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DEFINITION : Artificial intelligence, or AI, is technology that enables computers and machines to

simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities. As an example

Does AI could surpass Human Intelligence?

 Well, it depends on sceptical situations.

Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Intelligence

Here is an elaborated difference between human intelligence and artificial


Parameter Human Intelligence Artificial Intelligence

AI is an innovation created by human
Humans are born with the capacity to insights; Norbert Wiener is associated
Origin reason, think, assess, and perform with helping to progress the field by
other cognitive tasks. theorizing about the mechanisms of
Using statistical models and algorithms,
Human intelligence can pick up new
AI can learn from enormous amounts of
Learning information via observations,
data. They cannot build a uniquely
Capabilities experience, and educating oneself
human analytical style; they can only
and put it into novel scenarios.
learn through data and regular training.
Using innovative thinking and
AI can create novel approaches using
creativity, human intelligence can
Creativity existing trends and data but lacks
generate fresh concepts, literature,
inherent innovation and originality.
music, and art.
Human decisions can be subject to AI interprets according to completely
subjective factors not based solely on collected data, which makes it strongly
data. objective in decision-making.
Artificial intelligence uses digital
Nature Human intelligence is analogous.
The human brain uses around 25 Modern-day computers use around 2
Energy Use
watts of energy. watts of energy.
The capacity to comprehend abstract
Artificial intelligence is still developing
concepts, the degree of self-
the capability to read and recognize
Social Skills awareness, and sensitivity to the
relevant interpersonal and passionate
sentiments of others distinguish
humans from other social animals.
Proofs that human intelligence surpass AI
Demonstrating that human intelligence is superior to artificial intelligence involves highlighting
aspects of cognition and behavior that are currently beyond the capabilities of AI systems. Here are
some examples:
Creativity and Innovation: While AI can generate creative outputs to some extent, human creativity
is unmatched in its diversity, depth, and originality. Humans can conceptualize entirely new ideas,
make intuitive leaps, and create art, literature, music, and inventions that reflect complex emotions,
cultural contexts, and personal experiences.
Adaptability and Generalization: Human intelligence enables adaptability and generalization across
a wide range of contexts and tasks. Humans can apply knowledge and skills learned in one domain to
novel situations, improvise solutions in unpredictable environments, and learn from experience in
ways that AI systems struggle to replicate without extensive training or explicit instructions.
Common Sense and Contextual Understanding: Human intelligence involves a deep understanding
of context, common sense reasoning, and nuanced interpretation of ambiguous or incomplete
information. Humans can grasp implicit meanings, understand humor, navigate social norms, and
make judgments based on complex contextual cues, which are challenging tasks for current AI
These examples highlight the multidimensional nature of human intelligence and the complex
interplay of cognitive, emotional, social, and physical abilities that distinguish humans from AI
systems. While AI has made significant advancements in various domains, it still falls short of
replicating the full spectrum of human intelligence and capabilities.

Do we need to worry?
Worrying about the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) is a natural response given the potential
risks and uncertainties associated with its development. Here are some key considerations:
Ethical and Social Implications: AI has the potential to bring about significant societal changes,
both positive and negative. Concerns about job displacement, economic inequality, privacy violations,
and algorithmic bias are valid and require careful consideration. Ensuring that AI development is
aligned with ethical principles and societal values is essential to mitigate potential harm.
Impact on Employment: The automation of tasks by AI has the potential to disrupt industries and
reshape the labor market. While AI may create new job opportunities and increase efficiency in some
sectors, it could also lead to job displacement and exacerbate existing inequalities if not managed
appropriately. Efforts to retrain workers, promote lifelong learning, and implement policies that
support a smooth transition are crucial.
Safety and Security Risks: As AI systems become more sophisticated and autonomous, there are
concerns about their safety and security. Malicious actors could exploit vulnerabilities in AI systems
for cyberattacks, misinformation campaigns, or other harmful purposes. Robust cybersecurity
measures, rigorous testing, and responsible AI governance frameworks are necessary to address these

Unintended Consequences: The complexity of AI systems makes it challenging to predict their

behavior in all possible scenarios. Unintended consequences, such as unforeseen biases, errors, or
unintended side effects, are a concern. Continuous monitoring, transparency, and accountability
mechanisms can help mitigate these risks and ensure that AI systems are deployed responsibly.
Existential Risks: Some experts have raised concerns about the long-term implications of AI
development, including the potential for superintelligent AI to surpass human control or
understanding. While this scenario remains speculative, it underscores the importance of researching
AI safety and developing strategies to ensure the beneficial alignment of AI with human values and
Overall, while there are legitimate concerns about the evolution of artificial intelligence, proactive
measures can help mitigate risks and harness its potential benefits for society. Collaboration among
researchers, policymakers, industry leaders, and civil society is essential to navigate the complex
challenges posed by AI responsibly.

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