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Journal of Environmental Management 311 (2022) 114821

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Deep well injection for the waste brine disposal solution of potash mining in
Northeastern Thailand
Sunthorn Pumjan a, Tran Thanh Long b, c, *, Ho Huu Loc d, Edward Park e
Mining and Petroleum Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Hochiminh City University of Technology, 268 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Linh Trung Ward, Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Water Engineering and Management, School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand
National Institute of Education (NIE), Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS), and Asian School of the Environment (ASE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU),


Keywords: Under the pressure of the existing world population growth trends, the dercreasing pastoral fields and the
Deep well injection increasing duration and incidences of drought and heat stress, the potash fertilizers demand dramaticly increase
Northeastern Thailand to enhance the world food production. Asia currently consumes 40% of the world’s potash market, yet 70% of
Sustainable mining environment
world potash exports come from mines in Canada and Europe. Weak collective efforts to produce potassium
fertilizers economically pose the risk of global shortages of potash goods and threatening global food security.
Waste brine
While the Khorat Plateau in Northeastern Thailand is noted to contain active and promising regional potash
deposits, developing a proper potash industry in the region has largely been unsuccessful due to major con­
straints such as the challenge of establishing a brine disposal solution. This study demonstrates the performance
of deep well injection (DWI) as an environmentally friendly alternative to secure waste brine production from the
potash mine. The groundwater numerical model demonstrates the movement and penetration of the concentrate
during and after deep well injection. The boundary condition was utilized from the regional hydrogeology data.
The waste brine injection is based on the waste products of the mine factory. Our simulation shows that the DWI
can isolate waste brine with freshwater by injecting it into the deep formation based on the geologic structure
and properties analysis. With high porosity and low specific yield, the Khok Kruat formation within Khrat Basin
shows a high potential injection rate of 200,000 m3/day, which is 200 times higher than current water brine
production rates. Moreover, the salinity can easily dissolve into the target domain with specific formation
properties. Hence, the DWI not only boosts the potash industry’s image in the long term but also enable sus­
tainable potash mining development in the region. Finally, we recommend that government agencies with
regulatory oversight over the DWI must promote further research associated with site characterization, well
construction and injection technologies, and monitoring tools in the long term.

1. Introduction Römheld and Kirkby, 2010). After three decades of operating, the
existing potash mines in Europe have been facing exhaustion of reserves,
As the limited area of pastoral fields, the growing world population, and environmental concerns inhibit deeper mine expansion. Without
and the increasing duration and incidences of drought and heat stress, collective efforts to produce potassium fertilizers, potential shortages
the crops production and food security would adversely affect (Cleland, increase the risk of a massive global food security crisis (Al Rawashdeh,
2013; Zörb et al., 2014). Hence, potash (or potassium, K) plays an 2020). That being said, potash explorations and development activities
essential role in the agriculture industry when the proper use of potash are down-trending due to concerns surrounding the ecological liveli­
fertilizer can boost the yield in two times to meet the future world food hood impacts of wastes brine (wastes production from mining opera­
demand (Katovich et al., 2018; Manning, 2010; Rawashdeh et al., 2016; tions) have on surface waters (Bian et al., 2012; Cocker et al., 2016).

* Corresponding author. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Hochiminh City University of Technology, 268 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet
E-mail addresses: (S. Pumjan), (T.T. Long), (H.H. Loc), (E. Park).
Received 21 November 2021; Received in revised form 27 February 2022; Accepted 27 February 2022
Available online 4 March 2022
0301-4797/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Pumjan et al. Journal of Environmental Management 311 (2022) 114821

