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Vicerrectorado de Docencia

Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics

Theme n.° 4
Difference between children and adults
Vicerrectorado de Docencia
Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica


4.1 How are Children Different from Adults? 3

4.2 Key Difference between Kids and Adults 8

Complementary Resources 16

References 17

Self-evaluation 18

Theme n.° 4 Difference between children and adults

Vicerrectorado de Docencia
Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

4.1 How are Children different from Adults?

As a matter of fact, this topic will be analised from different aspects of the

anatomical system, psychological behaviour, cognitive and the physical

appearence of children and adults. Once the child becomes 18 years old, he

has the same characteristics as the adult. However, it is evident some main

differences between children and adults such as: skin, subcutaneous tissue,

water in the body, muscles, external ear structure, anatomy of the eye, bone

skeletal structure, spinal cord and brain, respiratory tract, digestive organs,

cardiovascular system and urinary system, among others.

Talking about the anatomical differences, they are also seen in their

brain structure are striking. The brain tissue in the child is more sensitive,

calvarium is thinner, subarachnoid space is narrower. Children have thinner

skin than adults. Their epidermis is thinner and under-keratinized, compared

with adults. As a result, children are at risk for increased absorption of agents

that can be absorbed through the skin. On the other hand, in adults, gluteal

muscles are used in intramuscular applications, while in infants, rectus femoris

and vastus lateralis muscles are commonly used. These differences are

important for further doctors´diagnosis and treatment. Nurses should take these

differences into account in pediatric drug applications in the clinic and in the

care of children. Considerer the fact that children are not small adults.

Theme n.° 4 Difference between children and adults

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Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

Let´s review the size of a child’s body, the head is large and heavy,

balanced on a neck poorly supported by weak muscles and ligaments, and so

both head and cervical spine are easily injured. A child's bones are more

flexible because their chemical composition is different from that of adult bones.

This means a kid's bone might bend or “bow” instead of breaking.

Figure 1:

Child and Adult Skeletal System



Biomechanical maturation of the spine is a progressive process that only

starts to resemble the adult spine after age 8–9 years old. The pattern of injuries

is determined by these progressive changes. Most spine injuries in children

occur in the cervical region; in younger patients, these are more often

Theme n.° 4 Difference between children and adults

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Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

subluxations or dislocations, more often in the upper cervical spine, and more

often associated with neurological injury.

The bones in children are more fragil that makes easier to break up as it

is said: “The calvarium (skull) is thin in young children; this, with the sutures and

fontanels, allows for easy deformation, with or without fracturing, under external

pressure” (Hsieh A, 2014, p 45), more fragile brain tissue. An adult's bones are

harder, more brittle and more likely to break than bend.

The occurring in the fluid-filled space around the brain between the

arachnoid membrane and the pia mater, through which major blood vessels

pass, better expressed in “Thinner subarachnoid space, Brain demands greater

amounts of oxygen and glucose” (Figaji AA.2017, p 35),

There are more differences between chlidren and adults to mention.

They also differ mentally. Some psychological researches demonstrate that

children have a greater tendency than adults to make decisions based on

emotions, such as anger or fear, rather than logic and reason. This happens

frequently in them because they have not reached their madurity yet. They react

just by instinct, inner or external motivation. The biggest difference between

childhood and adulthood takes place in terms of stress levels. Childhood is a

less stressful time of life, as opposed to adulthood, because being an adult

Theme n.° 4 Difference between children and adults

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Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

means obligated to pay bills, food, education, being responsible for family and

lastly having the stress of a job.

From the point of view of the Psychology, there are some cognitive

differences between children and adults. From 0 to 12 years old, the child

goes across a period of brain plasticity, that allow to adapt the stimuli, organizes

the teaching of formal educatiuon, in order to build up the attitudinal and

aptitude components of his/her personality. The child learns by playing, it is the

most efficient way to achieve significant learning and fully exploit cerebral

plasticity. This phrase means that the neurons have organized, they have

migrated in learning, hence the terminology.

