Bethel Science STD 1

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Bethel academy Tuition center

Mid term exams Science STD 1


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1. During winter season we wear….....

a. Vest
b. Jackets
c. Shorts
2. Living things that lives in trees include…….
a. Boys
b. Birds
c. Tables
3. Living things that lives on the land include…….
a. Chairs
b. Cat
c. Jerseys
4. …………… is an example of non-living things
a. Boy
b. Tree
c. Table
5. I smell with my nose.( True / false )
6. Living things breath. ( True / false )
7. I brush my teeth with comb.( True / false )
8. Hygiene is taking care of my body. ( True / false )
9. There are ……… sky objects
a. 1
b. 3
c. 4
10. The sun can be seen ……..
a. At night
b. During the day
c. In rain
11. Draw 2 sky objects
a. Moon sun
12. I see …… at night
a. Sun
b. Stars
c. Trees
13. Wet is a wet substance that can be poured and it can flow.( True / false)
14. We can get water from ….
a. Tap
b. Stars
c. School
15. Rain is a source of water. ( True / false )
16. Give 3 uses of water
a. ………….
b. ……………
c. ……………….
17. Give 1 property of water
a. Water is round in shape
b. Water flows
c. Water is pink in color
18. Water has no taste. ( True/false )
19. Water can be stored in a cut.( True/ false)
20. How do we save water
a. By drinking using hands
b. By playing with tap
c. By drinking using a cup
21. Water tank can be used to store water. (True/false)
22. Animals and plants gives us food. (True/false)
23. ………… us milk and meat
a. Chicken and cow
b. Apple and goat
c. Goat and cow
24. We get phane from donkeys.(True / false)

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