08 August 2021 NoBS

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In This Issue: Thoughts of the Month:

For Entrepreneurs, School Is Always In
Session P. 1

Adam’s “F The Funnel” P. 3

Why Advertising Fails With Dan Kennedy P. 5

How To Lose A $100,000+ Client, Customer,

Patient Or Member In 3 Easy Steps P. 8

Enjoy Some Great Copy, A Great Product

Experience And A Great Steak Too! P. 10

The Key Discovery Donna Krech Made That

Stopped A Catastrophic Downward Spiral,
Insulated Her Business, And Grew Her
Profits P. 13

What Is Your Legacy Going To Be? P. 15

It’s hard to believe that advertise on Facebook, available are changing

for many kids and families Google or YouTube, but so quickly. You have to
it’s Back To School time! don’t quite know how be learning something
they operate and are new every day or you’re
...for us entrepreneurs and easily preyed upon. getting left behind.
top performing business
owners, school should So I’m knee deep in a You need to truly master a
never be out of session. few courses right now to craft rather than dabble.
sharpen my own skills
Right now I’m in the to either deploy on my My message to new
middle of learning some own or better understand graduates is, you think
more advanced GoogleAd some of the opportunities that the learning is
and YouTube marketing available for the projects OVER, but the reality is
strategies that I’ve wanted I’m working on right now. that it’s just begun.
to learn and understand
better, even if I’m not the I often share with team At Advantage|Forbes Books &
one pushing the buttons. members that school is Magnetic Marketing one of
NEVER out if you want to our core values is “Commit
It’s likely you’ve been be a real winner in life. To Lifelong Learning”.
taken by a Facebook
or Google Guru in the How many kids do you know Those who continue to
past. We have many great that go to college, they learn will earn and grow.
Facebook and Google get the degree or piece The rest fade away.
experts in our community of paper that they so
like Perry Marshall, Bob desired, but the moment Sometimes You Need To
Regnarus, Tim Seward they get out of school they Take The Proverbial
and Brian Hahn. never read another book. Bull By The Horns
But for every three like This was a dumb idea a
Perry, Bob, Tim and Brian decade ago, but today If you’ve been subscribing
there are hundreds or at the pace the world to the No B.S. Magnetic
thousands of charlatans moves it’s inexcusable. Marketing Letter for the
who prey upon easy to past year or so you’ve
persuade business owners Especially in certain likely read a bit about a
who believe they need to fields where the tools situation that happened at
Page 1
Q3 EVENTS - 2021
THE FINAL MAGNETIC 8/12-13 Virtual; 9/9-10 Virtual
EVENT OF 2021 with Darcy Juarez
8/26-27 Virtual; 9/23-24 Virtual



@ 1pm ET
8/19, 9/16 (with Dan Kennedy)

@ 12pm ET
8/25, 9/16-17 (in-person meeting)
@ 2:15pm ET
October 13th | 9am-7pm 8/18; 9/15
Virtual/Nashville, TN magneticmarketing.com/coaching
WhyAdvertisingFails.com @ 11:30am ET
8/18; 9/15

our restaurant last June. company, the insurance of our building that didn’t
companies battled with work for nearly a year
After dealing with the each other, while not cost us some business.
virus lockdowns and having communicating with me
no dining room for about about how or when we The insurance company
8 weeks we were two days could get it repaired. of course denied my
away from opening up a business loss claim,
section of the restaurant Finally after an email beyond frustrating.
and in perfect 2020 karma to the CEO I got a reply
an 85 year old lady was and movement on the I had my assistant and
coming to pick up a pizza. project within 18 hours. CPA schedule a call
with my attorney and I
She pulled in and instead I’ll leave out a bunch of to discuss. I spent 30
of hitting full brakes, the boring details, but minutes outlining our
she hit the gas pedal at between delays in getting business from March 2020
full speed and pushed the permits, troubles - June 21, 2020 the date
two thirds of our front getting contractors, that the lady hit our
wall in causing $100,000 problems with the supply building. Then I detailed
in damage and a cascading chain to get glass and the business from June 21,
series of challenges. overhead doors it took 2 2020 to the end of year.
days short of a year to get
First my two insurance the entire project done. Even during the shutdown,
companies fought for a with no dining room,
hundred days to decide As you can imagine, having no party room, we were
who was going to cover the the front of your building growing our business.
claim. Since I own my covered in plywood, and
building and the operating our huge sign on the front As daylight savings began
and the daylight got
Page 2
shorter in Wisconsin,
combined with the plywood
you have the facts on
your side it’s your duty Growth Leadership
and no lit sign on our to fight like hell to Lessons Learned From Adam Witty,
building you could see get what you’re owed.
the business flatline. CEO of Magnetic Marketing
I’m thankful that I have
We didn’t go backwards, a report with my daily F The Funnel. This statement
but we for the first time sales for every single is heresy to some of you. I just
in our history flatlined. day on one Google Sheet
where it can be accessed finished reading a new book by
My attorney reviewed in seconds and shared. It ForbesBooks author Jeff Pedowitz.
some of our numbers showed the CEO that I was
that I sent including organized and knew what If you are interested in growing your
the day by day sales I was talking about. business through expanded customer
number from our entire relationships, you won’t want to miss
history over four years. Compare this with the
this book. If your chief concern is
business owner who needs
For four years we grew to sort through paper moving more volume through your
every single month records and shoeboxes funnel, you will hate this book.
until the day she of receipts to find the
hit our building. information they need. A true wake up call, F The Funnel
The numbers become real challenges the very notion behind
Be prepared in advance,
apparent starting during the traditional “marketing
get your house in order if
daylight savings. it’s not already in order. funnel.” Crafted 150+ years ago
to support mass transactions in
My attorney sent me back Understand your business
a short letter explaining a consumer economy, the author
inside and out so you can
that he didn’t want to makes an impassioned (and
quickly speak about the
help on the case as facts in situations like smart) argument that the funnel
insurance companies rarely this and don’t think that should be moved to the trashcan
pay on “loss of profits.” you need an attorney. and replaced with the “loop”.
I was steamed. I thought We have some great
of engaging another
The author argues the Funnel was
attorney Members like
attorney, but instead built upon a simple premise: (1)
Ben Glass, but in this
decided to do what situation, I felt that Capture the attention of a prospect,
Renegade Millionaires I was my best advocate (2) convert attention to interest,
do. They take the bull after my attorney put up (3) convert interest to desire, (4)
by the horns and get the a white flag so early. convert desire to action (sale!).
job done themselves.
Believe in yourself, The loop is different, it is based
I took a few days to get and commit to
all my thoughts together lifelong learning. upon converting a sale into an
and write the CEO of advocate.
the insurance company The entrepreneur’s
another message. journey is like a great
roller coaster. Lots of
I’ve included it for ups and downs. Lots
you as exhibit 1. of twists and turns.
Within a couple of days Plenty of excitement
they mailed a check to pay and unknowns.
for the repairs to our sign
that was denied by them. Have a great August,
Darin The author argues that businesses
Within another couple should transform from transaction-
of weeks I received a
centric to customer-centric,
check for business loss!
and the way to do that is to
When you know that you’re replace the funnel (prospect in,
right, and you know that sale, customer out) with a loop
Page 3
(customer in, build value, cross I’ve spent considerable time by the individual steakhouse.
sell/up sell/next sell, never leave). pondering that very question.
At Advantage|ForbesBooks, Now the bad.
This book forced me to rethink our grand vision is to build a
how we at Advantage approach 1) The “news mention” was
company with a Member and from 2019. I received the
marketing, sales, and service Subscriber base of 100K+ and
in all businesses. It might letter in July 2021!
annual revenues in the 9-figures.
do the same for you. 2) The restaurant that sent this
To do that, we’ve settled on 5 major is in Greenville, SC...I am in
What Chess Moves Will You Make? chess moves we must make over the
During the Obama years many Charleston, some 200 miles away!
next 5 years to achieve our vision.
pundits and adversaries argued Putin 3) A free appetizer is hardly a
was playing “chess” while Obama For us it is (1) further refine our large enough inducement to get
was playing “checkers” in regards to “category of one” position, (2) build me in their restaurant unless I was
the building Russian/US tensions. out our Authority-as-a-Service planning a visit anyway (I wasn’t).
offering, (3) launch a tech-enabled
Of course we will never know platform that reaches 100K+ Two simple lessons for us marketers:
and it is not my intent to entrepreneurs, (4) go international,
have a political debate. 1) Timing is everything, if you
(5) expand to serve large enterprises.
are late to the party, it is worse
The analogy of chess vs. checkers Each “chess move” is part of our than not showing up at all.
is appropriate for entrepreneurs. “play to win” strategy and involves
2) Your offer matters a lot...it
What game are you playing? lots of nuance and complexity.
should be congruent to the core
One of the chief responsibilities That said, if properly executed, customer you are targeting.
of the entrepreneur is as each adds a healthy 8-figure
Welcome to the Family Backpack. I
visionary of his/her business. top-line revenue stream.
mentioned in May being impressed
It is your job to craft an exhilarating I know to achieve our vision we will with a “Welcome to the Family”
and ambitious vision of what your need to execute these chess moves. backpack I received from a
business looks like in the future. As August marks the dog days of Membership organization I joined
summer where a final summer earlier in the year. It forced me to
Think about Walt Disney and his vacation or day of respite occurs, question what we were doing at
grand vision of Disneyland and sit back and ponder the question, Advantage|ForbesBooks when a
Disney World. Think about Bill Gates what chess moves will you make? new Member joined and committed
and his vision of “a computer on to a 5 or 6-figure investment.
every desktop.” Think of Jeff Bezos Thomas Edison said “thinking is
and his vision for “the everything the hardest business there is, and I took action.
store” delivered to your front door that is why we do such little of it.”
Our new “Welcome to the
within an hour! And of course Steve Prime News! I received an innocent Family” backpacks ship August
Jobs’s vision for “1000 songs in your standard size envelope in the mail 1. First, an Advantage logoed
pocket” with the original iPod. hand addressed with live postage Ogio backpack (about $70 per).
I admit it is unlikely that you or I from Ruth Chris steakhouse.
Second, an Advantage logoed Yeti
are the next Disney, Gates, Bezos, or The letter congratulated me for being thermos coffee cup (about $35 per).
Jobs, please don’t mistake my point. “in the news” and wanted to salute
Next, an autographed copy of
It is YOUR JOB to be the visionary my recognition with a free appetizer.
my books Authority Marketing,
of your business, and you can First the good. (1) A novel idea and Book The Business, 21 Ways to
only do that by determining what approach. (2) A personalized idea Build Your Business With a Book,
chess moves your business will and approach...it looks like it was Lead The Field, and Looking
make over the next 5 years. sent by a local marketer employed Forward to Monday (about $25).
Page 4
Dan Kennedy On
Finally, a hand-written getting their share. It’s a big pie.
welcome note (priceless). They’re also supporting sales agents

