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"The Double-Edged Sword of Global Integration: Weighing the Benefits and

Drawbacks for the Philippines and its People"

Word Count: 2702


Throughout the years, the Philippines has seen a number of significant political

and economic changes, all of which have been significantly impacted by the increasing

political and economic integration of the world. Many other individuals had also

questioned if somehow the rise of globalization and the interconnectedness of nations

worldwide may have negatively affected the Philippines and its people more than

benefited. People actually argue that the country's inequality, labor exploitation, and

environmental degradation have increased as a result of globalization (Gonzales, 2019).

Some, however, believe that the program has helped to boost economic expansion and

provided Filipinos with unprecedented opportunities (Cruz & Gacosta, 2015).

Similarly, other individuals still bother thinking that political integrations, which

include regional trade agreements and alliances, might really jeopardize the country's

sovereignty and interests (Ortega, 2017). Some, on the distinct other side, claim that

they can improve the Philippines' position in the international world (Caballero-Anthony

& Jiloca, 2014). The argument concerning the way the Philippines and Filipinos will be

affected by global economic and political integration is intricate and multidimensional.

Serious questions to be had about the positive and negative consequences of

globalization as well as the function of international organizations in determining

national objectives and plans of action are brought up by this query (Llanto & Briones,
2016). Analyzing the data and perspectives coming from various stakeholder groups is

essential in this situation to fully understand the long-term impacts of these integrations

on the Philippines and its people (Gochoco-Bautista & Llanto, 2012).


The possibility of increased access to foreign markets, technology, and capital is

one justification for global economic integration benefiting the Philippines and Filipinos

(Gómez, 2016). This may encourage Philippine economic modernization and

innovation, resulting in the development of new businesses and employment

opportunities. If the Philippines cooperates with the world economy, it can draw more

foreign trade and investment. In order to support the transformation and modernization

of local businesses like agriculture and manufacturing, this may provide the capital and

expertise that are actually necessary (Gómez, 2016). By increasing its exports, reducing

its reliance on particular goods or markets, and strengthening its resilience to economic

shocks, the Philippines stands to gain from a more diverse global financial system

(Mendoza & Canare, 2020). Some implications of having greater competition comprise

potential price reductions for various goods and services, which might also greatly

enhance Filipinos' standards of living (Mendoza & Canare, 2020). Consequently, the

Filipino people's standard of living can improve as the price of commodities is lowered

(Gómez, 2016). Therefore, considering all of this, global economic integration has both

significant risks and benefits that cannot be ignored, despite the fact that there are

undoubtedly risks and challenges involved. Yes, we can confidently say that the

Philippines can benefit from increased global economic integration, as new jobs could

be created, local industries being expanded, and a rise in the standard of living for
Filipinos by carefully managing the risks and maximizing the benefits (Gómez, 2016;

Mendoza & Canare, 2020). But how will it go as expected? If we ever make one mistake

in this particular agenda, for sure, the country may be in a difficult situation, and thus we

people will be most affected by it.


Global economic integration may have adverse effects on the Philippines and its

people, despite the potential benefits (Asian Development Bank, 2019). The possibility

that the influx of goods and investments from abroad will harm local industries and

result in job losses is one cause for concern (World Bank, 2019). According to the World

Bank, rising competition from international businesses could make it more challenging

for local industries, especially from small to medium businesses, to remain competitive

against bigger and perhaps more established foreign businesses (World Bank, 2019).

Furthermore, foreign companies may be reluctant to share proprietary technology or

may not find the local market appealing for long term. The foreign investment may not

always result in technology transfer or knowledge sharing (World Bank, 2019). Another

matter of concern is that global economic integration may exacerbate inequality within

the Philippines (Asian Development Bank, 2019). Although some Filipinos could gain by

obtaining broader access to overseas markets and job possibilities, most would fall

behind because individuals need to gain the skills or resources necessary to compete in

the international market. According to research by the Asian Development Bank,

economic disparity and poverty rates have continued to exist at stubbornly high levels

(Asian Development Bank, 2019), which means that, as a consequence, the

advantages of socioeconomic development throughout the Philippines have not been

relatively shared. The Philippines may therefore have the potential to modernize its

economy or rather raise the standard of living as a result of global economic integration.

