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The Sociology of Gender (SOCI 303 Spring 2024)

Reflection Assignment #1: Ch. 1 Gender Ideas and Ch. 2 Bodies

Due: Sunday May 12th by 11:59 pm
30102938 Weixi Zou

CHAPTER 1: Compare men’s and women’s deodorant (if you do not have one of each, simply
Google images). Examine the set of deodorants: read the product packaging, shape, color, and
text for implicit and explicit messages about what men and women are, or should be like. Write
responses to the following questions in a minimum of 2 detailed paragraphs each. Be sure to use
both the text and the PowerPoint slide material throughout both of your answers and specifically
indicate where you located the course information you are using in your answer. Make sure these
informal citations are clearly visible by bolding each one. For example, Page X of the text; Slide
X of the PowerPoint; (Text, Pg#;), (PPT, Slide#).

1. Describe the differences/similarities between the two deodorant products you are
comparing. Based on what we learned from Ch. 1 and the corresponding PowerPoint
lecture, what messages about men and women do these products portray?

Based on the physiological differences between males and females, our societal
expectations of the two genders also differ.The word gender only exists because we
distinguish between people in this particular way(Text, Pg#4). The word "sex" refers
to these physical distinctions, encompassing primary sexual characteristics (organs
directly involved in reproduction) and secondary sexual characteristics (such as
patterns of hair growth, breast tissue quantity, and body fat distribution) (Text, Pg#5).
From this foundation, we've constructed a culture that is specific to our contemporary
era, akin to the potent masculinity once associated with high heels. Thus, gender isn't
purely biological(Text, Pg#6); it's cultural. However, definitions of masculinity and
femininity vary across different cultures. For example, in certain cultures, a "woman"
is defined as someone capable of discerning various types of rice, storing them
correctly, and selecting among them for diverse uses (PPT, Slide#42).
Nonetheless, for the majority of contemporary societies, distinctions between
males and females fundamentally rely on reproductive organs. In terms of character,
males are often depicted as powerful, dominant, and decision-makers, while females
are more often portrayed as supportive figures to males, typically characterized as
gentle. Consequently, deodorants for males typically depict them as athletic and
confident, aligning with contemporary descriptions of masculinity. Conversely,
products designed for females often emphasize charming qualities or a fresh, natural
2. Aside from products mentioned in lecture or the text, what other products are
gendered in this way? Describe 2 other gendered products and based on what we
learned this week, discuss what messages about men and women these products

In contemporary society, high heels seem to have become a symbol exclusive to women,
representing their gender characteristics. It is widely believed that high heels can enhance the
female image, making it more feminine. However, high heels have never been limited to men.
Although gender is defined in more than one way (PPT, Slide#42), in most cultures, men
wearing high heels is still considered an unusual phenomenon. When women began wearing
heels in the 1600s, men abandoned them as a symbol of their masculinity (PPT, Slide#6). This is
because society expects men to portray a mature and reliable image, so men's footwear focuses
more on functionality and practicality rather than appearance. In contrast, women's footwear,
especially high heels, pays more attention to design aesthetics.Men's shoes are usually designed
with simplicity, emphasizing functionality and comfort. These shoes may use more durable
materials, have more stable soles, and feature a looser design to accommodate men's more active
lifestyles. Additionally, colors and patterns of men's shoes are generally more conservative to suit
different dressing requirements. On the other hand, women's shoes are more diverse and
emphasize fashion. High heels not only pursue elegance and femininity in appearance but also
consider comfort. Designers often pay attention to details such as heel shapes, surface
decorations, and sole materials to ensure that women feel comfortable and exhibit an elegant
posture when wearing high heels. Furthermore, colors, patterns, and materials of women's shoes
are more varied, reflecting women's pursuit of fashion and personalization.In summary, there are
significant differences in design and functionality between men's and women's shoes, reflecting
different understandings and focuses on the needs of consumers of different genders. Men's
shoes prioritize practicality and durability, while women's shoes emphasize fashion and
personalized design. High heels continue to serve as a marker of gender distinction. (PPT,
Another product that distinguishes male and female gender characteristics is perfume.
Although both men and women use perfume, and the purpose of use is similar, perfume varies in
fragrance according to the traits of men and women. Perhaps similar to deodorant, perfume often
also differentiates between men's and women's products in terms of naming. Men's perfumes
typically have stronger, fresher fragrances, commonly including woody, marine, and vanilla
notes, emphasizing masculinity and strength. In contrast, women's perfumes tend to be more
floral, soft, with scents such as floral, fruity, and sweet, emphasizing elegance and feminine
charm. The packaging of men's perfumes is usually more straightforward and rugged, with
common colors being dark, such as black or blue, highlighting masculinity and strength. In
contrast, women's perfume packaging tends to be more delicate and gorgeous, with colors often
in light or pink tones, often incorporating luxurious decorations and exquisite bottle designs,
emphasizing elegance and allure in women.