With shipping, all-in we are Why Advertising and so forth. But again, for many
businesses, that’s not a great strategy.
sitting at $150 per box.
Fails and How And its opposite is when you have a
big idea that at least for a period, a
In most businesses, we improperly
To Make Yours significant period of time, was good
to allow you to stand out and stand
celebrate (and thank) the
apart from, and hopefully stand above
customer at time of purchase. all of the noise and the clutter and the
Darin Spindler: Why is it important competition.
Don’t neglect this opportunity.
that an advertisement has a big idea? So if you go back to the early years
Learn from your mistakes (like
me) and correct this ASAP. I know that you talk about if you’re of Domino’s, “the fresh hot pizza in
going to bother to think at all, why not 30 minutes or less guaranteed” was a
74% of the Global Market is think big? Why don’t we talk a little bit very big idea.
Outside the US. We Americans about the big idea. Nobody was really advertising delivery.
sure are a spoiled bunch. Dan Kennedy: This is not a new thing. They certainly weren’t advertising it
It’s just ever more important. within a guaranteed period of time.
Often we believe we are the And that literally built the company.
only game in town. Ogilvy talked about it in the 1950s Both historically and contemporarily,
with regard to advertising and you can find examples like that, where
Yet if you want to grow your advertising is almost always occurring there is some big differentiation.
business, you’ll soon discover in a cluttered somewhat chaotic and There is some fit on a bumper sticker,
competitive environment, if not directly reason why this business exists, that is
that there is A LOT OF LOW competitive, meaning, three car different from all others.
HANGING FRUIT outside of the commercials one right after the other,
shores of the good ole U S of A. in the same TV show, it’s competing And that is a very powerful thing in
for attention at least. advertising. When you don’t have
Please don’t misunderstand me. it, people resort to comedy, to
So if you think about ad media, characters, too. Slice of life stories et
Marketing, selling, and servicing
newspaper magazine, every door, cetera, that the reason they’re doing
customers outside of the US direct mail, even on the web there’s that is they don’t. There is no big idea
requires incredible planning, a lot competing for attention. There’s about what they do. If you look at
preparation, and execution. usually a lot of clutter and there’s a lot some products, they give us big ideas.
of chaos and confusion and there’s a
The biggest mistake American lot of competition. So one answer is They are inherent in the product, and
live with all that and get your share. boy, does that make advertising a
businesses make is believing if they lot easier? When it first came out the
simply “plant their flag” buyers If you look at advertising for home and Keurig was a big, ideal product. You
will flock to them. WRONG. car insurance way back companies don’t have to make a pot of coffee.
came up with big ideas. Like Geico’s You don’t spill stuff. You could have
If we are to do business in other 50% in 15 minutes, but they weren’t, 56 different flavors to choose from. It’s
countries, we must adapt and they couldn’t protect it. So the copycat fresh brewed. You just stick this thing
bend to their buying customs. effect happens. And by and large, now in here and zappo you got a cup of
none of the mass advertisers of home coffee.
The opportunity is massive, and and car insurance have any kind of a
big idea. They’re a blur of sameness. So it in and of itself gave us the big
in many cases, less competitive idea. Sometimes a guarantee risk
They’re all saying we can save you
and saturated. The US is the money one way or the other. They’re reversal is where you find the big idea
most developed commercial saying we can save you about 500 as Domino’s did. Sometimes it is price
bucks a year and you should bundle which always comes with hazard, but
marketplace in the world.
your car and house insurance together. sometimes it is price. Sometimes it is
That comes with pros AND cons. Cause that way you save more money in the services that are attached to the
and that’s really about it. There is product. Sometimes it is a profound
To grow, your biggest and best quality advantage.
no big differentiation here between
opportunity might be far, far, away.
Allstate and State Farm and Geico et Who do you want to get this from? You
cetera. could get it from the hardware store.
ADAM :-)
That is okay for them. They’re all And go home and install it yourself and

Page 5
hope you got it right. Or you can get a 50% were sold at our you’ve tested other leads, you don’t really
certified technician who will come and most recent event. know anything.
do a diagnosis that install it, et cetera,
Get your ticket, before
but somewhere you want to find it or And I would wager that part of this has
we’re sold out.
create it if you can. to do with where the leads are coming
If you look at a lot of products, the big from. I can tell you in other niches that

Dan Answers
idea is in the story. So if you look at the those using leads from multiple sources,
My Pillow, all ads for the sheets, right? including Facebook, have figured out
The story is about where the cotton
comes from. And it only comes from
Questions how to get a Facebook lead to work. So
they continue to use Facebook, but if you
the Egyptian Nile and it used to only be Darin Spindler: This is from a gentleman
make them rank them in quality, in net
used in super quality shirts and so on. named Carl Utter, he’s running Facebook
So there’s a product story there. value, the Facebook lead is very low in
ads to his lead magnets that he created
the ranking.
Differentiation in it. But one way or in the Boot Camp with Darcy. As soon
another, this is what you are going to as they opt-in for his Painter’s Guide To So you look at where you’re getting
have to work with. Cause it makes Doubling Your Sales Even If You’re Twice your leads from, and you look at who
it infinitely easier to do a really good The Price, I immediately sent them to a the leads are. So Stephen Oliver could
advertising. thank you page where I upsell for a free tell you this about martial arts. Marty
strategy session. Fort could tell you this about music. You
have real business, people who have a
On a budget of only $200, I’ve got 116
Don’t Miss The opt-ins, nine sessions booked, but zero
brick-and-mortar location, and you have

