Uts Inggris2 Dwi Romadhani

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NO. UJIAN 2307879160

NAMA : Dwi Romadhani JENJANG : S1
NIM : 2320130128 TAHUN AKADEMIK : 2023/2024
FAKULTAS : Sosial dan Ekonomi SEMESTER :3
PRODI : Psikologi DOSEN : Hamidah M.Psi
No. Tanggal/Waktu Kode MATAKULIAH Absen Keterangan Paraf
1 Sabtu, 23-03-2024 07.30 s.d 10.30 PSI1309 Psikometri 27 B Genap - 3 sks -
2 Sabtu, 30-03-2024 10.31 s.d 12.00 PSI1312 Psikologi Kognitif 27 B Genap - 3 sks -
3 Sabtu, 11-05-2024 08.00 s.d 09.40 PSI1307 Psikologi Perkembangan 27 B Genap - 2 sks -
4 Sabtu, 11-05-2024 10.00 s.d 11.40 UTN2047 Bahasa Inggris II 27 B Genap - 2 sks -
5 Sabtu, 11-05-2024 13.00 s.d 14.30 PSI1341 Psikologi Kesehatan 27 B Genap - 2 sks -
6 Sabtu, 29-06-2024 10.00 s.d 14.40 PSI1321 Asesmen Psikologi 27 B Genap - 3 sks -
7 Sabtu, 29-06-2024 15.00 s.d 18.00 PSI1333 Psikologi Kepribadian 2 27 B Genap - 3 sks -

1. Mahasiswa harus berada diruangan 5 (lima) menit sebelum ujian dimulai, mahasiswa yang terlambat tidak diperkenankan memasuki
ruang ujian, kecuali mendapat izin dari panitia/pengawas ujian.
2. Mahasiswa diwajibkan memakai Jas Almamater, berpakaian rapi (tidak boleh memakai jeans, kaos dan pakaian pres body.
3. Mahasiswa diwajibkan Memakai sepatu, Memakai kaos kaki dan bagi wanita memakai androk panjang.
4. Mahasiswa tidak diperkenankan membawa buku atau catatan dalam bentuk apapun kedalam ruang ujian.
5. Mahasiswa tidak diperkenankan membawa atau mengaktifkan HP atau telepon genggam selama ujian berlangsung.
6. Mahasiswa tidak diperkenankan meminta atau memberikan jawaban kepada mahasiswa lainnya selama ujian berlangsung.
7. Mahasiswa tidak diperkenankan memindahkan atau merubah kursi ujian selama ujian berlangsung.
8. Mahasiswa diwajibkan memperlihatkan Kartu Peserta Ujian, identitas diri serta kartu aktifitas yang telah di ACC oleh dosen pengampu
mata kuliah kepada penguji, dan bagi yang belum di ACC tidak diperkenankan mengikuti ujian.
9. Kartu aktifitas yang telah di ACC dan tertera tanda tangan dosen dipotong dan dimasukkan ke dalam amplop beserta lembar jawaban.
10. Mahasiswa yang melanggar tata tertib butir 1 s/d 8 akan diberikan sangsi berupa :
* Teguran
* Tertulis
* Dibatalkan hak ujian semester

Sukaraja, 11 Mei 2024

Ketua Prodi Kepala BAAK

Hamidah M.Psi

Part A
1. Rewrite these sentences whether they are in the past continuous/progressive!
2. Then change these sentences into interrogative forms!
Past Continuous Story
One sunny day, Billy and Timmy were delivering a box to Mr. Thompson. The crate was full of
glasses. They were carrying the box on a cart. They were taking the glasses to Mr. Thompson's store at
the end of the street. They were being very careful with the crate full of glasses.
As they were passing by the school, they saw Jack and Tom. Jack and Tom were playing soccer.
Billy and Timmy asked the other boys for help. The four boys steered the cart through the streets. While
Billy and Timmy were pulling from the front, Jack and Tom were pushing from behind.
As they were walking, Billy and Timmy were guiding the cart over bumps and holes. They were
protecting the glasses. When the four boys arrived at the store, Mr. Thompson was waiting for them.
While Mr. Thompson was unloading the glasses, he thanked the boys for their hard work. None of the
glasses were broken! The boys were feeling very proud of their hard work.

