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Due No due date Points 10 Questions 10 Time Limit None

Allowed Attempts Unlimited

Welcome to the Prerequisite Quiz (PRQ01). This is a compulsory quiz that must be completed before
the PCOQ will be unlocked.

You will need to score 100% before you will be allowed to access the PCOQ for your course.

No time limit is imposed when you commence the PRQ01.

After completing the quiz, the correct answer and the explanation for each answer will be shown. If you
get any answer wrong, you will be able to attempt the quiz again.

You will have an unlimited number of attempts to attain 100% for the quiz.

Plan ahead so you can attempt and successfully submit both the PRQ01 and the course PCOQ in
advance of the PCOQ deadline. If you miss the PCOQ deadline, you will be withdrawn from the course.

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Attempt History
Attempt Time Score
LATEST Attempt 1 9 minutes 9 out of 10

Score for this attempt: 9 out of 10

Submitted Jan 9 at 4:12pm
This attempt took 9 minutes.

Question 1 1 / 1 pts
Penalties for ghost writing can be applied _____________________.

to non-SUSS students who engaged in this service

only to the ghost writer

Correct! even after the term has been completed in SUSS

All of the listed options

Penalty is applied to SUSS students who have engaged

ghostwriting agencies or another entity to generate work to be
submitted to a course. A student who uses a ghostwriter to write or
rewrite their assignment will fail the assignment and possibly the
course. If this is a repeat offence, the student risks being expelled.

Penalties for ghostwriting can also be applied after the term has
been completed. Since

ghostwriting services reuse assignments – even if they promise

original content – students can

be flagged for ghostwriting after the assignment has been

submitted and marked.

Question 2 1 / 1 pts

Which of the following circumstances will NOT be eligible for a late

penalty waiver?

I. Hospitalisation due to major illness of the student

II. Pregnancy related medical conditions
III. Care to student’s children due to hospitalisation
IV. Assignment submission was submitted during the grace period and
ran into technical issues
V. Death of student’s immediate family members (i.e., Spouse/ siblings/
children/ parent/ parent-in-law/ grandparent/ grandparent-in-law)

II., III. and V. only

I. only

Correct! IV. only

None of the above

Besides the reasons stated in the Student Handbook, no other

circumstances will be considered for a late penalty waiver. Please
see paragraph 1.8.3 in section 5.2 Academic Matters, subsection
on Assessment and Examinations Regulations of the student
handbook for more information.

Students should submit their assignments by the assignment

deadline, not the grace period. The grace period is meant to create
a buffer for technical difficulties for students who submit their
assignment before or on the deadline of the assignment. For
technical difficulties to be recognised as genuine grounds for
consideration, they must be acknowledged, registered and rectified
by campus IT. Without these technical reports, 10 marks will be
automatically deducted via the grade-book system for each 24-
hour block after the assignment submission deadline.

Question 3 1 / 1 pts
What should you do if you wish to withdraw from a SUSS Core

Approach your instructor for advice on the withdrawal process.

Approach your School's (e.g., School of Business, etc.) admin officers for
advice on the withdrawal process.

Correct! Approach Student Services for advice on the withdrawal process.

Approach CL admin for advice on the withdrawal process.

Students who wish to withdraw from any SUSS Core course

should approach Student Services for advice regarding the
withdrawal process and conditions for withdrawal.

Question 4 1 / 1 pts

Which of the following Turnitin similarity index is the threshold for


I. 10% to 19%
II. 20% to 29%
III. Above 30%
IV. Below 10%
V. None of the above
VI. All of the above

I. and II.

II. and IV.

Correct! V.

Plagiarism is not all about the Turnitin similarity index. There is no

threshold for plagiarism to be committed. A student can commit
plagiarism with a low or high Turnitin similarity index. Plagiarism
results from incorrect, incomplete, or missing citations, and/or
copying of text, images, diagrams, or ideas from another source
without attribution.

Question 5 1 / 1 pts

Which sentence below describes group work bullying?

The group members occasionally ignore or disregard a particular

member’s contributions with valid reason.

One group member ignores and dismisses a particular member’s

contributions with valid reason.

The group members consistently ignore or disregard a particular member’s
contributions without valid reason.