Potash waste brine (consisting predominantly of salt) is known to be starting from site selection; method of operation; and the monitoring
detrimental to human lives, plants, and other wildlife (Loc et al., 2021; schedule (Ahmed et al., 2004; Cleary and Warner, 1970; Guo et al.,
Reid and Getzlaf, 2004; UNEP, 2001). 2003; Katal et al., 2020; Mike Mickley, 2004). Yet, evaluating the DWI of
With a significant percentage of the workforce employed in the potash waste brine poses significant challenges for the following reasons
agricultural sector, Asia has become the largest import market for pot­ grouped into two categories: (1) Lack of data. In this aspect, deep saline
ash, accounting for more than 40% of the world’s total potash exports. aquifer generally possesses insufficient data due to the exploration and
Since most of the world’s potash production comes from mines in Can­ production data limit. However, although saline aquifers are very
ada and Europe (FAO, 2017), the oligopoly resources, huge logistics and promising in the Mahasarakam formation throughout the Khorat basin
transportation costs pose increasing critical prices.While potash occur­ NE of Thailand, the well-defined stratigraphy units and their hydraulics
rences have been found in Asia, such as in China, Thailand, Laos and properties are scarce; (2) Lack of a good understanding of the interplay
Vietnam (USGS, 2019; Qian et al., 1994; Zheng et al., 2018), the potash between various physical and chemical mechanisms acting on different
industries in these countries are not sufficiently developed to relieve time scales in deep saline aquifers. Addressing these gaps in knowledge
regional demand. Hence, creating new potash suppliers from different requires significant effort for further clarification and quantification of
parts of the world, especially from Asia, with cheaper transportation, data collection, laboratory experiments, numerical simulations and field
development, and economically mining costs would be favorable to both experience and measurements. This study, for that matter, seeks to fill
producers and consumers, benefitting society as a whole (Cocker et al., these gaps by presenting one of the first examinations of the perfor­
2016; Katovich et al., 2018; Roberts, 2014). mance of deep well in the Asia region and the Khorat Basin. It collects
The Northeastern Thailand and central Laos Basin are known to be significant seismic data, exploration and well-test data, and physical and
some of the most promising potash reserve deposits. For example, the chemical laboratory tests required for DWI assessments. In addition, our
sylvite potash commonly found in Northeast Thailand is one of the best investigation also contributes ‘allowable injection rates’ for these ac­
for manufacturing potassium fertilizers. Additionally, potash deposits in tivities, which are fundamental towards evaluating the overall perfor­
Thailand can be found as close to 150–300 m under the ground surface mance of the deep wells.
compared to 1000 m underground, as is the case with many potash The study examined the profile of waste brine injection into the deep
mines around the world, making mining costs much lower. However, the aquifer in Northeastern Thailand via numerical modelling. A numerical
development of the potash mining industry in Asia is halted mainly by model was constructed to simulate injected waste brine into the deep
legal restrictions and massive strains on the environment. The primary aquifer without any environmental impacts (piezometric head, area of
environmental aspect against developing mining in Thailand is the brine waste penetration). The dispersion parameters have utilized the
disposal of waste brine, which is generated during the extraction pro­ properties of brine waste. Additionally, the study simulated the move­
cess. Improper waste brine management may cause adverse impacts on ment and penetration of the concentrate during and after injection. The
the environment, health, and social effects due to its high salinity, and change in the piezometric head is kept within 5% after waster brine
the release of other byproducts such as pretreatment chemicals, or­ injection to prevent the waste brine leakage into the fresh aquifers. The
ganics, and heavy metals (Nakbanpote et al., 2018; Panagopoulos et al., results provide insight into plume penetration of good deep injection
2019). under environmental protection criteria for wastewater treatment for
Environment risks from desalination processes of potash excavation the mining process in Thailand. The study also determines the source
include, the pollution of the freshwater body, adverse effects of land use and contamination pathway to assist water resources planning for urban
and landscape, and decreased soil quality due to salinity, temperature, use.
and chemical substances. Conventional subsurface disposal strategies The results of the study contribute significant knowledge to the
used in the desalination mining process include surface water discharge, mining industry in three aspects. First, the study provides a specific
backfilling discharge, evaporation ponds, and landfill application. These wastewater solution for inland potash mining where the potash deposit
solutions, however, often face challenges surrounding economic and is allocated near the community area. Second, the study advances un­
technical feasibility, public acceptance, and obtaining licenses to derstanding of the target domain for the DWI via a numerical model.
discharge the waste brine to the environment. Unlike the aforemen­ Third, according to the properties of DWI, the study also recommends
tioned unsustainable processes, the deep well injection has considerable the policy and regulation to safeguard communities living in the vicinity
advantages, which include the: quick removal of large volumes of liquid of potash mines.
– eliminates NPDES permits; Provision of a long-term solution that can
operate over decades; application of proven methods and technologies 2. Materials and methods
from the oil and gas industry that meet modern regulatory criteria; use
of a financially competitive solution with low ongoing operation and 2.1. Study area
maintenance costs; elimination of environmental impacts on drinking
water sources, thereby avoiding regulatory issues that affect other al­ This study makes use of the discharged brine from the flotation
ternatives. The deep well proposal includes injecting and isolating the processing plant of the Asia Pacific Potash Corporation (APPC) project in
large volumes of brine waste into a deep formation beneath the imper­ Udon Thani Province, Thailand. A mining design based on room and
meable layer. In addition, this solution is noted to be environmentally pillar layout with backfill applied resulted in ‘Proven and Probable
safe and economically viable for uphill mining processing factories Extractable Reserves of Sylvinite of 108.48 Mt with average ore grade of
(Bruno et al., 2011; Rish, 2005; Rybalchenko et al., 2005; UNEP, 2001). 23.62% K2O’. This ore tonnage is equivalent to 36.37 Mt MOP (KCl
While deep well disposal is a well-known and successful technology used product) (APPC, 2015). The plant facilities are in Muang and Prajak
by countries such as the USA (Abou-Sayed et al., 2003; Guo et al., 2003; Silapakom Districts, 15 km southeast of the city of Udon Thani (Fig. 1).
Saripalli et al., 2000), Canada (Ferguson, 2015; Q. Guo et al., 2000; Reid The site project covers approximately 42.3 square kilometers. Potash
and Getzlaf, 2004; Tallin et al., 1990), Venezuela (López-Hernández deposits remain about 407,000 million tons below 150–300 m in
et al., 2021; Vega Riveros and Barrios, 2011), Russia (Karas et al., 2016; Northeast Thailand. The sufficient reserves for a life-of-mine expectancy
Rybalchenko et al., 2005), and Norway (Santarelli et al., 2014), there is of 21-years are proven with planned production of 2 Mt per year of MOP.
still a noticeable lack of widespread adoption of DWI amongst Asian The resource was discovered in the 1970s but has been left largely un­
countries, especially for waste management for inland mining. exploited because of environmental concerns and legal restrictions. The
In order to raise awareness of this solution, its potential uses and region is hilly and rolling hill topographic terrains. The elevation de­
viability in the region, more study is needed to understand the perfor­ creases from the north to the south (from 400 m. MSL to 160 m. MSL).
mance of the target bed-rock domain under injection process before The climate is tropical monsoon with an average annual rainfall of

