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Mark schemes



4.5 V to 6.0 V

(a) emf is the intercept on the pd / y axis ✔
gradient of the graph is –r / internal resistance is minus the
gradient of the graph/modulus of gradient is r / absolute

value of gradient is r / magnitude of gradient is r ✔


(b) figure 2 circuit supplies 50 mA ✔

figure 3 circuit has emf of 1.4 V ✔

and internal resistance of 12 Ω ✔

hence current of 78 mA which is >75 mA ✔

Can use different routes independently for fig 2 and fig 3
If candidates calculated current is not 50 mA or 75 mA allow
CE for correct conclusion relating to 75 mA
Must explain which circuit is suitable. If their calculation
shows neither circuit suitable must explain why both circuits
not suitable


calculate required pd is 0.45 V (0.075 × 6.0) ✔

show pd for cell in fig 2 is 0.1 V ✔

show pd across parallel cells in fig 3 is 0.4 V ✔

show total pd in fig 3 is 0.5 V which is greater than 0.45 V ✔

calculate emf needed for 75 mA in fig 2 (1.05) ✔

calculate emf needed in fig 3 (1.35) ✔

comment on emf needed in fig 2 is larger than cell provides

comment on emf in fig 3 being close to what is required ✔

from graph for current for current of 75 mA
from graph for current of ½ of 75 mA 37.5 mA
i.e. 0.1 V from single cell and 0.4 V from parallel cells

(c) useful power dissipated = (75 × 10–3)2 × 6 ✔ (= 0.03375 (W))

Condone use of 78 mA gives answer of 285 W
If used resistance of 18 Ω then lose first mark but CE to give
answer of 791 W

input power (at the cells) = 0.03375/.04 = (W) ✔

solar power = 0.8437 /(32 × 10–4) = 260 (263.7 or 264) W m–2

CE from power calculation but not from % calculation
if incorrect % calculation at any stage only qualify for useful
power mark



(a) (1 C of) the charge gains ε J on passing through cell


energy transferred (by 1 C) in R1 is V1 (J)

energy transferred (by 1 C) in R2 is V2 (J)


energy transferred (by 1 C) in r is Ir (J) ✔

If no other mark awarded, allow one mark for definition of
emf in terms of energy transfer.
accept: ‘dissipated’
accept ‘lost volts’ for Ir but reject ‘voltage across r’
accept ‘work done’ for ‘energy transferred’

(for conservation of energy)

ε = IR1 + IR2 + Ir ✔
Alternative for MP2
ε = V1 + V2 + Ir
provided that MP1 is awarded.

(b) Equates emf to Ir + 2.89 in some form✔1

If no other mark awarded, award one mark for use of emf
value in MP2.
Allow in MP1 (their current/A) ×125Ω for 2.89 V

Calculates I from 2.89÷125 (=0.02312 A) ✔2

Allow alternative routes for ✔1 and ✔2. E.g.

‘Lost volts’= 0.11 V ✔1

Applies potential-divider equation e.g.

0.11÷2.89 = r÷125 ✔2

3÷(125 + r) = 2.89÷125✔1✔2

Giving r = 4.76 (Ω) ✔3

Must see at least 3 sf answer
Answer must round to 4.76(Ω)

(c) (Resistance splits 25 Ω and 104.8 Ω)

Applies potential divider formula eg ✔

V = 0.58 (V) ✔
Accept other routes for MP1 e.g.
using V = IR, with 25 Ω and their current, for example from
• I = 0.023 A (from Q03.2)



using V = with an identification of 2.89 V as the terminal

If no other mark awarded, allow one mark for using 29.8 Ω
instead of 129.8 Ω for total resistance giving 2.5(2) V.

(d) Any four from:

Straight line 0 V A to P 1✔

Less steep non-zero gradient from P to Q 2✔

Short steep increase at Q 3✔

Q to R about same non-zero gradient as P to Q 4✔

Horizontal line from R to B at 3.0 V 5✔

For 3✔ allow range no greater than width of “Q” label on

horizontal axis.
If graph sketched from 3 V (at A) to 0V (at B) award max 2

(based on 2✔ and 4✔).

If a single diagonal straight line from 0 V (at A) to B, award

1 ✔only.
If a single diagonal straight line from 0 V (at A) to R and then

horizontal to B, award only 1✔ and 5✔ if scored (ie max 2).

