Residual Stress Estimates From Multi-Cut Opening Angles of The Left Ventricle

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Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology, Vol. 11, No. 4, August 2020 (Ó 2020) pp. 381–393 ENGINEERING SOCIETY

Original Article

Residual Stress Estimates from Multi-cut Opening Angles of the Left

School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8SQ, UK
(Received 19 September 2019; accepted 16 May 2020; published online 15 June 2020)

Associate Editor Michael S. Sacks oversaw the review of this article.

Abstract in a left ventricle ring compared to that of the commonly

Purpose—Residual stress tensor has an essential influence on used single-cut model.
the mechanical behaviour of soft tissues and can be partic-
ularly useful in evaluating growth and remodelling of the Keywords—Residual stress, Opening angles, Multiple cuts,
heart and arteries. It is currently unclear if one single radial Soft tissue, Heterogeneity, Left ventricle.
cut using the opening angle method can accurately estimate
the residual stress. In many previous models, it has been
assumed that a single radial cut can release the residual stress
in a ring of the artery or left ventricle. However, experiments INTRODUCTION
by Omens et al. (Biomech Model Mechanobiol 1:267–277,
2003) on mouse hearts, have shown that this is not the case. Living tissues in the heart continuously interact with
The aim of this paper is to answer this question using a their bio-environment, reshape and rearrange their
multiple-cut mathematical model.
Methods—In this work, we have developed models of constituents under chemical, mechanical or genetic
multiple cuts to estimate the residual stress in the left stimuli during their life cycles. In the mature period,
ventricle and compared with the one-cut model. Both two the tissues of a healthy heart remain in a homeostatic
and four-cut models are considered. Given that the collagen state. However, heart diseases disrupt this balance, and
fibres are normally coiled in the absence of loading, we use cause the tissues to grow and remodel. Physiologically,
the isotropic part of the Holzapfel-Ogden strain energy
function to model the unloaded myocardium.
exercise may also induce healthy and reversible growth
Results—The estimated residual hoop stress from our mul- and remodelling. An important ingredient in evaluat-
tiple-cut model is around 8 to 9 times greater than that of a ing the mechanics involved in the cardiovascular sys-
single-cut model. Although in principle infinite cuts are tem is knowledge of the solid mechanical properties of
required to release the residual stress, we find four cuts seem the soft tissues involved, including the components of
to be sufficient as the model agrees well with experimental
measurements of the myocardial thickness. Indeed, even the
the heart, such as the left ventricle, henceforth abbre-
two-cut model already gives a reasonable estimate of the viated as LV. A particular aspect is that the tissues of
maximum residual hoop stress. We show that the results are the heart are residually stressed, so that when the
not significantly different using homogeneous or heteroge- external loading is removed, residual stresses remain in
neous material models. Finally, we explain that the multiple the material. However, residual stresses, which are
cuts approach also applies to arteries.
Conclusion—We conclude that both radial and circumferen- generally assumed to result from growth and remod-
tial cuts are required to release the residual stress in the left eling, are imprecisely characterized (experimentally) at
ventricle; using multiple radial cuts alone is not sufficient. A present, and how best to include the important effects
multiple-cut model gives a marked increase of residual stress of residual stresses in cardiovascular applications
therefore presents a modelling challenge.
Over the last century,13 various hypotheses on the
growth and remodelling response to mechanical load-
ing have been put forward, with particular success in
Address correspondence to Xiaoyu Luo, School of Mathematics arteries. In conventional elasticity theory the existence
and Statistics, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8SQ, UK. of a stress-free reference configuration that coincides
Electronic mail:
1869-408X/20/0800-0381/0 Ó 2020 The Author(s)