FINAL Magnetic show-ups. What can I do to get a better

people running classes out of their spare
bedroom or their garage.
Marketing Live show-up rate?
Event Of 2021 Dan Kennedy: Look, we actually dealt
In this case, you have people that own
In Nashville with this during the Diamond call earlier
real painting businesses and you have
October today. And when you have a problem like
painters who have fast signs glued on
their ‘ 63 Plymouth pickup truck with three
this, you have to look at three buckets
Reserve your ticket that may be contributing to the problem
different color fenders, one of which is
to our Red, White, rust and are doing jobs on weekends. And
and in which you might find your answers.
Blue and BBQ event in obviously, those are two very different
So one, the first bucket is where you are
Nashville where Dan quality leads.
getting your leads.
Kennedy will launch his So you look in that bucket. The second
newest book! And so if he’s selling a business course to
bucket you look at is the actual message.
people that are painters or own painting
Dan will be hopping Now that you are delivering in this case
companies and generating all these leads
on the private jet and via your free report, you got to know that
from Facebook, my first concern is, how
heading for Nashville! it’s a match with what your leads want,
serious could they really be about their
think they need, or can be educated
There will also be guest business if they’re spending a lot of time
presentations by some into wanting or needing, or scared into
on Facebook, but forget my theory of why.
of Dan’s Most Successful wanting or needing.
You don’t know a damn thing until you’ve
Students including Robin
tested getting leads from other sources, And right at the moment, there is a
Robins who’s Technology
Marketing Toolkit like direct mail to people that own painting timing issue to this because it’s quite
business is located in companies, or an ad in the trade journal, possible that painting contractors don’t
Nashville, Marty Fort, or an ad online at the trade journal’s site, have a marketing problem. They have a
Darin Spindler and more et cetera. competing labor problem.
to be named real soon!
You don’t know anything because you Now, if you’re going to argue price
Get your tickets today at could just be pulling leads that are lousy
increase strategies that could fit. Because
and just curious tire kickers. They fall actually if they got more work than they
We only have about 100 apart at the first place in your funnel could do anyway, they should be learning
seats available in the where there’s actually going to be a price increase strategies. But there’s a
room, and more than confrontation, a conversation. So until
Page 6
lot of skepticism about price increase seen every day as we get on the freeway, yard signs, Trump signs, or Biden signs.
strategies. So I usually sell that later, not leaving our home, where we can’t park in Now it’ll be the 2022 signs. No political
early, with the exception of books. the garage because it’s full of junk every consultant will argue that there’s any
day, we see the billboard nagging at us, measurable correlation between the
So you gotta delve into the bucket of the reminding us of something we already number of signs we get stuck out in Zip
message. Is it well-matched? Is it well- know, and it’s the last nudge to action. Code 44066 and the number of votes
crafted? Is it supported with social proof we get in the zip code. Nobody will make
or some other kind of proof? Does it have Now, it still allows immediate action that argument. They don’t track it. As a
a big idea? because it’s very hard to measure that practical matter, it would be the pain in
or track that. We would much prefer if half of the century to try and track it. You’d
Darin Spindler: So why don’t we bring we could do something other than by
Daniel in because he has sent me two get all kinds of bad data. So why does
anecdote, “Hey, what pushed you to everybody keep doing it?
questions over the past couple of months, call us? Oh, your billboard?” So it does
and we weren’t able to get him in. not lend itself well to Claude Hopkins Well, because if you are an on the fence
Daniel Squires: Well, great. The most scientific advertising, and there’s actually person, and you drive through an area
recent one... I’d sent one in and the one very little proof that it brain belts but it or home and say to your wife, gee,
this month echoed it. The basic question can, as I just described, be very hard everybody’s got a Trump sign in their
that really piqued my curiosity was at the to measure nudge to somebody who is yard, you start to think that maybe you
June event that Dan referenced billboards already aware of a product or service ought to take another look at Trump. If
in a favorable way. I always thought that and the repetition of this thing, which is you already were prone to vote for Trump,
because they’re so limited that they’re not achieved fairly cheaply. If you divide past it is all reassurance and support for your
good from a direct response perspective, the billboards by eyeballs that pass it, it’s position which is always under assault
and I’ve avoided them, but recently I have pretty cheap media. So it can do that. right up until the time you go to the polls.
been using them to support some of the So this is just billboards and front yards
The other thing it can do, and all of is all it is. So the same thing happens if
other marketing that I have going on radio this is under the banner of multimedia
and different things. It seemed to work out everywhere I look, I see a billboard for
reinforcement, where there’s always some one particular trial lawyer. Our guy here
well. Dan can you specifically address the media that don’t do anything in and of
use of billboards and have you had clients is a bald-headed big guy, and his thing
themselves, but they do serve to reinforce is to point his finger and say, “If they’ve
that have used them, and in what case other media as well as other pre-existing
are they okay, and where would they not harmed you, I’ll make them pay.” Well,
thoughts, beliefs or knowledge. I’ll come if you see him, I’ll make them pay every
be okay? By the way, I have a plumbing, back to that in a second. So the second
heating, and cooling business. I am well- time you look around. So billboards fall
thing it can do, to use your good words, into that category, the radio station you
established, I have a large top-of-mind it can support other media. This works in
awareness, and so I’ve got a lot of brand listen to falls in that category.
small markets better than in big markets.
visibility. So for example, if you are going to do If he seems omnipresent, you begin to
Dan Kennedy: That’s a great question. every door direct mail into Oakland believe he’s the go-to guy. Everybody
Billboards are a lousy media that can Terrace, and you are going to do Valpak goes to that guy and they must go to
occasionally be effective in one of two in Oakland Terrace, and you are going to that guy because he’s the number one
ways or be in both ways. So overall, they be delivering your services to customers guy. So if you had the money and you
are not good media, and they are not at Oakland Terrace in a van or vans that wanted to go from zero to people thinking,
good direct response media. The reason is a billboard itself. “Gee! Everybody in my neighborhood,
you cite is that obviously, it would be everybody in my town seems to be using
Then being on the billboard, in the traffic Joe.” You can create it in niches. It’ll be
hard to find media that more limited the pattern of the people who live in Oakland
length or complexity of the message. slightly different today, but our old rule
Terrace coming and going may never be was if you could afford to buy full-page
So if you’ve got a billboard that says able to be directly ROI measured, but is
1-800-GOT-JUNK with a question mark, ads in the trade journals every month or
very likely to lift the overall results from six months or better, or page ads for three
we still don’t really know from that, that everything added together. It’s interesting
company will come to our house and months, almost regardless of what you
evidence of the last spin-off, that they did in the ad, you would soon be the talk
remove our junk. We only know that if we can reinforce what people already know,
are aware of that company by other media of the town. It would be the conversation.
believe, or think. So think about political
and means, and now the billboard being
Page 7
Every chiropractor would be asking each from anyone. ordered a wrap that was pre-made at
other, “What do you know about this Joe, the clubhouse and served in a tin foil
He was steamed, since he knew I was
the marketing Dr. Guy,” and you would be wrap, soggy.
going to join and had the ability to join.
the talk of the town. So billboards fit there. And a third and final visit that included
So if I’m working with local brick and He picked the phone up and called
having to get up after waiting for an
another person at the club, and got me
mortar, I always put them on the B-list, hour at our table to be served only to
connected to activate my membership.
not the A-list. So the A-list gets things find 5 servers standing around in the
The course is great, it’s challenging bar area, not a one to be seen out
that are much more measurable, and
and has a beautiful layout. Lots of ups serving.
the business owner can prove to himself
and downs. Lots of sand, water and
that “this stuff works” because there’s I ordered some fish tacos, that were
weeds to hit the balls into.
hard math, so that would be my A list. terrible. Dried out, almost like you’d
For the first few years we were full golf expect from jerky.
In many cases, the top part of the A-list
Members until I started doing Ironman
will be internal, not external because The server never came back to check
races. There are only so many hours in
he will have neglected marketing to his on me. After stewing for a bit I finally
a day to run your businesses, train for
found the server and then spoke to the
existing customers, let alone chasing new an Ironman and spend 4+ hours on a
customers, and then billboards will be round of golf so we dropped to Social /
on my B-list. But if I am able to get to a Sports Club membership so we could For a place trying to retain members
just use the pool. to pay for a project that’s grossly
complete and comprehensive advertising
overbuilt, you’d expect more and now
approach, billboards will be in it. ...and if I’m totally honest so that my
we’re going to be asked to pay more
girlfriend didn’t badger me about
and get this level of service.
‘Working Too Much’ and it also gave

How to lose a me a great place for my daughter and

her friends to hangout without having
Over my years of Membership I had
more than a dozen times mentioned

$100,000+ client, to put a pool in my backyard. A poor

investment in the Frozen Tundra.
that it seemed the club was
overstaffed and undertrained.
customer, patient For most of our 8 years as members I was always pushed back upon,