While the adult, the period of plasticity is maintained, but in proportion to

the brain of the child it is less, because it has reached the maximum level of

attitudinal and aptitude developments, and learning is based on the

development of abilities, skills and with the generation of habits to reach

competences in the affective, volitional and attitudinal level.

In adults, the learning process is performed in their own environment and

problem situations. Children's learning is enhanced by rewards and critical

situations as punishments. To recognise their acquired learning and also to

Theme n.° 4 Difference between children and adults

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Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

encourage them to learn more, they are provided with rewards like high grades

and verbal praise.

Figure 2

Human skeleton: Adults vs, Infants



Figure 3

How every child can thrive by five?

Source: Molly Wright: How every child can thrive by five | TED

Theme n.° 4 Difference between children and adults

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Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

This video provides information how a game could change the world.

"What if I was to tell you that a game of peek-a-boo could change the world?". It

also suggets forms parents and caregivers can support children's healthy brain

development, behavior and well-being as well.

4.2 Key difference between Kids and Adults

Who is a Child?

A child is a young human being under the age of 18. Considering the

Biologically part, an individual can be considered a child only until puberty.

Nevertheless, in most countries, a person who is under the age of 18 is

considered a child. In every society, children are given prominence (importance)

because they will become the citizens of the society one day.

In many societies, children usually live with their parents and relatives, in

foster care or similar setting. It is the societal belief that children are unable to

make important decisions alone due to the fact of lack of awareness of society

and have less experience. Children should not be treated as the same as adults

and should be loved and cared for. The development of children occurs through

the formal and informal education that they receive both within the premises of

the school and also at home and their surrounding environment.

Theme n.° 4 Difference between children and adults

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Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

“All work and no play make Jack a dull boy”. This old saying has always

been extremely relevant in our lives. In addition, it is quite important for children

to indulge in extra-curricular activities to ensure their holistic development.

Figure 4

Extracurricular activities important for children.


Who is an Adult?

An adult is fully grown person, who has already formed and reached

his/her maturity level. On the contrary to childhood, adulthood is viewed in

different ways, Biologically, untill they get their puberty, so that, they become

citizens who have a variety of duties and responsibilities in different social

institutions. Unlike children, the adults can live by themselves, they are

independent can make decisions. They have many legal rights such as in the

Theme n.° 4 Difference between children and adults

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Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

case of voting, getting married, etc. As you can see, the status and the roles of

an adult is different to that of a child.

Childhood is a time of physical growth and development. Children’s

bodies grow and change as they mature from infants to toddlers to preschoolers

to school-aged kids. They learn new skills like walking, talking, and using the

toilet. And they develop socially, emotionally, and cognitively as they interact

with the world around them.

Adulthood is a time of stability. Adults’ bodies have stopped growing (with

the exception of some people who continue to grow taller into their 20s. And

while adults do continue to learn new things throughout their lives, they don’t

usually experience the same type of major developmental leaps that children

do. Here some remarkable characteristics of Adult and Child.


Child: A child is under the age of 18.

Adult: An adult is over 18.

Independent vs Dependent:

Child: A child is dependent.

Adult: An adult is independent.

Decision making:

Child: A child cannot make serious decisions by himself.

Adult: An adult can take serious decisions by himself.

Theme n.° 4 Difference between children and adults

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Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

Living Arrangements:

Child: A child lives with a family or in foster care.

Adult: An adult can live alone.


Child: A child is denied certain legal rights such as right to vote, marry, etc.

Adult: An adult enjoys certain legal rights such as right to vote, marry, etc.



Figure 5

Fun Socializing Activities for Adults


Once it is understood the difference between children and adults. It

seems to be necesary to point out 5 key differences between kids and adults

Theme n.° 4 Difference between children and adults

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Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

that you need to be aware of. Obviously, they are no exactly the unique ones, it

will depend on the culture of each country, state, región and so on.

