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AI2121 – 2 SEM
WEEK 1-9
The capacity of robots to mimic or improve human cognition, such as reasoning and experience-
based learning, is known as artificial intelligence (AI).
- T
Experts anticipate a plethora of other cutting-edge applications for AI in the future, such as
intelligent electrical grids.
- T
AI solves real-world issues by utilizing methods from economics, algorithm design, and
probability theory.
- T
Mathematics supplies methods for modeling and resolving the ensuing optimization issues,
whereas computer science provides tools for creating and developing algorithms.
- T
Even though Alan Turing initially proposed an "imitation game" in the 19th century to measure
machine intelligence, the notion of artificial intelligence has only recently been practical due to
increasing access to data and processing capacity for AI systems' training.
- T
Thinking about what sets human intelligence apart from other species' intelligence—our capacity
to draw lessons from past experiences and apply them to novel circumstances—will help you
grasp the concept underlying artificial intelligence.
- T
Computers of today are not even close to replicating the organic brain network of humans.
- T

Machines have one big edge over people: they can evaluate enormous volumes of data and
experiences far more quickly than humans could ever hope to.
- T
You cannot concentrate on the most important activities using AI, and you can make smarter
judgments based on information gathered about a use case.
- F
AI may not be applied to complicated tasks including figuring out a delivery truck's optimal
path, anticipating maintenance needs, and identifying credit card fraud.
- F
AI can automate a lot of business tasks, freeing you up to focus on your main business.
- T
It is simple to forget that artificial intelligence is not a completely new area with all of the
attention it receives these days.
- T
There have been several distinct eras in AI, characterized by the emphasis placed on either
verifying logical theorems or attempting to replicate human cognitive processes through neural
- T
The study of artificial intelligence began in the late 1840s when computer pioneers like Alan
Turing and John von Neumann began to investigate how computers might "think."
- F
The research goal during the following 20 years was to apply artificial intelligence to practical
- T
Expert systems, which enable machines to learn from experience and make predictions based on
obtained data, are a result of progress.
- T
Although expert systems lack the complexity of human brains, they may not be taught to
recognize patterns in data and come to conclusions based on the findings.
- F
A second significant turning point was the creation of robots like Shakey and ELIZA in 1865,
which allowed for the automation of basic human-machine dialogue.
- F
Siri and Alexa are the result of the advancement of voice recognition technology made possible
by early systems.
- T
About 10 years passed during the first wave of enthusiasm surrounding artificial intelligence. It
resulted in important advancements in robotics, theorem proving, and computer language design.
- T
The replication of ______________ intellectual processes by machines, particularly computer
systems, is known as artificial intelligence.
- Human
Expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision are a few
specific uses of __________________.
- AI
With the increasing hoopla around AI, ________________ are rushing to highlight how their
goods and services leverage this technology.
- Companies
Machine learning _____________ must be written and trained in specialized hardware and
software, which is a prerequisite for AI.
- Algorithms
There isn't just one programming _______________ that works with AI, however, AI developers
tend to use Python, R, Java, C++, and Julia due to their capabilities.
- Language
Artificial intelligence (AI) systems typically function by absorbing vast quantities of labeled
training data, examining the data for correlations and patterns, and utilizing these patterns to
forecast ______________ states.
- Future
An image _____________ program may learn to recognize and characterize items in
photographs by going through millions of examples, or a chatbot given text samples can learn to
create realistic conversations with humans.
- Recognition
_______________ AI algorithms are developing quickly and can produce realistic text, graphics,
music, and other media.
- Generative
This area of AI programming is concerned with gathering data and formulating the rules
necessary to transform it into useful knowledge.
