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Branch of public, which defines

CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM crimes, treats of their nature, and

provides for their punishment.
- comprise all the means used to TWO CLASSIFICATION OF CRIMINAL LAW
enforce those standards of conduct A. SUBSTANTIVE
which are deemed necessary to protect Defines the elements that are
individuals and to maintain general necessary for an act to constitute
community well being. as a crime and therefore
- The sum total of instrumentation punishable.
which a society uses in the prevention B. PROCEDURAL
and control of crime and delinquency. Refers to a statute that provides
procedures appropriate for the
- The machinery of the state or enforcement of the Substantive
government which enforces the rules of Criminal Law.
conduct necessary to protect life and
property and to maintain peace and TWO BASIC PRINCIPLES OF CRIMINAL LAW
- Comprises all means used to A. First is the “presumption of
enforce these standards of innocence”. This means that
conduct, which are deemed those who are accused of crimes
necessary to protect individuals are considered innocent until
and to maintain general well- proven guilty. The accused is
being of the community. entitled to all the rights of the
citizens until the accused’s guilt
FIVE STAGES IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE has been determined by the
PROCESS: court of law or by the accused’s
1. Arrest acknowledgment of his guilt that
2. Charging he or she indeed committed the
3. Adjudication crime.
4. Sentencing B. The second principle is “the
5. Corrections burden of proof” which in criminal
cases means that the
FIVE PILLARS OF THE PHILIPPINE CRIMINAL government must prove beyond
JUSTICE SYSTEM “reasonable doubt” that the
1) LAW ENFORCEMENT suspect committed the crime
5) COMMUNITY No less than the Constitution of
the Philippines provides that an
THREE PILLARS OF THE AMERICAN accused shall be presumed
CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM innocent until proven guilty.
3) CORRECTIONS In order to make sure that only
those who are guilty of the crime as
CRIMINAL LAW AND THE CRIMINAL punished, our Rules on Evidence
JUSTICE SYSTEM provides that the evidence, in order to
Basis of the Criminal Justice System be sufficient to convict an accused for a
Criminal Law is the basis that takes criminal act, proof beyond reasonable
place in the Criminal Justice System. doubt is necessary. Unless his guilt is
of proof which produces conviction in an The three components of the Criminal
unprejudiced mind. Justice System in the United States:
1. Law Enforcement
JUSTICE SYSTEM 3. Corrections
The criminal is the main character
of the Criminal Justice System.


different views: SETTING:
1. In Criminological sense, a person 1. The Law Enforcement, particularly
may be considered as a criminal the Philippine National Police
from the time he or she (PNP) is under the Department of
committed the crime regardless the Interior and Local
whether or not it has been Government (DILG); while the
reported to the Police for National Bureau of Investigation is
investigation. an agency attached to the
2. In legal sense, a person maybe Department of Justice (DOJ).
considered a criminal only upon 2. The Prosecution Service is under
undergoing the judicial process the DOJ, while the OMBUDSMAN is
and upon determination by the a Constitutional body
Court that he or she is guilty independent from even the three
beyond reasonable doubt. major and co equal branch of the
3. In Criminal Justice sense, a government;
criminal may be defined as one 3. The Courts, meaning the regular
who has undergone the process civil courts, including the
and went through all the pillars of SANDIGANBAYAN and Special
the Criminal Justice System Criminal Courts, are under the
Supervision and control of
THE DIFFERENT NOMENCLATURES GIVEN Supreme Courts. Although, judges
TO THE PERSON WHO IS BEING PROCESSED of the Municipal Trial Courts,
UNDER THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: Municipal Circuit Trial Courts, at
1. At the police stage, during times are tasked to perform
investigation, he is referred to as executive functions when they
the SUSPECT. are conducting Preliminary
2. At the Prosecutors office, during Investigation which is primarily an
the determination of probable Executive function.
cause or during the Preliminary 4. The Correctional Institutions are either
Investigation, he is referred to as under the DOJ or DILG.
the RESPONDENT. - The Bureau of Prison or the
3. At the trial of the case, when a National Penitentiary is under the
case has been filed in Court, he is DOJ;
referred to as the ACCUSED. - By virtue of RA 6975, the Bureau
4. Once the Court has determined of Jail Management and
that the accused is guilty beyond Penology (BJMP) is in charge of
reasonable doubt as charged the City or Municipal Jails while
and the judgement has been the Provincial government is in
rendered, he is referred to as the charge of the Provincial jails. Both
CONVICT. are under the DILG.
5. It is only upon undergoing all the
process when the person has PURPOSES OR GOALS OF CRIMINAL
served the sentence when he can JUSTICE SYSTEM
really be considered as a 1. Primary goals
c. The judicial determination Constitution and applicable
of guilt or innocent of those statute.
d. The proper disposition of The equal protection clause in
those who have been essence declares that the state
legally found guilty. may not attempt to create or
e. The correction by socially enforce statutes against a person
approved means of the solely because of specific
behavior of those who characteristics such as race, age
violate the criminal law. or sex
f. The suppression of criminal
conduct by apprehending I. LAW ENFORCEMENT – The First Pillar in
offenders for whom the administration of the Criminal Justice
prevention is ineffective. System


