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WAGNER, HOGAN, Accuracy of Medication Data

Research Paper

The Accuracy of Medication

Data in an Outpatient
Electronic Medical Record

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Objective: To measure the accuracy-of medication records stored in the electronic medical record
(EMR) of an outpatient geriatric center. The authors analyzed accuracy from the perspective of a
clinician using the data and the perspective of a computer-based medical decision-support
system (MDSS).
Design: Prospective cohort study.
Methods: The EMR at the geriatric center captures medication data both directly from clinicians
and indirectly using encounter forms and data-entry clerks. During a scheduled office visit for
medical care, the treating clinician determined whether the medication records for the patient
were an accurate representation of the medications that the patient was actually taking. Using
the available sources of information (the patient, the patient’s vials, any caregivers, and the
medical chart), the clinician determined whether the recorded data were correct, whether any
data were missing, and the type and cause for each discrepancy found.
Results: At the geriatric center, 83% of medication records represented correctly the compound,
dose, and schedule of a current medication; 91% represented correctly the compound. 0.37
current medications were missing per patient. The principal cause of errors was the patient
(36.1% of errors), who misreported a medication at a previous visit or changed (stopped, started,
or dose-adjusted) a medication between visits. The second most frequent cause of errors was
failure to capture changes to medications made by outside clinicians, accounting for 25.9% of
errors. Transcription errors were a relatively ucommon cause (8.2% of errors). When the accuracy
of records from the center was analyzed from the perspective of a MDSS, 90% were correct for
compound identity and 1.38 medications were missing or uncoded per patient. The cause of the
additional errors of omission was a free-text “comments” field-which it is assumed would be
unreadable by current MDSS applications-that was used by clinicians in 18% of records to
record the identity of the medication.
Conclusions: Medication records in an outpatient EMR may have significant levels of data error.
Based on an analysis of correctable causes of error, the authors conclude that the most effective
extension to the EMR studied would be to expand its scope to include all clinicians who can
potentially change medications. Even with EMR extensions, however, ineradicable error due to
patients and data entry will remain. Several implications of ineradicable error for MDSSs are
discussed. The provision of a free-text “comments” field increased the accuracy of medication
lists for clinician users at the expense of accuracy for a MDSS.
n JAMIA. 1996;3:234-244.

Affiliations of the authors: Section of Medical Informatics Correspondence and reprints: Michael Wagner, MD, PhD, Sec-
(MMW) and Department of Medicine (WRH), University of tion of Medical Informatics, B50A Lothrop Hall, 190 Lothrop
Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA. Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15261. e-mail:

Presented at the American Medical Informatics Association Received for publication: 10/12/95; accepted for publication:
Spring Congress, Cambridge, MA, June 1995. l/10/96.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Volume 3 Number 3 May / Jun 1996 235

Data collected by electronic medical records (EMRs) comprises fields for storing the identity of the medi-
are used by clinicians, researchers, managers, process- cation, the dose, the schedule of administration, the
improvement teams, and decision-support systems. route of administration, the number of refills, and the
Although it is self-evident that the accuracy of such name of the prescriber (e.g., Table 1). Each field can
data is important to the activities of these users, there be accurate or inaccurate, some fields may be op-
have been only sporadic reports about the accuracy tional, and some fields may be used only by certain
of data in EMRs.‘-~ These studies suggest that, in gen- applications and not by others. The methodologic
eral, data accuracy is a significant problem. question is which subset of fields to include in the
definition of a correct record. If we were to require

