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Atividade de Inglês

Nome: Yasmin Stocco

Série: 3° administração
Data: 26/06

Texto escolhido:
On 25 June 1947, Anne Frank's diary was first published, going on to become a much-loved
bestseller worldwide. In this exclusive archive clip, her father, Otto, tells the BBC about his
decision to make her words public.

Otto Frank initially couldn't bear to read, let alone publish, his daughter's diary, which was
released 77 years ago this week. In 1976, he travelled to the BBC's Blue Peter studio to
explain why he did. "I only learnt to know her really through her diary," Otto Frank
confessed to Blue Peter's Lesley Judd, as he showed her the personal writings of his beloved
late daughter Anne.
Otto had actually given his bright, outgoing daughter an autograph book as a gift for her
13th birthday on 12 June 1942. But Anne had almost immediately decided to use it as a
diary and began to record her innermost thoughts, writing as if she was revealing secrets to
a close friend. "I hope I shall be able to confide in you completely, as I have never been able
to do to anyone before," Otto read out from Anne's first diary entry on the children's TV
programme. "And I hope you will be a great support and comfort to me."
Anne's anxiety, aspirations and boredom, along with the routine frustrations of living so
tightly cooped up with other people, were all laid out on her diary pages
Otto had fled with his family to Amsterdam in 1933 from Frankfurt, where Anne had been
born, following the Nazi Party's success in the German federal elections and Adolf Hitler
being appointed Chancellor of the Reich. But the safety the Dutch capital seemed to offer
from the looming threat of the Nazis would prove to be only a temporary reprieve for the
family. In 1940, Hitler having now seized power and declared himself Führer, invaded the
Netherlands. With German occupation came a wave of antisemitic measures. Jews were
prohibited from owning businesses, forced to wear identifying yellow stars and faced

Um pouco sobre:
Esse texto é uma repostagem tirada do site oficial da BBC. Foi publicado recentemente por
relembrar que há 77 anos atrás, o primeiro diário de Anne Frank foi a público. O texto fala um
pouco sobre como ela se sentiu ao ganhar o diário de seu pai, e como ela realmente sentiu que
aquele era o único e mais verdadeiro amigo dela. Mas também fala um pouco sobre a triste
história de Anne Frank, que foi uma menina que viveu durante o sucesso do partido nazista.
Ela e sua família tentaram fugir de todas as formas, mas Anne não sobreviveu e deixou
apenas seus diários com suas vivências mais profundas.
Eu coloquei apenas o começo da reportagem, li ela intera e achei muito interessante


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