JUSTUCE SYSTEM The Law Enforcement as the first
1. The Adversarial Approach pillar is considered to be the “initiator” or
The adversarial approach the “prime mover” of the Criminal Justice
assumes innocence. The System. It is considered as “the initiator of
prosecutor representing the State the actions” that other pillars must act
must prove the guilt. The upon to attain its goal or objective.
adversary approach requires that Examples of police initiating
the proper procedures are action:
followed, procedures designed to a. effecting an arrest
protect the rights of the accused. b. surveillance
The adversary system embodies c. crime investigation
the basic concept of equal
protection and due process. THE GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF THE LAW
These concepts are necessary in ENFORCEMENT IN RELATION TO THE
order to create a system in which ADMINISTRATION OF THE CJS
the accused has a fair chance a. To prevent criminal behavior.
against the tremendous powers of b. To reduce crime.
the prosecutors and the resources c. To apprehend and arrest
of the State. offenders.
2. The Inquisitorial approach: d. To protect the life and property.
The inquisitorial system assumes e. To regulate non-criminal conduct.
guilt; the accused must prove that
they are innocent. The inquisitorial PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE
approach places a greater - organized pursuant to RA 6975, as
emphasis on conviction rather amended by RA 8551
than on the process by which the
conviction is secured. PERTINENT LAWS ON PNP:
RA 6975 - “DILG Act of 1990” -
The philosophy adopted in our Criminal Approved on Dec 13, 1990
Justice System is the Adversarial RA 8551 - “PNP Reform and
Approach. Reorganization Act of 1998.
- Approved on
The concept of due process RA 9708 - “An Act extending for 5
means that those who are years the reglementary period for
accused of the crimes and those complying the minimum educational
who are processed through the qualification for appointment to the PNP
Article 16 of the 1987 Philippine bound to answer for the commission of
Constitution: an offense.