or Member in 3
the service was poor, at best. because “We don’t want to make too
much money, or we’ll lose our status”.
Often overstaffed and underwhelming.
easy steps The food, put out by ‘chefs’ not in the
So now they’ve mis-managed funds
and want to do a huge project,
top 20 of area restaurants.
My house in Green Bay was built on because we didn’t save enough on
the back of the Country Club here in But we stayed Members because labor over a series of years.
town, we have a couple of fairly well it’s right around the corner from our
known Members including Aaron house. So my vote was a hard
Rodgers, at least as of today he’s still
Late this Spring we were sent an email NO!
our Quarterback.
with a video outlining an ambition On the day that the vote was to be
When we built the home, I went over renovation project that would require released, there was only a partial
and took the tour in January of the an assessment to the Members. release of the votes.
year we built and if I’d have had my
checkbook with me the guy giving me After watching the entire 20+ minute Only the Golf members votes were
the tour would have likely gotten a presentation I was just shocked. The shown and apparently somewhere in
check, but I didn’t. overspending and wastefulness of it the bylaws this must be kosher, but
was just appalling. certainly not ethical.
So he didn’t get a check and he didn’t
follow up. Our home wasn’t going We were told that we had to vote by Second they decided that if you didn’t
to be finished until September and May 31 and we’d get the results on want to pay the assessment, you were
frankly I had and still do have a lot on June 15 and have until June 30 to out in 15 days.
my plate. I really didn’t think about the decide if we’d remain as Members or
pay the assessment. So they decided to engage this project
Country Club again until a day in July
without telling Members over the
when I went to see my financial advisor Lead up to this my last three visits Winter so they kept paying all Winter
who was a founding member some 20 included waiting more than 15 minutes when the course and sport center are
years ago and is now on the board. in the main club house with 6 people all closed.
One of the questions he asked was if I walking by us without even providing a
menu or water. Basically getting hundreds of
had joined the club yet and I told him
thousands of dollars in Membership
that I got a tour and never heard back A second visit to the pool where I
Page 8
money from Members who have now regularly including the show “Million They create launch parties and
quit and didn’t agree with this project. Dollar Listings”, if you don’t watch connect with ‘Influencers’, who then
the show there is a New York and Los spread the videos of the launch party
Third, if we wanted to drop in the past
Angeles version of the show. and listings to their social media
you had to give 90 days notice.
It’s basically QVC for Real Estate and
In this case, they kicked you out in 15
a twist of reality TV. Realtors battle One of the shows was sponsored
days during the peak of the Summer
to get listings, on each show there of by Vital Proteins, I can’t recall the
when you’d generally use what you
course has to be some drama between exact details on why this was a good
pay for all Winter.
the 5 or 6 main characters, in this case partnership for that home, but I believe
In my view, extortion. the agents. it had a lot of home health amenities
like a pool, cold plunge pool, red light
To top this all off, the GM of the club I enjoy the show because there are infared sauna, etc.
in every email asks for ‘Feedback’. many great marketing lessons to
Anytime I’ve brought an issue to the be learned from how they market On nearly every recent episode I’ve
attention of her, it’s been ignored. to get listings, how they do listing noticed that instead of them bragging
presentations to very affluent sellers that the kitchens have top of the line
If you want to upset your guests, your
and in some cases developers. appliances and mention the Wolf
clients, your Members...ignore their
brand, they are now only showing
concerns. If you only want the good Rarely do they cut corners. They do a appliances when they are only Miele.
news, then you shouldn’t be running a great job thinking through how to cut
business. through the clutter and stand out. Guessing this is an integrated show
sponsorship opportunity.
Million Dollar Frequently they create micro sites for
Sponsorship Integrations listings complete with amazing videos, Diamond Member and Speaker at our
similar to those that our Member Mike upcoming Why Advertising Fails Event,
I’m not a huge TV show fan, but we LaFido creates to sell luxury listings in Robin Robins, sells millions of dollars
have a couple of shows that we watch the Chicago market. of sponsorship for her events.

If you find yourself answering the Magnetic Marketing. In the Magnetic
same question over and over again Marketing book we’re removing a

OF THE MONTH with your prospects or clients, having

a book like this is a wonderful way to
few calls to action. They send the
reader down too many paths.

CONTEST WINNER answer it the same way, and do it at

We only want the reader to attend
our Fast Implementation Boot
If you had a hundred phone calls Camp in order to take the next step
Congrats To Diamond today, would you have the time? which for us is Magnetic Marketing
Member Scott Implementation Coaching.
If you had a book, that could be
Wenclewicz! requested on your website, the book We just spent three full days at my
Earlier this year Scott sent me a could do the heaving lifting for you. office mapping out a new customer
copy of his book, Six Things Every journey from the moment they opt
The book can also then be turned
Homeowner Should Know About in for a FREE copy of the book until
into emails, blog posts, video scripts,
Their Home Insurance. (Exhibit 2) they participate in Boot Camp.
podcast episodes and more.
Big congrats on getting the book We’re actually going to put these
This is the foundation for building
done! leads in their own bucket, for a full
your entire lead generation and
90 days they won’t see other emails,
Sometimes you may wonder why in conversion system.
sales letters or opportunities from us
the world should YOU write a book? Scott also had a sales letter that rode that distract them from the ONE thing
This book is a great example of a along with the book that he asked for we want them to do.
book designed to help Scott position some feedback on. We strengthened
himself as the expert in his niche, by Take the first step to truly
his headline on that letter and also
becoming a published author. understanding Magnetic Marketing.
removed a PS that was a distraction.
The book also frees up his time by What could you write a book about
Remember, don’t try to do too many
answering 6 of the most frequently and what is THE one thing that you
things with your lead generation
asked questions that he gets about want your prospects to do next?
offer and sales letters. This is
his service. something that we’re cleaning up at

Page 9
She’s been able to build a HUGE tribe labels, settled on an guided tour by Member and Disney
and has thousands of attendees at investment to become a Business author Andrew Lock.
her events so she has vendors who ‘Partner’ and will soon
cheerfully sponsor her events. begin accepting ‘Partners’. In June Dan Kennedy joined us
Each partner will be for a day of hot seats and then we
She also has vendors who sponsor getting an allotted took the group to the Cleveland
marketing campaigns so that her number of bottles of Indians game where Members
Members are successful using the wine, which can surely be Jill and Ron Wolforth arranged
sponsor’s products and software! used as client gifts or
a visit to our booth by the Vice
a part of your marketing
Robin is very sharp and if you want story. (Exhibit 3)
President of Baseball Operations
to learn more about integrating who shared some interesting ways
sponsorships into your business, not You are now a proud the Indians (Guardians now)
only should you attend the event in partner in a Napa Valley evaluate talent to try and compete
October, but you should reach out Vineyard. It’s a great when they don’t have the deep
to Robin and her team to create a cocktail party story and pockets of teams like the Yankees.
sponsorship plan for your business! for some a lifelong dream
to ‘Own’ a vineyard. We have an upcoming meeting
in Nashville and we have an
If you’re interested
Elevate in becoming a partner,
exciting event planned for

Mastermind reach out to Gene. He’s Members that we’ll share with
you after the event concludes.
Members Take a sharp marketer and
a wise business mind
FAST Action and you can become an
If you’d like to be considered as a
member in 2022, please visit
Autonomy Partner too!
At our June Mid-Year Event TheElevateMM.com to apply. We

Ready To Elevate
we hosted a cocktail party have only a few spots that may be
for event attendees after available. We expect many current
the event on day 2.
Your Business In members to renew.
Longtime Member Gene
Kelly and his son Jacob 2022 and Beyond?
who are also Members of
our Elevate Mastermind If you have a business that’s
Meeting (formerly Secret generating at least one million
Society), made the event dollars in revenue, you are
extra special. In addition interested in scaling it well beyond
to their other businesses, that, you may be a great fit for the
they have a family winery. Elevate Mastermind Group. Elevate Members Enjoying A Night
At our March meeting they This group is our most advanced In Cleveland From The Private Box!
discussed an idea where
group of entrepreneurs who are
Enjoy Some
they’d like to create a
high level business group
looking at how to not just generate

Great Copy, A
that could also meet at great income, but create wealth,
their Vineyard to discuss create assets and intellectual property
business, and become a that can be sold and licensed. Great Product
Experience and A
‘Partner’ in a wine label.
There is an interview process to
The name of the
wine, Autonomy.
become a Member as we want
to make sure that all Members Great Steak Too!
are both a qualified fit and a
If you know Gene this Earlier this year we attended a birthday
culture fit for the group.
is certainly one of his
party for a friend and fellow marketer
core beliefs. He’s a Fun business education field trips
Dan Kennedy lifer and Robert Skrob. His wife Kory purchased
and social activities are a feature of a pile of Snake River Farms tenderloins
lives life on his terms,
the Elevate Mastermind Group.
as you should too! for the party and as Dan describes them
In March we took the group to the Penn and Teller of marketing Jimmy
Gene and his son, since
January, created the Disney World and had a private Vee and Travis Miller did an incredible job