S. Pumjan et al. Journal of Environmental Management 311 (2022) 114821

Fig. 1. Project site located at Khorat Plateau (Crosby, 2007).

1268.6 mm, which showed an increasing trend between 1984 and 2015. and subdivisions of the Khorat Group and the Maha Sarakham Forma­
Almost 90% of the average annual rainfall is distributed from May tion are shown in Fig. 2. Because the outcropping and sub-cropping
through October. The average daily temperature is 27.0 ◦ C and has a formation consist of fine-grained sediments to clay, the recharge by
slightly increasing trend. January is the coolest month, with a daily direct infiltration is considered a minor amount. Transmissivity values
temperature of about 22.4 ◦ C, and April is the hottest month, with ranging between 80 and 290 m2/day were obtained from 20 pumping
29.8 ◦ C. The average evaporation from the Class A Pan measurement is tests. However, groundwater quality is brackish to salty water due to the
1683 mm/year (Royal Irrigation Department (RID), 2015). rock salt effect. The average total dissolved solids (TDS) remained 1500
The aquifers system in this area can be divided into three aquifers: mg/1, especially in some zones exceeding 3500 mg/l. Thus, this aquifer
Khorat aquifer, the Maha Sarakham aquifer, and the Phu Thok aquifer, is a qualified seal layer to avoid the leakage of waste brine injection into
respectively, in ascending order. the fresh upper aquifer (see Fig. 3).
The Phu Thok aquifer (PT), with a thickness of 10–300 m, consists of Khok Kruat Aquifer (KK) interbedded moderately consolidated
fine-to-medium sandstone and siltstone. The formation is easily frac­ calcareous siltstones, micaceous sandstones, shale, and conglomerate.
tured and is usually a productive aquifer found in the northwest and The discharge occurs by vertical seepage through the overlying forma­
northeast parts of the study area. Phu Tok aquifer occupies about 30% of tions, fault boundaries, and seepage into topographically low areas.
the total area of the Khorat Plateau. Yields from individual boreholes in Yields from many boreholes in the Khok Kruat aquifer range from 2 to
the Phu Tok aquifer range from a low of 2 m3/h to a high of 204m3/hr. 15 m3/h. The transmissivity range of the Khok Kruat aquifer is 2.5–12
An average transmissivity of 500 m3/day has been adopted for the m2/day (for the sandstone) and 0.4–5.5 m2/day (for the siltstone and
discharge zone. However, transmissivity values between 5 and 100 m2/ shale). Groundwater quality in terms of total dissolved solids is generally
day were obtained in the less fracturing area. Thus, groundwater quality less than 500 mg/1, but in some areas, the TDS is up to 1500 mg/1.
in the Phu Tok aquifer is good quality; generally, less than 500 mg/1 Because of deep formation and low transmissivity, the Khok Kruat
total dissolved solids in the study area. Hence, the activities of com­ aquifer cannot be exploited for domestic purposes. Moreover, the depth
munities rely on the storage of this aquifer. of the aquifer is from 300 to 400 m below the surface, which is a possible
Maha Sarakham unit (MS) is a very low-permeability unit of rock depth to drill an injection well. Thus, this aquifer has the potential to be
salt, anhydrite, and gypsum interbedded with mudstone deposited a domain for waste brine injection.
under the Pt Unit with the thickness varying from 50 to 600 m. The Khok
Kruat unit (KK) is found at the foot of the mountain, consisting of silt­
stone and sandstone with a thickness of 50–400 m. Lithostratigraphy

S. Pumjan et al. Journal of Environmental Management 311 (2022) 114821

Fig. 2. Lithostratigraphy and subdivisions of Khorat group in the study area (Pholkern et al., 2019).