“The state shall establish and maintain IMPORTANCE OF ARREST IN THE

one police force which shall be national ADMINISTRATION OF CJS
in scope and civilian in character…” Arrest is important in the
-headed by the Chief, PNP, with the rank administration of Criminal Justice System
of Director General, appointed by the because if the accused is not arrested,
President and who shall serve a term of the court will not acquire jurisdiction over
office of four (4) years. his person unless the person voluntarily
surrenders himself to the authorities.
- means that the PNP is a nationwide
government organization whose
jurisdiction covers the entire breadth of
- all uniformed and non-uniformed Probable cause with respect to
personnel of the PNP are national arrest is such a fact and circumstances
government employees. which would lead a reasonably discreet
and prudent man to believe that an
CIVILIAN IN CHARACTER offense has been committed by the
- means that that the PNP is not a part of person sought to be arrested.
the military, although it retains some
military attributes such as discipline. SEARCH WARRANT
It is an order in writing issued in the
name of the people of the Philippines
NATIONAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION signed by the judge and directed to the
-The National Bureau of Investigation peace officer, commanding him to
(NBI) saw its inception on November 13, search for personal property and bring it
1936 upon before the court.
- approval of Commonwealth Act No.
181 by the legislature REQUISITIES FOR THE ISSUANCE OF
-Tasked with organizing a Division of WARRANT OF ARREST
Investigation or DI patterned after the A search warrant shall be issued
United States Federal Bureau of only upon (a) upon probable cause (b)
Investigation were Thomas Dugan, a in connection with one specific offense (
veteran American police captain from c) to be determined personally by the
the New York Police Department and judge (d) after examination under oath
Flaviano C. Guerrero, the only Filipino or affirmation of the complainant and
member of the United States Federal the witnesses he may produce and (e)
Bureau of Investigation. particularly describing the place to be
-On June 19, 1947, by virtue of Republic search and the thing to be seized.
Act No. 157, it was reorganized into the
Bureau of Investigation. Later, it was PERSONAL PROPERTY TO BE SEIZED
amended by Executive Order No. 94 a. Subject of the offense;
issued on October 4, 1947 renaming it to b. Stolen or embezzled and other
what it is presently known, the National proceeds, fruits of the offense; or
Bureau of Investigation (NBI). c. Use or intended to be used as the
-The NBI is a government entity that is means of the commission of the
civilian in character, and national in offense.
scope which is under the Department
The general rule in effecting an
Is an art, which deals with identity
EXCEPTION TO THE GENERAL RULE: and location of the offender and
The exception to the general rule provides evidence of his guilt in criminal
is provided by the Revise Rules on proceedings.
Criminal Procedures (Rule 113, Section 5)
Arrest without warrant; when lawful. – A
peace officer or a private person may, Republic Act No. 7438, April 27, 1992
without a warrant, arrest a person: AN ACT DEFINING CERTAIN RIGHTS
(a) When, in his presence, the person to OF PERSON ARRESTED, DETAINED OR
be arrested has committed, is actually UNDER CUSTODIAL INVESTIGATION AS
committing, or is attempting to commit WELL AS THE DUTIES OF THE ARRESTING,
(b) When an offense has just been OFFICERS, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES
committed and he has probable cause FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF.
to believe based on personal knowledge
of facts or circumstances that the person
to be arrested has committed it; and SOME OF THE EXAMPLES OF POLICE
(c) When the person to be arrested is a DISCRETION:
prisoner who has escaped from a penal a. Whether or not to enforce a
establishment or place where he is specific law;
serving final judgment or is temporarily b. Whether or not to conduct search
confined while his case is pending, or has of people or building
escaped while being transferred from c. Whether or not to effect an arrest;
one confinement to another. d. To determine what charges are to
be filed
AND SEIZURE: II. PROSECUTION – The second Pillar of the
Just like arrest, the general rule in Criminal Justice System
effecting a search and seizure is only by
virtue of a validly issued search and PROSECUTION AS A PILLAR OF THE CJS
warrant. The Prosecution as the pillar of the
CJS simply means “a criminal action”. A
The Reason: proceeding instituted and carried on by
a. For the protection of the searcher due course of law, before a competent
not to be charged of a crime of tribunal, for the purpose of determining
theft, robbery and the like; the guilt or innocence of a person
b. And for any civil and charged with a crime.
administrative liabilities It is also used to designate the
government as the party to the
EXCEPTIONS: proceeding in a criminal action.
a. Warrantless search incidental to a
b. Seizure of evidence in plain view PROSECUTION?
c. Search of a moving vehicle In the Philippines, the prosecutor is
d. Consented warrantless search the government officer, tasked to
e. Customs search conduct the prosecution of criminal
f. Stop and frisk search, and actions in court. The Revised Rules of
g. Exigent and emergency Court expressly provides that the
circumstances prosecution has the direction and
control of the case.
d. To act as a legal officer of the OTHERS OFFICERS AUTHORIZED BY LAW TO
province or City in the absence of CONDUCT PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION:
its legal officer; a. The Ombudsman and special
e. To investigate administrative prosecutor ad prosecutors duly
cases filed against State authorized by the Ombudsman
Prosecutors, Provincial with respect to cases under its
Prosecutors, including the support jurisdiction (ex. Anti-graft and
staff of the National Prosecution corrupt practices act.)
Service (NPS). b. The COMELEC with respect to
cases in violation of the Election
It is an inquiry or proceeding for c. Private Lawyers when duly
the purpose of determining whether deputized by any of the above.
there is sufficient ground to engender a
well founded belief that a crime has PROSECUTOR’S DISCRETION:
been committed and that the a. Whether or not to file the case in
respondent is probably guilty thereof, court;
and be held for trial (Section 1, Rule 112, b. What charges to file;
Rules of Court). c. Whether or not to decline to
prosecute the arrested party;
PURPOSES/OBJECTIVES OF PRELIMINARY d. Whether or not to enter into plea-
a. To determine whether a crime has
been committed and whether SOME OF THE REASONS FOR
there is probable cause to believe PROSECUTORIAL REJECTION OR
that the accused is guilty thereof; DISMISSAL OF SOME CRIMINAL CASES:
b. To secure the innocent against a. Insufficient evidence that results
hasty, malicious and oppressive from a failure to find sufficient
prosecution. physical evidence that links the
c. To protect the State from useless defendant to the offense.
and expensive trials. b. Witness problem that arise for
example, when a witness fails to
CAN THERE BE PRELIMINARY appear, gives unclear or
INVESTIGATION? inconsistent statements, is
Preliminary Investigation is reluctant to testify, is unsure of
required to be conducted before the identity of the offender.
filing of the Complaint or Information for c. Due Process Problems that
an offense where the penalty prescribed involves the violations of the
by law is at least four (4) years, two (2) Constitutional requirements for
months and one (1) day without regard seizing evidence and for the
to the fine. questioning of the accused.