- Educating
The rules, sometimes referred to as algorithms, give computer ________________ detailed
instructions on how to carry out a certain activity.
- Equipment
Selecting the appropriate algorithm to get the intended result is the main goal of this area of AI
- Thinking
The goal of this AI programming feature is to continuously improve algorithms so they can
deliver the most accurate results.
- Self-improvement
This branch of AI creates new text, images, music, and ideas via the use of neural networks,
rules-based systems, statistical approaches, and other AI tools.
- Originality
In corporate IT, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and ___________________
are words that are frequently used interchangeably, particularly by businesses in their marketing
- Deep learning
AI, which was first used in the _________________, describes how computers may mimic
human intellect.
- 1950s
AI encompasses a constantly evolving range of functions as ______________ technologies are
- New
AI encompasses a range of technologies, including deep learning and ____________ learning.
- Machine
_________ programs can become increasingly accurate outcome predictors without being
specifically trained to do so thanks to machine learning.
- Software
To forecast new output values, machine learning algorithms use __________ data as input.
- Past
With the availability of larger ____________ data sets, this strategy became much more
- Training
AI is _________________ because it can alter our way of living, working, and playing.
- Significant
AI has been successfully applied in business to ________________ human labor-intensive
processes including fraud detection, lead generating, quality control, and customer support.
- Automate
AI technologies frequently do ________________ fast and with very few errors, especially when
it comes to repetitive, detail-oriented activities like reviewing many legal papers to verify
important fields are filled in appropriately.
- Projects
AI may provide businesses with previously unknown __________ into their operations due to
the vast amounts of data they can handle.
- Insights
_________________ companies like Google, Microsoft, Alphabet, and Meta depend
significantly on artificial intelligence (AI) to beat rivals and optimize processes.
- Large
Because artificial intelligence (AI) can analyze enormous volumes of _____________ quicker
and generate predictions that are more accurate than those made by humans, artificial neural
networks and deep learning AI technologies are rapidly emerging.
- Data
A _______________ researcher would be overwhelmed by the massive amount of data
generated every day, but AI programs that use machine learning can take that data and swiftly
transform it into knowledge that can be used.
- Human
One of AI's main drawbacks is the high ____________ of processing the massive volumes of
data needed for AI programming.
- Cost
Organizations need to be aware of AI's ability to ________________ biased and discriminatory
systems mistakenly or purposely as these approaches are implemented into more products and
- Generate
___________ has demonstrated that it can diagnose some malignancies, including melanoma and
breast cancer, just as well as doctors, if not better.
- AI
AI is commonly utilized to speed up the _____________ of large data sets in data-intensive
businesses including banking and securities, pharmaceuticals, and insurance.
- Analysis
AI is frequently used by _______________ institutions to analyze loan applications and identify
- Financial
High degrees of ______________ are provided by the best AI translation technologies, enabling
small enterprises to communicate with clients in their native tongue.
- Consistency
AI can tailor advertisements, websites, messages, content, and suggestions to specific
- Users
_______________ agents with AI capabilities are constantly accessible.
- Virtual
AI systems operate continuously, without requiring ____________________.
- Pauses or sleep
______________ is AI that has been educated and intended to accomplish a single purpose.
- Narrow AI
Weak AI is used by industrial _______________ and virtual personal assistants like Apple's Siri.
- Robots
________________ refers to programming that mimics the cognitive functions of the human
- Artificial general intelligence (AGI)
When faced with an unexpected ____________, a powerful AI system may apply knowledge
from one domain to another using fuzzy logic and solve the problem on its own.
- Issue
The Chinese Room argument and the Turing ___________ should both be able to be passed by
powerful AI software, theoretically.