Max 4
(a) to limit (maximum) current (when variable resistor is set to zero) ✔

Accept ‘so cell is not short-circuited’ for 1✔

to prevent overheating (of cell)

to prevent damage to cell

otherwise cell would discharge quickly ✔

‘to avoid damaging components’ is not enough for 2✔


(b) Line ruled through bottom of second error bar and top of ninth (3rd from right)

error bar ✔
Ignore unit if given. Allow tolerance of 2 mm inside either
error bar.

Determines their gradient, with ∆x ≥ 0.2 (A) ✔

(–)1.0 ± 0.1 (/ V A–1) ✔

Expect to see 2 sf in any answer

(c) Attempt to calculate mean of their Gmin and –1.3 ✔

Allow positive G values

1.1 (Ω) ✔

Ecf from (b). 1 mark max if r given as negative


(d) States that ε = V + Ir OR calculates R = 0.39 (Ω) ✔

Allow ruled line drawn through (0.94, 0.37) and (0.70, 0.65)

Use of ε = V + Ir OR ε = I(R + r) ✔

Adds their gradient to read off at I = 1.0 A ✔ ✔


Use of y=mx+c with their gradient ✔

Intercept (c) determined ✔

1.4 (V) ✔
Ecf from (c). 3 sf max

(a) Length of resistance wire = 50 × 2 × 3.14 × 4 × 10–3 = 1.26 m ✔
or 50 × 3.14 × 8 × 10–3

Substitution of data in resistance formula

or A = ρL/R seen ✔
ecf for incorrect length from attempt at a calculation

Area of cross section = 2.1(1) × 10–9 (m2) ✔


(b) Maximum possible pd across 0.25 kΩ is 9 V ✔


(Max power dissipated) = 92/250 = 0.32 W so resistor is suitable ✔



When resistor dissipates maximum power

V2 = 0.36 × 250 so max V = 9.5 V ✔

This is higher than the supply pd so this power dissipation so will not be reached ✔


Power dissipated when output is 5 V = 42/250 = 0.064 W ✔

Which is below the max power dissipation of 0.36 W ✔

92/250 = 0.32 W with incorrect conclusion scores 1
Second mark implies the first
92/0.36 = 225 Ω alone is not a useful calculation in the
context. Still need to explain the effect of using the 250 Ω
First mark is for a valid useful calculation

(c) Use of potential divider formula to determine resistance of parallel combination ✔

0.313 kΩ ✔

Use of equation for resistors in parallel ✔

540 Ω ✔
Alternative to find resistance of combination

Current in circuit at room temp = 4/250 = 16 mA ✔

Resistance of combination = 5/16mA = 313 Ω ✔


Rcombination = 313 Ω


Current in circuit at room temp = 4/250 = 16 mA ✔

Current in thermistor = 5/750 = 6.7 mA ✔

Current in R = 9.3 mA ✔

R = 5/9.3 = 540 Ω ✔

2sf answer ✔

(only allowed with some relevant working leading to a resistor value)

Max 5

(d) Resistance of thermistor decreases ✔

Output pd decreases since

resistance of the parallel combination /circuit decreases



lower proportion of pd across the parallel combination (or higher proportion across


higher current so greater pd across the 0.25 k resistor ✔

Accept correct consequences for R increasing with
temperature for 1 mark

(a) resistance of lamp B and D = 3.52/4.1 = 3.0 (2.98)(Ω) ✔

resistance of lamp A and C = 6.02/6.0 = 6.0 (Ω) ✔

pd across lamp B and lamp D = 3/9 × 9.0 = 3.0 (V) OR pd across lamp A and C =

6.0 (V) ✔

hence A and C normal brightness ✔

Can justify in terms of current i.e. current needed by A and C
is 1 A provided resistance values calculated
Must have some correct working for conclusion mark

(b) the pd across new lamp = 0 / E does not light ✔

no current in E ✔

other lamps are not affected ✔

because the current in the lamps/pd across lamps does not change ✔
2nd and 3rd marks conditional on 1st mark
(MAX 3)

(c) in first circuit current in battery = 9.0/4.5 = 2.0 A ✔

in second circuit current in battery = 9.0/7 = 1.2857 A ✔

hence current in battery decreases ✔

Allow ecf from (a)
Original current = 2A can come from (a) and score here
If say circuit resistance increases so current decreases and
no other marks awarded score 1 mark

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