INQUEST- shall refer to an informal REMEDY AVAILABLE SHOULD THE

and summary investigation conducted PROSECUTOR WITHOUT JUST CAUSE
by a public prosecutor in criminal cases DECLINE TO PROSECUTE A CRIME:
involving persons arrested and detained a. File a motion for consideration
without the benefit of a warrant issued by b. File an administrative case
the court for the purpose of determining against the Prosecutor;
whether or not said person should c. File a civil case against the
remain under the custody and Prosecutor;
correspondingly charged in court. d. File a criminal case against the
have not violated the rights of the future criminal acts by the offender and
accused; also serve as an example and deterrent
2. To determine by all legal means to others who would commit criminal
whether a person is guilty of a acts or threaten public safety.
crime – review all the evidences
presented by the police to JURISDICTION
determine its relevance and It is the authority of the court to
admissibility in accordance with hear and try a particular offense and to
the Constitution and the rules of impose the punishment provided by law.
3. To dispose properly of those VENUE
convicted of the crimes – the Refers to the place, location or
Courts have the responsibility to site where the case is to be heard on its
examine the background of the merits.
accused and the circumstances
of the crime; DIFFERENT COURTS
4. To protect the society – after the 1. Municipal Trial Court/Municipal
accused has been found guilty, Circuit Trial Court/Metropolitan Trial Court
the court may determine if the Original Jurisdiction: (a) all
offender should be removed from violations of city and Municipal
society and incarcerated in order ordinances, (b) all offenses punishable
to protect the safety of life and with imprisonment not exceeding six (6)
property and this is specially in years irrespective of the amount of fine,
case of Probation; (c) damage to property through criminal
5. To prevent and reduce criminal negligence;
behavior –this is the task properly 2. Regional Trial Court (RTC)
imposing the proper penalty and Original Jurisdiction: (a) those
sanctions that will serve to deter which carry the penalties exceeding six
the future criminal acts by the (6) years of imprisonment, (b) those not
offender an also serve as an covered by the jurisdiction of the
example and deterrent to others Sandiganbayan.
who would commit criminal acts 3. Sandiganbayan
or threaten public safety. Original Jurisdiction: Violations of
RA 3019 (Anti-graft and Corrupt
RELATION TO THE CJS Chapter II, Section 2 Title VII, f Book
1. To protect the rights of the accused. II of the RPC.
The courts are responsible for the 1. officials of the executive branch
reviewing the actions of law of the government occupying the
enforcement agencies to ensure that positions of regional director and
the police have not violated the rights of higher, otherwise classified as
the accused. Grade 27 and higher.
2. To determine by all legal means 2. Phillipine Army and Air force
whether a person is guilty of a crime. colonels, naval captain and all
Review all the evidences presented by officers of higher rank.
the police to determine its relevance 3. Officer f the PNP (provincial
and admissibility in accordance with the director and those holding the
Constitution and the rules of court. rank of senior superintendent or
3. To dispose properly of those convicted higher
of the crimes. The Courts have the 4. Court of Appeals.
responsibility to examine the Appellate jurisdiction: Decisions
background of the accused and the or judgements of the RTC
circumstances of the crime. 5. Supreme Court
d. To convict or to acquit the As a rule, this right is only granted
accused; to the convicted offender. However, the
e. To revoke probation or suspended Supreme Court in one of its landmark
sentence. decision held that the right to appeal
shall not be denied to the government
ARRAIGNMENT prosecutor when proper.
It is the stage where the issues are
joined in criminal action and without IV. CORRECTIONS –The fourth pillar of the
which the proceedings cannot advance CJS
further. Corrections – deals with
It is the stage of the proceedings punishment, treatment and
whereby the accused shall be informed incarceration of offenders.
of his/her constitutional right to be Corrections as the fourth pillar
(officially) informed of the nature and the takes over the criminal treatment once
cause of the accusation against him and the accused, after having been found
to ask him of his plea. guilty, is meted out the penalty for the
crime he committed. He can apply for
JUDGEMENT probation or he could be turned over to
It is the adjudication by the court a non – institutional or institutional
