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Projectile Motion :

a projectile is any object with only the force of gravity acting on

fir resistance is ignored
projectile moves along both horizontally and vertically
If the path of an object is curved rather that just a
vertical line , use projective motion equations instead of SoVX-
In other words , SUVA equations areuseful when looking at
a 1-Dimensional path , ie when there is no horizontal movement

· For projectile motion on the other hand, there is horizontal movement

as well
Horizontal velocity of a projectile remains constant

Velocity in they-direction changes by 9 8 ms" every second due


to the acceleration of gravity

at the
· No velocity in the y-direction very top of the path
because the projectile slows down in order to change direction
When air resistance is
horizontal component of projectile's velocity is


Fundamental ideas of 2D projectile motion :
Since force is the only force on a projectile, the
acceleration in the -direction is always O and the acceleration
in the y-direction is always 9 8us2 downwards

Kinematic variables on one axis are independent of linematic


variables on the other axis, except for time In other words

. , time
is the
only variable that is same in both .
Projectile Motion Code words :
"Launched horizontally " or"falls off a flat surface "mean
10 initial vertical velocity

"Highest point in its motion" or "maximum height it reaches" -

the final vertical velocity is Oust at

highest point;
horizontal velocity is always the samethough
"Range" - the total horizontal displacement
If the object lands at the same height it started with
, its vertical
displacement is Om
Effect of air resistance on projectiles :
Due to air resistance :

Maximum height of projectile is lowe
Range of projectile is lowe

Trajectory no longer symmetric

Projectile hits ground at a

steeper angle
Magnitude of horizontal component of velocity decreases over time DUE TO AIR RESISTANCE
Launched horizontally means
the angle is initially 8
Method 1 for part (C)
Method 2 for
Note that the speed with which it hits
> ↑ he ground includes Both horizontal
and vertical final velocity

vz = Vy2 + kyz
(Sms 22 + (19 8m522 .
= 617
:. V = 24 84
= 24 8m5

Initially Ididn't know what to do
and wherever that's the case, just
find whatever you know and eventually
you'll get to the answer
V(X =
Whenever asked about velocity, you
must give the angle along with
& iswrong because the object from
the rising balloon would first go even
higher to its maximum height before

falling to the ground. his is because

the object would start with a
vertical velocity equivalent to the
speed of the balloon

& is
wrong because the object has
to first go up and then down
c is the answer because ie it covers more distance
the object experiences a
constant acceleration of O is wrong because object's final
. 8 ms due to gravity
9 velocity increases since gravity had
more time to make it accelerate
Method) :
Method /cont .
Method 2

energy conservation

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