One group member ignores and dismisses a particular member’s

contributions without valid reason.
Bullying can take the form of group members constantly dismissing
or disregarding a particular member’s contributions without good

Question 6 0 / 1 pts

Which words below do not describe CL’s group-based assignment?

ou Answered Responsible for one another’s work

Team work

Exchange ideas

orrect Answer Non-peer-learning process

When working on a group-based assignment, students work in a

team to discuss and exchange ideas as a part of the peer-
learning process. Each group member should be responsive to
and responsible for the group’s needs, and contribute sufficiently
to the group-based assignments in order to be qualified as part of
the group.

Question 7 1 / 1 pts

Which sentence below is correct and accurate regarding

submissions and deadlines?
There is no automatic late penalty for late submission.

Hospitalisation due to major illness of the student is not a consideration of

a waiver of the late penalty.

If someone gets exemptions for late submission of an assignment, he/she

does not need to appeal against the mark deduction and does not need to
pay an administrative fee.

Correct! There is strictly no extension of assignment deadlines.

Students should adhere strictly to course and assignment
deadlines as there is strictly no extension of assignment
deadlines. Any late submissions after the deadline will
automatically incur a late penalty.

SUSS policy lists the following circumstances for consideration of

a waiver of the late penalty (See Paragraph 1.8.3 in section 5.2
Academic Matters, subsection on Assessment and Examinations
Regulations of the student handbook):
1. Hospitalisation due to major illness of the student;
2. Death of student’s immediate family members (i.e., Spouse/
siblings/ children/ parent/ parent-in-law/ grandparent/
3. Care to student’s children due to hospitalisation;
4. Pregnancy related medical conditions.

Even if the above circumstances exist, the exemption does not

apply automatically. You will have to appeal against the mark
deduction by submitting an online Application for Mark Deduction
Appeal via e-services on the Student Portal. In addition, you will
have to pay an administrative fee of $64.20 which will not be
refunded regardless of the outcome of the appeal. There are no
other circumstances aside from the above for consideration of a
waiver of the late penalty.

Question 8 1 / 1 pts

Which of the following statements about penalties on ghostwriting

assignments is false?

Repeat offenders risk being expelled.

Students can be flagged for ghostwriting after the assignment has been
submitted and marked.

Penalties for ghostwriting can be applied after the term has been

All students who use a ghostwriter to write or rewrite their assignment will
fail the assignment but not the course.

Penalties for students who have engaged ghostwriters can be

applied even after the term has ended, and after the assignment
has been submitted and marked. Students who use a ghostwriter
to write or rewrite their assignment will fail the assignment and
possibly the course. They may also risk being expelled if they are
repeat offenders.

Question 9 1 / 1 pts

Which sentence below can be considered as plagiarism?

Copying another person’s idea with proper in-text citations and references.

Summarising another person’s work on purpose, providing in-text citations

and references.
Copying another person’s work on purpose, no in-text citations and no
end-text reference.

Using quotation marks to quote directly one sentence from another

person’s work, providing proper in-text citations and references.

Plagiarism refers to using someone else’s work or ideas and

passing them off as your own whether on purpose or by accident.
It is your responsibility to make sure you are responsible with your
research and cite other people’s work and ideas.

Any chunk of unquoted text which is sufficiently similar to some

other text will be investigated for plagiarism. This will be the case
even if the overall similarity index of the essay is low. Copying
ideas, and not just sentences or phrases, without citing them is
also considered plagiarism. If you use another source’s ideas,
reasoning, or argument, you must provide citations.

Question 10 1 / 1 pts

Complete the following statement: For a group-based assignment

(GBA), ____________________________.

I. group members should work together to articulate and discuss ideas,

and complete the tasks assigned to the group and individual members
in a cooperative and timely manner
II. group members who are busy with other commitments can be
excused from working on the assignment as there are other members
who can work on it
III. students who cannot form a group can work on and submit the
assignment alone

I., II. and III

II. and III. only

I. and II. only

Correct! I. only

When working on a group-based assignment, students work in a

team to discuss and exchange ideas for peer-learning. These
exchanges are meant to ensure that students acquire
communication skills identified by SkillsFuture as essential for
employability, and which are captured in the University’s enhanced
transcript when students take any SUSS Core courses. Thus, each
member of the group should be responsive to and responsible for
the group’s needs, and contribute sufficiently to the group-based
assignments to be qualified as part of the group. What qualifies as
sufficient contribution to the group-based assignments should be
decided by everyone in the group at their first meeting.

Quiz Score: 9 out of 10

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