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Learning Process of Machines

Saishree Vineeth

What is Machine Learning?

• Definition: Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of artificial

intelligence that enables systems to learn and improve from
experience without being explicitly programmed
• Basic Concept: Uses algorithms to find patterns in data and make
decisions or predictions based on that data
• Real-life Examples:
• Recommendations on Netflix and Amazon
• Voice assistants like Siri and Alexa
• Self-driving cars

Types of Machine Learning

• Supervised Learning: Training a model on

labeled data (e.g., email spam detection)

• Unsupervised Learning: Finding patterns

in unlabeled data (e.g., customer

• Reinforcement Learning: Learning

through trial and error (e.g., game playing

How Does Machine Learning Work?

• Data Collection: Gathering data

relevant to the problem
• Data Preparation: Cleaning and
formatting the data
• Model Training: Using algorithms to
learn from the data
• Model Evaluation: Testing the model
to see how well it performs
• Model Deployment: Using the model
in real-world applications

Applications of Machine Learning

• Healthcare: Diagnosing diseases,

personalized treatment plans
• Finance: Fraud detection, stock
market prediction
• Education: Personalized
learning, grading automation
• Entertainment: Content
recommendation, game

Future of Machine Learning

• Trends:
• Increasing use of AI in everyday life
• Advances in natural language processing
and computer vision
• Ethical considerations and the need for
explainable AI

• Challenges:
• Data privacy and security
• Ensuring fairness and avoiding bias

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