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Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation

Training and Research Center

Course Title: Carry out Research for Broadcast News
Group Assignment
Topic: Economic Problems in Ethiopia

Group Members:
1. Ayinalem Biset
2. Temesgen Million
3. Zerentos Solomon
4. Habiba Amidla
5. Mikiyas Tilahun
6. Mustefa Mohhamed
Submitted to: Mrs. Tigist Wariyo
Assessing Ethiopia's Economic Problems

Interview Purpose

The purpose of this interview is to gather insights and expert opinions on the economic
challenges faced by Ethiopia. By conducting interviews with professionals familiar with the
Ethiopian economic landscape, we aim to understand key problem areas and potential solutions
to facilitate future developmental interventions.

Key Tasks for the Interview

Gather information about the interviewee's experience and background in economics or
knowledge of Ethiopia's economy.

Discuss various aspects of Ethiopia's economic situation, such as recent trends, challenges, and
key sectors.

Invite the interviewee to share their initial thoughts on the economic problems faced by Ethiopia.

Areas of Experts to be Interviewed

Economists - Professionals with expertise in economic theory, policy, and analysis, who can
offer insights into the broader economic challenges faced by Ethiopia.

Business Leaders - Individuals with experience in operating and navigating the business
environment in Ethiopia, who can shed light on barriers to growth, investment climate, and
possible areas of improvement.

Government Officials - Experts who work within the Ethiopian government's economic
departments or ministries, and have a deep understanding of economic policies, regulations, and
economic development plans.

Academics - Researchers and professors specializing in Ethiopian economics or related fields,

who can provide scholarly insights into the country's economic problems.

Development Practitioners - Professionals from international organizations or local NGOs

working on development projects within Ethiopia, who can provide valuable insights based on
their experience and knowledge of grassroots challenges.

Could you provide a general overview of Ethiopia's current economic situation and its major
What, in your opinion, are the key factors hindering economic growth and development in

Are there any specific sectors or industries that face significant challenges in Ethiopia? If so,
please elaborate.

What are the major obstacles to foreign and domestic investment in Ethiopia, and how can these
be overcome?

How do government policies and regulations impact economic growth and job creation in
Ethiopia? Are there any areas that require significant policy reform?

In your view, how efficient and effective are Ethiopia's infrastructure systems (transportation,
energy, telecommunications, etc.) in supporting economic growth, and what improvements are

What are the main issues affecting the development of human capital (education, skills training,
health) in Ethiopia, and how might these be addressed?

How can Ethiopia diversify its economy and reduce its dependency on agriculture? Are there any
particular sectors that show potential for development and investment?

In your opinion, what role can the international community play in supporting Ethiopia's
economic development?

Are there any successful initiatives or best practices from Ethiopia or other countries that could
serve as models for addressing the country's economic problems?

Based on your expertise, what recommendations would you provide to policymakers and
stakeholders to address Ethiopia's economic challenges and improve overall prosperity?

How do you foresee the future of Ethiopia's economy if the current economic problems persist?

Is there anything else you would like to add or that you believe is essential for us to consider
when addressing Ethiopia's economic problems?

Note: During the interview, be sure to provide the interviewee with ample time to elaborate on
their answers and encourage them to provide specific examples or data where appropriate.

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