that the accused is guilty or not of the agency or facility for custodial treatment
offense charged and the imposition on and rehabilitation.
him of the proper penalty and civil
liability, if any. It must be written in the GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF CORRECTIONS
official language, personally and directly IN RELATION TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF
prepared by the judge and signed by CJS
him and shall contain clearly and 1. To maintain the institutions – the
distinctly a statement of the facts and correctional component is
the law upon which is based. responsible for maintaining
prisons, jails and other institutional
PROMULGATION OF JUDGMENT facilities to receive convicted
The judgment is promulgated by offenders sentence to periods of
reading it in the presence of the incarceration.
accused and any judge of the court in 2. To protect law abiding members
which it was rendered. However, if the of society – Corrections custody
conviction is for a light offense, the and security in order to keep
judgment may be pronounced in the sentenced offenders removed
presence of his counsel or from the free world so that they
representative. When the judge is absent cannot commit further crimes on
or outside the province or city, the society.
judgment may be promulgated by the 3. To reform offenders – It is
clerk of court. responsible for developing and
providing services to assist
WEIGHT OF THE EVIDENCE REQUIRED IN incarcerated offenders to reform
ORDER TO CONVICT THE ACCUSED and assist them in returning to
The weight of the evidence society and in leading a non-
required in order to convict an accused criminal life after his/her release.
is “Proof beyond reasonable doubt” 4. To deter crimes – It is responsible
for encouraging incarcerated
ACQUITTAL and potential offenders to lead
It is a finding of not guilty based on law-abiding lives the experience
the merits. Meaning, the accused is of incarceration and the denial of
acquitted because the evidence does freedom to live in a free society.
not show that his guilt is beyond
accused for custody or detention only, in 6. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
which case the court issues a – established in Southern
COMMITMENT ORDER. Zamboanga on August 21, 1870
through a royal decree
promulgated in 1869. Considered
the oldest penal facility in the
country. Originally established for
persons convicted of political
MITTIMUS crimes. It was here in Dapitan
It is a warrant issued by a court Zamboanga where Dr. Jose Rizal
bearing its seal and the signature of the was incarcerated.
judge directing the jail or prison 7. Davao Penal Colony – located in
authorities to receive the convicted Davao Del Norte, the first penal
offender for service of sentence. settlement founded and
organized under Filipino
COMMITMENT ORDER administration. It was formally
It is a written order of a court or established on January 21, 1932
authority consigning a person to jail or by virtue of Act No. 3732.
prison for detention.
1. Deterrence. 1. Institutional Corrections Agencies
2. Rehabilitation. a. Bureau of Corrections – an
3. Reintegration agency under the Department of
4. Isolation and Incapacitation. Justice (DOJ) that is charged with
5. Punishment. custody and rehabilitation of
national offenders, that is, those
IN THE PHILIPPINES: imprisonment of more than three
1. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm – (3) years. It exercises control and
located in Occidental Mindoro. supervision of all the
Established on September 26, corrections/prisons facilities
1954 by virtue of Presidential nationwide.
Proclamation No. 72.
It is the youngest colony of the b. Provincial Jails – a jail for the
bureau. safekeeping of prisoners at the
2. Leyte Regional Prison – situated in capital of each province, and in
Abuyog, Southern Leyte, the absence of special provision
established a year after all expenses incident to the
declaration of Martial law in 1972. maintenance thereof and of
3. New Bilibid Prison – located in maintaining prisoners are borne
Muntinlupa, it was officially by the province.
named New Bilibid Prison on
January 22, 141. c. Bureau of Jail Management and
4. Correctional Institution for Penology (BJMP) – created by
Women – located at virtue of Republic Act 6975,
Mandaluyong City. Philippine exercise supervision and control
Legislature passed Republic Act over all district, city and municipal
3579 in November 1929 which jail nationwide. Formally
authorize the transfer of all established on January 2, 1991.
women inmates from Old Bilibid
1931, the women prisoners were 1. Detention Prisoners
2.1 Municipal Jail Prisoner – age or under at the time of
sentenced to serve a prison term the commission of the
for 1 day to 6 months. offense shall be exempt
