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Mid-Term Essay

26 February
Choose prompt Write outline

28 February
Peer review 1 Write draft 1

04 March
Peer review 2 Write draft 2

06 March
Submit essay
Why peer review?

As a reviewee: As a reviewer:
• Receive feedback on your work. • Learn to recognize errors and identify
• Consider multiple perspectives. problems in your friends’ writing. (You can
• Learn to accept suggestions and constructive then transfer these skills to your own writing.)
criticism. (Important skill in academia!) • Learn how to evaluate a written work, giving
you a more developed sense of the writing

Meinecke, M. "Use of peer revision and editing in ESL/EFL writing." MEXTESOL Journal 27.1 (2003): 69-75.
Peer review

Assigned into Two reviews

Peer review form
pairs (outline + draft 1)

04 March 2024 06 March 2024

(outline + draft 1) (with essay outline +
draft 1)
Mid-Term Essay: Narrative/Descriptive

A 600-word Times New

No references
essay (4-5 Roman 12,
paragraphs) Spacing 1.5.
Personal Essay

A useful skill for scholarship and further degree applications.

Voice and personality matter.

The AI Issue
ChatGPT? Only to help with language check (grammar, vocabulary,
idioms, or collocations) and brainstorming ideas.

Do NOT use AI for:

• Content generation (undermine your intelligence – and mine!)
• Replacing personal expression (originality and authenticity are much
more valuable)

Academic integrity, y’all!

Choose one of these writing prompts!

Narrative Write about a decision that significantly impacted your life. Reflect
on the factors that influenced your choice and the consequences
that followed.
Write about a time when you encountered a setback. Reflect on
what you learned from this experience and how it influenced your
personal growth.

Descriptive Write about a person who has had a significant influence on your
life. Describe their characteristics and personality and explain the
impact they have had on you.
Write about a place that holds special memories for you. Use vivid
descriptions to transport readers to this location, and share specific
memories associated with it.

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