Sounds - English Unit 19

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Unit 19 transcriptions

Task 1

| ɪkˈskjuːz miː | ɪz ðɪs ðə bleɪdn treɪn |

nəʊ | aɪm əˈfreɪd juv dʒəs mɪst ðə bleɪdn treɪn | ɪt went ət twelv əʊ θriː |

bət ɪts ˈəʊni twelv əˈklɒk naʊ | lʊk ət ðə ˈklɒk |

nəʊ | ðət ˈklɒks θriː ˈmɪnɪts sləʊ |

aɪv ˈɡɒt ə dʒɒb wɪð ðə ˌbiːbiːˈsiː |

ðə ˈbrɪtɪʃ ˈbrɔːdkɑːstɪŋ ˌkɔːpəˈreɪʃn̩ |

nəʊ | ðə ˈbraɪtn̩ brʌʃ ˈkʌmpəni |

ˈaɪ ˈdɪdnt sliːp ˈveri wel lɑːst naɪt |

wəz jə breɪn fʊl əv ˈbrɪlɪənt aɪˈdɪəz |

nəʊ | ðə wə ˈbredkrʌmz ɪn ðə ˈblæŋkɪts |

Task 2

ˈaɪ wəz stʌŋ ɒn ðə rɪst ba: ə wɒsp | ˈaɪ skriːmd |

ˈaɪ slɪpt daʊn ðə steps ən spreɪnd ma: ˈæŋkl ̩ |

wi həd ə ˈpʌŋktʃə | ənd ˈa:ə speə wiːl wəz flæt |

ˈaɪ stretʃt ʌp tə ʃʌt ə ˈwɪndəʊ | ən streɪnd maɪˈself |

ə θiːf snætʃt maɪ bæɡ ɪn ðə striːt |

| ə ˈpleɪs weə ˈtʃɪldrən ɡəʊ tə ˈstʌdi ɪz ə skuːl |

tə slaɪd ˈəʊvər aɪs | ˈweərɪŋ ə bleɪd ˈʌndə jə fʊt ɪz tə skeɪt |

tə slaɪd ˈəʊvə snəʊ | ˈweərɪŋ ə ˈlɒŋ strɪp əv ˈmetl ̩ ˈʌndə jə fʊt iz tə skiː |

ˈfrəʊzən ˈwɔːtə ˈveɪprɪz snəʊ |

tə rest | ʌnˈkɒnʃəs | wɪð ði aɪz kləʊzd ɪz tə sliːp |

ə θɪn | flæt piːs əv bred ɪz ə slaɪs |

Task 3

| waɪ dɪd ðə ˈfa:ə brɪˈɡeɪd kʌm ɒn ˈfraɪdi |

ˈaɪ wəz ˈkʊkɪŋ ˈfrɪtəz |

ˈwɒt ə ˈfrɪtəz |

ˈpiːsɪz əv fruːt | rəʊld ɪn ˈfla:ə | ənd diːp fraɪd |

ənd dɪd ðə ˈfa:əmən kʌm tə lʌnʃ |

nəʊ | əz ˈaɪ wəz ˈfra:ɪŋ ðə ˈfrɪtəz | sʌdn̩ li ðə wəz ə flæʃ | ənd fleɪmz frəm ðə ˈfra:ɪŋ pæn | ˈsəʊ ˈaɪ ʃriːkt
| ənd θruː ðə ˈfrɪtəz ɒn ðə flɔː | ən ræŋ fə ðə ˈfa:ə brɪˈɡeɪd |