with the unloaded configuration is normally

assumed.19 In the present context, however, the un-
loaded configuration is not stress free, but is residually
stressed. The residual stress can be estimated using the
so-called opening angle method,2,14 in which an opening
angle indicative of the extent of the residual stress can
be measured after a single radial cut of an unloaded
arterial ring. Using the opened configuration as the
reference configuration, the residual stress in a cylin-
drical artery model can then be estimated.2,26 This
methodology has been extended to multiple cuts by
Taber and Humphrey,27 and used in a two-layered
arterial model by Holzapfel et al.10
Inclusion of residual stress is important in modelling
the mechanics of soft tissues for a number of reasons:
(a) in nonlinear elasticity theory the stress state in the
reference configuration can have a substantial effect on
the subsequent response to loads, and omission of the
residual stress can lead to significantly different stress
predictions under load9,16,24; (b) in biological tissues,
the growth and remodelling process will significantly
affect the (residual) stress statement in living tissue1,15;
(c) while the detailed process of local growth is difficult FIGURE 1. A typical short-axis apical segment of a mouse
heart before and after cuts.21 The initial intact segment, shown
to measure, residual stress, on the other hand, may be in a, was about 2 mm thick. The same segment after a single
estimated from experiments, as demonstrated by the radial cut and a further circumferential cut is shown in b and c,
opening angle measurement. Thus, estimates of the respectively. In particular, the endocardial segment has
reversed its curvature, in c. Note that the definition of the
residual stress at particular time instants could provide opening angle in Ref. 21 follows that in Chuong and Fung,2
useful information about the growth history of living which is different from that used in the present paper.
tissues. Reproduced from21 with permission.
However, most work that includes residual stress in
complex organs, such as the arteries and heart, when studying residual stress in the heart. Inspired by
assumed that a simple radial cut can release all the the finding in Ref. 21 and the three-layer modelling
residual stresses.23,22,7 However, this assumption is not work by Holzapfel and Ogden12 on arteries, in this
supported by all experiments. For example, Omens paper, we estimate the residual stress distribution
et al.21 showed that residual stress in a primary mouse across the wall of an intact mature heart using multiple
heart could be further released by a circumferential cut cuts in a simplified heart model. Unlike the approach
following the initial radial cut, as illustrated in Fig. 1, in Ref. 12 where the three distinct artery layers are
They also showed that the opening angles are location- modelled with different material properties, we know
dependent, with greater values at heart apex. This that any material property change across the myo-
implies that the single-cut opening angle configurations cardium must be smooth and that the transmural stress
does not correspond to the stress-free configuration, distributions are continuous. These considerations are
and, as is well known, can only be considered as taken into account in the current work.
approximately stress-free. Holzapfel and Ogden12 used
a three-layer (adventitia, media and intimal) model to
study residual stress in the artery, where they found METHODOLOGY
each layer has a different opening angle when cutting
open separately. In other words, it is impossible to There is experimental evidence that the collagen fi-
release all the residual stress from a single radial cut bres are coiled and wavy in their unloaded state in
across the three layers. By developing a model to count arteries3,5 and heart.22 Similarly to previous stud-
for the three-layer structure of the artery, the estimated ies,12,28 we assume that collagen fibres are not in ten-
residual stress is much greater than treating the artery sion in the unloaded configuration of the myocardium.
as a single-layer model. Therefore, for modelling the residual stress, we use the
Myocardium does not have such a distinct layer isotropic part of the invariant-based constitutive law
structure; however, it is clear from the experiment by for the myocardium developed by Holzapfel and
Omens et al.21 that multiple cuts need to be considered Ogden11:
Residual Stress Estimates from Multi-cut Opening Angles of the Left Ventricle 383

a where RðiÞ , RðoÞ , and L denote the inner and outer radii,
W¼ fexp½bðI1  3Þ  1g; ð1Þ
2b and the tube length, respectively, and a is the opening
angle. Let fER ; EH ; EZ g be the associated cylindrical
where I1 ¼ tr C ¼ tr ðFT FÞ, and a, b are material
polar basis vectors in B2 .
constants. The Cauchy stress tensor is then11
The (isochoric) deformation from B2 to the intact
@W configuration B3 is then expressed as
r ¼ pI þ 2 B; ð2Þ
x ¼ rer þ zez ; ð4Þ
where B ¼ FFT is the left Cauchy–Green deformation
tensor. where, by incompressibility,
For simplicity, we model the LV as an incom- u
uR2  RðiÞ 2
pressible single-layered cylindrical tube. We consider r ¼t
þ rðiÞ ;
different scenarios based on different numbers of cuts kkz ð5Þ
and assume that the stress in the tube in the absence of
loads on its curved surfaces can be released by either a h ¼kðH  a=2Þ; z ¼ kð3Þ
z Z;
single (radial) cut or multiple cuts (a radial cut fol- rðiÞ being the inner radius in the configuration B3 ,
lowed by one or three circumferential cuts). We also
z ¼ l=L is the constant axial stretch from B2 to B3 , l
assume that all the cut segments retain their cylindrical
is the cylinder length in B3 , and k ¼ 2p=ð2p  aÞ is a
configurations, each with its own opening angle, i.e.
measure of the opening angle in B2 . The outer radius
each is a circular cylindrical sector.
in B3 is
One Cut: Radial uRðoÞ 2  RðiÞ 2
r ¼t
ðoÞ 2
þ rðiÞ : ð6Þ
We take basis vectors fer ; eh ; ez g to correspond to kkð3Þz
the local radial, circumferential and longitudinal
directions, respectively, in the intact circular cylindrical The corresponding deformation gradient (from B2 to
ring (B3 ). For a single (radial) cut, the opening angle B3 ), denoted Fð3Þ , is given by
approach has been well described2,10 for arteries, but is ð3Þ ð3Þ
summarised briefly here for completeness. Let the Fð3Þ ¼ k1 er  ER þ k2 eh  EH þ kð3Þ
z ez  E Z ;
geometry of the right-hand panel in Fig. 2 represent a where
stress-free configuration B2 , which is assumed to be a
circular cylindrical sector described by cylindrical po- ð3Þ R ð3Þ kr
k1 ¼ ; k2 ¼ : ð8Þ
lar coordinates fR; H; Zg as rkkð3Þ
a a ð3Þ
RðiÞ  R  RðoÞ ;  H  2p  ; 0  Z  L; It follows that the invariant I1 (with the superscript
2 2 omitted temporarily for simplicity) is given by
I1 ¼ k21 þ k22 þ k2z : ð9Þ