- Test
These AI systems are task-specific and lack memory.

- Type 1

_________________ machines are type 1 of AI.

- Reactive

Memory impairment is under what type?

- Type 2

In type 2, since the AI _____________ are sentient, they may draw lessons from the past to
guide their judgments in the future.

- Systems

Mental theory is under what type?

- Type 3

Theory of _____________ is a phrase used in psychology.

- Mind

When it comes to AI, it implies that the system will be able to comprehend emotions due to its
social ___________.

- Intelligence

Self-awareness is what type?

- Type 4

Self-____________ machines are aware of their conditions.

- Aware

__________ tools have the potential to increase the quantity and variety of jobs completed when
combined with AI. Technology

- Automation

A class of software that substitutes people for repetitive, rule-based data processing jobs.

- Robotic process automation (RPA)

RPA's tactical ____________ may relay AI intelligence and react to process modifications by
automating more sections of corporate jobs when paired with machine learning and new AI

- Bots

The science of making a computer behave without programming is this.

- Machine comprehension

To put it simply,________________ is a subset of machine learning and is essentially the

automation of predictive analytics.

- Deep learning

To identify trends and apply them to the labeling of fresh data sets, data sets are tagged.

- Supervised education

Data sets are sorted based on similarities or differences without any labeling.

- Unsupervised education

The AI system receives input after executing one or more actions, but the data sets are not

- Reinforcement of learning

A machine can now sight thanks to this technology

- Computer vision

Machine vision is unconstrained by biology and can see through __________, such as walls.

- Objects

Machine vision and computer vision are sometimes confused since the latter is concerned with
machine-based _____________ processing.

- Image

This is how computer software interprets human language.

- Natural language processing (NLP)

The most well-known and traditional use of natural language processing (NLP) is in
___________________, which determines if an email is spam by analyzing its content and
subject line.

- Spam detection

______________ are frequently utilized to carry out jobs that are hard for people to regularly
complete or accomplish.

- Robots

Additionally, machine learning is being used by _______________ to create socially interactive


- Researchers

To develop automated abilities to drive a ________ while keeping in a certain lane and avoiding
unforeseen obstacles, such as pedestrians, autonomous cars employ a combination of computer
vision, image recognition, and deep learning.

- Vehicle

AI has helped ______________ like Uber, which made the Fortune 500, become more
productive and enter new industries.

- Companies

_____________ service is being improved by the integration of machine learning algorithms into
analytics and CRM systems. It is anticipated that generative AI technologies, such as ChatGPT,
would upend corporate models and transform product design.

- Customer

AI can let ______________ work at their own speed, automate grading, and free up professors'
time for other tasks.

- Students

Engaging ______________ may be created using generative AI, such as ChatGPT and Google
Bard, which can also encourage teachers to reevaluate assignment requirements and plagiarism

- Courses
Through Wall Street trading, the ______________ of IBM Watson with home-buying, and
personal finance software like TurboTax and Intuit Mint, artificial intelligence is upending
financial institutions.

- Integration

Using a camera, digital signal processing, and analog-to-digital conversion, machine vision
records and evaluates _____________ data.

- Visual

True or False. AI is just a mere theory but not a reality.

- False

True or False. AI is very relevant and important in our daily life.

- True

True or False. AI has a great contribution especially in the business and financial fields.

- True

Sifting through papers during the discovery phase of a __________ case may be quite taxing for

- Legal

AI is being used to assist ___________ labor-intensive tasks in the legal sector, which saves time
and enhances customer service.

- Automate

____________ companies utilize computer vision to identify and extract information from
documents, natural language processing (NLP) to comprehend information requests, and
machine learning to characterize data and forecast results.

- Law

Artificial intelligence (AI) is used by the entertainment _______________ for a variety of tasks,
including distribution, fraud detection, scriptwriting, and movie production.

- Industry

______________ may reduce time, expenses, and complexity by streamlining media operations
with the use of automated journalism.
- Newsroom

_______________ is used by newsrooms to help with headline writing, and research subjects,
and automate repetitive jobs like data input and proofreading.

- Artificial intelligence (AI)

Although generative AI _______________ can produce application code based on natural

language signals, its application in data input, fraud detection, customer service, and security
procedures is still in its early stages of development.

- Technologies

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a useful tool in ______________ for anomaly identification,

behavioral threat analytics, and false-positive resolution.

- Cybersecurity

Robotics integration into the workflow has been pioneered by the ________________ sector.

- Manufacturing

In warehouses, factories, and other workspaces, for instance, ________________ that were
previously designed to carry out single tasks and work independently of human workers are
increasingly functioning as cobots—smaller, multitasking robots that work alongside humans
and take on more responsibilities.

- Industrial robots

_______________ are being used by banks with success to conduct transactions that don't need
human participation and to inform clients about services and opportunities.

- Chatbots

Artificial Intelligence (AI) virtual _______________ are utilized to reduce and enhance banking
regulatory compliance expenses.

- Assistants

AI is used by _____________ institutions to enhance loan decision-making, establish credit

limits, and find investment possibilities.

- Banking
Apart from its essential function in managing self-driving ____________, artificial intelligence
(AI) technologies are employed in transportation to forecast aircraft delays, regulate traffic, and
enhance the safety and efficiency of maritime transportation.

- Cars

Artificial intelligence (AI) is displacing conventional techniques in __________ chains to

estimate demand and anticipate disruptions.