Physical development

Actually, it is hardly to say that grown people can be expected to have a

minimum height, a reasonable strength, grown hands, etc. Children are not only

as developed as adults; they also differ tremendously by age. The aspects to

pay attention are: physical size, which might be important considering how they

approach a product, or how they sit on a chair, hand size, limited eye-hand

coordination and fine motoric, which affects their ability to interact with a


Cognitive development

Second, children are still developing their cognitive abilities. People can

expect adults to have similar mental abilities that allow them to communicate

with each other in a natural way. Adults can be asked to perform tasks, trust

that they will object if further information is required, and people can expect their

answers to be correct, or at least related to the core question. On the contrary,

children possess differing cognitive abilities which in turn, are important to be

familiar with. As children get older, they continuously learn new things and their

thinking becomes more abstract, they tend to see the world from a different


Theme n.° 4 Difference between children and adults

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Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

Social development

The social development is an important factor when working with

children, they lack polite rules of behaviuor. Adults have learned social rules

and values, they know how to be empathic and respectful. It´s important to

remak that people should be treated kindly and respectfully in spite of the age,

the dialogue must be in both directions in order to convey meaning. Instead,

children can be very self centered. They prize their own needs and interests

above others. By the time kids get older, they change their minds and become

familiar with the concept of empathy.


Adults are usually attracted to participating in activities if they have some

rewards. For example, money, a gift card, or as little as some coffee and a

piece of cake. Anyway, once they know what they are going to do clearly, no

matter the length of the activity they are exposed to, they Will do it willingly. This

does no happen with children. Children might be easy to excite and they will be

happy to participate. Keep in mind that children are very spontaneous, easily

distracted, and their concentration span is very limited. So, motivation is



Last but not least, children are likely to have little or no knowledge. Adults

have had a lifetime to gather experiences on all kind of occasions and in all kind

Theme n.° 4 Difference between children and adults

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Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

of situations. Children have much less experience. Neither they are trained as

to apply familiar concepts to new situations. Limited knowledge can cause

uncertainty and discourage kids to participate in any activity.

The main difference between children and adults is that children are still

growing and developing while adults have reached their full physical and mental

potential. This means that children need different types of care, education, and

support than adults do.

Certainly, these characteristics are not the only ones to consider, some

authors mention that there are more, even considereing the case of sex,

because boys and girls do not have the same behaviour and attitude. The most

important is to know how to manage these cases and think about the stages

they go through very similar to a cycle.

Figure 6

What Makes the Different | Joshua Bingwa | TEDxYouth@BrookhouseSchool

Theme n.° 4 Difference between children and adults

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Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica


This video shows a great performance for love and drama, invention, the

intention is to find differences on childen´s and adults’ speeches. Actually, some

are evidenced.

Figure 7

Teaching Young Learners vs. Adult Learners - The Differences you Can Expext



This video shows what a good TEFL teacher must understand that there

are a lot of differences between young learners and adult learners, but also,

they have some similarities. The following differences and similarities between

these two types of students are the most common any teacher will notice having

worked in both situations.

Theme n.° 4 Difference between children and adults

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Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica

Complementary Resources

International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM) Website: ISSN (e): 2321-3418 DOI: 10.18535/ijsrm/v8i05.mp02

Video How little people can make a big difference | Charlie Cooper |


Charlie Cooper is a nine-year-old boy who tells the story of how the buddy

bench at Trinity Beach State School came to be a tool to address bullying. He explains

how to manage a negative situation into a positive outcome.

Theme n.° 4 Difference between children and adults

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Unidad de Apoyo a la Formación Académica


Figaji AA. (2017) Anatomical and Physiological Differences Between Children

and Adults Relevant to Traumatic Brain Injury and The Implications for

Clinical Assessment and Care. Front Neurol. 8 (685): 1-15.

Hsieh A. (2014) Emergency Medical Technician with Online Practice. ISBN:

978-1-118-76817-4. Pg: 288, e-book.

Steinberg, D. & Sciarini N. (2006) An Introduction to Psycholinguistics. London:


Warren, P. (2013) Introducing Psycholinguistics. Cambridge University Press.


Theme n.° 4 Difference between children and adults


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