2.2. Waste brine characteristics several traditional methods for brine disposal such as surface water
discharge, land application, evaporation ponds, conventional crystal­
The water used in the ore dressing plant comes from rainwater ponds lizers and deep well injection. However, the shallow disposal methods
collected within the project area. Water is blended with the ore and remain costly, and high-risk contaminants as a result of precipitation can
becomes saturated brine. This concentrated brine is recycled in the cause seepage to disposal and leak to freshwater resources. The deep
flotation process with some loss from evaporation. Table 1 expresses the well method is most suitable for high concentration waste brine when
composition of eliminated brine from the ore dressing plant. The total isolating the contaminant from freshwater bodies in deep formation
salt concentration of brine is 415,800 mg/l, primarily composed of (Katal et al., 2020). However, the injection method requires the injec­
magnesium chloride, potassium chloride, and sodium chloride. The tion domain’s geological conditions and suitable injection rate without
amount of brine output in the different years depends strongly on the adverse impact to aquifers. Therefore, the study utilized brine’s annual
various raw salt composition of the delivered plain salt from under­ volume and composition to evaluate feasible injection methods in this
ground. A large amount of concentrate brine must be eliminated from project site.
the system because it contains too high a concentration of Mg dissolved
to be accepted in the brine stream circuit. The high Mg brine concen­ 2.3. Injection numerical modeling
tration discharged annually from the processing plant is shown in
Table 2. The total amount of brine waste produces 2,803,961 m3 after 21 2.3.1. Conceptual groundwater modeling
operating years. The highest volume brine eliminated was in Year 9, at During operation, the risk of injection wells is critically associated
481,094 m3. with the operational parameters such as injection rates, breakdown
In the case whereby the high concentrated brine discharge to shadow pressures of geology formation, and the possible contamination of the
water bodies without treatment, the contamination can affect river waste after injecting into the host domain (Charbeneau, 1986; Saripalli
creatures’ lives and human health, resulting in serious soil salinization et al., 2000). Hence, the study developed a groundwater model to pre­
and reducing crop production (Wang et al., 2021). Currently, there are dict the injection well performance in the promising project site. The

S. Pumjan et al. Journal of Environmental Management 311 (2022) 114821

Fig. 3. Conceptual brine injection groundwater modeling.

model (MT3DMS). A conceptual model of the study area was developed

Table 1
based on the hydrogeologic information and field investigation of a
Average composition of the refinery brine from ore dressing plant in Udon South
previous study by the Royal Irrigation Department (RID) (2015) and
Potash Deposit (Thao, 2016).
Pholkern et al. (2019). First, the spatial geology of the study area was
Composition Concentration Percentage
constructed from the borehole, cross-section, hydrogeology map. The
g/L mg/L % model area is limited by the project site and the preservation zone, 15
MgCl2 319.5 319,500 25 km from the communities zone. The groundwater system encloses
KCl 61.3 61,300 4.8 approximately 180 km2 and 600 m depth. Second, the hydraulic pa­
NaCl 31.6 31,600 2.47 rameters were estimated via reverse modeling. The suitable parameters
CaSO4 3.4 3400 0.27
are determined when the computed head fits the investigated head in
H2O 862.1 – 67.46
Total TDS 415.8 g/L 415,800 100 the hydrogeology map. Third, the DWI was installed in the project site to
examine the absorption performance of the KK domain.

2.3.2. Boundary condition and assign parameters

Table 2
Annual brine eliminated from ore dressing process (Thao, 2016).
The regional model consists of 3 layers: Phu Thok aquifer, Mahasa­
khan Salt rock, and Khok Kruat aquifer. The thickness of the first layers
Year Brine amount from production Year Brine amount from production
was set 70–180 m; the second layers thickness was assigned 150–440 m;
m3/year m3/day m3/year m3/day and the third layers was 430–700 m. The region model was built with a
1 5207 14.3 12 76,026 208.3 grid size of 100 m × 100 m. In comparison, the project site grid was
2 12,845 35.2 13 67,542 185
refined on a smaller scale of 20 m × 20 m to explore the movement of
3 24,549 67.3 14 63,271 173.3 injected brine waste. For groundwater flow, the piezometric head of the
4 74,391 203.8 15 171,434 469.7 PT aquifer and KK aquifer are stable in the hydrology cycle because both
5 89,269 244.6 16 164,838 451.6 aquifers are confined and have rare pumping activities near the project
6 105,345 288.6 17 302,026 827.5
site. Thus, the boundary condition is set as the constant head or Dirichlet
7 158,557 434.4 18 207,424 568.3
8 308,663 845.7 19 86,293 236.4 condition. The constant head was obtained the hydraulic contour from
9 481,094 1318.1 20 79,102 216.7 the hydrogeology map (Pholkern et al., 2019; Royal Irrigation Depart­
10 153,467 420.5 21 60,260 165.1 ment (RID), 2015). Meanwhile, the salt rock with a low permeability
11 112,358 307.8 Total 2,803,961 formed a no-flow condition (Fig. 4). The initial hydrogeology properties
included elevation, thickness, hydraulic conductivity, specific storage,
brine waste injection model was constructed by coupling the specific yield, and porosity obtained from Pholkern et al. (2019); Royal
three-dimensional finite-difference groundwater movement model Irrigation Department (RID) (2015) (Table 3). The hydraulic parameters
(MODFLOW) and a modular three-dimensional multispecies transport were then calibrated until the computed head meets the observed head.