The components of the Cauchy stress tensor in B3 are

@W 2
rrr ¼  p þ 2 k ; ð10Þ
@I1 1

@W 2
rhh ¼  p þ 2 k ; ð11Þ
@I1 2

@W 2
rzz ¼  p þ 2 k; ð12Þ
@I1 z
where p is the Lagrangian multiplier. In the absence of
FIGURE 2. (a) Cross-section of a circular cylindrical LV body forces the stress components rrr and rhh in B3
model with no loading on its circular boundaries in
configuration B 3 ; b Stress-free circular cylindrical sector B 2 satisfy the equilibrium equation div r ¼ 0, which, for
after a single radial cut from B 3 . Note that maintenance of B 3 the considered deformation, reduces to
as a circular cylindrical configuration requires axial and
torsional loads. The deformation gradient from B 2 to B 3 is
denoted Fð3Þ :

FIGURE 3. The two-cut model a cylindrical model of the LV as the intact ring in B 3 , b after a radial cut to B 2 , and c followed by a
circumferential cut to B 1 . Notice that the inner sector in B 1 has a negative curvature, as in Ref. 21. The red curve, at the mid-wall
radius R ¼ ðR ðiÞ þ R ðoÞ Þ=2 in (b), separates the inner and outer sectors which become the separate inner and outer sectrors in B 1
after the circumferential cut. Appropriate axial and torsional loads are required to maintain the shapes in B 2 and B 3 :

sectors (inner and outer) by means of a circumferential

drrr rrr  rhh cut around the mid-wall in B2 at radius
þ ¼ 0; ð13Þ
dr r R ¼ ðRðiÞ þ RðoÞ Þ=2. The two new sectors form the
and the associated zero-traction boundary conditions configuration B1 , which is now taken as the stress-free
are rrr ¼ 0 for r ¼ rðiÞ ; rðoÞ . reference configuration. Thus, B2 is no longer stress
On integration and use of the latter boundary con- free but requires torsional and axial loads to maintain
ditions Eq. (13) gives its circular cylindrical shape. It is, however, residually
Z rðoÞ stressed in the sense that there is no traction on its
rhh  rrr curved surfaces. The transition from B2 to B3 is now
dr ¼ 0; ð14Þ
rðiÞ r different from that in the one-cut model. The stress in
B3 is calculated from the constitutive laws based on
which, on substitution from (10) and (11, 12), can be
the reference configuration B1 with the appropriate
used to obtain rðiÞ in B3 (and rðoÞ from (5)) when the deformation gradients from the two sectors in B1 to
initial radii RðiÞ and RðoÞ and k and c are known. B3 . The transition from B1 to B2 to B3 is depicted in
Hence, given W, all the Cauchy stress components can Fig. 3.
be obtained explicitly in B3 . We note, in particular, that the inner sector in B1
It should be emphasized that r is not strictly a has a negative curvature. The geometry in B1 is de-
residual stress since the presence of the components rzz scribed in terms of cylindrical polar coordinates
requires appropriate non-zero boundary conditions, fRj ; Hj ; Zj g, with subscripts j = 1 and 2 corresponding
whereas true residual stress is associated with zero- to the inner and outer sectors, respectively. Thus,
traction boundary conditions. However, the axial force
ðiÞ ðoÞ
N required to maintain the circular cylindrical config- R1 6 R1 6 R1 ;
uration B3 10 ð1Þ ð1Þ ð16Þ
a1 a
Z rðoÞ Z rðoÞ pþ 6 H1 6 p  1 ; 0 6 Z1 6 L1 ;
2 2
N ¼ 2p rzz rdr ¼ p ð2rzz  rrr  rhh Þrdr;
rðiÞ rðiÞ ðiÞ ðoÞ
ð15Þ R2 6 R2 6 R2 ;
ð2Þ ð17Þ
is non-zero but small. Following, Ref. 12 we adjust the 6 H2 6 2p  1 ; 0 6 Z2 6 L1 ;
axial stress so that rzz  p½ðrðoÞ Þ2NðrðiÞ Þ2  is the approximate 2 2
ðiÞ ðoÞ ðjÞ
measure of the residual axial stress. The adjusted where Rj , Rj , a1 , j ¼ 1; 2, and L1 denote the inner
residual axial stress has its mean removed so that the and outer radii, the opening angles, and the tube length
ðiÞ ðiÞ  while RðoÞ
resulting axial load vanishes. in B1 . In B2 , R1 and R2 both become R, 1
and R2 translate to RðiÞ and RðoÞ , respectively, the
Two Cuts: Radial and Circumferential opening angle is a and the axial length L.
For each sector, the isochoric deformation from B1
For the two-cut model we consider the separation of to B2 can be written as
the sector in B2 into two separate circular cylindrical