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We are interested in the accuracy of patient medica- that all fields be correct, we would overestimate the
tion data because these data are important clinically error experienced by any particular application. On
(and managerially), yet their accuracy has not been the other hand, if we were to use a single application-
the subject of study. The importance of medication specific definition, our results would apply only to
data is related to the contribution of medications to that application. These observations suggested that
the cost of health care, and the frequency of adverse we should use multiple definitions of data accu-
events related to medications.6,7 Clinicians need ac- racy-corresponding to a distinct subset of fields for
curate medication data to avoid drug interactions, to each application of interest.
monitor patient compliance and therapeutic response,
to diagnose potential side effects, and to respond to A second methodologic issue is the meaning of a med-
requests for refills. Decision-support systems use ication record in an outpatient EMR. We have ob-
medication data to check for drug-drug, drug-al- served informally that physicians use medication lists
lergy, and drug-problem interactions, for diagnosis, in outpatient charts both prescriptively (i.e., to record
and to encourage cost-effective prescribing. In this re- what they instructed the patient to do) and descrip-
search, we developed methodologies for the analysis tively (i.e., to record what the patient is actually tak-
of medication data accuracy and used them to char- ing). For example, the entry phenobarbital 60 mg 1 tab
acterize the accuracy of medication data in an opera- po q8k could correspond to a situation in which 1) the
tional outpatient EMR. patient is not taking this medication in this dose and
on this schedule, but was instructed to do so; 2) the
Methodologic Issues patient is taking this medication in this dose and on
this schedule, but was instructed otherwise; or 3) the
patient is taking the medication exactly as instructed.
The standard methodologic approach to the measure Clinicians can sometimes resolve this ambiguity using
of data accuracy, which we follow, characterizes data additional sources of information such as progress
accuracy along two dimensions that are termed ge- notes, their memories, or congruence with how they
nerically “correctness” and “comp1eteness.“‘~*~” Cor- prescribe medications. To study accuracy, however,
rectness is defined by Wiederholt and Perrault 10 as the we must select one of these perspectives. For this
accuracy with which events are recorded and entered. study, we viewed medication data descriptively be-
Completeness is a measure of the prevalence of missing cause a representation of the true state of a patient is
events or observations. The reason researchers use important for reasoning about side effects and dose-
dual measures is that incomplete data and incorrect response effects (e.g., warfarin-INR). A second reason
data may result in different clinical errors. why we elected to view medication data descriptively
Researchers have employed a variety of “gold stan- is that we wanted to analyze accuracy from the per-
spective of a decision-support system, which often re-
dards” against which to measure correctness and
completeness, partly for pragmatic reasons and partly quires a representation of the state of the patient,
rather than what the physician prescribed.
because the appropriate gold standard is often data-
dependent. For example, a gold standard for birth
date might be a birth certificate, whereas a gold stan- Methods
dard for childhood vaccinations might be a parental
interview or direct observation of vaccination.’ The
standard adopted by most researchers has been un- Setting
blinded chart review.1,3,5,9,11-13
Benedum Geriatric Center (BGC) is a multidiscipli-
A new methodologic issue in the investigation of nary geriatrics clinic at a university medical center
medication data accuracy results from the fact that a serving a patient population of approximately 2,000.
medication record is a compound data type; that is, it The clinic staff includes geriatricians, social workers,
236 WAGNER, HOGAN, Accuracy of Medication Data

psychiatrists, and nurse practitioners (approximately priate to exclude both types of patients because there
30 clinicians total). The BGC EMR is a locally de- had been no opportunity to record their medications
signed and developed system running as a Windows in the EMR. We used this criterion because it could
application on 22 workstations in the clinic. The EMR be implemented readily on a computer. This exclusion
reproduces the functionality of the paper record and criterion could inappropriately exclude patients who
of the appointment schedule with electronic forms were taking medications, but for whom the clinic staff
that resemble a face sheet, an appointment status had failed to record any medications, and patients
board, and visit records. The EMR captures patient who were taking no medication. Additionally, we ex-
data by direct entry of data by clinicians at computer cluded subsequent visits of those patients who had