2.2 City Jail Prisoner – from criminal liability.
sentenced to serve imprisonment However, the child shall be
for 1 day to 3 years subjected to an
2.3 Provincial Jail – sentenced intervention program
to 6 months one day to 3 years pursuant to Section 20 of
2.4 National or insular Prisoners this Act.
– Sentenced to 3 years 1 A child above fifteen (15)
day to Reclusion Perpetua years but below eighteen
or Life Imprisonment. (18) years of age shall
2. Non – Institutional Correctional likewise be exempt from
Agencies criminal liability and be
a. Parole and Probation subjected to an
Administration – an attached intervention program,
agency of the DOJ which unless he/she has acted
provides a less costly alternative with discernment, in which
to imprisonment of offenders who case, such child shall be
are likely to respond to subjected to the
individualized community based appropriate proceedings
treatment programs. Headed by in accordance with this
an Administrator Act.
- Handles the investigation The exemption from
of petitioners for probation, and criminal liability herein
the supervision of probationers, established does not
parolees and conditional include exemption from
pardonees. civil liability, which shall be
b. Board of Pardons and Parole –the enforced in accordance
administrative arm of the with existing laws.
President of the Philippines in the
exercise of his constitutional
power to grant, except in cases of
impeachment, pardon, reprieve
and amnesty after conviction by
final judgment.
Act 4103, otherwise
known as Indeterminate PROBATION
Sentence Law, took effect - Is a disposition under which a
on December 4, 1933, defendant after conviction and
created the Board of sentence, is released subject to
Indeterminate Sentence. conditions imposed by the court
Amended by and under the supervision of a
Executive Order No. 83, probation officer.
Series of 1937, renamed - Is a privilege granted by the court
the Board of Indeterminate to a person convicted of a
Sentence to Board of criminal offense to remain in the
Pardons. community instead of actually
Amended by going to prison.
Executive Order No. 94,
abolished the Board of PARDON
Pardons and created the Is an act of grace proceeding from the
a. Absolute Pardon – when the The citizens can achieve these roles:
convict is release without any a. identifying offenders;
condition; b. giving data about the illegal
b. Conditional Pardon – when the activities and cohorts of the
release of the convict is subject to criminals, and the proliferation of
certain conditions that the organized crimes and syndicates;
pardonee must comply with c. volunteering as witnesses;
strictly. Otherwise, such pardon d. adopting precautionary and
will be revoked, because pardon remedial measures to diminish
is a contract with the convict may crime.
or may not accept, but once As had been pointed out, crime
accepted, he has to abide with prevention is not the sole responsibility of
the conditions prescribed. the police but is equally the concern of
every citizen in order to have a peaceful
PAROLE place to live in.[
Is a procedure by which prisoners
are selected for release on the basis of Examples of Community participation in
the individual response to the the Administration of
correctional institution and the service Criminal Justice in our
progress and by which they are provided setting
with the necessary controls and a. They are the following:
guidance as they serve the remainder of 1. The growing interest in the rights
their sentences within the free and welfare of the victim
community. as shown by the
government with the
ELEMENTS OF PAROLE cooperation of community
a. That the offender is convicted; leaders. Accordingly, R.A.
b. That he serves part of his sentence No. 6981, otherwise known
in prison; as the “Witness protection
c. That he is released before the full and Security Act” was
expiration of his sentence; passed and approved on
d. That said release is conditional, April 24, 1991.
and This is to encourage the citizenry
e. That he remains on parole until the to participate in the Criminal Justice
expiration of his maximum System by helping the government and
sentence. The community in dealing with crime and
Is a general pardon extended to The Creation of Police-Community
a group of prisoners and exercised by Relations
the President of the Philippines with the R.A. 6975, created this unit in order to
concurrence of Congress. The recipients implement plans and
are usually political offenders. programs that will promote
community and citizens’
V. COMMUNITY – The fifth pillar of the CJS participation in the
Role of the Community as the fifth maintenance of peace
pillar of the Criminal Justice and order and public
System. safety.[2] It was created to
- the community is understood to establish harmonious
