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Now that we've learned how to create basic charts

in this video we'll look at how to create some advanced charts in excel. We'll
first create tree
maps, then scatter charts, and lastly histograms. Please note that the price and
resale values in this sample data set are not real and are merely used for
explanatory and demonstration purposes. Let's start with tree maps. A tree map
chart is
used to compare values across hierarchy levels and show proportions within
hierarchical levels as
rectangles. Tree maps are a good way of displaying lots of data in one graphical
asset because they
use the color and closeness of proportional shapes within the chart to represent
hierarchical data
categories. Which is a difficult thing to achieve with most other types of chart.
In the tree map
worksheet of the car sales workbook let's first select the data from two non-
adjacent columns
model and unit sales. Now let's create a tree map chart with this data we select
tree map chart from
the hierarchy category of the charts group. We now see a floating chart area
containing our tree map
chart which displays the proportion of the unit sales of ford cars within
hierarchical levels
as rectangles. Let's change the chart title to unit sales of ford cars which we can
do by simply
double-clicking the chart title text box and editing the text. Let's change the
chart style to
customize the look of the tree map chart there are numerous styles to choose from
in the gallery for
example here we've chosen style 2. We can easily see from this tree map chart that
the f-series
model is by far the biggest proportion of our ford car sales. Followed by the
explorer and tourist
models. which constitute a similar proportion of our ford car sales. While the
contour model
shows the smallest proportion of ford car sales next let's have a look at scatter
charts. A scatter
chart is a type of graph used to compare two sets of numerical data values and show
between those sets of numerical values. A scatter chart combines the two sets of
on the x and y axes into single points of data and then displays them in clusters
in the chart.
For this reason you will also sometimes see them referred to as xy charts. Common
uses include
the comparison of statistical scientific or engineering data values. To create our
chart let's first select the data from two adjacent columns price and year resale
value in
the scatter worksheet of the car sales workbook. Now let's create a scatter chart
with this data
we select scatter chart from the x y scatter category of the charts group which
the price of cars from all manufacturers with their year resale value let's change
the chart
title to comparing price with year resale value, which we can do by simply double-
clicking the
chart titled text box and editing the text. Let's change the chart style to
customize the look of
the scatter chart there are numerous styles to choose from in the gallery for
example here we've
chosen style 8. Now let's add some axis titles for both the horizontal x-axis and
the vertical
y-axis. We'll call the horizontal retail price and the vertical year resale value.
We can see
from this scatter chart that as the retail price increases so does the differential
between the
retail price and the year resale value. Generally speaking the lower priced cars
retain their resale
value after one year better than the higher priced cars. Lastly let's have a look
at histograms. A
histogram is a graph that shows the distribution of the data grouped into bins.
Although a histogram
may look like a column or bar chart it's totally different while a bar chart is
used to compare
data a histogram is used to display distribution of data. To create our histogram
let's first select
the data from two non-adjacent columns model and price in the histogram worksheet
of the car sales
workbook. Now let's create a histogram with this data we select histogram from the
category of the charts group. The new floating chart area contains our histogram.
Which displays
frequency distribution of the price of cars from all manufacturers. Note how excel
puts the different price ranges into nine equally sized separate bins for you. The
first bin contains
cars priced between nine thousand two hundred and thirty five dollars and eighteen
thousand six
hundred and thirty five. The second bin contains cars priced between eighteen
thousand six hundred
and thirty five dollars and twenty eight thousand thirty five dollars and so on. Up
to a maximum
price range of eighty four thousand four hundred and thirty five dollars to ninety
three thousand
hundred 835. Let's change the chart title to count of car models by price range
which we can do by
simply double-clicking the chart title text box and editing the text. Let's change
the chart
style to customize the look of the histogram. There are numerous styles again to
choose from in
the gallery for example here we've chosen style 3. this style shows the count
values of the
individual rectangles for each price range rather than using a vertical scale on
the y-axis
so from this histogram chart we can easily see that the largest proportion of car
are in the 18635 dollar to 2835 price range. With a count of 62 models in this
range, followed
by the cheapest price range of 9235 to 18 635 dollars which has a count of 42
models and
the fewest count of models in a price range is shared by the two most expensive
price ranges
with only one model in each bin. Although excel chooses your bin ranges
automatically when you
create a histogram, you can change the bin sizes to suit your needs. This is done
by opening the
formatting pane for the relevant chart element. In this case the horizontal axis in
the axis
options section you can choose to display bins by several factors including bin
width and by
number of bins. For example, when we change the bin width value you can now see 15
bins in the
chart because the price ranges are much narrower. Bins 2 and 3 have the two highest
counts of 34
and 33 respectively and bin 14 shows no models in this price range at all and if we
change the axis
options to display a set number of bins then the histogram updates again to show
the price ranges
split into the number of bins specified. That is 10 bins and once again we can see
that bin 2 has the
largest proportion of models in its price range and if we choose automatic then the
reverts back to the format we started with. In this video we learned how to create
maps, scatter charts, and histograms in excel. In the next video we'll look at some
of the other advanced charts available in excel
like field map charts and sparklines.

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