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terminals at the time of a visit (representing 12% of already been seen during the study period, because
medication data capture),* direct entry of data at com- the study may have influenced the accuracy of their
puter terminals by clinicians during phone contacts lists.
with patients or providers (14%), and data entry by
licensed nurse practitioners from structured encounter Data Collection
forms (75%). Regardless of who enters medication
data, the procedure is the same. Working in a form, On the day before a scheduled visit, the EMR system
the user enters the first four letters of the generic or determined automatically the set of patients who sat-
the brand name of a medication, and is then presented isfied the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the
with a pick list of matching formulary items. From study, and printed a study form (Appendix) for each
that list, the user selects the desired formulary item eligible patient. The form listed the patient’s current
(e.g., ampicillin, 250-mg tablet) and enters the sched- medications as recorded in the EMR with check boxes
ule of administration and comments. There are field- and coding boxes for the recording of errors, and their
level validation procedures for each field. types and causes. It provided space for a clinician to
record any missing medications. It also contained
The BGC EMR had been in operation for 18 months printed instructions, and a legend for the types and
at the. time of the study. Although clinicians were causes of errors. One investigator met individually
changing from indirect to direct data entry during this with each clinician and explained the purpose of the
period, at the time of the study no clinician was study, reviewed the instructions, gave an example of
changing modality. At the time of the study, four of an error corresponding to each type and cause, and
six nurses and nurse practitioners were entering data reviewed the use of the form. The clinicians were told
directly. Three of ten geriatricians whose patients that the purpose of the study was to determine the
were included in the study were entering data di- accuracy of medication data in the EMR. We in-
rectly. The study included patients whether or not structed clinicians that any discrepancy between the
their providers entered data directly into the EMR. medication list and what the patient was actually tak-
ing should be noted. During the visit, the clinician
Inclusion Criteria marked each listed medication as correct or, if incor-
We included any patient with an appointment for ei- rect, coded both the type and the cause of the error
ther a medical nurse practitioner or a geriatrician dur- according to the legend on the form. The clinician
ing a three-week study period in December 1994. One wrote in missing medications and coded the cause of
author is a geriatrician in the clinic and his patients the error.
were eligible to be included in the study
Main Outcome Measures
Exclusion Criteria
A correct medication record from the perspective of a
We excluded new patients by excluding all patients clinician was determined as follows. A study form
with empty medication lists. This exclusion criterion presented the same data from the EMR that are shown
also excluded patients who had been seen previously, to clinicians during routine clinical care, namely, the
but not since the inception of the EMR. It was appro- formulation, sig, and comments fields from the EMR
records (Table 1, rows 14-20). The clinician deter-
*We measured the proportion of changes in medication data mined whether the patient was actually taking the
(medication starts, medication stops, and medication adjust- medication as described. We refer to this definition of
ments) captured by different routes for a sample of 1,114 pa- error as clinician perspective, medication, schedule, and
tients. We did this for the month preceding this study. We found
a total of 629 modifications of the medication data for those
dose. The clinician had available, when making this
patients in that month, a rate of 0.57 modifications per patient determination, some or all of the following sources of
per month. information: his or her knowledge of the patient, the
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Volume 3 Number 3 May / Jun 1996 237

Table 1 n

Medication-record Schema in the Benedum Geriatric Center Electronic Medical Record

Field Name Type Description

1 medication-id Number (Long) Primary Key

2 pid Number (Long) Foreign key for the patient record
3 med-ancestor Number (Long) Medication-id of the record from which this record was created due to
a dose change or correction
4 created-date Date/Time Date record was created
5 created-who Text Name of provider who created this record

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6 creator-id Number (Long) Foreign key to provider table
7 created-reason Text Whether the event was a dose change or correction
8 created-encounterID Number (Long) Foreign key to the encounter table
9 archived-date Date/Time Date record became inactive
10 archived-reason Text Reason why record made inactive
11 archived-who Text Name of provider who made record inactive
12 archived-encounterID Number (Long) Foreign key to encounter table
13 archiver-id Number (Long) Foreign key to provider table
14 formulary-id Number (Long) Foreign key to formulary
15 sig-value Text Number of units of medication
16 sig-units Text Units (e.g., tablet)
17 sig-route Text Route of administration
18 sig-interval Text Interval of administration
19 sig-pm Text Whether medication is pm
20 sig-comments Text Free-text comments
21 who Text Name of provider
22 provider-id Number (Long) Foreign key to provider table
23 disp-number Number (Int) Quantity dispensed
24 disp-units Text Units dispensed (e.g., tablets)
25 disp-refills Number (Int) Number of refills
26 disp-date Date/Time Date of last dispensing
27 disp-encounterID Number (Long) Foreign key to encounter table
28 disp-who Text Name of provider who last dispensed
29 dispenser-id Number (Long) Foreign key to provider table
30 disp-p Yes/No Whether the medication requires a prescription
31 verifieddate Date/Time Date the medication was last checked with the patient
32 verified-who Text Name of provider who checked medication
33 verified-encounterID Number (Long) Foreign key to encounter table
34 verifier-id Number (Long) Foreign key to provider table