Page 10
grilling them for us.
My girlfriend decided that getting some of Copywriters
the Snake River Farms steaks shipped to Corner By Craig
me for my birthday would be a great gift, Simpson
she was right.
7 Rules for Writing
Admittedly I’m hard to buy for. I have just Better Ad Copy
a handful of things I have high interest in
and often I just buy what it is that I want or Whether you’re writing
need. It drives my mother nuts too. direct mail sales pieces,
a blog, a job application,
The box arrived with a HUGE American or copy for your website,
Wagyu Gold Cowboy steak in the box and there are certain basic
rules you can follow to
a Wagyu Tenderloin.
help you get and keep your
The box is very well done, it’s packed well readers’ attention – and
and shipped with dry ice. motivate them to action.
Inside the Cook Guide are very clear Here are some of the rules
I have to warn you, if you go to their instructions on how to make sure that you can put into practice:
website and place an order, it may your experience is the very best it can be.
ruin any future restaurant steakhouse Get the Prospect
experience for you. I chose the Reverse Sear Method and Into the Promotion
cooked it in my Green Egg. Immediately
This is some of the best beef you’ll
ever sink your teeth into! I’ve had Allen The entire process probably took about The first thing you have to
Brothers, Omaha Steaks and a number 2 hours, but the results were out of this do is get your prospects’
of other mail order steaks...so far Snake world. attention so they will
River is by far my favorite. look inside the envelope
Better than any steak I’ve had in a or click the link for
They included with the package a great restaurant including some of the best more information.
Cook Guide that is in full color and restaurants like Del Friscos, Eddie Vs One obvious technique for
provided a number of different ways to or celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck’s CUT a direct mail piece is to
prepare the steaks and some information or Tom Colicchio’s Heritage or Craft put some great “teaser”
about the farm and how the cows are Steakhouses in Las Vegas. copy on the outside of
treated. the envelope. If you’re
Look at the level of detail that went into selling through email,
I’m including the cover and back of the this package. you need an irresistible
insert here. subject line. Either way,
The exhibits that I’m sharing do not do make the reader curious
this package justice as it’s coming to you about what’s inside.
in Black and White. They had beautiful
But coming up with a
color photography. They encourage you really good teaser can
to share the experience on social media sometimes be difficult.
channels, a smart use of social media. So in direct mail you
(Exhibit 4) can make the envelope
so personal looking
The only thing that I’m disappointed or and attractive that the
surprised about is that they’ve not sent reader feels compelled
me a catalog, a postcard or any other to learn who it’s from
communication yet to order again. and what it’s about.
One way to make the
Sometimes it’s wise to order foods and
envelope more appealing is
products like this to see how to create to hide the name of the
a better experience for your customers, sender by using an address
clients, customers or members. without a name, and
Page 11
maybe using an attractive ultimate ideal prospect. the same features; the
insignia that’s intriguing Then, with that in mind, differences are only
without being recognizable. create your promotional a matter of degree.
material, focusing
You can also change up on as many of those Physically they can be
the style of the envelope, features as possible. described the same way.
its color, the way the
address appears, etc. Let’s look at an example But who’s to say that a
Or make the letter look of how you might do this. poorer man might not get
important by giving the as much pleasure from his
envelope the look of a Suppose you’re writing 5-cent cigar as a rich
priority letter or a FedEx. a recipe blog for busy man does from his 50-cent
career people who don’t cigar? The copywriter can
With email, the more you have much time but want paint an equivalent – and
can personalize the better. to eat healthy meals. What equally memorable – picture
Using the recipient’s name would the ideal recipe be of enjoyment for each.
in the subject line or for such an audience?
opening the message with a The job of the marketer is
“Dear [person’s name]” line It would have to be to create descriptions that
can be very effective. delicious (a key aspect will build the anticipation
of any recipe), it would of pleasure in the mind’s
Tell a Story That Gives have a minimal number of eye of the reader, based
People What They Really ingredients, it would be on the physical facts of
quick and easy to prepare, the product. You don’t
Want and it would be healthy. want to exaggerate, or the
A seasoned newspaper prospect will disbelieve
So, in describing your the whole thing. But you
editor was once advising
recipes, you would include can create an attractive
a cub reporter who was
as many of those features picture that builds a
being sent out to cover
as possible. You might even powerful desire for the
a wedding. He enumerated
highlight specific health product in your readers.
the qualities of the
benefits – like it helps
ideal wedding that would
you maintain weight, it Add powerful images and
appeal to tabloid
promotes muscle growth, arguments that illustrate
readers: a beautiful
it leads to glowing skin. and support that main
heiress eloping with the
argument as your focal
chauffeur; an irate father The idea is to make your point. This will make
with a shotgun; a high- own list of what your your letter strong and
powered car; a smash- audience wants, and then cohesive, leaving a
up; a heroic rescue; a tell them exactly how you memorable idea in the
nip and tuck finish. will give it to them. mind of prospects that
The editor advised the can guide their behavior.
Build a Memorable
reporter to approach the
current wedding with this
Picture Add a Sense of Urgency
ideal picture in mind, Your promotional writing Every kind of promotion
see how many of those will be more effective if you send out (online,
dramatic elements he it presents a memorable through the mail, in
could find, and then build picture. And you can do newspapers or magazines,
his story around them. that for any product. on TV or radio) must
Legendary adman Robert include a call to action.
That’s what you have to do
Collier used to quote This is where you tell
when writing your sales
an old saying that: prospects what you want
material. Put yourself
in the place of your them to do – for example,
“There is nothing you buy the product.
prospective buyer, and can say about a 50-cent
think of everything that cigar that you cannot say But just asking for the
person could desire in about a 5-cent one.” order is not enough. The
the perfect form of that ideal promotion provides
product. Make a list of Really, the two cigars a reason why the person
all the features of the should have basically must respond at once. You
Page 12
want to develop a sense doom and gloom. These Craig Simpson is one of
of urgency because if advertisers swear by this the nation’s leading direct
people don’t act right technique – while others marketing consultants.
away, they will put your say it’s best to avoid He sends out hundreds
offer aside – and maybe negative advertising. of marketing campaigns
never come back to it. each year for his private
You have to determine clients. You can contact
So, put a time limit on what works best for your Craig at craig@simpson-
the offer. Or explain product and audience. direct.com. You can
why supplies are limited But one essential rule order one of his books
and it’s first come, first is that if you do use The Advertising Solution
served. Or maybe announce fear, make sure you take or The Direct Mail
that a price increase prospects from the fear Solution, on Amazon.
will take effect on a to the solution quickly
specified date. Make it – which is what you’re
very clear that the
opportunity in the offer
asking people to buy.
Member Spotlight
will be absolutely lost Many successful video
if the prospect does not sales letters today contain The Key Discovery
some of the scariest
take action within the
scenarios you can imagine,
Donna Krech Made That
specified time limit.
but throughout the letter Stopped A Catastrophic
Always Make It About the impression is made Downward Spiral,
Your Prospect that an ideal solution
will be provided in the Insulated Her Business,
Ad guru Robert end. They are fear-based, And Grew Her Profits
Collier said: but also hope-based enough
to make people want to By Cindy Cyr
“The point that sells keep reading or listening.
your customer is not what “Everything was spiraling out of
your product is, but what So, fear works, but bring control… money, business, mindset,
it will do for him!” people along in a way relationships, health, you name it.”
that keeps up hope.
Or as promoters today That’s how international speaker, best-
describe it, stress The Length of the selling author, and serial entrepreneur
Donna Krech describes her life back in
benefits, not features. Letter Must Fit the
For example, if you’re Purpose
selling memberships to a In 2011, after making millions of dollars
Finally, here’s a and building multiple successful
health club, don’t just
question that’s often businesses in the health and wellness
go on and on about the
asked: How much copy do industry and as a lifestyle business
machinery and equipment.
I need to make a sale? coach, Donna found herself in a rapid
Few people care.
decline. Experiencing severe health
If all you want to do is
Instead stress how great problems, she was in the last phase
get people to make further of adrenal burnout. Told by her doctor
prospects will feel after
inquiries, a shorter letter that adrenal failure was on the horizon,
working out on that
will do nicely. But if you if she didn’t change, she would die.
scientifically designed
are trying to get someone Struggling to even get off the couch,
equipment, how good
to commit to a purchase, Donna was continuously hit with blow
they’ll look, how much
you need to provide after blow.
more energy they’ll have,
enough information to
and how many ways their
make that decision. Keep Her mom, brother, and another family
lives will improve. member died in close succession.
in mind the old direct
mail saying, “The More You Plus, a key team member, who’d
Always End on the become family, was crushed to death
Tell, The More You Sell!”
Positive in an automobile accident.
Just make sure that
Many advertisers today use whatever the length, you Team members tried to take her
scare tactics – painting keep it interesting. company in a direction she didn’t want
images of horrible health to go. And to top it off, a person within
issues or economic
Page 13
her network stole her content, went out however, being exposed to it in an dollar companies and speaks all over
on his own, and tried to take her down. extremely big way, I realized I’d never the world. Her companies include her
done Magnetic Marketing fully. When I wellness system (2030fasttrack.com),
“I found myself overwhelmed,” Donna implemented it, the income, the impact which helps people lose 20 pounds
said. “My business was spiraling was instantaneous.” in 30 days without hunger or muscle
downward. My body was shutting loss while reversing health problems.
down, and we were experiencing This phase accelerated her growth Fullyalivenation.com helps business
insurmountable monetary problems.” significantly and inspired her to owners in the wellness, weight loss,
play at a higher level. “I went from and fitness space make money fast by
Donna knew, in her core, she was kindergarten to getting my Ph.D. when
missing something. At that moment, implementing her process and system
I joined Dan’s mastermind,” Donna for losing weight and getting into a
she went back to her Magnetic said. “I was associated not only with
Marketing roots and entered what high state of wellness quickly. And
Dan and that mindset on a regular her PurposeLedProfit.com business
she describes as phase three of her basis but also a bunch of other people
Magnetic Marketing story. teaches businesspeople her purpose-
who were at such a high level. You led profit business model.
She first discovered Magnetic become who you hang around with the
Marketing in 1994, when she heard most, and that pulled me upward. The She’s also more focused, more driven,
Dan Kennedy speak at a Success days of just confirmation were gone and more confident in fulfilling her
Seminar. She’d built her women’s and I played a higher game. I realized mission. “I want to impact 50 million
fitness business to a million dollars what was possible. I plugged in things people worldwide,” Donna said. “I
but found the marketing to be labor that were at a far higher level than I want to help anybody who cares about
intensive and was looking for an was at, which pulled me up.” having meaning and success, purpose
easier way. Initially, she was not a and profit.”
Phase three of her Magnetic Marketing
dedicated student. Although she journey began a decade later, in 2014. Here’s how Donna stopped the spiral
bought the Magnetic Marketing While Donna’s health returned after and got her life and business back...
System and Toolkit, she never opened her 2011 scare, it took several years
it. “Unfortunately, I did not do the right