| ˈsplendɪd ˈkrɪkɪt mætʃ |

huː wʌn |

wi: dɪd | ˈʃrɒpʃə ˈniːdɪd θriː rʌnz tə wɪn | ʃrɪmptn hɪt ðə bɔːl |

ˈfletʃə traɪd tə kætʃ ɪt | bət ɪt slɪpt θruː ɪz ˈfɪŋɡəz |

| əʊ nəʊ | ˈsəʊ ʃrɪmtn ˈɡɒt ɪz θriː rʌnz | ˈaɪ sˈpəʊz |

nəʊ | θrʌʃ wəz dʒəs bɪˈhaɪnd ˈfletʃə | hi flʌŋ ɪmˈself ˈfɔːwəd | |

ən i ˈkɔːt ðə bɔːl |

nəʊ | bət i pɪkt ɪt ʌp | ən θruː ɪt | ən ʃrɪmtn wəz aʊt |

ˈwɒt ə ˈθrɪlɪŋ ˈendɪŋ |

Task 4

| ˈwɒt ə ju ˈduːɪŋ ɒn ˈtjuːzdi |

aɪm ˈɡɜ:ɪŋ tu ə pleɪ baɪ dʒeɪ biː ˈpriːstli |

wɒts ɪt kɔːld |

ən ɪnˈspektə kɔːlz |
Consonant clusters 1 79

- beginning of words
T ASK 1 Say clusters with jp, b, t, d, k, gj followed by jw, r, 1, jj
~ 1.1 Listen, and repeat.

DESTI"AT'O~·~~r~~~·TIME .: . :. .•
. .. .
... ..!. . ..
. . ',.
; z • : .M .
. . ". .'. .. 4 !:.:.~: .. :: .' ";'.
.. ". ',' ,,',',

t .s" ',' ; .
. . . . " ,' ... '

A: The train for Bladon leaves from Platform 1.

B: Meet me under the clock.
Now make similar conversations about these places .

. .- . '. ':.'. .

.. "

~ 1.28 Listen, and practise this conversation.

A: Excuse me, is this the Bladon train?
B: No, I'm afraid you've just missed the Bladon train. It went at 12.03.
A: But it's only twelve o'clock now. Look at the clock.
B: No, that clock's three minutes slow.

1.2b Make similar conversations about the trains shown in 1.1.

80 Unit 19

ITI] 1.3 Listen, and practise these conversations.

A: I've got a job with the BBC.
B: The British Broadcasting Corporation?
A: No, the Brighton Brush Company.

A: I didn't sleep very well last night.

B: Was your brain full of brilliant ideas?
A: No, there were breadcrumbs in the blankets.

T ASK 2 Say clusters beginning with Isl

ITI] 2.1 Listen, and practise describing thes~problems.
I was stung on the wrist by a wasp. I screamed.
I slipped down the steps and sprained my ankle.
We had a puncture, and our spare wheel was flat.
I stretched up to shut a window, and strained myself.
A thief snatched my bag in the street.

2.2 Quiz. Which English words, beginning with's', are defined like this?
1 a place where children go to study
2 to slide over ice, wearing a blade under your foot
3 to slide over snow, wearing a long strip of metal under your foot
4 frozen water vapour
5 to rest, unconscious, with the eyes closed
6 a thin, flat piece of e.g. bread
7 a country situated to the north of England
If you need help, look at the words on the next page.

T ASK 3 Say clusters with If, e, SI

ITI] 3.1 Listen, and practise this conversation.
A: Why did the Fire Brigade come on Friday?
B: I was cooking fritters.
A: What are fritters?
B: Pieces offruit, rolled in flour, and deep fried.
A: And did the firemen come to lunch?
B: No. As I was frying the fritters, suddenly there was a flash, and flames
from the frying pan. So I shrieked, and threw the fritters on the floor, and
rang for the Fire Brigade.
Unit 19 81

~ 3.2 Listen, and practise this conversation.

A: Splendid cricket match!
B: Whowon?
A: We did! Shropshire needed three runs to win. Shrimpton hit the ball.
Fletcher tried to catch it, but it slipped through his fingers.
B: Oh no! So Shrimpton got his three runs, I suppose.
A: No, Thrush was just behind Fletcher. He flung himself forward .....
B: And he caught the ball?
A: No, but he picked it up, and threw it, and Shrimpton was out!
B: What a thrilling ending!

T ASK 4 Say clusters

~ 4a Listen, and practise this conversation.
A: What are you doing on Tuesday?
B: I'm going to a play by J B Priestley.
A: What's it called?
B: 'An Inspector Calls'.

• 4b Make similar conversations about the arrangements in the diary.

** -

p~ Tuesday

Words for the Quiz in 2.2. Match each word with the correct definition.
Practise saying them. Listen to the cassette to check.
snow school skate slice Scotland ski sleep

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