1. Rewrite these sentences whether they are in the past continuous/progressive!

Answer ;
One sunny day, Billy and Timmy were delivering a box to Mr. Thompson. The crate was full of glasses.
They were carrying the box on a cart. They were taking the glasses to Mr. Thompson's store at the end of
the street. They were being very careful with the crate full of glasses.
As they passed by the school, they saw Jack and Tom. Jack and Tom were playing soccer. Billy and
Timmy asked the other boys for help. The four boys were steering the cart through the streets. While Billy
and Timmy were pulling from the front, Jack and Tom were pushing from behind.
As they walked, Billy and Timmy were guiding the cart over bumps and holes. They were protecting the
glasses. When the four boys arrived at the store, Mr. Thompson was waiting for them. While Mr.
Thompson was unloading the glasses, he thanked the boys for their hard work. None of the glasses were
broken! The boys were feeling very proud of their hard work.

2. Then change these sentences into interrogative forms!

1. What were Billy and Timmy doing with the box? Why were they beingcareful?
Answer: Billy and Timmy were delivering the box to Mr. Thompson's store. They
were being careful because they didn't want to break the glasses.
2. What were Jack and Tom doing? Where were they?
Answer:Jack and Tom were playing soccer. They were at the school.
3. Who was waiting for the boys at the store? How were the boys feeling atthe end of the story?
Answer; Mr. Thompson was waiting for the boys at the store. The boys were feeling proud at the end
of the story.

Part B
Instruction: 1. Rewrite these sentences whether they are in the present perfect!
2. Then change these sentences into interrogative forms!
Present Perfect Story
Recently, it has snowed in Maria's town. In the last week, it has snowed three times. Maria has always
loved the snow. She has played in the snow many times before.
Maria's dog, Sparky, has never played in the snow. This is Sparky's first snow. He has not felt the cold yet.
Maria has just received a new sled for Christmas. She puts on her warm clothes and snow boots. She pulls
the sled up the hill. Sparky has run outside with Maria. Sparky has followed Maria up the hill. He feels
Maria has finally reached the top. She sits on her sled. She rides down the hill. Sparky runs beside the
sled. They have finally reached the bottom. Sparky has followed Maria all the way down the hill. Sparky
has decided that he likes the snow too!
Mable Jones lives in Florida in the United States. Her grandchildren live in London, England. They have
lived in London for 3 years. Mable has not seen her grandchildren in over a year.

1. Rewrite these sentences whether they are in the present perfect!

Answer :
Recently, snow has fallen in Maria's town. In the last week, it has snowed three times. Maria has always
loved the snow. She has played in the snow many times before.
Sparky, Maria's dog, has never had the chance to play in the snow. This marks Sparky's first encounter
with snow. He has not yet experienced the cold.
Maria has recently received a new sled for Christmas. She has put on her warm clothes and snow boots.
She has pulled the sled up the hill. Sparky has run outside with Maria. He has followed Maria up the hill.
He feels good!
Maria has finally reached the top. She has sat on her sled. She has ridden down the hill. Sparky has run
beside the sled. They have finally reached the bottom. Sparky has followed Maria all the way down the
hill. Sparky has decided that he likes the snow too!
Mable Jones resides in Florida in the United States. Her grandchildren reside in London, England. They
have been living in London for 3 years. Mable has not seen her grandchildren in over a year.
In Maria's town, it has recently snowed. Three times in the last week, snow has fallen. Maria has always
harbored a love for snow. She has played in the snow on many occasions before.

2. Then change these sentences into interrogative forms!

1. Recently, where has it snowed? How many times has it snowed there in thelast week?
Answer: Recently, it has snowed in Maria's town. It has snowed there three times in thelast week.
2. Has Sparky ever played in the snow before today? What has Maria received forChristmas?
Answer: No, Sparky has never played in the snow before today. Maria has received a new sled for
3. Where has Maria taken her sled? Who has followed her?
Answer: Maria has taken her sled to the top of the hill. Sparky has followed her up the hill.

Part C
Change active to passive
1. Tom opens the door.
2. Tom is opening the door.
3. Alex was preparing that report.
4. Kathy has returned the books to the library.
5. I didn’t write that note.
6. Waitresses and waiters serve customers.
7. Shakespeare wrote that play.
8. Two horses were pulling the farmer’s wagon.
9. Tom doesn’t open the window.
10. Did Tom open the door?

1. The door is opened by Tom.
2. The door is being opened by Tom.
3. That report was being prepared by Alex.
4. The books have been returned to the library by Kathy.
5. That note wasn't written by me.
6. Customers are served by waitresses and waiters.
7. That play was written by Shakespeare.
8. The farmer's wagon was being pulled by two horses.
9. The window is not opened by Tom.
10. Was the door opened by Tom?

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