patient, a caregiver, the patient’s prescription bottles, and that being taken by the patient (Dose), 4) a differ-
and the patient’s medical records. ence in the sigs, or schedule of administration for a
medication (Schedule), 5) duplicate entries (Duplicates),
We defined six categories for types of errors, and seven and 6) an unrecorded medication that the patient was
categories for causes of errors. We developed these cat- taking (Not Listed). These category labels, and those
egories from an analysis of a sample of patient charts, listed in the next paragraph, correspond to the codes
and refined them in a one-week pilot study. We de- provided on the study form (there was no code for
fined these categories to be mutually exclusive and the Not Listed error type because clinicians wrote in
exhaustive, and to correspond to correctable causes of the names of missing medications).
errors. We collected data describing the severity of er-
rors in the pilot study, but there was significant vari-
ability in clinician compliance and reliability with this The categories for causes of errors were: 1) uncaptured
metric and we did not include it in the final study. changes made by hand in the paper chart (Handwrit-
ten), 2) data-entry errors (Data entry), 3) patient-initi-
The categories for types of errors were: 1) a recorded ated changes in medications (Patient), 4) unrecorded
medication that the patient was not. taking (Extra changes made by a clinic physician (Clinic MD), 5)
Listed), 2) an error in the name of the formulation, changes made by medical center clinicians outside of
such as quinine instead of quinidine (Med), 3) a dif- the clinic (UPMC MD), 6) changes made by non-
ference in the strengths of the formulation recorded medical center clinicians (Outside MD), and 7) Un-
238 WAGNER, HOGAN, Accuracy of Medication Data

Table 2 n and MDSS, medication only). To characterize complete-

Results Using clinician perspective, medication, ness of medication lists, we computed the mean num-
schedule, and dose Definition of Accuracy ber of medications per patient for which no medica-
tion record existed. This measure would inform a
Number of patients in study 117
Number of medication records 663 clinician of the number of medications likely to be
Average number of medications/patient 5.67 missing from a medication list. Although this quantity
Correctly listed medications 549 technically measures the incompleteness of medication
Number of correct medications/patient 4.69
Number of missing medication records 43 lists, we refer to it in this paper as completeness, mean
Correctness 0.83 (549/663) because completeness is a conventional term and this

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Completeness 0.37 (43/117) measure cannot be converted into a measure of com-
We analyzed the data to test whether direct clinician
known. There was no code on the study form for the entry was associated with a different level of error
Unknown cause; we added this type during data anal- than that for encounter form data entry. We compared
ysis to encode a response written in by clinicians the accuracy of the medication records of those pa-
when they did not know the cause. tients whose primary clinician entered medications di-
rectly with the accuracy of the records for those pa-
As a secondary analysis, we removed Dose and Sched- tients whose primary clinician used encounter forms.
ule errors from our original analysis. This adjustment We also tested whether the correctness of prescription
in the error rate gave us a measure of accuracy for the medications was equal to that of nonprescription
identity of the medication only We refer to this defi- medications. For the comparisons of correctnesses, we
nition as clinician, medication only. To obtain an esti- calculated a 95% confidence interval (CI) for the dif-
mate of data error from a decision-support perspec- ferences between the error rates using a test for dif-
tive, we took the clinician, medication only analysis and ferences between two proportions.14 We compared the
reclassified as error any medication record where the completenesses of direct and indirect data entry using
identity of the medication was only available in a free- a two-sample t-test for independent samples with
text “comments” field. Information in such a free-text equal variances.15 We tested for significant differences
field, although usable from a clinician’s perspective, among the causes of errors by computing 95% CIs and
would be unintelligible to a medical decision-support testing for overlap.
system (MDSS). We refer to this third definition as
MDSS, medication only. This definition of accuracy To facilitate comparison of our results with those of
based on encoding of the identity of the compound published studies about the accuracy of medication
alone uses only field 14 in Table 1. lists in paper-based medical records, we computed the
proportion of patient medication lists that were both
complete and correct (i.e., all of a patient’s current
Statistical Methods medications were recorded correctly). This is the sta-
tistic most commonly reported in that literature. We
To obtain a measure of correctness, we computed the refer to it as the proportion of error-free lists.
proportion of all medication records that were correct.
This measure would be expected to be informative to
a clinician who needs to know the probability that a Results
patient is actually taking a recorded medication. We
computed this proportion using our main and sec- In the three-week study period at BGC, 208 of 399
ondary definitions of correctness (clinician perspective, scheduled visits satisfied the inclusion criteria. Of
medication, schedule, and dose; clinician, medication only; these visits, we excluded 28 because the patient had

