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Enhancing Conversational AI: A Research Study on

Leveraging Open Source LLM Falcon 7B and Langchain

for Advanced Chatbot Development
Sankhadeep Debdas

Artificial Intelligence is a new field and lots of developments have been happening in
this booming field. In the world of AI/ML, there are some chatbots as a first stage of
human to machine interaction thought text responses and We have managed such
hardware for large scale Data Training and Testing using Machine Learning Models. In
this paper, I have proposed a Chatbot Solution Written in Python3, with Falcon 7B LLM
which is a Open- Source Large Language Model (LLM) and Langchain is a Open-Source
Framework created to simplify the development of chatbots using LLM models like
ChatGPT 3.5, Etc. This solution mainly fetches the LLM from the source and uses it in a
Langchain Environment where its simplified and ready to use as a chatbot. This process
is working on the Chatbot and LLM integration where we use a LLM and feed it to a
chatbot environment to get a AI bot which can answer our question as we ask them.
Keywords: machine learning, ai, llm, neural networks, machine learning algorithms

1. Introduction
2. Results
3. Conclusions
Author biography
Sankhadeep Debdas Student at Amity University Chattisgarh Raipur, Btech Cse ASET

Email address: (Sankhadeep Debdas)

June 27, 2024

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