Residual Stress Estimates from Multi-cut Opening Angles of the Left Ventricle 385

X ¼ RER þ ZEZ ; ð18Þ i.e. the mean value of rHH through the thickness is
with It is assumed that is there is no bending moment on
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi the faces H ¼ a=2 and H ¼ 2p  a=2 in B2 , which
u ðiÞ 2
uR  R2 yields
R ¼t 1 ð21Þ 1 þ R ;

k1 kZ ð19Þ Z RðoÞ
rHH RdR ¼ 0: ð26Þ
H ¼p  k1 H1 ; Z ¼ kZ Z 1 RðiÞ

vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Substitution of rHH from (24) into this equation fol-

u lowed by integration by parts and a further application
uR2  RðiÞ 2
R ¼t 2 ð22Þ2 þ R ;
of the zero-traction boundary conditions leads to
k2 kZ ð20Þ
Z RðoÞ
ð22Þ ð27Þ
H ¼k2 ðH2  pÞ þ p; Z ¼ kZ Z 2 rRR RdR ¼ 0:
for the inner and outer sectors, respectively, where Eqs. (23)2 , (26) and (27) are solved with Eqs. (19) and
kj ¼ ð2p  aÞ=ð2p  a1 Þ; j ¼ 1; 2, and k2j is the axial (20) to obtain the radii RðiÞ and RðoÞ , and the angle a of
stretch of sector j = 1 and 2 in B1 respectively. Note the sector in B2 . The deformation gradient associated
that the negative curvature of the inner sector in B1 with the transition F1!3 from B1 to B3 has the form
depicted in Fig. 3 is captured by the expression for R in Fð3Þ Fð2Þ , where Fð3Þ is given by Eq. (7) from the one-cut
(19), and that structural compatibility in B2 is ensured
 approach, and Fð2Þ is either Fð21Þ or Fð22Þ , as given in
since the two expressions for R match at R.
As indicated in Fig. 3 the deformation gradient Eq. (21). Note that Fð3Þ Fð21Þ and Fð3Þ Fð22Þ are the values
obtained for the inner and outer sectors, respectively,
from B1 to B2 is denoted Fð2Þ , which is shorthand  i.e. the
and these must match at the interface R,
notation for the two separate deformation gradients
deformation gradient must be continuous in B2 , which
from the two sectors in B1 to B2 . These are denoted ðiÞ ðiÞ
Fð2jÞ ; j ¼ 1; 2, and given by implies that k1 =R1 ¼ k2 =R2 at the interface. Enforc-
ing of this requirement will ensure that when traction
ð2jÞ ð2jÞ ð2jÞ
Fð2jÞ ¼ k1 ERj  ER þ k2 EHj  EH þ kZ EZj  EZ ; continuity is applied p is continuous and hence that all
the stress components are continuous, in particular
that rHH is continuous.
where Hence, for the two-cut model, we require geometric
ðiÞ ðiÞ ð1Þ ð2Þ
ð2jÞ Rj ð2jÞ kj R information, e.g. R1 , R2 , a1 , a2 in B1 , from
k1 ¼ ð2jÞ
; k2 ¼ ; experiments (Fig. 1c). Then the geometric information
kj RkZ Rj ð22Þ of B2 is obtained from the two-cut model. The residual
ð2jÞ ð2jÞ 1 ð2jÞ 1 stress of the intact-ring configuration, B3 , can now be
kZ ¼k1 k2 ; j ¼ 1; 2:
solved using the same equilibrium equations as (23),
Similarly to the one-cut model, the equilibrium equa- (26) and (27), except the deformation gradient is now
tion in B2 yields Fð3Þ Fð2Þ .
drRR rRR  rHH An expression for the required axial load N for the
þ ¼ 0; intact ring is obtained from a formula similar to that in
dR R
Z RðoÞ ð23Þ (15), and the corresponding residual axial stress is
rHH  rRR
dR ¼ 0: adjusted to make the resulting axial load vanish.
RðiÞ R
Equation (23)1 can be rearranged as Four cuts: one radial and three circumferential
d The effect of two further circumferential cuts, one in
rHH ¼ ðRrRR Þ; ð24Þ
dR each of the two separated sectors, is now considered in
from which it follows, on use of the zero-traction order to assess if there is any significant change in the
boundary conditions rRR ¼ 0 on RðiÞ and RðoÞ , that resulting calculated residual stress compared with that
obtained with a single circumferential cut, although
Z RðoÞ
this is not a test that has been carried out experimen-
rHH dR ¼ 0; ð25Þ
tally. For definiteness we consider taking a circumfer-
ential cut along the mid-wall of each of the two sectors


