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..FAIE61075 – HO VIET TRUNG - 18/6/24..

Speaking- Wh-question
 Knowledge:
 6.0 : ( * chú ý phần in đậm )
- Fluency & coherence:
+ có độ dài nhất định
+ vẫn còn thiếu mạch lạc
+ còn tình trạng tự sửa lỗi Eg: yesterday i go…. Oh wait yesterday i
+ use sm common discourse marker:

..FAIE61075 – HO VIET TRUNG - 18/6/24..

- Lexical resource:
+) có đủ vốn từ để thảo luận đủ dài và làm rõ nghĩa
+) có khả năng paraphrases
 Dislike :
+ i dislike
+ i hate
+ i am not interested in
 Like:
+ i adore
+ i prefer A to B
+ i am fond of
+ i am into
Q: Where do you live?
A: I live in HaiPhong city => just 3.0
( SD Wh-question để mở rộng ý )
 How long: ….
 What ( do you like ): …
 Why: …
Q: What can pp do for fun
A: There are alot of activity that you can join/ take part in in this city. I I
suggest you (list)
+ local food
+ hiking
+ enjoy beach
+ hiking
-> (where)
Q: would you like to move to another place in future?
A: I have no intention to ( have no plan ) move to another city

..FAIE61075 – HO VIET TRUNG - 18/6/24..

because I love my city very much ( Why ). This place has a lot of green
trees and parks where I can enjoy many outdoor activities. Moreover,
this place also has many high-rise buildings with many services such as
shopping, cinema, and beauty treatments at prices more friendly than
other cities such as Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
// I may find it is hard to ( make new friends, adapt/adjust to new… )
Q: what kind of clothes do u like to wearing?
 Who : i am a teen girl….
When : i think it is depend on the seasons…
+) when i was a child - now…
Where : daily / events....
- Bund up : mặc ấm/ kín
- Put on: mặc
- Formal clothes : quần áo lịch sự
What : i prefer…..
Why : As i feel so comfortable and pretty
How often do you go clothes shopping?
(Why) Eg: to be honest, I am a shopaholic so i can spend hours to go
window shopping then i would save monney for months and i got it.
- Shopping spree : mua sắm bạt mạng
- Out of fashion : lỗi thời
- Worn out : không còn vừa
- Mix and match: phối đồ
- Feel comfortable wearing….
(where) : shop fashion…
Do you prefer to go shopping for clothes alone or with someone else?
Who : i love go shopping with my bestie
Why: enjoy the time shopping with her, it is make me feel happy
and no lonely anymore


..FAIE61075 – HO VIET TRUNG - 18/6/24..

..FAIE61075 – HO VIET TRUNG - 18/6/24..

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