Table 3 n

Indirect versus Direct Data Entry

Direct Physician Data-entry
Entry Personnel Difference 95% CI

Correctness (clinician, medication, schedule, dose) 0.83 (106/127) 0.83 (443/536) 0.00 -0.07, 0.07
Correctness (clinician, medication only). 0.91 (115/127) 0.92 (494/536) 0.01 -0.04, 0.06
Completeness 0.30 (6/20) 0.38 (37/97) 0.08 -0.26, 0.42
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Volume 3 Number 3 May / Jun 1996 239

Table 4 n

Prescription versus Nonprescription Medications

Prescription Nonprescription
Medications Medications Difference 9.5% CI
Correctness (clinician perspective, medication, 0.82 (392/479) 0.85 (156/184) 0.03 -0.03, 0.09
schedule, and dose)
Correctness (clinician, medication only) 0.95 (453/479) 0.90 (166/l&1) 0.05 0.00, 0.09

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an empty medication list (21 patients were new pa- categories of errors (based on an informal comparison
tients, seven patients were not taking medications, of study forms with the patient records). The most
and three patients were taking medications but had common cause of discrepancies between data in the
erroneously empty lists). We excluded an additional EMR and what the patient was actually taking was
44 visits because the patient did not keep the appoint- the patients themselves. Because patients stop, start,
ment. We distributed 136 study forms to physicians, and adjust medications on their own between office
of which they completed and returned 119 (response visits, and occasionally misreport medications, the
rate 89.3%). We excluded two of these visits because medication records can diverge from the actual med-
the patient had been seen already during the study ication usage of the patient. The second most common
period. There were on average 5.67 medications re- cause was medication changes made by clinicians in
corded per patient. The proportion of medication rec- the medical center, but outside of the clinic (e.g., sub-
ords that were correct was 0.83. There were 0.37 un- specialists).
recorded medications per patient (Table 2).
To test whether accuracy varied as a function of time
Of the 117 patients, 20 (17%) saw the three physicians from the last clinic visit, we plotted the proportion of
who used the computer directly to record visit notes. medications that were correct for each of the 117 pa-
The proportion of medication records that were cor- tients against the number of days since the last clinic
rect for this group of patients (83%) was not signifi- visit (Fig. 2). The correlation coefficient for this com-
cantly different from the proportion for the other parison was -0.1, not significantly different from zero
patients (83%). The completenesses were also not sig- (p > 0.2), suggesting that either time does not influ-
nificantly different (Table 3). Analysis of prescription ence accuracy (unlikely), the intervisit intervals were
versus nonprescription medications did not show a sta- too short for significant effect on accuracy to emerge,
tistically significant difference in correctness (Table 4). or that the relationship between visit intervals and
medication accuracy is complex.
Figure 1 cross-tabulates the types and causes of errors.
In Figure 1, we aggregate the dose and schedule types Table 5 reports the results of our secondary analyses.
of errors because clinicians seemed to confuse the two When we required only that the identity of the com-