S. Pumjan et al. Journal of Environmental Management 311 (2022) 114821

2.3.3. Calibration & validation

The initial hydraulic parameters of three layers were adapted from
the study groundwater sustainable yield in Huai Luang Basin, Northern
Thailand (Pholkern et al., 2019). The study utilized an inverse calibra­
tion process to adjust the hydraulic parameters in the region. Because
the groundwater system include PT aquifer and KK aquifer, the cali­
bration was fitted the compted head with the static head of both aqui­
fers. To evaluate the performance of the MODFLOW-based numerical
model, the study utilized mean squared error (RMSE), standard error
(Std error) and coefficient of determination (R2) are given by the
following equations:
∑N 2
i=1 (hsi − hoi )
RMSE = (1)

( ∑N )2
(hoi − ho )(hsi − hs )
R2 = ∑N i=1 2 ∑N 2
i=1 (hoi − h0 ) i=1 (hsi − hs )

Fig. 4. Grid design and boundary condition.

where hoi is the observed groundwater level of the ith data [L], hsi the
simulated groundwater level of the ith data, ho the mean of observed
groundwater levels [L], hs the mean of simulated groundwater levels
Table 3 [L], ho the mean of observed groundwater levels and N is the number of
Hydrogeology properties of 3 layers (RID (2015); Pholkern et al. (2019)). observations. Thus, the best fit between observed and simulated
Parameters Mahasakhan Salt rock Khok Kruat groundwater levels would be RMSE = 0, R2 = 1.
aquifer layer aquifer Moreover, the observed groundwater level hydrographs and
Elevation (m) 171–243 50–170 − 300–− 500 MODFLOW-based numerical model simulated groundwater level
Thickness (m) 70–180 150–440 430–700 hydrographs were plotted to check model performance visually. Scatter
Recharge rate (m/d) 0.0002 n/a n/a plots (together with 1:1 line, 95% interval lines and 95% confidence
Hydraulic conductivity (m/d) 4.36 10− 10 0.08
4 6 interval lines) of observed versus simulated groundwater levels were
Specific storage (1/m) 1.0 × 10− 1.0 × 10− 1.0 × 10− 5
Porosity 0.25 0.02 0.25 also prepared for calibration and validation periods for examining the
Specific yield 0.17 0.01 0.2 efficiency of the models in simulating groundwater levels. The 95%
TDS concentration (mg/l) 300 3000 300 interval is where 95% of the total number of data points is expected to
Longitudinal dispersity (m) 2 2 2
occur. The 95% confidence interval shows the range of calculated values
Ratio horizontal transverse 0.15 0.15 0.15
dispersity to Longitudinal
for each observed value with 95% confidence that the simulation results
dispersity will be acceptable for a given observed value. For an ideal calibration,
Ratio vertical transverse 0.01 0.01 0.01 the 1:1 line should lie within the 95% confidence interval lines (WHI,
dispersity to Longitudinal 2005).
Effective molecular diffusion 0.00022 2.2 × 10− 0.00022
coefficient (m2/day) 2.3.4. Scenario
The safe criteria of DWI for our investigation are the pressure head
and radius of dissolve contamination. We hypothesized that if the
For solute transportation, the model includes advection and diffusion pressure head after injection is still lower than the maximum fracture
of contaminant. For the advection package, the 3rd order TVD scheme pressures of KK formation, the pollutant will not break salt rock for­
was selected. This method is considered a good compromise between the mation and the leak to the upper fresh aquifer. Hence, the acceptance
standard finite difference and particle tracking approaches. The diffu­ volume of deep well injection is quantified until the pressure at the
sion coefficient is most simply understood as the magnitude of the molar injected site raises to the maximum fracture pressures of KK formation.
flux through a surface per unit concentration gradient out-of-plane. It is The maximum wellhead injection pressures will be set according to the
analogous to the property of thermal diffusivity in heat transfer. Based imperial analysis fracture pressure of the Alberta Energy Regulator
on the inversion of the experiment through simulation, the molecular (Alberta Energy Regulator, 1994). Because of the depth of 430–700 m.
diffusion coefficients of salt used in this study were obtained 2.03 × MSL, the maximum breakdown injection pressure of Kho Kruat aquifer is
10− 9 m2/s - 4.17 × 10− 9 m2/s in water, which have shown similar results 3000 kPa. To avoid the contaminant leakage into the community’s zone,
with other studies in deep well solution (Holz et al., 2000; Li et al., 2019; the effective contamination radius remained within the project site,
Robinson et al., 2006). Longitudinal dispersion is caused by differences approximately 5 km. The simulation duration was processed in 20 years
in groundwater velocity through pore spaces that vary in width or tor­ of operating and 30 after injection to investigate the movement of the
tuosity (Vance, 1997). The longitudinal dispersity is most sensitive to salinity isoline.
the Phu Thok aquifer and less sensitive under Maha Sarakham salt rock.
The dispersity of Upper Phu Thok, Mahasarakham, and Khok Kruat was 3. Results
estimated at 150 m, 50 m, and 70 m, respectively. The horizontal
transverse dispersity is set as a typical 20%–10% of the longitudinal 3.1. Calibration steady-state hydrogeology
dispersity. The vertical transverse dispersity is 2%–1% (Pholkern et al.,
2019). The concentration of the injection well liquid is considered to be According to the results, the hydraulic conductivity of layer one and
415,800 mg/l. The TDS concentration of PT, Salt Rock, and KK are 300, land recharge are most sensitive to groundwater flow (Table 4). The
3,000, and 300 mg/l. The model was then simulated for operating 20 groundwater model shows the good performance between the computed
years, and, after injected, 30 years, for studying the behaviors produced head and the observation from the hydrogeology map. The R2 is 0.87,
wastewater in and around the injection well. and the RMSE is 2.3 m. The simulated groundwater is lower than the