thing,” Donna said. “I got confirmation
for Donna’s business to recover. While Attract who you want
evaluating what had gone wrong, she
I was on the right track and thought I went back to her Magnetic Marketing
and repel the rest.
was awesome because I was getting roots and discovered she’d made In returning to the basics, Donna
results instead of thinking, ‘I have a critical error. “We’d had a lot of realized she was failing to repel the
this little company doing around $1 success, millions and millions, but prospect she did not want to work
million a year and this guy is standing once again, I knew something was with. She admits part of the reason
on stage in front of 50,000 people… missing,” Donna said. “I figured out was trepidation about telling people
maybe he knows more than I do, and I that I had not built my own framework she didn’t want to work with them. “I
should study further.” for my team to keep using the don’t think I had the guts in the past
Magnetic Marketing System. I had or maybe it was just that I felt like I
Her second phase with Magnetic
been doing all the Magnetic Marketing was becoming less if I told people to
Marketing happened ten years later in
myself. When I was no longer in go away,” Donna said. “But life is too
2004 when she joined Yanik Silver’s
the game, I had not built it into the short. I want to work with who I want
internet mastermind group and kept
framework. I had treated Magnetic to work with. So much of success
hearing about “Dan Kennedy” and
Marketing like my secret sauce and is making a decision. I knew I could
“Magnetic Marketing.”
therefore my team couldn’t keep going make a lot of money if I could just
“I was reminded how great Magnetic without me.” decide who I wanted to work with.”
Marketing is because they kept
Returning to her Magnetic Marketing Previously Donna targeted both men
bringing it up,” Donna said. “In
roots, Donna pulled out all the stops. “I and women. Today she focuses
my core, I knew something was
went through all three processes and primarily on women and repels people
missing, so I went back, got Magnetic
became a dedicated student,” Donna who are only interested in making
Marketing off my office shelf, and
said. “It’s indescribable the speed at money. “I want to work with somebody
moved into Planet Dan, joining a
which the results came. I just put my like me,” Donna said. “Somebody who
mastermind with Dan Kennedy.”
foot down, went back to the basics wants monetary success but who also
Donna plugged in the Magnetic of Magnetic Marketing, and started wants meaning success, and who
Marketing and Renegade Millionaire educating everyone on the Magnetic wants to be living in their purpose. And
mindsets, processes, and systems Marketing System. Everything that’s pretty much women. And maybe
and within three months she’d sold changed, including the team members it’s a few smart men.”
$250,000 of a $19 product. “As Dan that were trying to go in a different
would teach it, I’d write it down and direction.” Get your team on board.
then I’d go do it,” Donna recalled. Once Donna changed who she was
“I was plugging it in haphazardly, Today, Donna runs seven multi-million-
Page 14
targeting, she went to her team and in groups, to show them what she was success. Allowing your market, your
network of licensees and got them on doing and the results she was getting. message, your media, and your math
board. “When I told my team we were Next, she added meetings once a to work together started a trajectory
changing directions about who we week with her network of licensees, for success that I never thought I was
were targeting, they could see I was on teaching them Magnetic Marketing. A going to have. Magnetic Marketing
fire and they became infected,” Donna byproduct of her teaching Magnetic isn’t just about marketing. It’s about
said. “Things hit roller coaster speed. Marketing is that she got even better business success which then brings
Everything changed. The number of at it. “I decided I was just going to about life success. And as long as you
leads that started coming in went educate, educate, educate and then know what you want from working, it
up. The dollars that came in and the educate it again,” Donna said. “My will direct everything.”
transaction value went up. Everything advice is don’t just do what you’re
went up because now we were about learning in Magnetic Marketing. Teach
who are we and who are we not.” it to somebody. Because if anything What is Your Legacy
should ever happen to you and Going to Be?
Tell your authentic story. you can’t work, your business isn’t
Donna’s message became even
dependent on you. Plus, it will make By Lee Milteer
you learn it that much more.”
more authentic after she defined her I wanted to share what I
target audience better. Even more To train her team, she taps into the have learned about how
important was making sure her TEAM resources created by Magnetic to create your own Legacy
understood her message. “When you Marketing. “There’s no end to the and why it is such an
are working with people you love, it content you can get,” Donna said. important subject to think
comes out in your story,” Donna said. “You can take a piece, plug it in, go about and plan. We are
“I’ve always been authentic in telling teach it, repeat. It takes my stress level self directed souls and do
my story, but who I had to tell it to way down because I don’t have to not leave life to chance
more loudly and more intensely was create content from nothing. I just get so it is very important
my team.” inspired by it and put it together with now to start planning
what I’m doing. It’s not hard.” and enacting on exactly
The first message she poured into
her team was to truly pay attention to what your Legacy will be
who the target audience was and the Start now. after you have departed.
message that goes with the target. “I By training her team, the average her
told my team, “Don’t come to me and licensees produce increased from a It has been only a
talk to me about people who aren’t quarter-million to commonly producing couple of years ago when
our target,’” Donna said. “If they don’t a million dollars. “By teaching my dearest friend Dan
match, I don’t want to work with them. Magnetic Marketing to my team, every Kennedy was diagnosed
Let’s keep going. Let’s go find them.” time we add a person, we make more as terminally ill and
money,” Donna said. “Because we put in hospice, he and
Go back to the basics. are duplicating that same Magnetic I had long conversations
Marketing mindset and that same about how people create
Donna started seeing results legacies and how they
Magnetic Marketing System, instead
immediately by going back to the would be remembered and
of adding overhead, we’re adding
Magnetic Marketing basics herself, what had they contributed
revenue and profit.”
writing copy, and making offers. She
to the world, and family.
discovered she’d missed key points Donna credits using and teaching These very personal and
about the right way to implement Magnetic Marketing for helping her impactful conversations
Magnetic Marketing. “Even though move forward during a time when with Dan shifted my life
I’d had a lot of success and been in a many would remain paralyzed. “You plans and altered forever
mastermind, I hadn’t done the basics can freak out about where you’re at,” the way I thought about
correctly,” Donna said. “Magnetic Donna said. “You can lament what Legacy. It is what we do
Marketing is like a magic pill that if you haven’t done. You can regret bad
you use it correctly, you see success
daily that creates not only
decisions. Or you can get past regret our life but how we will
immediately.” by starting now. There are a million influence others because of
things Dan Kennedy has done for
what we have contributed
Train your team on me, but above all being involved in
to the world and others.
Magnetic Marketing. Magnetic Marketing has affected my
mindset and the way I look at business Our LEGACY should become
Donna made sure EVERYONE on her and money. My impact is greater very important to all of
team understood what she was doing. when I do the Magnetic Marketing us. On a very positive
She held meetings with her team, System correctly. It’s a game-changer.
sometimes individually and sometimes
note: Dan willed himself
It brings about business and life to LIVE to fight another
Page 15
few years, as he jokes or things you leave. you attended, a hospital
about today. He is very that took care of you,
much alive, and I just So, what is a LEGACY? A or the Girl or Boy Scouts
interviewed him recently legacy is something that: you were involved with.
on the Millionaire Smarts 1. Shows something about 3. Create the format
coaching program. Dan has what you stand for, There are lots of ways
a very powerful Legacy of who you are, and what’s to contribute and leave
authoring over 30 books and important to you a legacy, from creating
helping people understand a business that provides
effective marketing all 2. Helps others in some way
jobs for others and
over the world. He is also offers a great product
3. Is how you’ll be
known for all the charity or services, to building
remembered after
work he does with Animals. a library, creating a
you’re gone
His hard-earned work in scholarship, or leaving a
the world will leave him To leave a legacy you don’t monetary contribution to
with the legacy of being have to be famous, wealthy a cause you champion.
one of the most productive or a huge philanthropist.
entrepreneurs in the world. 4. Execute your plan:
All you need is to have
There are some legal
your heart in the right
Many people shy away from arrangements you may need
place and have a clear
facing the inevitable and to make. So meet with your
Plan for your life.
don’t want to think about family and see your lawyer
their estates. This only No matter your age right about creating a new will,
causes massive disharmony now, here are some or how best to carry out
in families and businesses. guidelines to consider: your plan, given your
Clearly, planning your financial circumstances.
Legacy prevents your heirs 1. Decide what’s most
from having legal battles important to you: Is this going to be a gift
and knock-down-drag-outs. Clearly your Legacy must while you’re alive or after
reflect what is personally you die, or both? Decide
All of us one day will important to you – what how you want to give. Start
pass on. What will survive you believe in; who, and planning for what you want
us is our Legacy, who we what impacted your life. and how you want to do it.
were as people and what
we have left behind with 2. Choose your You can also give non-
our life’s work. Clearly, beneficiaries: financial gifts, like
we don’t know when we are The beneficiaries donating your books or
going to pass on, but we of your Legacy furniture to a homeless
know it is a fact of life. are organizations, shelter or senior center.
The more you are aware groups, and 5. Decide whether
of your own legacy the causes that to communicate to
better you can control it. will receive recipients now.
support from you while This is a very personal
Ask yourself, how do you you are alive and after choice. Some people like
transfer your experience you pass. Think back to to let the organization
and understanding to those your childhood and your they support know now
people and organizations life and recall who had that they are going to be
who are important to you? a positive impact on your a contributor, and some
life that could also have don’t. It’s up to you.
You may not know this, but
a positive impact on others
everyone who is loved by 6. Organ Donation
if you support them.
someone leaves a legacy. One thing you could do
Clearly while everyone will It can be something right now to create an
leave a legacy in some you already contribute awesome legacy and give
form, very few people get to, like Animal Rescue meaning to your life is
to experience the enormous organizations, Educational to give Life or Sight to
power of a structured, Institutions that support another person. Thousands
personal legacy. So, a entrepreneurial mindsets of people die unnecessarily
legacy is really much and skills, the homeless, each year awaiting organs.
more than just the money or it can be the school If you haven’t signed up
Page 16
to be a donor on your a beautiful legacy is and leave a better future
driver’s license you can clearly defining your because you were here.
do this online. Saving deepest values, setting
someone’s life or sight is goals to support those Lee Milteer is a Productivity
a phenomenal legacy that values, and taking action and Performance Business
will contribute to another to make sure you can help Coach, Award-Winning
human’s life and family. others in the future with Professional Speaker, who
your presence on earth. has counseled and trained
Whether you have or more than a million people
haven’t decided what to I encourage you to ASK throughout her career.
do to create your legacy, YOURSELF: How can you be Lee is the founder of the
Clarity empowers us, so meaningful in someone’s Millionaire Smarts® Coaching
please get crystal clear life and pass on what Program, as well as a best-
on what you want your you really value, so your selling author. To know
legacy to look like and good work can live on more, visit www.milteer.com
who you can empower and through others? Be Creative
assist with your life’s and find ways you can
work. The key to creating contribute to the world

