
γsat = 0.931

The General Equation of

qu = C*Nc*Sc*Ic*gc*dc + q*Nq*S

s shape factor Depends on th

I inclination factor Depends o
g Gredian factor Depends on
d Depth factor Depends on fo

Strip footing No
Rec. footing Yes
Squre footing No


1- Shape Factor
Sc = 1.2695
2- Inclination Factor θ
ic = 1.0000
3- Gradian Factor
Assumed to be Horizontal wi
4- Depth Factor
dc = 1.0027

q = 0.4655

qu = 186.921
qnu= 186.456
qns= 62.152
qgs= 62.6175

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