α0 α0 α0

outer I inner II
outer II B0 inner I

FIGURE 4. The stress-free configuration B 0 consisting of the four sectors obtained by circumferential cuts of the two sectors in

of the two-cut model, leading to the four separate RðiÞ , RðoÞ , a, L denote the internal and external radii,
sectors depicted in Fig. 4. In this model we assume that the opening angle and the length of the single sector
the resulting configuration B0 is stress-free with no according to (19)–(20).
further reversal of the curvature, so that the two sec- The deformations from the four sectors in B0 to the
tors in B1 are no longer stress free. two sectors in B1 are described by
Each of the four sectors in B0 is described in terms vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
of cylindrical polar coordinates fq; /; fg according to uq2  qðiÞ 2
R1 ¼t
þ R1 ; H1 ¼ k11 /;
k11 kZ ð32Þ
ðiÞ ðoÞ
q1 6 q 6 q1 ; p þ 6/6p 0 ;
2 2 ð28Þ ð11Þ
Z1 ¼kZ f; (inner I) ;
0 6 f 6 L0 ðinner IÞ;
ð2Þ ð2Þ uq2  qðoÞ 2
R1 ¼t
a0 a0 2
q2 6 q 6 q2 ;
p þ 6/6p ;
þ R1 ; H1 ¼ k12 /;
2 2 ð29Þ k12 kZ ð33Þ
0 6 f 6 L0 ðinner IIÞ; Z1 ¼kZ f;
(inner II) ;
ð3Þ ð3Þ vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ðiÞ ðoÞ a0 a u
q3 6 q 6 q3 ; 6 / 6 2p  0 ; uq2  qðoÞ 2
ð30Þ R2 ¼t
2 2 2
þ R2 ; H2 ¼ k23 ð/  pÞ þ p;
0 6 f 6 L0 ðouter IÞ; k23 kZ
Z2 ¼kZ f; (outer I) ;
ð4Þ ð4Þ
ðiÞ ðoÞ a0 a0
q4 6q6 q4 ; 6 / 6 2p  ; ð34Þ
2 2 ð31Þ
0 6 f 6 L0 ðouter IIÞ; vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
uq2  qðiÞ 2
R2 ¼t
ðiÞ ðoÞ ðnÞ 2
where qn , qn , a0 , n ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4, and L0 are the 4
þ R2 ;
internal radii, the external radii, opening angles, and k24 kZ
the lengths of the four sectors in B0 , and the notations ð24Þ
H2 ¼k24 ð/  pÞ þ p; Z2 ¼ kZ f; (outer II) ;
I and II are identified in Fig. 4.
In B1 , the geometries of the two sectors are de-
scribed in terms of polar coordinates fRj ; Hj ; Zj g, with where
indices 1 and 2, as in Eqs. (16) and (17). Next, in B2 ,

Residual Stress Estimates from Multi-cut Opening Angles of the Left Ventricle 387