.$ 50
t 40
5 30
‘4 20
Patient UPMC MD Handwritten Clinic MD Data Entry Unknown Outside MD
29 (18.4%) 8 (5.1%) 3 (1.9%) 2 (1.3%) 1 (0.6%) 0 (0.0%) 1
7 (4.4%) 19 (12.0%) 7 (4.4%) 4 (2.5%) 0 (0.0%) 3 (1.9%) 3
(8.9%) 6 (3.8%) 11 (7.0%) 7 (4.4%) 7 (4.4%) 8 (5.1%) 2
7 (4.4%) 1 (0.6%) 0 (0.0%) 1 (0.6%) 5 (3.2%) 1 (0.60/j 1
T?EEq 57 (36.1%) 34 (21.5%) 21 (13.3%) 14 (8.9%) 13 (8.2%) 12 (7.6%) 7 (4.4%)1

Fi gure 1 Causes and types of medication list errors (error bars show 95% confidence intervals).
240 WAGNER, HOGAN, Accuracy of Medication Data

pound be correct, correctness increased to 0.92. When suggest that access to the EMR by those who are al-
analyzed from the perspective of a MDSS, correctness lowed to make changes must be improved (e.g., from
was 0.90. Completeness for the clinician, medication home, car). Such an expansion would require solu-
only definition was 0.37. From the MDSS perspective, tions to technical problems such as how to capture
whenever a medication was not coded, it was an ad- changes made by clinicians when they are at home or
ditional error, hence, the number of incompleteness in their cars using cellular telephones.
errors per patient increased to 1.38. Table 5 also shows
the proportion of error-free lists. We compare this rate
with the rates described in the literature for paper- In this study, we used the determinations of the treat-

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based medical records in the Discussion. ing clinicians as a gold standard. An ideal gold stan-
dard for this type of study would be an independent,
blinded observer using multiple sources of informa-
Discussion tion such as pharmacy records, patient interviews,
and chart reviews. Although our method used mul-
Error Rates and Causes of Error tiple sources of data (the clinicians had access to the
patient, often the patient’s prescription bottles, care-
The principal result of this study is the demonstration givers, and the paper chart), a potential limitation of
of moderately high levels of error in the medication our design is that clinicians may have undercounted
records of an EMR. A second result is that the main their own errors. However, in this center, more than
causes of error are problems in the capture of medi- one clinician is responsible, for the maintenance of any
cation data, not problems with the accurate entry of one patient’s medication list; therefore, by identifying
data. Many of the potentially remediable errors that an error, a clinician did not have to implicate himself
we observed at the geriatric center were caused by the or herself as the source. Also, many study forms were
limited scope of the EMR (only practitioners from the completed by medical residents working in the clinic,
clinic had accounts) and limited access (access to the who were not present when data they were judging
EMR was available only from workstations within the were collected, and therefore were presumably im-
clinic). An implication of this study for single-clinic partial. If present, this bias would be in the direction
EMRs is that to improve data accuracy, the orga- of minimizing observed data error and therefore
nizational scope of the EMR must grow as large as would not change our principal conclusion that data
possible, ideally communitywide (to include all prac- error is present in outpatient EMRs. This type of bias
titioners who potentially make changes in medica- may disproportionately affect the physician category
tions). This observation suggests the need for citywide of causes of errors; however, this influence would not
or regional data networks. Additionally, our results change our conclusion that limited scope is an im-

‘.. c<..-<.<<...
. ..-.-.-.

II.... ...... .
S?* ,; .
. . . .
‘. .
. <. .
. .

l . . . .

I .

0 +- b-r-.-..

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Days since previous visit

F I gure 2 Proportion of correct medication records for each of 117 patients as a function of the time since the patient
was last seen in clinic.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Volume 3 Number 3 May / Jun 1996 241

portant source of medication data error in this EMR. Table 5 n

A second potential limitation is that clinicians may not Medication List Accuracy According to Alternate
have completed the forms accurately due to lack of Definitions
interest or time. During the pilot phase of this study,
Correctness (clinician perspective, medication, 83% (549/663)
we informally correlated the physician responses with schedule, and dose)
a chart review and found that the clinicians did not Correctness (clinician, medication only) 92% (609/663)
make obvious mistakes. A third potential source of Correctness (MDSS, medication only) 90% (595/663)
Completeness (clinician, medication only)’ 0.37 (43/117)
bias is the inclusion of patients of one of the authors Completeness (MDSS, medication only) 1.38 (162/117)
in. the study; however, only five such patients were Correctness (paper-based definition)t 43.5% (51/117)

