Vet Stats Final

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Veterans' Stat|st|cs

Nat|ona| Stat|st|cs and n|gh||ghts

O Cfflclal 2010 census numbers
4 21798077 veLerans
4 72 of veLerans are females
4 Medlan lncome $33367 compared Lo $24321 amongsL nonveLerans
4 239 have 8achelor's degree or hlgher
4 unemploymenL raLe ls 99 (compared Lo 107 amongsL nonveLerans)
4 overLy raLe ls 67 (compared Lo 141 amongsL nonveLerans)
4 233 of veLerans reporLed havlng some form of dlsablllLy (compared Lo 133 amongsL
@exas Stat|st|cs and n|gh||ghts
O Cfflclal 2010 census numbers
4 1609732 veLerans
4 83 of veLerans are females
4 Medlan lncome $37483 compared Lo $23233 amongsL nonveLerans
4 288 have 8achelor's degree or hlgher
4 unemploymenL raLe ls 81 (compared Lo 87 amongsL nonveLerans)
4 overLy raLe ls 63 (compared Lo 138 amongsL nonveLerans)
4 238 of veLerans reporLed havlng some form of dlsablllLy (compared Lo 134 amongsL
xpend|tures on Veterans
O 1oLal expendlLure on veLerans (ln 2010) $108634092
4 LxpendlLure on LducaLlon vocaLlonal 8ehablllLaLlon/LmploymenL $8260114 or 76
of LoLal expendlLures
4 LxpendlLure for 1exas $9402637 or 867 of LoLal expendlLures
4 LxpendlLure for 1exas LducaLlon vocaLlonal 8ehablllLaLlon/LmploymenL $778237 or
942 LoLal expendlLure on LducaLlon vocaLlonal 8ehablllLaLlon/LmploymenL or
828 of 1exas expendlLure
Veteran p|oyent
O number of vocaLlonal 8ehablllLaLlon LmploymenL arLlclpanLs ln 2010 117130
O Among all veLerans Lhose wlLh a servlceconnecLed dlsablllLy had an unemploymenL raLe of 91
percenL ln !uly 2010 abouL Lhe same as Lhe raLe for veLerans wlLh no dlsablllLy (87 percenL)
O AbouL oneLhlrd of employed veLerans wlLh a servlceconnecLed dlsablllLy worked ln Lhe publlc
secLor ln !uly 2010 1 ln 3 veLerans wlLh a dlsablllLy were employed by Lhe federal governmenL
O 1op flve secLors of employmenL
4 lor all veLerans
CovernmenL 219
ManufacLurlng 129
rofesslonal and 8uslness Servlces 100
LducaLlon and PealLh Servlces 83
8eLall 1rade 80
4 lor Culf War ll veLerans
CovernmenL 304
rofesslonal and 8uslness Servlces 129
ManufacLurlng 103
LducaLlon and PealLh Servlces 79
8eLall 1rade 68
$ (Gu|f War % Data
O 103 of LoLal veLerans ls from Culf War ll
O 134 of 1exas veLerans ls from Culf War ll
O 32 largesL age group ls 2029 years old
O AbouL 17 percenL Culf War ll of Lhese veLerans were women
O ln 2010 a large ma[orlLy (822 percenL) of Culf Warera ll veLerans parLlclpaLed ln Lhe labor
force and Lhelr unemploymenL raLe was 113 percenL ln general Culf Warera ll veLerans had
unemploymenL raLes LhaL were noL sLaLlsLlcally dlfferenL from Lhose of nonveLerans of Lhe same
gender and age group
O Among veLerans who served ln Culf War era ll abouL 1 ln 4 (330000) reporLed havlng a servlce
connecLed dlsablllLy Cf Lhese 810 percenL were ln Lhe labor force compared wlLh 862 percenL
of veLerans from Lhls perlod wlLh no servlceconnecLed dlsablllLy
O Among Culf Warera ll veLerans Lhe unemploymenL raLe of Lhose wlLh a dlsablllLy was 112
percenL noL sLaLlsLlcally dlfferenL from Lhose wlLh no dlsablllLy (136 percenL)

veLeran ulsablllLy (Lsp 1Su/18l)
O ApproxlmaLely 300000 veLerans of Lhe lraq and AfghanlsLan wars nearly 20 of Lhe reLurnlng
forces are llkely Lo suffer from elLher 1Su or ma[or depresslon and Lhese numbers conLlnue
Lo cllmb
O An addlLlonal 320000 of Lhe reLurnlng veLerans from lraq and AfghanlsLan may have
experlenced LraumaLlc braln ln[urles durlng deploymenL
O 8y flscal year 2003 Lhe vA's own sLaLlsLlcs lndlcaLed LhaL 1Su was Lhe fourLh mosL common
servlcerelaLed dlsablllLy for servlce members recelvlng beneflLs
Pow may physlcally wounded? MenLally wounded?

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