k1n ¼ð2p  a1 Þ=ð2p  a0 Þ;
n ¼ 1; 2; has to be continuous. The transformations between the
ð2Þ ðnÞ
various internal and external radii are listed in Table 1.
k2n ¼ð2p  a1 Þ=ð2p  a0 Þ; n ¼ 3; 4; In B1 , the radial equilibrium equation for each of
ð1nÞ R1 the two sectors yields
k1 ¼ ð1nÞ
qk1n kZ Z Rj
rHj Hj  rRj Rj
ð1nÞ k1n q dR ¼ 0; j ¼ 1; 2: ð38Þ
k2 ¼ ; ðiÞ
Rj Rj
ð1nÞ ð1nÞ 1 ð1nÞ 1 The radial traction rRj Rj should be continuous across
kZ ¼k1 k2 ; n ¼ 1; 2;
each interface Rj ; j ¼ 1; 2, and hence, since the defor-
ð2nÞ R2
k1 ¼ ð2nÞ
; mation gradient is required to be continuous, p is
qk2n kZ continuous and the other stress components are also
ð2nÞ k2n q continuous. For the considered deformation, with kZj
k2 ¼ ;
R2 given, continuity of both the radial and circumferential
ð2nÞ ð2nÞ 1 ð2nÞ 1 stresses guarantees that both p and the deformation are
kZ ¼k1 k2 ; n ¼ 3; 4;
continuous. Note that continuity of the circumferential
and stress at the interfaces in B1 requires that
1 ðiÞ ðoÞ rHj Hj is continuous for R1 ¼ R1 ðR2 ¼ R2 Þ
Rj ¼ ðRj þ Rj Þ; j ¼ 1; 2:
2 in the inner (outer) sector :
The deformation gradients from B0 in Fig. 4 to B1 in ð39Þ
Fig. 3 are
Also, similarly to the two-cut model,
Fð1nÞ ¼ k1 ER1  eq Z ðoÞ Z ðoÞ
Rj Rj
ð1nÞ ð1nÞ
þ k2 EH1  e/ þ kZ EZ1  ef ; n ¼ 1; 2; rHj Hj Rj dR ¼ rRj Rj Rj dR ¼ 0; j ¼ 1; 2:
ðiÞ ðiÞ
Rj Rj
Fð2nÞ ¼ k1 ER2  eq The corresponding deformation gradient from B1 to
ð2nÞ ð2nÞ B2 is F0!2 ¼ Fð2Þ Fð1Þ , where again Fð2Þ is either Fð21Þ or
þ k2 EH2  e/ þ kZ EZ2  ef ; n ¼ 3; 4:
Fð22Þ , Fð1Þ is the appropriate Fð1nÞ , n ¼ 1; 2, or Fð2nÞ ,
ð37Þ n ¼ 3; 4, and the governing equations for the single
In this model there are four separate deformation sector in B2 are
gradients from B0 to B1 , pairs of which have to be Z RðoÞ
rHH  rRR
continuous in B1 . Then, the two separate deformation dR ¼ 0;
gradients from B1 to B2 also have to be continuous, R ðiÞ R
Z ðoÞ Z ðoÞ ð41Þ
and the deformation gradient from B2 to B3 likewise
rHH RdR ¼ rRR RdR ¼ 0;
RðiÞ RðiÞ

as in (23)2 , (26) and (27).

TABLE 1. Transformations between the various internal and This model involves eight independent Eqs. (38)–
external radii in the different configurations. (41), and eight unknown geometrical parameters in B0 :
ðiÞ ðnÞ
B0 B1 B2 B3 qn ; a0 , n ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4. The required external axial load
is then calculated similar to (15), and made to vannish
q1 ! R 1 by adjuing the residual axial stress.
ðoÞ ðoÞ
q1 ! R1 ! R ðiÞ ! r ðiÞ In summary, for the four-cut model, we require
! 1 ðiÞ ðoÞ geometric information of both B1 and B2 from
q2 R1 2 ðR þR Þ
experiments. Once we obtain all the details, e.g,
q2 ! R 1
opening angles and radii of all the sectors in B0 , we
ðiÞ ðiÞ ðiÞ
q3 ! R2 ! 1
2 ðR þ R ðoÞ Þ estimate the (residual) stress components rrr and rhh in
q3 ! R 2 the intact-ring configuration B3 , with the total defor-
ðiÞ mation gradient F0!3 ¼ Fð3Þ Fð2Þ Fð1Þ .
q4 ! R 2
ðoÞ ðoÞ
q4 ! R2 ! R ðoÞ ! r ðoÞ


RESULTS stitutive law (1) are fitted to the data of mice.20 This
gives a ¼ 2:21kPa, and b ¼ 1:8.
Modelling Parameters However, the dramatic difference in the maximum
The reference configuration is different for the dif- hoop stress between the single-cut and multiple-cut
ferent models, so we need to define the parameters models raises a question about the rationale of con-
according to each specific model considered. From B2 sidering homogeneous material properties. Novak
in the one-cut model, we assume that the axial stretch et al.18 showed that canine myocardium is heteroge-
has the constant value kð3Þ ðiÞ neous with location dependent material properties. In
z ¼ 1:14, and R ¼ 2:06,
ðoÞ  particular, they showed that the mid myocardium is
R ¼ 3:20 a ¼ 65 are estimated from the experi-
softer than epicardium or endocardium, although they
didn’t find differences in regional (anterior wall vs
For the two-cut model, in addition to the parame-
septum) stiffness. We therefore also consider an inho-
ters used in the one-cut model, we use additional
mogeneous myocardium model, and fit the data from18
measurements in B1 of the two-cut model in Ref. 21:
ðiÞ ðiÞ ð1Þ ð2Þ
with the strain-energy function (1).
R1 ¼ 5:28, R2 ¼ 1:97, a1 ¼ 268 and a1 ¼ 180 . The parameters are spatially dependent, as shown in
We also assume that there is no axial stretch in the Fig. 5. Since our model is for mice, and there are no
transformation from B1 to B2 , i.e. kZ ¼ 1, j=1,2. experimental data on the heterogeneous properties of
For the four-cut model, in addition to the parame- mice myocardium, we take the spatial variation of the
ters used in the two-cut model, we need more geo- canine data, but keep the mean values of the mice data
metrical information in B1 , which is again estimated from our fitted parameters, and include these in our
from the measurements21 as listed in Table 2. We also calculations.
ð1nÞ ð2nÞ
assume that kZ ¼ kZ ¼ 1 for the deformation from
B0 to B1 , i.e. no axial deformation occurs as a result of Results for the Homogeneous Myocardium Model
the circumferential cuts.
Initially, we consider a homogeneous myocardium The geometry of the intact ring predicted in the
model, for which the material parameters of the con- three different models is summarized in Table 3, and
compared with the measured data in Ref. 21.
TABLE 2. Measured geometrical input for the four-cut It is clear that the agreement of the estimated radius
model, estimated from Ref. 21. and thickness of the unloaded configuration gets better
as the number of cuts increases. Although in principle
Configuration B 1 Configuration B 2
the true zero-stress configuration requires infinite cuts,
R1 ¼ 5:28 1
2 ðR
þ R ðoÞ Þ Table 3 suggests that two or four cuts provides a good
R1 ¼ 6:29 R ðiÞ
¼ 2:06
approximation of the zero-stressed configuration, gi-
ven that the measured geometry is not exactly circular,