mean as “ elements that are relationship between the
mobilized and energized to help police and the citizen. The
authorities in effectively community involvement in
addressing the law and order the criminal justice system is
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE KATARUNGANG 8) What shall be the composition of
PAMBARANGAY the Pangkat?
PD 1293 – the law “CREATING A It shall be composed of three (3)
KATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAY members chosen from the
COMMISSION TO STUDY THE FEASIBILITY members of the Lupon. They shall
OF RESOLVING DISPUTES AT THE choose from among the three of
BARANGAY LEVEL them the Pangkat Chairman and
- promulgated on 27 January Pangkat Secretary.
1978 9) When shall the Pangkat be
PD 1508 – the law “ESTABLISHING A The Pangkat shall be constituted
SYSTEM OF AMICABLY SETTLING DISPUTES whenever a dispute is brought before
RA 7160 – otherwise known as the 10) Who shall appoint the members of
- provides for the REVISED The members of the Pangkat shall
KATARUNGANG be chosen by the parties of the
PAMBARANGAY LAW dispute from among the Lupon
- enacted on 10 October 1991 members. In case of
Q & A: disagreement, the Barangay
1) What is LUPONG Chairman shall draw lots.
It is a body of men created to 11) What matters fall under the
settle disputes within the jurisdiction of the Lupon?
barangay level. It is also referred a) those involving offenses
to as the LUPON. that are punishable by
2) What shall be the composition of the imprisonment of
the Lupon? one year and below, or
The Lupon shall be composed of a fine in the amount of
the Barangay Chairman as five thousand pesos
Chairman of the Lupon and the and below;
Barangay Secretary as the b) those involving parties
Secretary of the Lupon, plus other that actually reside or
members who shall be not less work in the same
than ten (10) but not more than barangay;
twenty (20). c) those involving marital
3) Who are qualified to become and family disputes;
members of the Lupon? d) those involving minor
Any resident of the barangay of disputes between
reputable character may be neighbors;
appointed as member of the e) those involving real
Lupon. Members of the Lupon properties located in
shall be appointed by the the barangay;
Barangay Chairman. 12) Where shall be the venue for
4) When shall the Lupon be amicable settlement?
constituted? a) disputes between persons
The Lupon shall be constituted actually residing in the
every three years. same barangay shall be
5) What is the term of office of a brought for amicable
Lupon member? settlement before the
A Lupon member shall serve for a Lupon of said barangay;
period of three years. b) those involving actual
6) What is the basic function of the residents of different
d) those arising at the 6) Why should parties resort to
workplace where the amicable settlement before going to the
contending parties are police?
employed or at the Because it is a pre-condition to
institution where such filing of complaint in court:
parties are enrolled for “No complaint involving
study shall be brought in any matter within the authority of
the barangay where such the Lupon shall be filed directly in
workplace or institution is court unless there has been a
located. confrontation between the
parties before the Chairman or
1) Who may initiate proceedings? conciliation or settlement has
Any individual who has a cause of been reached as certified by the
action against another individual Secretary, or unless the settlement
involving any matter within the authority has been repudiated by the
of the Lupon may complain, orally or in parties.”
writing, to the Lupon. 7) What shall be the effect of the
amicable settlement?
COMPLAINANT – the person who filed The amicable settlement shall
the complaint against the respondent have the force and effect of a final
judgment of a court upon the
RESPONDENT – the person who is being expiration of ten (10) days from
complained of the date of settlement.

CAUSE OF ACTION – an act or omission of

one party in violation of the legal rights of
another for which the latter suffers
damage which affords a party to a right
to judicial intervention

2) What shall the Chairman do upon

receipt of the complaint?
The Chairman shall meet with the
respondent and complainant
and mediate. If he fails in his
mediation within fifteen (15) days,
he shall set a date for the
constitution of the Pangkat.


process whereby disputants are
persuaded by the Punong Barangay or
Pangkat to amicably settle their disputes

3) What shall the Pangkat do after its

The Pangkat shall meet not later
than three (3) days after their
constitution, on the date set by
the Chairman, to hear both
4) Within how may days should the

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