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Food => the substances we usually eat

Nutrient => organic substances that can be used by our body/cells

(1. carbohydrate, 2. proteins, 3. lipids, 4. vitamins, 5. minerals, 6. water)

Diet => the food we eat every day for health

nutrient + fibre

1. carbohydrate (short term energy)

2. lipid (long term energy)

1. movement
• 2. respiration
3. growth
• 4. reproduction
• 5. excretion
6. nutrition
7. sensitivity

activity, genes, growth, pregnancy

Dr. Albert Thaw

Dr. Albert Thaw

15 year old boy is more active, and they are in growing period.
So, they need more energy for movement and growth.

15 year old boys are generally more active and have more muscle mass.

So, they need more energy.

They should be the least proportion of food in the diet. (5%)

WGB/Brown rice contains more fibre, which is good for digestive system.
They prevent constipation.

Proteins can be obtained from beans and dairy products.

Carbohydrate, Proteins, Lipid, Calcium, Vitamin D

Fibre, vitamin C

He will have tooth decay, and he will get too much weight. (obese)

Dr. Albert Thaw

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