a1 ¼ 268 a ¼ 65 although it is assumed to be circular in each model.
ðiÞ ðiÞ
R 2 ¼ 1:97 1
2 ðR þ R ðoÞ Þ The components of the residual stress distribution in
R 2 ¼ 3:04 R ðoÞ ¼ 3:20 the intact-ring configuration B3 from the three differ-
ent models are shown in Fig. 6. The residual axial
a1 ¼ 180 a ¼ 65
stress for each model is adjusted to remove the impact

FIGURE 5. The heterogeneous material parameters a (left), and b (right), fitted to experiments. The red dashed lines indicate the
constants used for the homogeneous models, and the red solid lines are for the heterogeneous mice models, with the spatial
distributions taken from the canine data in Ref. 18 (black solid lines).
Residual Stress Estimates from Multi-cut Opening Angles of the Left Ventricle 389

TABLE 3. Computed intact ring for the homogeneous models, compared to measurements.21

Measurements (mm) One-cut model Two-cut model Four-cut model

r ðiÞ ¼ 0:565 0.555 0.347 0.364

r ðoÞ ¼ 2:185 2.147 1.9561 1.9950
r ðoÞ  r ðiÞ ¼ 1:620 1.5920 1.6438 1.6310
Difference in thickness 1.73% 1.47% 0.68%

FIGURE 6. Distribution of the residual stress components in the intact ring from a single cut, b two-cut, and c four-cut models
based on the homogenous material assumption.

of the non-zero values of N (=5:67  103 , smoother stress distribution, the two-cut model leads
1:71  103 , and 1:42  103 , respectively, in the one- to a similar magnitude of the maximum hoop stress.
cut, two-cut, and four-cut models.) Although the This suggests that the significant rise in the residual
overall distributions are similar in all these models, stress is due to the negative curvature at the first cir-
there is marked difference in the magnitudes of the cumferential cut.
hoop stresses. In particular, the maximum rhh is 1.75,
17.13, and 17.15 kPa, respectively, for the one-cut, Results for the Heterogeneous Myocardium Model
two-cut, and four-cut models. Comparing to the one-
cut model, the ratio of the maximum hoop stresses The results of the intact ring from the heterogeneous
over the single cut is about 9.78 times for the two-cut myocardium model are computed. Again, the residual
model, and 9.80 times for the four-cut model. We also axial stress for each model is adjusted to remove the
notice that although the four-cut model gives much impact of the non-zero values of N (=4:59  103 ,

FIGURE 7. Distribution of the residual stress components from a one-cut, b two-cut, and c four-cut models based on the
heterogeneous myocardium assumption.

1:35  103 , and 1:09  103 , respectively, in the one- arteries.6 Using our models we can show, however,
cut, two-cut, and four-cut models.) . All the stess that multiple radial cuts do not indeed release more
compoenets are plotted in Fig. 7, which shows that the residual stress, since due to the symmetry of the con-
maximum rhh is 1.85, 16.12, and 16.63 kPa, respec- sidered geometry, once a radial cut is made, no further
tively, for the one-cut, two-cut, and four-cut models. elastic deformation can occur after more radial cuts.
The ratio of the maximum hoop stresses over the single In other words, the deformation gradient in each of
cut is slightly lower than that of the homogeneous our different models is independent of the azimuthal
material, at about 8.71 times for the two-cut model and angle and the solutions are also independent of this
8.73 times for the four-cut model. Again, apart from angle. However, this does not indicate that the one-cut
smoother and somewhat different stress distributions, configuration is a stress-free one. To further release
the four-cut model predicts very similar maximum residual stress circumferential cuts following a radial
hoop stress as the two-cut model. cut are necessary. We note that even with multiple cuts,
we may not release all the residual stresses. In princi-
ple, only infinite cuts can release all the residual
DISCUSSION stresses. This explains why the stress distributions are
not smooth and appear to have deflections around
The issue of multiple cuts has been studied before. where the cuts are, since we have to assume the con-
In particular, Fung suggested that one radial cut might figuration after two or four cuts is stress-free. This
be sufficient to release all the residual stress. This was process could be improved with more cuts, though
supported by his experiments which showed that after more than four cuts cannot be modelled in this paper
two or more radial cuts, no obvious deformation oc- without further experimental data. However, the
curs from the one-radial-cut configuration of the curves in the four-cut model are almost smooth, the
Residual Stress Estimates from Multi-cut Opening Angles of the Left Ventricle 391