However, policymakers should therefore be mindful of the risks and establish strategies

for mitigating problems (Asian Development Bank, 2019). This may require funding

training initiatives to help workers learn new skills, encouraging entrepreneurship and

innovation to support the growth of regional industries, and regulating regional

businesses to protect them from the unfair competition (Asian Development Bank,


Reason 2

The Philippines continues to work towards fostering its economic growth and

development, as well as engaging in a more closely organized globalization

(Gopalakrishnan, 2019). Therefore, adopting new technology and innovations from

other countries will acquire a growing significance. Technological advancements can

enable people and businesses to access information and resources from all over the

world, creating opportunities for development and innovation (Karan, 2018). For the

Philippines to maintain its competitiveness and solidify its position in the global

economy, it is imperative to seize these opportunities. The expansion of the business

process outsourcing industry, which has significantly boosted the Philippine economy,

indicates how the country has adapted to technology. A report by the Business

Processing Association of the Philippines claims that the BPO sector employed over 1.2

million Filipinos in 2019, bringing in about $26 billion in revenue for the nation (BPAP,

2020). This expansion was made possible by adopting cutting-edge products and

corporate procedures from other countries, including cloud computing and customer
relationship management systems. The development of the e-commerce sector, which

is becoming more significant as more people shop online, has been adopted in the

Philippines. According to the Department of Trade and Industry, the Philippines' e-

commerce market expanded by 66% in 2020, with sales coming to about $7 billion (DTI,

2021). This development was made possible by the adoption of foreign technology,

including mobile payment systems and logistics options. It also could be contributed to

the expansion of the Philippine agriculture sector. According to research by the

Philippine Statistical Authority, drones and satellite imagery have been found to

increase crop yields while lowering costs for farmers (PSA, 2020). The Philippines'

ability to co mpete in the global market has improved along with its agricultural output.


There is an inherent problem with the concept that the Philippines can expand

greatly by adopting innovations and technology from other countries. Although these

can be beneficial, innovations and technological advances sometimes don't present a

solution for the government's economic instability (Balboa, 2018). In fact, there is a

chance that the reliance on outside innovation and technology would restrict the

country's long-term growth and development. One of the primary concerns with

adapting foreign technology and innovation is the potential loss of local knowledge and

expertise (Tan, 2019). When the Philippines absorbs technology and innovation from

those other nations, it might displace local businesses and industries possessing

specialized knowledge and skills. These may result in the loss of important human

capital, which would be necessary for long-term economic success. Moreover, the

adoption of foreign technology and innovation may lead to a dependence on other

countries for critical resources and knowledge. This could make the Philippines

vulnerable to external factors such as geopolitical tensions, economic fluctuations, and

changes in global supply chains (Acosta, 2020). This may significantly impact the

stability and flexibility of the economy. Above all, the social, cultural, and economic

settings of the Philippines may not be compatible with the adaption of foreign

technology and innovation. This can lead to inefficient use of resources and failure to

address the particular problems the country is currently experiencing (Arenas, 2017).

The Philippines must thus keep hold to choose and adapt foreign technology and

innovation in an appropriate and advantageous way for its local setting.


Political integration to the extent that it benefits the Philippines and Filipinos more

than it disadvantages the country is a complicated and divisive topic (Castro & Libarios,

2020). Though some assert that political integrations can positively affect commerce

and investment, diplomatic relations, and access to new markets (Villanueva, 2018),

others argue that such advantages come at a high cost to national sovereignty, cultural

identity, and economic progress (Paz, 2019). The possibility of economic exploitation

and unequal relationships is a significant ground against political integration (Bello,

2020). Theorists claim that larger, more powerful nations or organizations may impose

their terms on integration to further their interests, leading to unfair international trade

agreements, the exploitation of natural resources, and limited opportunities for the

growth of local industries (Tordesillas, 2022). The Philippine economy and the

livelihoods of Filipinos who might become dependent on these businesses for their

income may be negatively impacted. Some contend that political integrations may even
compromise cultural identity and national sovereignty (Paz, 2019). A long history of

colonialism and foreign influence has left the Philippines with a diversified and

distinctive cultural environment (Gonzalez, 2021). As other cultures and beliefs are

pushed on the country, critics believe political integration can diminish this uniqueness

and dismantle national identity. This will impair Filipinos' emotional and physical well-

being by causing them to feel separated from their unique culture and identity. Besides

that, political integration may bring conflict and violence (Tordesillas, 2022). The

Philippines stands the risk of being entangled in worldwide conflicts and wars as it joins

forces alongside other nations, which might threaten the country's security and stability.

Since various groups inside the Philippines can have different views on the nation's

participation in foreign issues, this might cause internal conflict and social instability

(Gutierrez, 2021).