- Supply

The public has unrealistic expectations about how artificial intelligence (AI) will revolutionize
the workplace and life in general, according to several industry professionals, since AI is too
________________ associated with popular culture.

- Strongly

The term "_______________" which has a more neutral meaning, is intended by some
academics and marketers to assist consumers realize that most applications of AI will be
ineffective and just enhance goods and services.

- Augmented intelligence,

Important _____________ can be automatically surfaced in business intelligence reports or

highlighted in court filings, for example.

- Information

Industry acceptance of _______________ and Bard has accelerated, demonstrating a readiness to

leverage AI to assist human decision-making.

- ChatGPT

The idea of the _______________ singularity—a future in which artificial superintelligence

rules and understands our world beyond the capacity of the human brain—is intimately linked to
true artificial intelligence or AGI.

- Technological

Businesses might benefit from a variety of new functionalities provided by AI technologies, but
using AI also brings up ______________ dilemmas as, for better or worse, an AI system will
reinforce what it has previously learned.

- Moral
Because machine learning ____________, the foundation of many of the most sophisticated AI
systems, are only as intelligent as the data they are trained on, this can be problematic.

- Algorithms

______________ learning bias is inevitable as humans choose which data is used to train AI
programs, hence it needs to be properly watched over.

- Machine

One possible barrier to applying AI in sectors subject to stringent regulatory compliance

standards is _______________.

- Explainability

_______________ institutions operating in the United States are obligated by rules to explain
their credit-issuing decisions.

- Financial

AI services and technologies are developing ______________.

- Quickly

The 2012 release of the ________________ neural network marked the beginning of a new age
of high-performance AI built on GPUs and massive data sets, which is reflected in the advances
seen in current AI tools and applications.

- AlexNet

The last few years have seen a symbiotic relationship between ____________ advances
pioneered by Nvidia and AI discoveries at Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI.

- Hardware

Not to mention hundreds of other breakthrough AI services, the ______________ recent success
was made possible by the cooperation of these luminaries in AI.

- ChatGPT

For instance, Google took the lead in developing a more effective procedure for allocating AI
training among a sizable cluster of GPU-equipped commodity PCs.

- The Transformers
AI made it possible to identify transformers, which ____________ a lot of the processes
involved in teaching AI on unlabeled data.

- Automate

Importantly, _______________ manufacturers like Nvidia are also refining the microcode to
perform the most popular algorithms in parallel across several GPU cores.

- Hardware

With vendors like Nvidia, Microsoft, Google, and OpenAI providing generative pre-trained
transformers (GPTs) at lower costs, knowledge levels, and times, the AI stack has rapidly
developed, lowering risk, and speeding up the time to market for bigger models.

- Transformers with generative pre-training

Because of _____________ science and engineering efforts, organizations have difficulties while
deploying AI.

- Data

We are living in a time when technology is ______________ to our survival and when artificial
intelligence, or AI, is just getting started.

- Essential

The ____________ consequences of technology's advancements have gained significant


- Ethical

There are many ways in which the development and ________ of AI affect society, hence it is
critical to address the ethical issues raised by AI.

- Application

A branch of computer science called ______________ studies how to make software or robots
behave like people.

- Artificial intelligence

Put more simply, the goal of AI is to build intelligent ______________ that can think, learn, and
solve problems much like people.

- Machines
Artificial Intelligence has the ______________ to drastically change civilization.

- Power

Large volumes of _____________ data are frequently processed by AI systems, which poses
significant privacy risks.

- Personal

Unauthorized use of data or ________________ might happen and could hurt people.

- Breaches

It can be difficult to establish responsibility when AI __________ act independently and cause
harm or accidents.

- Systems

In industries like financing, law enforcement, and recruiting, artificial intelligence (AI)
_______________ may unintentionally reinforce human prejudices and provide unfair results.

- Algorithms

AI design must incorporate ____________ if it is to be used responsibly.

- Ethics

An ethical AI system upholds ___, is open, and responsible, and respects human rights.

- Privacy

Including a range of viewpoints in the ____________ process, routinely checking algorithms for
bias, and building transparent AI systems that let people understand the decision-making process
are all necessary for developing ethical AI.

- Design

Several nations have begun enacting AI ____________ frameworks to protect people's rights and
guarantee accountability, justice, and transparency.

