Stuff Questionnaire

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Questionnaire for Academic Staffs at Arbaminch University

Thank you for participating in this research study! My name is Fuad & I'm Management student doing
my research in understanding leadership styles at Arbaminch University chamo campus and their
effectiveness in achieving organizational goals. This version of the questionnaire is designed for
academic staff. Your honest responses will help us gain valuable insights into your leadership practices.

All your responses will be kept confidential and used for research purposes only. Your individual
responses will not be identifiable in any reports or publications.:

Please answer the following questions honestly, reflecting on your experience working with your current
leader (Dean, vice dean or Department head) at Arbaminch University. Rate each statement on a scale
of 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree) based on how you perceive their leadership style.

1 (Strongly Disagree), 2(Disagree), 3 (Neutral), 4(Agree), 5(Strongly Agree)

No Statements 1 2 3 4 5

1 My leader inspire us with a clear vision for the future of the university.

2 My leader clearly communicate expectations for our performance.

3 My leader allows us a great deal of autonomy in our work.

4 My leader expect us to follow his/hers instructions without question.

5 My leader strictly adhere to rules, regulations, and established procedures.

6 My leader empower others to contribute to decision making.

7 My leader trust us to handle our responsibilities without close supervision.

8 My leader place a strong emphasis on detailed planning and documentation.

9 My leader provide recognition and reward for achieving goals and objectives.

10 My leader encourages open communication and information sharing within

my department/ unit.

11 My leader prioritize efficiency and control over collaboration and participation.

12 My leader challenges us to think creativity and find innovative solutions.

Leadership Effectiveness

1 My leader ensures high standards of teaching and learning.

2 My leader fosters a positive learning environment for students.

3 My leader actively promotes research activities and projects.

4 My leader encourages collaboration in research within and outside the


5 My leader encourages involvement in community service projects.

6 My leader supports initiatives that benefit the local community.

1, In your perspective, which leadership style does your leader employ?


2, How effective do you think his/hers leadership style is in meeting organizational goals?

Very Effective


Not Effective

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