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included. Our exclusion criteria excluded three pa- *There is no difference in completeness for the clinician perspec-
tients who had empty medication lists in error. These tive, medication, schedule, and dose and clinician, medication only
patients were taking a total of four medications, definitions.
which would not have changed our completeness t% of lists with no errors.
.measures significantly.

We did not estimate the severity of errors. We at- designed to improve data accuracy. For example, one
tempted to elicit such judgments during the pilot pe- approach would be to use additional sources of da’ta
riod from clinicians, but found that our clinicians about medications such as prescription records from
found such a question distracting when they were see- pharmacies. Such a source of data will mainly” im-
ing patients (whereas determining what medications prove completeness by capturing prescriptions writ-
a patient i s t aki ng is their job). Our breakdown of er- ten, but not recorded, by physicians (corresponding
rors into types (e.g., dose, omitted, schedule, medi- to error type Not listed and cause types .UPMC. MD,
cation) could be used by those interested in forming Handwritten, Clinic MD, and Outside MD .in Figure 1).
a summative judgment of whether the data accuracy We estimate that this approach, currently under in-
was good or bad. vestigation by others,16 would potentially reduce
missing medication records to 009 per list in our set-
Generality of Results
After removing potentially remediable errors, we are
It is likely that other single-clinic outpatient EMRs left with causes of errors (e.g., Patients, Data Entry)
will have levels of error at least as high as that which that would not be expected to improve with EMR ex-
we found. The geriatric center had many characteris- tensions. We estimate that ineradicable sources of er-
tics that may have enhanced accuracy. Clinicians share ror would limit maximum correctness to approxi-
responsibility for different aspects of a patient’s care. mately 0.90 and incompleteness to 0.06 medications
Therefore, they are careful to record medications. per patient. Using the clinician, medication only defi-
Moreover, geriatricians by training are attuned to the nition of accuracy, the adjusted correctness would be
risk of medication errors in the elderly. Finally, one of 0.93 if scope were improved, 0.94 if both scope and
the authors (MMW) developed this EMR specifically access were improved, and 0.94 maximum achievable
to address a problem of medication data error. The accuracy. The number of missing medications per pa-
fact that we measured error at a maximum time from tient would be the same. We discuss the implications
the last visit may inflate the error levels; however, our of ineradicable error for MDSS systems below.
analysis showed that this effect was small.

We can use our categorization of errors to obtain es- Data-entry Errors

timates of medication data error for EMRs with
broader scopes and more effective data capture mech- Data-entry errors were a smaller component of the
anisms. For example, by removing errors of types overall’ error than we expected. Research on data ac-
UPMC MD and Outside MD, we can estimate that 0.86 curacy in EMRs has focused on errors introduced by
of listed medications would be correct and 0.18 med- transcription from data-entry forms into computers,
ications would be missing per list in an enterprise- giving the false impression that transcription is the
wide system. By further adjusting for errors due to main source of error in EMRs. These studies also sug-
access to the EMR (Clinic MD, Handwritten), we expect gest that direct entry of data by clinicians may pro-
that correctness would increase to 0.89 of listed med- duce improvements in data accuracy. Considering our
ications and incompleteness would decrease to 0.09 comparison of accuracy levels with direct and indirect
per list. We can also use our categorization of errors entry, we would not expect that switching to direct
to estimate the effect of any particular intervention entry of data by physicians would have a large effect
242 WAGNER, HOGAN, Accuracy of Medication Data

on overall accuracy. It may be that direct entry of data First, for rules that require the presence of a single
is associated with other types of errors (e.g., omitting medication in the left-hand side (e.g, if the patient is
medications because direct entry takes longer) that taking furosemide and has not had serum potassium
eliminate any gains achieved by the elimination of the checked within 2 year), the medication data would be
transcription step. We are cautious, however, in over- incorrect at a rate of 1 - 0.93 = 0.07. Hence, 7% of
interpreting this comparison because it is a small n such reminders sent to physicians would be inappro-
study and we did not randomize clinicians into direct- priate due to medication data error. Second, 1 - 0.98
entry and encounter-form groups. The biggest reason = 0.02 of patients who truly were taking furosemide
to have physicians enter medications is to provide de- would not have this fact recorded accurately in the