S. Pumjan et al. Journal of Environmental Management 311 (2022) 114821

Table 4 well during 20 years of operating and after 30 years later.

Calibrated hydraulic parameters used in simulations of groundwater flow. Second, the study explores the allowable injection rate by increasing
Parameters Source Sensitivity Calibrated the flow rate until the well pressure meets the permissible pressure.
Then, the study also finds that the injected rate has a strong correlation
K layer 1 (m/day) Calibrated 0.936 28.8
K layer 2 (m/day) 0.001 8.64 × 10− 10 with wellhead pressure. As a result, the maximum allowable flow rate is
K layer 3 (m/day) 0.001 4.89 210,000 m3/day (Fig. 6b). Hence, the formation of the project site has a
Land recharge (m/day) 0.936 0.0036 high capacity to conduct the deep well disposal. With the high absorp­
Specific storage layer 1 (1/ Cotanont Non- 0.00001 tion capacity, the DWI into the Khok Khuat aquifer stage is a basic safe
m) (2014) sensitivity
Specific storage layer 2 (1/ 0.00001
environment solution to huge potash mining waste in the region.
Specific storage layer 3 (1/ 0.005
3.3. Movement of salinity iso-lines
Specific yield layer 1 0.2
Specific yield layer 2 0.05 Despite the contaminant being captured into deep formation Khok
Specific yield layer 3 0.25 Khuat, the community is concerned if the waste brine can reach the
communities zone after injection. Hence, the study simulates the solute
95% prediction interval (Fig. 5). The piezometric head of the Khok Kruat transport of waste brine for 20 years of injection and after 30 years of
aquifer increase from the south (160 m. MSL) to the northeast (200 m. completing injection. The results show the pollutant located close to the
MSL). Moreover, the computed flow lines matched the survey flow lines injection well during 20 years of operation. After 50 years of simula­
of the hydrogeology map from the Groundwater Resources Department, tions, the plume moves only 150 m far from the deep well (Fig. 7).
Khon Kean University (Fig. 5). Hence, the groundwater model is satis­ Moreover, the brine waste remains in the mining lease land. Because the
fied to be the base modeling to access the injected waste movement in target domain consists of low hydraulic conductivity and high porosity,
the deep aquifer. the target domain seems to absorb injected waste brine and make
disposal salinity iso-lines slowly. Therefore, DWI can isolate the waste
brine in the KK domain and ensure the freshwater resources in the region
3.2. Allowable injection rate remain uncontaminated.
Fig. 8 demonstrates the contaminant and area of waste brine injected
First, the study examines the pressure of the Khok Khuat aquifer deep well. The TDS of the KK aquifer reaches 1000 mg/l after 60 days of
under the injection rate of daily waste brine disposal in the project. The operating. After ten years, the TDS rose to the contaminant of waste
results show that the injected rate of the project site is too low to create brine and remained within those concentration levels until the last
fracture pressure into the Khok Khuat formation (Fig. 6a). The low operating years. After the injection period, the TDS at the injection well
pressure also indicates no leakage between the Khok Kruat aquifer and decreases at a rate of 6,000 mg/l/year. The total area of plum is twenty
the upper layer. As a result, it can confirm that the contaminant can exist thousand square meters, which is small area in the mining lease. Results
only in deep formation Khok Khuat. Furthermore, it means that the from the simulation show that the injected waste brine does not threaten
community’s fresh water in the Phuk Tok aquifer remained safe from the the freshwater resources in the region. Hence the DWI can secure the
effects of produced wastewater disposal from the deep-seated injection water brine disposal of potash mining in deep aquifers without any

