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- why python ✅
- advantages of python ✅
- python interpret ✅
- disadvantages of python ✅
- variable ✅
- what is infer language ✅
- what is dynamic typing ✅
- rules for creating a variable ✅
- multi word variables ✅
- single value assign ✅
- multi value assign ✅
- casting ✅
- local variable ✅
- global variable ✅
- static variable ✅
- instance variable ✅
- how to delete a variable ✅
- premitive data type ✅
- non premitive data type ✅
- fundamental data type ✅
- derivative daa type ✅
- data types in python ✅
- string and methods ✅
- list and methods ✅
- set and methods ✅
- dictionary and methods ✅
- f string ✅
- array ✅
- Aliasing ✅
- deep copy and syntax ✅
- shallow copy and syntax ✅
- function ✅
- argument ✅
- parameter ✅
- pass by value✅
- pass by reference
- pass by object reference
- pass by assignment
- type of argument...
- formal argument
- actual argument
- position argument, keyword argument, default argument, variable length argument
- arbitrary argument
- scope of local variable
- scope of global variable
- escape character
- unpacking and packing
- pickling
- asterisks
- recursion
- anonymous or lambda function
- 3 method in lamba function
- decorator
- iterator (iter, next)
- generator
- special variable
- name mangling
- access modifier
- _variable and __varible ( single underscore and double underscore varible
different use )
- _name_
- constructor
- why python high level language
- class
- object
- class properties
- @property
- @static method
- @class method
- @instance method
- what is self
- how to decide a size of object
- name space
- encapsulation
- setter ans getter
- accesor and muttator
- magic method or dunder method
- inheritance
- polymorphism
- duck typing
- method overloading
- method overriding
- error type and how to handle
- thread concept
- file in python
- is python combiled or interpreted? why
- python vertual mechine
- implementation of python
- pychache
- .pyc
- module vs package vs library vs framework
- asset statement
- type coercion
- closue
- meta class
- splat operator
- abstraction
- pure function
- variadic function
- yield
- list comprehension
- dict comprehension
- garbage collector
- reference count
- memory management in python

- pep8 and python coding conventions

- variadic arguments in python
- using **kwargs in function
- sorting array using a key in elements that are dicts
- printing array element using fstring
- list comprehension with condition to filter
- understand data type of i in ""for i in list""
- looping through a dict to print all keys and values
- using decorators
- packages and modules
- pep8 and python coding conventions
- syntax of a constructor
- variadic arguments in python
- writing methods and using attributes in them
- printing dict value using fstring (list[n]['key'])
- looping a dict to print its keys and values separately
- decorators
- pep8 and python coding conventions
- variadic arguments in python
- using **kwargs in function
- sorting array using a key in elements that are dicts
- printing array element using fstring
- list comprehension with condition to filter
- understand data type of i in ""for i in list""
- looping through a dict to print all keys and values
- using decorators
- packages and modules
- Why python
- Call method
- Understand how the decorator works
- Method resolution order and multiple inheritances in Python
- dictionary related
- repeated letter in a word
- cumulative sum
- shallow copy
- Magic methods
- Python memory management
- generator
- Print a list in reverse using while loop, for loop
- Print key value pairs in a dict
- Capitalize each word in ‘my name is ashiq”
- Advantages of OOPs
- Polymorphism in python
- Access modifiers
- Destructor
- Purpose of constructor
- Static and instance var in python
- Swapping in python
- Is
- Switch case in python
- multiple threads
- concurrency and parallelism
- writing to sys.stdout
- copy a file in chunks
- reading a file in python
- learn fs operations in python
- package,
- generate n random numbers, re-roll if duplicate is generated
- date 45 days before now
- unix timestamp
- don’t overwrite built-in type names
- non-repeating strings in list
- list comprehension to filter strings with length less than 5
- decorator to prepend string to return value
- packing and unpacking
- making an instance variable readonly
- class methods, class attribs
- singleton class
- customizing class description (_str_)
- _name_
- what’s in os package?
- type(os)
- virtual memory
- tail recursion
- stack underflow
- double ended queue
- SLL palindrome or not
- load factor
- implement stack without using lists, add peek operation
- complexity of sorting algorithms when input is already sorted
- flatten a 2d array that may contain integers in the first level
- Constructors and Destructors
- Exception Handling
- List Comprehension
- Modules and package
- Decorators
- Generators
- Modules
- Decorators
- closure
- duck typing
- most rpt letter in a string
- second largest number in a list
- pep8
- id()
- ellipsis (...)
- ints and strs are not mutable
- NoneType
- current version of python
- cpython, python vm, pycache
- metaclass
- slots
- pickling
- creating venv
- environment variable
- try except else finally
- singleton
- polymorphism
- pure function
- closure
- currying
- add/remove key in dict
- looping a dict
- combine two dicts
- 1 | 2 vs 1 or 2
- :=
- function to check if list is sorted or not
- remove nth element from list
- Multiple inheritance
- Exceptional handling exact syntax
- Iist comprehension exact concept
- dataclasses
- metaclass
- pickling
- using destructor
- docstrings
- super()
- name
- don’t overwrite builtin names
- add key in object
- using dict values in fstrings
- lambda function to return last element of list
- ternary syntax
- list comprehension to extract small strings
- variadic function to return sum of all args
- Magic methods
- list to string
- Dict key value swap
- Do more practical workouts
- List operations
- Dictionary operations
- Do more practicals with dict
- Ternary operator
- List vs tuple memory management
- Generators
- Decorators
- For loop vs while loop
- Find duplicate element from list without modifying the list
- List comprehension with if else condition
- Key value pairs from string
- Key will be elements in the string and value will be the counts of each element
in the string
- *Singleton
- *@classmethod and @staticmethod
- *Duck typing
- *Filehandling using python
- *cls argument in class

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