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Present simple= permanent

v1- go, eat, think

She / he/it goes to bed at 11 every night
they go to bed at 11 every night
we you I go

1. Facts -We work 9 till 6/we design great campaigns

2. outines-Everyday I wake up at 7.30 in the morning
3. Habits- I go to the beach twice a week
4. Frequency- I drink coffee once every hour/
I never go to bed before 11pm.( he drinks…)
5. Instructions- Download the document and save to PC
6. Directions- Waze: go to the end of the road and turn left
7. Commands -click on the link/
stand here and wait for your turn

Practicing Present Simple Tense

Rules for Forming Questions and Negatives in Present Simple
1. **Questions:** Use "do" or "does" (for he/she/it) before the subject and the base form (V1) of the
- **Do** you **work** every day?
( I, we, they, you= do)
- **Does** she **work** every day?
(she, he or it = does)

2. **Negative Sentences:** Use "do not" (don't) or "does not" (doesn't) before the base form (V1) of
the verb.
- You **do not (don't) work** every day.
- She **does not (doesn't) work** every day.
Exercise Section
Regular Verbs
**Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses: **
1. She (work) _works_______ every day.
2. They (play) ________ soccer on weekends.
3. We (listen) ________ to music often.
4. He (study) ________ hard for exams.
5. I (clean) ________ the house every week.

**Convert the following sentences into questions:**

6. She works every day.
**Does** she ___work_____ every day?
7. They play soccer on weekends.
**Do** they ________ soccer on weekends?
8. We listen to music often.
**Do** we ________ to music often?
9. He studies hard for exams.
**Does** he ________ hard for exams?
10. I clean the house every week.
**Do** I ________ the house every week?

**Convert the following sentences into negatives:**

11. She works every day.
She **does not (doesn't) work** every day.
12. They play soccer on weekends.
They ______________soccer on weekends.
13. We listen to music often.
We ________________to music often.
14. He studies hard for exams.
He _____________ hard for exams.
15. I clean the house every week.
I __________________the house every week.
#### Irregular Verbs
**Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses: **
16. She (go) _goes_______ to the market every day.
17. They (have) ________ meetings every week.
18. We (see) ________ movies on weekends.
19. He (do) ________ his homework every evening.
20. I (take) ________ the train to work every morning.

**Convert the following sentences into questions:**

21. She goes to the market every day.
**Does** she __go______ to the market every day?
22. They have meetings every week.
**Do** they ________ meetings every week?
23. We see movies on weekends.
**Do** we ________ movies on weekends?
24. He does his homework every evening.
**Does** he ________ his homework every evening?
25. I take the train to work every morning.
**Do** I ________ the train to work every morning?
**Convert the following sentences into negatives:**
26. She goes to the market every day.
She ____________________ to the market every day.
27. They have meetings every week.
They _________________meetings every week.
28. We see movies on weekends.
We ___________________ movies on weekends.
29. He does his homework every evening.
He ____________________ his homework every evening.
30. I take the train to work every morning.
I______________________ the train to work every morning.

### Answer Key

#### Regular Verbs
1. works
2. play
3. listen
4. studies
5. clean
6. Does she work every day?
7. Do they play soccer on weekends?
8. Do we listen to music often?
9. Does he study hard for exams?
10. Do I clean the house every week?
11. She doesn't work every day.
12. They don't play soccer on weekends.
13. We don't listen to music often.
14. He doesn't study hard for exams.
15. I don't clean the house every week.

#### Irregular Verbs

16. goes
17. have
18. see
19. does
20. take
21. Does she go to the market every day?
22. Do they have meetings every week?
23. Do we see movies on weekends?
24. Does he do his homework every evening?
25. Do I take the train to work every morning?
26. She doesn't go to the market every day.
27. They don't have meetings every week.
28. We don't see movies on weekends.
29. He doesn't do his homework every evening.
30. I don't take the train to work every morning.


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