CHAPTER 2: Search online for one of the many humorously intended cartoons of the male and
female brain. Answer the following question in a minimum of 2 detailed paragraphs. Be sure to
use both the text and the PowerPoint slide material throughout your answer and specifically
indicate where you located the course information you are using in your answer. Make sure these
informal citations are clearly visible by bolding each one. For example, Page X of the text; Slide
X of the PowerPoint; (Text, Pg#;), (PPT, Slide#).

1. Copy and paste the picture here

2. What stories about men and women does this cartoon attempt to tell?

This picture primarily depicts the differences in the thought patterns between men and
women, revealing distinctions in what men and women prioritize. For instance, in romantic
relationships, men often are driven by physical attraction, whereas women are driven by
emotional connection. Such differences may stem from either physiological differences or social
influences. Physiological disparities may be influenced by hormones, with some hormones
linked to observed variances in sexual desire, spatial abilities, and mood fluctuations, albeit these
effects are minor and indirect(PPT, Slide#19). However, the picture also illustrates that besides
gender, men and women have divergent interests and hobbies. For example, men may enjoy
drinking beer, while women may prefer activities like shopping or buying shoes. These
differences can be regarded as reflections of societal influences on men and women.
The explanations for gender differences can include the following points:Questions like
the one this chapter is exploring—regarding the “real” differences between men and women—
imply that we’re interested in universal human truths, ones that are true around the world and
throughout history. If we could find such a difference, we would have a compelling reason to
think it was real. The major- ity of research on sex differences, however—in fact, the majority of
research on behavioral differences of all kinds—uses subjects only from societies that are
Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic, five words that add up to the acronym
WEIRD(Text, Pg#45).genes Our genes are a set of instructions for building and maintaining our
bodies. Each of us has a unique set of genes, our genotype, and an observable set of physical and
behavioral traits, our phenotype. By our current working definition, the differences described by
Zell and his colleagues are biological if they are phenotypes expressing differences shaped by
our genes(Text, Pg#48). Perhaps a sex difference could count as real if it were observed, had a
known biological cause, and could not easily be overcome by social interventions like training
and priming. Sex differences in size and, by extension, throwing ability and some other physical
differences would qualify. Gender identity and sexual orientation may be good candidates. And
there are others, to be certain. Pos- sibly different levels of sexual desire, aggression, empathy,
and thrill-seeking. And, of course, there are the hairy ears (Text, Pg#54).
In summary, there are significant differences between men and women in terms of
thought patterns, interests, hobbies, and behavior. These differences may arise from both
physiological factors and social environments. While some gender differences can be attributed
to physiological factors such as hormonal influences, social factors also play a significant role in
shaping individual behaviors and preferences. There are various perspectives on explaining
gender differences, ranging from exploring universal human truths to understanding the
interaction between genes and the environment, each offering different viewpoints.

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