- Regulatory

International ethical ____________ that respect universal human rights and consider various
cultural settings are desperately needed, especially given the worldwide reach of AI.

- Rules
AI research and application ethics play a _____________ role in ensuring that technology
benefits and ethically serves mankind in the future.

- Critical

__________________ is changing the world we live in, and like most life changes, there will be
both positive and negative effects on society.

- Artificial intelligence

Without a doubt, artificial intelligence will lead to ___________ in our workforce.

- Changes

We must be talking about and being ready for the profound _____________ of artificial
intelligence on our society, which will have far-reaching effects on the legal, political, economic,
and regulatory spheres.

- Effects

Managing a worldwide _______________ arms race and figuring out who is responsible when
an autonomous car injures a pedestrian are just two of the difficulties that need to be overcome.

- Autonomous

Although the likelihood of this happening is up for _____________, we do know that

introducing new technology always has unintended repercussions.

- Dispute

Artificial intelligence's unexpected ______________ will probably provide challenges for all of

- Consequences

Making sure AI stays within ____________ and legal bounds while performing tasks for which
it was not intended is another problem.

- Ethical

Even if the AI was created to help ____________, society would suffer if it decided to approach
the objective in a harmful, but effective, manner.

- Humans

The general objectives of humans must be reflected in the AI _____________.

- Algorithms

____________ powers the algorithms used in artificial intelligence

- Data

As a growing amount of _______________ is gathered about each individual's day, minute by

minute, our privacy is jeopardized.

- Information

Artificial intelligence has the potential to significantly _____________ workplace productivity

and supplement human labor.

- Increase

AI frees up human ______________ to perform jobs for which they are more suited, such as
those requiring creativity and empathy, by taking over risky or repetitive duties.

- Labor

People's happiness and job ____________ may rise if they are engaged in more enjoyable

- Satisfaction

Artificial intelligence has the potential to significantly impact _________________ through

improved monitoring and diagnostic capabilities.

- Healthcare

Artificial intelligence (AI) can _____________ money by streamlining the operations of medical
organizations and institutions.

- Save

Just the introduction of driverless vehicles and artificial intelligence (AI) affecting our traffic
congestion problems will result in several hours of productivity gains for our society, not to
mention the additional ways it will boost _____________ at work.

- Productivity

People will have more ___________ for how to spend their time since they are not limited by
arduous commutes.
- Options

Artificial intelligence will improve the way we find illegal behavior and ______________

- Solve

The prevalence of facial _____________ technology is approaching that of fingerprints.

- Recognition

The application of AI in the ______________ system offers several chances to learn how to use
the technology efficiently while respecting people's privacy.

- Legal

Your life is going to be profoundly _____________ by artificial intelligence unless you decide to
live in an isolated location and never want to engage with the contemporary world.

- Affected

As the technology expands into __________ uses, there will undoubtedly be many obstacles and
educational opportunities, but overall, it is anticipated that artificial intelligence will benefit
society more than harm.

- New

True or False. AI has a great impact on human lives.

- True

True or False. AI is bad to people.

- False

Today’s AI would stun the computer ____________ pioneers.

- Science

A _____________ "has no pretensions to originate anything," according to Ada Lovelace.

- Computer

Computers are limited to operating inside pre-existing patterns; they are unable to internally
generate random, and hence fully _____________, content.
- Creative

But tales of AI ______________ creative poems, paintings, and other works of art are constantly
appearing in the press.

- Producing

No one is born with the _______________ to write, draw, or sing; these are abilities we acquire
via observation and analysis of facts.

- Capacity

AI may watch and learn from _______ to develop artistic abilities such as writing, composing,
and painting.

- Data

The gold ______________ of AI is machine learning, which entails rapidly and effectively
training an AI model on considerably more data than a person could ever need in a lifetime, be it
text, music, photos, or something else entirely.

- Standard

According to the notion, an ___________ intelligence (AI) may create new poetry or songs by
analyzing patterns in 100,000 poems or one million hit songs.

- Artificial

AI is now employed in many creative domains that were before thought to be


- Uniquely human

_____________ artwork has been sold while well-known painters like Piet Mondrian and
Vincent Van Gogh died impoverished.

- Digital

______________ which mimics human creativity using convolutional neural networks, was used
to create the portrait.

- Generative Adversarial Network or GAN

Studies indicate that recurrent __________ networks, or RNNs, can also be used to create GANs.

