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Collective group here in Ghana such as Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), Ghana

Trade Union Congress (GTUC), ghana cocoa famers association, Ghana Union of Traders
Association (GUTA) - Represents the interests of retail traders and small business owners across
the country embarked on several actions during the period of 2022 and 2023, resulted a
serious tensions between the government economic policy makers and the interests groups
being key producers and contributors on the global economic market ike farmers, workers, and
informal miners. Managing these challenges remained an ongoing priority for policymakers.
One famous event was the cocoa farmers' protest in August 2023. Cocoa farmers in Ghana,
who produce a significant portion of the world's cocoa supply, staged nationwide strikes and
demonstrations to demand higher prices from the government's cocoa regulator. This disrupted
cocoa exports and put pressure on global cocoa prices for several weeks. Ultimately, the
government agreed to a 12% increase in the farmgate cocoa price to compensate the farmers
and restore supply. Another example was the nationwide labor strikes in October 2023 by
Public sector workers like teachers, healthcare workers, and civil servants went on strike to
protest over stagnant wages and high inflation. This affected essential public services and
slowed economic activity across the country for over a month before an agreement was
reached. The government eventually agreed to a 15% across-the-board salary increase for
public workers to end the demonstration. There were also protests and obstructions by small-
scale mining groups, known as "galamsey" operators, the galamsey sector is a large informal
mining industry in Ghana, with estimates of over 1 million people involved in small-scale gold
extraction. These miners operate outside of the formal legal and regulatory framework
destructing our water bodies and forest reserved areas who were also resisting the
government's fight against illegal gold mining. This caused local supply chain issues and reduced
gold exports for a period. The government had to balance its drive to formalize the mining
sector with the economic interests of the galamsey operators. so, government should implement
policies that will also cushion us for our businesses to grow while looking at other alternatives to also
grow the economy. The government has recognized that addressing the concerns of these key
economic groups through policy amendment is crucial for maintaining social stability and
supporting broader economic growth in Ghana. However, implementing reforms that balance
the interests of various stakeholders remains an ongoing challenge

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