Political integrations often have serious concerns about the Philippines and

Filipinos. Therefore, it's essential to acknowledge that it could positively influence the

nation and its citizens. An excellent way to expand the Philippines' access to new

markets and economic growth opportunities that will benefit the nation's economy

across the board (Racelis, 2014). The Philippines' credibility in the international

community and influence on the international stage might be augmented through

political integrations (Agcaoili-Sombilla, 2015). The Philippines may use its assets and

capabilities to advance its interests and ideals as a country while simultaneously

working with other countries to address common problems and issues by aligning itself

with other states or the most prominent organizations (Tigno, 2012). Moreover, political
integrations can promote cultural exchange and understanding between different

nations, enriching Filipinos' lives and broadening their horizons (Abueva & De Guzman,

2008). Filipinos may embrace their heritage and culture more thoroughly while gaining a

more complex view of the world through connecting with other cultures and learning

about various ways of life (Racelis, 2014). Political integration often has risks and

disadvantages, but it's important to remember that there are many benefits for the

Philippines and Filipinos (Agcaoili-Sombilla, 2015). Government officials and the public

may work to guarantee that the country may benefit from its international relationships

while still defending its interests and values by carefully weighing each integration's

potential benefits and drawbacks and taking action to avoid any unfavorable effects

(Tigno, 2012).


The possibility of corruption constitutes one of the significant issues with political

integration (de Guzman, 2019). Political integration agreements commonly get

compromised because of the power and money at stake (Gandolfo, 2016). The

Philippines and its citizens may suffer severe consequences due to this. From

kickbacks and bribery to biases and nepotism, corruption in political integration could

take many different forms (Gandolfo, 2016). In the Philippines, corruption is rampant,

and many people have grown up around it (de Guzman, 2019). But, when political

integration agreements are open to corruption, it can have severe ramifications for the

nation (Gandolfo, 2016). Greedy conduct may result in unfavorable terms and

conditions, one of corruption's most significant concerns for political integration

(Gandolfo, 2016). Big countries or agencies can use their influence to press for an
agreement that favors them rather than the Philippines (de Guzman, 2019). The

exploitation of natural resources, a collapse in the economic opportunities for local

businesses, and the domination of foreign companies in regional sectors are possible

scenarios (Gandolfo, 2016). The legitimacy of agreements for political integration can

be undermined by corruption. Negotiations may not be acknowledged or upheld if it is

thought that they were made through unethical tactics (de Guzman, 2019). This may

cause the Philippines to lose credibility in the eyes of foreign nations or organizations

(Gandolfo, 2016). Corruption may also lead to the forfeiture of advantages and the

wasting of resources. A lack of financing for vital services and infrastructure can result

from money that should go to the Country being diverted to corrupt politicians or

authorities (de Guzman, 2019). The progress and development of the nation may need

to be improved, which would be detrimental to the Filipino people (Gandolfo, 2016).


Since it's clear that corruption is an issue in the Philippines, it's vital to remember

that it is a problem that is not exclusive to political integration (Manuel & Estache, 2018).

It is unreasonable to point out political integration as the only cause of corruption in the

nation because it affects all facets of society (Dominguez, 2015). However, it is

essential to acknowledge that political integration can benefit the Philippines in various

capacities, including more investment and access to new markets (Goh, 2017). These

advantages can boost economic growth, provide employment, and raise living

standards for many Filipinos. Considering this, it's crucial to understand that corruption

could exist whether or not a country is politically integrated. Integrating politics may

lessen corruption by emphasizing accountability and transparency (Manuel & Estache,

2018). When joining a larger organization, specifically the Association of Southeast

Asian Nations, a country must follow specific guidelines and procedures(Goh, 2017).

Ensuring that everyone engaged is held accountable for their behavior helps decrease

the potential for corruption. Also, others contend that political integration can aid in

limiting the influence of crooked politicians and authorities (Dominguez, 2015). When a

country enters a bigger organization, it is obligated to abide by its laws and regulations,

which might reduce the ability of people to act illegally. Despite the fact that corruption is

a problem in the Philippines, it's crucial to recognize that it affects all aspects of society,

not only the political system (Manuel & Estache, 2018). Likewise, it would be unfair to

completely discredit the advantages that political unity may have for the country.

Instead, initiatives should be undertaken to encourage accountability and transparency

in all spheres of society, including political integration (Dominguez, 2015).


Analyzing how global integration has affected the Philippines exposes various

political and economic factors. Despite greater foreign investment and expanded trade

opportunities being among the positive outcomes of global integration, it has also voiced

concerns about long-term unemployment and unequal benefit distribution. However, the

country could not take full advantage of this opportunity brought by global integration

due to political issues, notably corruption and bad governance. Thus, the Philippine

government must emphasize policies encouraging inclusive growth and deal with the

underlying causes of inequality and poverty. As to achieve this, it is necessary to make

investments in education and training to empower workers with the knowledge and

abilities needed to compete on the global market, to improve governance and

transparency to attract more foreign investment, as well as to promote regional

cooperation to elevate the competitiveness of the country. The drive for global

integration should be equally sustainable and beneficial to all sectors, particularly small

and medium-sized businesses, agriculture, and underprivileged communities. It is

essential to remain alert and sensitive to the changing economic and political landscape

as the Philippines navigates the benefits and difficulties of global integration. In doing

so, the country might benefit from the potential of global integration to achieve inclusive

and sustainable growth for all Filipinos.

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