for first-year law students ringmaster and showman

Continued from Page 20 who are committed to that draws attention to
making their community a his firm with repetitive
extracted from how John better place. He takes on advertising, controversial
Morgan grew the Morgan political issues that he content and appears in
& Morgan empire: believes are for the people all his commercials,
such as legalizing medical in YouTube videos, and
Never limit yourself by
marijuana in Florida and even hosts a podcast.
boundaries. Find places
the Florida minimum wage,
where good money is being Plus, anyone who calls the
supporting an initiative
made and invade. John firm hears John Morgan’s
to increase the minimum
Morgan has a market- voice greeting them. He
wage to $15 per hour.
driven growth strategy even follows the philosophy
This grand idea combined
that doesn’t limit Morgan of “competition to be
with his track record of
& Morgan to a geographic top act” by compiling an
winning public issues has
location. If the firm internal ranking of all
been appealing to clients.
sees clients calling the firm’s lawyers based
them from a particular Reject all limitations. on the amount of revenue
location, they explore Although the Florida they’ve earned. Nobody
those locations. They look Bar didn’t think it was wants to be on the bottom.
at states that allow for appropriate, John Morgan Morgan writes: “Building
fair and just results, was one of the first a law firm is much like
what the competition looks lawyers to advertise in building a circus. As you
like in the market, and phone books and television build your law firm, think
if there is a need. commercials. “They were of it as building the
pissed about anything Greatest Show on Earth.”
Be about a grand idea that
with advertising,” Morgan
everyone can hook into. Don’t abandon what works.
said. “It’s been a fight.
The Morgan and Morgan Thirty-three years later
The Bar had a committee
famous tagline, “For the and Morgan & Morgan is
on advertising and
People”, clearly states the still advertising in
recommended against it.
big idea John Morgan had the Yellow Pages because
But I gave a speech and
in mind when he started it continues to work.
argued about the First
the firm. “Dedicated to While he has added other
Amendment and free speech.
protecting the people, not advertising strategies,
It was one of the best
the powerful”, John ties he hasn’t given up the
speeches in my life.”
this idea into everything strategies that continue
he does. He formed the For Be a brilliant adaptor. to provide a return.
the People Scholarship, Morgan is the P.T.
which helps pay the tuition Barnum of law. He is a Make maximum money. Morgan

Page 17
said “I am not a lawyer is designed for attorneys the devastating impact
but rather a successful to make connections and that their lifelong
business owner. Grow or die learn what it takes to injuries have on them.”
has long been the personal run a successful personal
mantra for my firm and injury practice. While settlements can
all of my other business increase, so does the
ventures.” Morgan has grown In addition to the main attorney’s fees. The
the law firm by taking his ForthePeople.com website, contingency fee in Florida
process and expanding the firm runs several is 33 1/3% of the total
it to other cities and other law practice sites: settlement in injury cases.
growing each area to its But if the case doesn’t
● ClassAction.com provides settle, the attorney
maximum then moving to accurate, up-to-date
the next city. “It was a fee increases to 40% of
information about the the total settlement.
way of thinking I used products people buy, the
when I was growing out of services they use, and the Dominate your target
Orlando,” Morgan said. “I medications and medical market through
call it the teacup. I got devices they depend on. overwhelming force.
a teacup, and I am pouring
Morgan crushes the
water into the teacup. ● WhistleBlowerAttorneys. competition when it comes
Once the water starts com focuses on helping to outspending them to
pouring over the teacup whistleblowers recover acquire customers.
and we get to diminishing taxpayer money that
returns, I can’t grow was stolen due to The firm has a $100 million
this business anymore. fraudulent activity. annual advertising budget
In Orlando I’d kind of for TV, radio, online
plateaued, then I would ● Abogados.com is the ads on Pandora, Spotify,
move to the next city… Latino team of Morgan YouTube, cab tops,
That’s the way I built it.” & Morgan, defending billboards, and even a
communities in cases of magazine called Verdicts
Look for leverage inside accidents, injuries, or Magazine–an 84-page
and outside your business. abuses while offering legal publication that recounts
The bedrock of the firm information in Spanish. the firm’s courtroom
is personal injury cases,
● BusinessTrialGroup.com is successes. When the
but the firm’s entrance
home to the Business Trial COVID-19 pandemic caused
into mass torts, tobacco
Group, which was founded companies to pull TV and
litigation, and class
in 2009 and represents radio ads, Morgan swooped
action vaulted the firm
businesses and individuals in and renegotiated deals,
into the major leagues,
on a contingency fee basis expanding his advertising
according to Matt Morgan.
in commercial disputes. footprint in an aggressive
(A mass tort is a type
Cases include contracts, advertising strategy
of civil action involving
securities law, breach of that he laid out. In an
numerous plaintiffs with
employment, shareholder interview, he said that
similar claims against
disputes, professional the move insulated his
one or a few defendants in
malpractice, trust and firm from the economic
state or federal court.)
estates, intellectual strife of the pandemic and
They also diversified into
property, construction, brought in even more cases.
social security disability,
worker’s compensation, employment, probate, real John Morgan is a colossal
admiralty, antitrust, estate, and other disputes. marketer. The firm’s
veteran’s benefits, and gross annual revenue is
Build a better process.
overtime and wage claims. between $500 million to
Morgan & Morgan’s process
is to take cases to trial $600 million per year. In
He also leveraged his
as opposed to working it addition to implementing
success by creating a
out with an insurance these nine strategies in
lawyer marketing firm,
adjuster. They advertise your business, be sure to
advertising agency,
that juries do a much check out his marketing for
and law firm management
better job of “viewing ideas you can swipe and
company called Practice
clients through a more deploy in your business
Made Perfect (PMP). PMP
human lens in evaluating to ramp up your revenue.
Page 18
Ladder OF Success
Elevate | Elevate is an exclusive, high-end mastermind group for the very top students on “Planet Dan.” Led by
Join Elevate Adam Witty and Darin Spindler with VIP guest appearances, the group meets in-person 3X per year. Each Member
has 45 minutes per meeting to present and receive focused feedback from peers. Members must have businesses
generating at least $1M in annual sales and be a multi-year Dan Kennedy student.
Apply at magneticmarketing.com/coaching
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Marketing Mastermind Magnetic Marketing Mastermind (MMM) | The Magnetic Marketing Mastermind is for businesses generally
doing $500,000 to $2,000,000 in revenue that are looking to attract more customers, clients or patients who
pay, stay and refer. This Mastermind will be focused on strategic marketing and lead generation efforts to help
Join Magnetic Marketing Members grow to beyond $2,000,000 where Members then begin to look for additional help on scaling their
Implementation Coaching businesses. The MMM is a peer-based, true mastermind group. Membership is limited to 18 entrepreneurs who
meet 3X per year in-person for 2-day meetings where they present their biggest opportunities and obstacles to
the group for feedback and experience sharing in a confidential environment.