FIGURE 8. Residual stress distributions through the intima, media and adventitia of the artery wall as functions of the radial
coordinate r: a residual stress is recomputed here using a one-cut model, all other parameters being the same, so that the
comparison can be made with the multi-layer approach, and b the original result with layer separations from Ref. 12, reused with

TABLE 4. Residual stress computed using a single-cut and the original (three-cut) HO model.12

Max. hoop stress (kPa) One-cut model Three-cut model12 Ratio of stresses

Adventitia 0.57 15.08 26.45

Media 0.47 23.74 50.51
Intima  0.97  23.20 23.91

required axial load to maintain the cylindrical shape of artery wall in Fig. 8 using their three-cut approach and
the intact ring reduces is smaller, and the predicted the one-cut model. The results from the one-cut (or
intact ring thickness agrees very well with the mea- one-layer) model are reproduced here using the same
surements. All these tentatively suggest that the four- parameters as in Ref. 12. The maximum values of the
cut model is already a good approximation for the hoop stress and their ratio to the one-cut model results
residual stresses. Indeed, in terms of estimating the in different layers of the three-cut model are listed in
residual stress magnitude, even the two-cut model Table 4, which shows that the ratio of the hoop stress
seems to be good enough. in the different layers ranges from 24 to 50 times. This
The fact that our two-cut and four-cut models difference is even greater than that of the mouse heart.
predict a much higher (about 8-9 times!) hoop stress is In this study, we assume that the deformation gra-
perhaps not unexpected given the large negative cur- dient is diagonal. Note this is in general not true for the
vature revealed by the experiments.21 The increased heart under loading.8 However, since residual stresses
value of the residual hoop stress agrees with the rough are estimated from the unloaded configuration, the fi-
estimation by Omens et al.21 based on a simplified bres are in general coiled and do not bear the load.
concentric cylindrical shell model, where they showed Therefore the myocardium behaves like an isotropic
that the maximum loop stress was about 20kPa, which material, and the radial, circumferential and axial
is close to our estimation of about 17kPa. directions are the principal directions of the deforma-
We argue that the significant stress underestimate of tion, i.e. the deformation gradient is diagonal in these
the one-cut model does not just occur in the heart directions. This is different from artery modelling,
models. In the residual stress modelling of arteries, by when the two families of fibres are assumed symmet-
treating the artery wall as three separate layers (intima, rical about the axial direction. Hence, even when loa-
media and adventitia), and measuring the opening ded with pressure, tensioned fibres do not alter the
angles for each of the three layers, Holzapfel and principal directions of the deformation. Therefore, the
Ogden12 have essentially developed a three-cut model diagonal deformation gradient (e.g. Ref. 12) is
(one radial cut followed by two circumferential cuts, in assumed in arteries for a different reason.
this case separating the layers with different proper- Finally, we would like to state the limitations of the
ties). Their model is also heterogeneous, as different study. We have assumed that cross-sections of the
material parameters are used for different layers. We heart are cylindrical, and all the cut segments retain
now compare the residual stress distribution across the their cylindrical configurations, each with its own

opening angle, i.e. each is a circular cylindrical sector. OPEN ACCESS

Needless to say, this is not always true, particularly in
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
opening angle studies of arteries, where a single cut of
Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits
an arterial ring can have a non-uniform curvature.25 In
use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction
addition, with the cylindrical assumption, we cannot
in any medium or format, as long as you give appro-
model the experimental observation that opening an-
priate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
gles are location-dependent, with higher values at heart
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and
apex.21 Indeed, the ‘‘true’’ residual stress can only be
indicate if changes were made. The images or other
achieved through infinite cuts using the opening angle
third party material in this article are included in the
method, which is not practical. We believe the residual
article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
stress estimation, although an approximation, is a step
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is
forward to the physiological range compared with
not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence
using the single cut opening angle method.
and your intended use is not permitted by statutory
regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need
to obtain permission directly from the copyright
holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://crea
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used multiple cuts to estimate the residual stress dis-
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Complex distributions of residual stress and strain in the
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