Fig. 5. Calibrated piezometric head in steady-state.

S. Pumjan et al. Journal of Environmental Management 311 (2022) 114821

Fig. 6. a) The injection rate and pressure head of the third formation; b) The relationship between injection with wellhead pressure.

negative impacts on freshwater resources in the region. technologies, and monitoring tools in the long term. Moreover, the
government must provide a clear path for DWI development projects
4. Discussions that will enhance the implementation of the project, and policies that
enable strict compliance and regulatory control. In Thailand, there is an
4.1. Summary of results urgent need for a pilot project that demonstrates the applicability of the
DWI technique in solving the waste brine from the potash industry.
The groundwater contaminant transport modeling technique has Although the DWI appears as a low-risk waste management solution
proved effective in simulating produced wastewater plumes from the based on potash disposal experience in Canada, the monitoring networks
deep-seated injection well. Our results elaborate on finding from the should be investing in providing insight into the risks associated with the
base regional groundwater modeling. In addition, the study also pro­ injection (Jackson et al., 2013). Furthermore, the geochemical should be
vides a base for evaluating risks of contaminants on a long-term basis examined to optimal the well operating performance (Ferguson, 2015).
with similar conditions in the future. Without fracturing formation
pressure, the daily waste brine production from the processing plant can 4.2. Policy implications
be injected safely into the Kho Khuat aquifer. Because of high porosity
and low specific yield, the Khok Khuat aquifer shows a high potential Current trends in world population growth and increased demand for
injection rate of 200,000 m3/day, which is 200 times greater than cur­ agricultural products continue to fuel the demand for potash fertilizer
rent water brine production. In addition, the risk of expansion of plume globally. However, much of the world’s potash production remains
regionally does not exist as wastewater disposal is seized in the deeper concentrated only in a handful of countries in Europe and Canada.
horizon well below the aquifers. Moreover, the plum area is limited in Moreover, ever-increasing potash prices in the last few decades have
the mining site. The results reported herewith are among the first for resulted in the rise of oligopolies in the potash mining trade, causing
inland deep well injection in Asia. Most of the existing studies focus on significant problems within the potash market itself (Katovich et al.,
offshore petrol mining; however, we attempt to compare the result with 2018). Hence, developing new potash producers in Asia, where most of
the similar geology formation of the largest potash mining in Sas­ the world’s potash demand for agricultural purposes comes from, is
katchewan, Canada. Regarding the potash mine in Saskatchewan, a essential to avoid potential future challenges such as global food scar­
large amount of waste brine was injected into the deep formation city. Although Thailand is fortunate to possess a unique geological
beneath the salt rock. With permeability clays and shales above, the regime rich in natural resources like high-grade, sylvinite-type potash,
deep formation was utilized as a domain to inject potash disposal with the development of its domestic potash mining industry has been stalled
over 3800m3/day for over a decade (Ferguson, 2015; Ferguson and mainly due to legal restrictions and a massive strain on the environment.
Grasby, 2014). Currently, the volume of injected brine reaches over 50 The most challenging environmental aspect related to the potash in­
million m3, and the plume area is approximately 1 km2. Although this dustry is waste management, as large amounts of brine are produced
study has not examined the geochemical effect during operation, the during the production phase. To ensure the sustainability of the potash
potential injected brine volume is closed with a similar formation in industry, we recommend multi-stakeholders engagement processes right
Western Canada. Hence, government agencies with regulatory oversight from the inception of any given mining project that weighs both the cost
over the DWI should promote the research activities associated with the and benefit of the development together with environmental concerns.
role of site characterization, well construction and injection Additionally, clear pathways must be charted with well-informed

S. Pumjan et al. Journal of Environmental Management 311 (2022) 114821

Fig. 7. Penetrate of brine waste injection in 50 years.