Upgrade to Diamond
Membership Magnetic Marketing Implementation Coaching (MMIC) | MMIC is for entrepreneurs and/or key employees that
have marketing responsibilities who want to fully implement Magnetic Marketing into their business both online and
off-line. Taught by Darcy Juarez, this program focuses on the timeless principles of Magnetic Marketing which are
attracting a flood of new customers that pay, stay, and refer. MMIC is for those that know they are ‘leaving money
Join Gold Membership on the table’ by not fully implementing every piece of Dan Kennedy’s flagship business marketing system. MMIC is
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Page 19
that I would one day be and Dan also help run the
plaintiff’s lawyer to get firm. Mike runs the product
revenge for my brother,” liability and mass torts
John Morgan says in a book. department. Dan practices
personal injury law and
John Morgan grew up advises professional
in Kentucky. Living in
From Poverty To $700 poverty, he was raised
athletes and entertainers.
And Matt is a lawyer
Million Net Worth: Nine by an unemployed father handling personal injury
Renegade Millionaire and an alcoholic mother. and wrongful death cases
Strategies John Morgan He became the head in the Orlando office.
of the household as a
Implemented To Become teenager, staying home
Daughter Katie is also
The Omnipresent Lawyer from school to care for
in the legal business.
She is a managing
Everyone Knows his siblings and driving partner at Monarch
them to a motel to get Structured Settlements.
By Cindy Cyr
away from their mother’s
“For the people.” drinking escapades. Today Morgan & Morgan is
America’s largest personal
Even if you’ve never been Morgan sold greeting injury firm and John Morgan
injured in an accident or cards, candy, and flowers has been named among
aren’t a personal injury to neighbors and churches. the most powerful people
lawyer, you’re probably He worked at Dairy Queen in Orlando. The firm has
familiar with the famous and performed as Goofy recovered more than $10
tagline of the Morgan and the Big Bad Wolf at billion in verdicts and
& Morgan law firm. Disney World. Later he sold settlements for clients.
Yellow Page ads to pay for Its case results are 20
One of the premier his law school tuition. times more than what the
plaintiffs’ injury and defendants first offered.
consumer protection After graduating from the
law firms in the United University of Florida with John’s fortune allows
States, the firm was his law degree, he worked him to pursue other
founded in 1988 by as a lawyer at a Personal businesses, politics, and
Renegade Millionaire John Injury firm. He founded charitable work and live
Morgan and a partner. Morgan & Morgan three a luxurious lifestyle. The
years later in Orlando, firm is a juggernaut of
John Morgan’s driving FL. John aggressively businesses that include
force to create the firm grew the business books, conferences,
came after his family from two partners, two banks, multiple websites,
hired the wrong lawyer to secretaries in a single amusement parks, and
represent his brother Tim. location to 700+ attorneys charities. His net worth
and thousands of team is estimated at $700
As an eighteen-year-old members in 49 states.
lifeguard at Disney World, million (as of April
Tim was paralyzed when he The firm is a family 2021) and his goal is to
dove into a pool to find a affair. His wife Ultima, a become a billionaire.
missing girl. Disney fought corporate litigator with 39 Here are nine Renegade
Tim’s worker’s compensation years of experience (they Millionaire strategies
case and offered a met in law school), is the
meager settlement. “I second Morgan in the firm’s
became enraged and vowed namesake. Sons Mike, Matt, Continued on Page 17


Renegade Millionaire Book: www.RenegadeMillionaire.com/renegade-millionaire-book
Renegade Millionaire Course:

Page 20
No B.S. | Magnetic Marketing Letter
August 2021

How Can I Help?

Have you ever noticed that once you start looking to buy a new car, you immediately notice how many of that brand of
car are on the road every day? Something you never noticed before? The same is true as you learn the skills to become
a Magnetic Marketer and Renegade Millionaire. Why not also be rewarded for what you notice?

Send us what you find or what’s working in your business and when it’s used in an future newsletter you will be
rewarded with a $50 Amazon gift card or $100 No B.S. bucks (which can be used for any product or event registration).

Simply email us (examples@magneticmarketing.com) a copy of the marketing piece or screenshot if it’s online; if it’s
your piece please include any relevant information or results so that others can learn. If it’s something that you see – just
include why it caught your attention.

Dear Mr. Necastro,

I've reached out to you on one other occasion when my claim was being poorly handled and
delayed by months which led to a significantly bigger problem than we should have had.

Magically after reaching out to you things began to happen and I thank you for that. I shouldn't
have to reach out to you again, but being a customer for many years and faithfully paying the
premium, I feel very abused and taken advantage of over the past 10 months.

Because of the 100+ day delay in us getting a go ahead we of course then ran into construction
problems, and order delays.

Which led to the front of my building looking like the photo below all winter. Which led to the
decline in our sales. You can see going into July of 2020 we've had consistent growth month
over month every month since we've opened.

This includes the best month in company history in March 2020 with the virus hitting us on
3/15/2020. We still had great growth in May and June, both heavy lockdown including little dine

This accident occurred on 6/21/20 and you can see what began to happen. In August we had a
couple of offsite events that accounted for our growth in that one month and the rest is pretty
bleak since this happened.

These losses in growth would have been even bigger if I hadn't deployed a Buy One Get One
Free Promotion for every Packer game in 2020. We had a bunch of sales from that but margins
were weak. If it were not for me building a customer list of 25,000+ and knowing how to
communicate with that list this would have been a much worse situation for us.

You can further see as we get into daylight savings and Winter where the building was cold and
looked closed starting as early as 4 PM when it was dark out with no signage and plywood on
our building until Early March 2021 our sales got worse and worse.

Because your forensic auditor looked at our entire 2020 and then because we were
"even" in his eyes we didn't experience a loss.

I can assure you that in your seat being even is not good enough, especially when you've been
growing steadily every month since we opened. I can also assure you that it wouldn't have
taken months if someone ran through the front of Erie Insurance to be taken care of.

Since January of 2021 our net revenue losses are $70,000+, in 2020 the same months we grew
by $70,000. This is a $140,000 swing. Not cool. And your "Big Loss" specialists seems to
believe we should just brush this off and he's "Taken Care Of Us".

Our sign on the front of the building quit working on the exact same day of this accident, but
magically your sign engineer believes it has nothing to do with the accident.

Erie is now denying any payment for that. It cost just $700 ish to fix, but it sat for months on
end. Looking back I should have just paid all of this out of my pocket and moved on it faster and
fought for repayment. Lesson learned.

The sign company had their tech look at it and reported that: There's was a wiring issue inside
the cabinet somewhere between the top of cabinet into the ballasts. Can’t visually see it but
possibly pinched wire or shorted out. Can by fixed by jumping/bypassing the short, rewiring,
etc. Tech said it possibly could have shifted when the wall was hit and somehow pinched the

Your engineer looked at it, but didn't discover this wire that was pinched, which was
found in minutes by the sign company tech.

I've owned this building for 7 years and I'm to believe it's just "coincidence" that my sign has a
pinched wire on the exact day there was an accident, but ruled by your people as not the cause
of the outage.

Here's what my building looked like for 10 months. Now imagine what this looked like to cars
driving by during daylight savings...we looked closed and out of business. We received many
calls asking if we were closed.

Imagine what this looked like to the guests at nearby hotels. We looked closed.

I'm not an idiot, neither are you. A sign

doesn't magically have a wire get pinched
one day after not having an issue for 7
years. This directly from the person hitting
my building.

I believe that we are owed some of our

business losses and the sign to be paid for
and look forward to communication and a
resolution in a timely manner so we can put
this to bed.

My personal cell phone is (920) 639-7507.


Darin Spindler
Palate Pizza Company
DBA: Heartland Pizza Company
2822 Ramada Way
Green Bay WI 54304


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