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cision support to decision makers; hence, the lack of EMR. Thus, 2% of opportunities to send this reminder
improvement in data accuracy should not lead to the appropriately would be missed. Third, for rules that
conclusion that indirect entry of medication data is refer to the absence of a single medication in the left-
desirable. hand side (e.g., if the patient is in pulmonary edema and
is not receiving furosemide), we would expect situa-
tions in which erroneous advice would be offered be-
Are Computer-based Medication Lists More cause the fact that the patient was taking the medi-
Accurate than Paper-based Lists? cation was not recorded, and, fourth, situations in
which the advice would have been appropriate, but it
EMRs have the potential to achieve higher data ac-
curacy than paper records through the use of validity would not have been sent. The above simple analysis
assumes only one data element per rule, and that the
checks at the point of data entry, and other mecha-
accurate identity of the compound alone was required
nisms such as the continual improvement of current
(not a correct calculation of dosage). In more complex
medication lists by editing rather than rewriting (or
cases, the level of erroneous advice and missed op-
redictating). However, this advantage has never been
portunity can be expected to be higher.
demonstrated experimentally, to our knowledge.
Studies of paper-based records differ methodologi- To simplify the above discussion, we deferred consid-
cally from the present study in gold standard; hence, eration of an additional source of error in medication
we must be cautious in drawing conclusions from data that may affect MDSSs. In the Introduction, we
comparisons. Price et al.” obtained current medica- discussed the ambiguity that we found in medication
tion lists from English general practitioners for 46 pa- lists in outpatient records. Although we could resolve
tients and compared them with medication lists ob- the ambiguity in these records, we did not think that
tained from patients at an interview. They found
the ambiguity could be resolved automatically by a
omissions or errors in dose for 70% of the patients, MDSS. Thus, if the distinction between prescription
46% of the patients were taking medications that were
and description were important in the rules of a
not reported by their general practitioners. Monson
MDSS (e.g., the rule if the patient is taking ampicillin
and Bond” compared the medical records of 355 pa-
and has a rash, then suggest that the rash is caused by
tients sampled from several outpatient clinics at the
ampicillin is different from the rule if ampicillin is pre-
Madison VA Hospital with pharmacy files. They
scribed and the patient has a penicillin allergy, then sug-
found omissions or errors in dose for 70% of the pa-
gest discontinuation of ampicillin), additional false
tients; 21% of the prescriptions on file were not re-
alarms or missed reminders would occur. In our ex-
corded in the paper record. The EMR that we studied
perience, outpatient EMRs do not support the above
had an error rate, when computed similarly, of 44%.
distinctions. The addition of fields to allow clinicians
These results provide support for the conjecture that
to record how and whether a medication is pre-
a benefit of EMRs is improvement in (medication)
scribed, and how it is being taken would rectify this
data accuracy.
deficiency (inpatient EMRs often maintain this dis-
tinction because they have separate order and medi-
Implications of Data Error for MDSSs cation-administration-record tables). This is an im-
portant observation for designers of EMRs.
To examine the effect of data error on MDSSs, let us
consider the effect of incorrect and incomplete medi- Our study revealed one other issue relevant to
cation data on the performance of one simple type of MDSSs. We observed that the provision of a free-text
MDSS-a rule-based reminder system. Using medi- “comments” field increased the completeness of med-
cation-specific data from the BGC EMR for furose- ication lists for clinician users at the expense of com-
mide, we would expect to see the following four types pleteness for a MDSS. These free-text fields allowed
of problems in the advice produced by such a system. physicians to record partial data about a medication
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Volume 3 Number 3 May / Jun 1996 243

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(The Appendix appears on the next page.)

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