remedial mitigations. By promising long-term safe and secure storage solution in the region.
with exceptional storage, the adaptation of DWI technology provides
assurance to all stakeholders’ concerns and can pave the way for a future 4.3. Methodological implications
potash mining industry that is clean and green. Furthermore, DWI can
potentially improve the image of the potash industry in the long term, Although DWI is proven to be an environmentally acceptable
and create new markets and networks for sustainable economic growth. disposal option for waste from potash exploration and production ac­
We suggest that future DWI design must solve two main goals: op­ tivities, the possibility of severe impacts on the environment still exists.
timum brine waste injection rate and long-term secure waste contain­ This possibility stems from inappropriate process designs, lack of data,
ment within the desired formation. The volume brine waste injection inadequate engineering practices, poor project implementation, and
depends on the properties of the target underground domain (formation lack of systematic surveillance (Gaurina-Međimurec et al., 2020).
pressure, fracture pressure, permeability, porosity, etc.). DWI requires Moreover, the unwanted movement of waste may resurface if the per­
minimal vertical migration outside the disposal zone. This is in line with manent retention pressure is not maintained appropriately during
the practices with respect to injected disposal in the Western Canada operation. This study, therefore, proposes the following three consid­
Sedimentary Basin (Ferguson, 2015). Hence, the selected formation erations for DWI design. First, the site selection for the waste brine
must be intercepted by low permeable cap rock. The operating well storage requires a presence of competent formation and sealing
performance of injection must be evaluated via hydraulic numerical boundaries as effective trapping in the target formation. Second, the
model as illustrated in the study; the DWI is considered the best candi­ numerical and analytical/semi-analytical methods should adapt to
date for discharging brine into a deep secured aquifer formation. Be­ simulate the reactivation process for a specific fault to avoid unexpected
sides, an abnormally high pore pressure can occur during the waste pressure. Then, the pore pressure monitoring at the fracture/fault
injection (Veil and Dusseault, 2003). Therefore, it is essential to monitor intersection should be monitored during the injection process to mini­
and adjust the well pressure at each injection interval. Besides, the DWI mize the risk of fault reactivation. Third, the injection zone must be
schedule practice aims to safeguard the contaminant plume in the long isolated from potable water aquifers and away from any location of
term securely; tracking tools must be employed after starting injection, freshwater. The boreholes must be equipped with surface casing
such as seismic investigation tools. Monitoring contaminants at the in­ cemented to protect waste brine seepage to fresh aquifer before it goes to
jection site should share among stakeholders and general public to the deep formation (Gaurina-Medimurec et al., 2007). The different
enhance environmental knowledge and understanding of the DWI radioactive tracers in waste slurry and an appropriate logging program

S. Pumjan et al. Journal of Environmental Management 311 (2022) 114821

Fig. 8. The concentration TDS at center plume and area of plume.

can be utilized to determine the disposal domain, especially in deciding Credit author statement
injection points and their changes during the project’s lifetime (Louviere
and Reddoch, 1993). The integrity of injecting wells must be maintained Sunthorn Pumjan: Conceptualization, Methodology, Data collection,
throughout the injecting period covering the injecting and monitoring Investigation. Tran Thanh Long: Data curation, Modeling, Validation,
schedule lasting up to 50 years. The maintenance of injection wells to Writing- Original draft preparation. Ho Huu Loc: Conceptualization
prevent clogging problems in the wellbore and its surrounding forma­ Visualization, Writing- Reviewing and Editing. Edward Park: Supervi­
tion. The injection pressure must not exceed the formation pressure to sion, Conceptualization Visualization, Writing- Reviewing and Editing.
prevent the well outbreak and formation failure.

5. Conclusions Declaration of competing interest

The study has proved effective DWI in waste brine disposal via The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
groundwater contaminant transport modeling technique. The hydroge­ interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
ology parameters were obtained from regional hydrgeology map. the work reported in this paper.
Without fracturing formation pressure, the daily waste brine production
of the mining factory can be injected safely into the Khok Kruat aquifer Acknowledge
in 20 years of operation. Moreover, with high porosity and low specific
yield, the Khok Kruat shows a high potential injection rate of 200,000 This research work is funded by TSRI Fund (CU_FRB640001_21_4).
m3/day, higher than 200 times than current water brine production. In We acknowledge the support. We would like to acknowledge the support
addition, the risk of expansion of plume regionally does not exist as the time and facilities from of the Mining Department, Faculty of Engi­
wastewater disposal is seized in the deeper horizon well below the neering, Chulalongkorn University and Ho Chi Minh City University of
aquifers, and the quantity is quite limited. According to the base Technology (HCMUT), VNU-HCM. Finally, I would like to thank Asia
groundwater modeling, the study provides a base for evaluating risks of Pacific Potash Corporation Limited, APPC company, for sharing the site-
contaminants on a long-term basis in similar conditions in the future. specific data.
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