PT Final Nutrition

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MDCAT 2024

CHAPTER: Nutrition Practice Test

Name: Roll No
1. Carnivorous or insectivorous plants commonly grow in areas where is deficient due to
unfavourable atmosphere for nitrifying bacteria:
A) Phosphorous B) Nitrogen C) Carbon D) Potassium
2. Scientific name of sundew is:
A) Sarracenia pupurea B) Drosera intermedia
C) Dionaea muscipula D) Cassia fistula
3. The chewing of food in the oral cavity is called:
A) Churning B) Lubrication C) Mastication D) Grinding
4. The action which is voluntary in the beginning but later it becomes automatic is:
(A)Secretion of saliva (B)Grinding in oral cavity
(C)Selection of food (D)Swallowing of food
5. A painful burning sensation In the chest usually associated with the back flush of acid chyme into the
esophagus is called:
(A)Pyrosis (B)Dyspepsia (C)Indigestion (D)Nausea
6. Saliva with only amylase is secreted by:
(A)Buccal glands (B)Sub-mandibular glands (C)Parotid glands (D)Sub-lingual glands
7. Innermost layer of stomach wall consists of:
(A)Connective tissues (B)epithelial tissues
(C) smooth muscles (D)Connective tissue with many glands
8. An expanding area of stomach curving up above the oesophageal opening is called:
A) Cardiac region B) Body C) Fundus D) Pylorus
9. Zymogen cells secrete:
A) Pepsin B) Trypsin C) Proenzyme D) Trypsinogen
10. Rectum is directly attached to the:
A) Ascending colon B) Descending colon C) Transverse colon D) Sigmoid colon
11. The breakdown of hemoglobin results in production of:
A) Bilirubin B) Sodium glycolate C) Bile salts D) Sodium taurocholate
12. Chylomicrons are:
A) Lipoproteins B) Glycolipid C) Glycoproteins D) Nucleoproteins
13. Following are different names of the same cells, EXCEPT:
A) Chief cells B) Principal cells C) Zymogen cells D) Oxyntic cells
14. Nearly all absorption of the products of digestion takes place in the:
(A)Duodenum (B)Stomach (C)Jejunum (D) ileum
15. A large proportion of fatty acids and glycerol enter the epithelial cells of the villi where they are:
(A)Further broken down (B)Recombine into fats
(C)Converted into phospholipids (D)Converted into sphingolipids
16. Trypsinogen is converted into trypsin by the activity of:
A) Goblet cells C) Enterokinase B) Absorptive cells D) Peptidase
17. Digestion of carbohydrates starts from
A) Buccal cavity B) stomach C) Small intestine D) large intestine
18. Salivary glands located beneath the tongue are:
A) Sublingual B) Submaxillary C) Submandibular D) Parotid
19. Chemical nature of mucus is:
A) Glycolipid B) Nucleoprotein C) Lipoprotein D) Glycoprotein
20. Heartburn (Pyrosis) is due to in competence of:
A) Cardiac sphincter B) Ileocolic sphincter C) Pyloric sphincter D) Anal sphincter
MDCAT 2024

21. Chymotrypsin is an enzyme secreted by:

A) Stomach B) Liver C) Small intestine D) Pancreas
22. Secretion that contains enzymes for digestion of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins is:
A) Saliva B) Pancreatic juice C) Gastric juice D) Bile
23. If undigested food passes too quickly through large intestine, resulting disorder would be
A) Food poisoning B) Constipation C) Diarrhoea D) Piles
24. The function of goblet cells is to secrete:
A) Gastrin B) Pepsinogen C) Hydrochloric acid D) Mucus
25. Which of the following hormones stimulates the production of pancreatic juice and bicarbonate?
(a) Insulin and glucagon (b) Cholecystokinin and secretin
(c) Gastrin and insulin (d) Angiotensin and epinephrine
26. _________ stimulates the production of gastric juice in the stomach
a. Gastrin b. Enterokinase c. Rennin d. Digestin
27. Stomach wall is composed of four principal layer, Choose the correct sequence from outer to inner layer
A) Serosa, Muscularis, Submucosa, Mucosa
B) Muscularis, Submucosa, Mucosa, Serosa
C) Mucosa, Submucosa, Muscularis, Serosa
D) Submucosa, Mucosa, Serosa, Muscularis
28. Gastrin hormones in stomach produced from
a. Mucous Cells b. Zymogen Cells c. G Cells d. Parietal cells
29. Which of following mass/fluid is formed in small intestine
a. Bolus b. Chyme c. Chyle d. All of the above
30. Gastric juice of infants contains:
a. Pepsinogen, Lipase and Rennin b. Amylase, Rennin and Pepsinogen
c. Maltase, Pepsinogen and Rennin d. Nuclease, Pepsinogen and Lipase
31. pH of gastric juice is
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8
32. Which of the following would most likely be found in the esophagus of a patient suffering
from gastroesophageal reflux disease?
a. Pepsin b. Trypsin c. Chymotrypsin d. Carboxypeptidase
33. Increased stomach pH is the consequence of which of the following?
a. Damage to the mucous cells b. Increased G cell activity
c. Inhibition of parietal cells d. Overexpression by chief cells
34. What path do bile salts take?
a. Gall bladder, stomach, duodenum, juejunum, ileum, tissues
b. Liver, gall bladder, duodenum, jejunum, tissues
c. Gall bladder, stomach, duodenum, tissues, liver
d. Liver, gall bladder, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, liver
35. The products of the liver and pancreas participate in what type of digestion?
a. Both mechanical b. Chemical and mechanical, respectively
c. Both chemical d. Mechanical and chemical, respectively
36. Which of the following is not a component of the gastric juice secreted in the stomach?
a. Mucus b. Pepsin c. Trypsin d. HCL
37. Salivary glands secrete saliva that contains the enzyme_________which digests ___________into simple
a. Salivary Amylase, protein b. Salivary Amylase, starch
c. Pepsin, protein d. Pancreatic amylase, starch
MDCAT 2024

38. Impartial and Incomplete digestion of food results in

a. Food Poisoning b. Dyspepsia c. Piles d. Ulcer
39. Food poisoning may caused by
a. Clostridium b. Salmonella c. Compylobacter d. All of the above
40. Correct dental formula of Humans
a. 2123/2123 b. 1123/1123 c. 2213/2213 d. 3212/3212

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