- Neural
Given that deep learning _______________ often improve with increasing training data, these
GANs have the potential to develop into highly accurate artificial intelligence systems.

- Models

__________________ Nvidia GPU clusters have enabled the use of GANs to produce
"DeepFakes," or lifelike human-fake photos and movies.

- Large-scale

AI is being used widely for design _____________, even by well-known companies like Nutella.

- Automation

According to the MIT Technology Review, AI is being used by _____________ like Siemens
and Renault to create new products.

- Businesses

Voting with their money, people have shown that AI is capable of drawing ____________.

- Well

With the help of a model known as ______________, artificial intelligence has more recently
achieved a true quantum leap in its capacity to produce pictures.

- DALL-E 2

Even though DALL-E 2 is still in its early stages, it has a lot of ____________ for AI picture
production in the future

- Potential

DALL E's initial iteration was limited to producing graphics of 256 by 256 _____________.
That resolution has been increased to 1024 by 1024 in the most recent version.

- Pixels

Stretching that further, it's not difficult to see a day when artificial intelligence (AI) will be able
to produce ____________ and eventually movies that are identical to the genuine thing. In the
far future, AI-generated movies that sound just like Hollywood blockbusters may be mixed with
AI-generated sounds.

- Photos
Remarkably, DALL-E functions similarly to OpenAI's GPT-3 language model, which can
produce text in response to a _____________.

- Command

AI art, which was formerly believed to be devoid of ______________, is now in competition

with human artists to captivate the public's attention.

- Creativity

True or False. AI can unleash your creativity.

- T

True of False. In reality, AI is very useless.

- F

One of society's main pillars is _______________. It has always been the way that coming
generations get the information and abilities they need to prosper in a world that is always

- Education

One of the most potent ______________ for influencing how education is shaped in the future is
artificial intelligence (AI).

- Instruments

______________ is the capacity of machines to emulate human intelligence and gain knowledge
from the process.

- Artificial intelligence (AI)

The potential of AI to provide tailored __________ is one of its primary benefits in education.

- Learning

Each kid is diverse, with varying _____________ styles and rates of learning.

- Understanding

AI may gather ____________ about a student's development and modify the curriculum

- Information
____________ spend a great deal of time on administrative duties, such as organizing the
classroom and marking tests.

- Instructors

Many of the chores may be completed by AI, giving ______________ more time to concentrate
on instructing and connecting with pupils.

- Teachers

Artificial Intelligence not only personalizes the presentation of material but also the
____________ itself.

- Content

AI may produce educational ____________ according to the unique requirements of every


- Materials

AI may ___________ learning modules that effortlessly combine courses, such as biology and
ancient history if such is the case for a learner.

- Develop

One essential component of learning is _____________.

- Tutoring

Massive __________ of educational data may be analyzed by AI to find trends and patterns.

- Volumes

Artificial Intelligence Education is not constrained by time or place. _____________ information

is available to students anywhere, at any time.

- Online

Online learning powered by AI provides accessibility and __________.

- Flexibility.

Learning involves more than just information acquisition; it also involves __________

- Skill
Students can apply their ____________ in practical settings using interactive scenarios and

- Knowledge

AI can ______________ which pupils require more assistance and can offer tailored resources to
meet their needs.

- Recognize

The use of AI in education presents ____________ and moral dilemmas despite all its potential

- Difficulties

The way we educate and learn is being _____ by artificial intelligence.

- Altered

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is bringing about an exciting ___________ for education with its
capacity to customize learning, automate administrative duties, supply cutting-edge educational
content, and much more.

- Future

To guarantee that education continues to be a lighthouse of opportunity and progress in a world

that is changing all the time, ________________ issues must be addressed.

- Ethical

________________ intelligence is enabling more individualized, effective, and inclusive

learning as the field of education changes.

- Artificial

The policies prioritize _______________-, equity, and openness to safeguard students' rights and
ensure their access to the technologies.

- Privacy

_________________ are designed to reduce bias in AI systems that are utilized in teaching.

- Rules

The late 1980s saw a resurgence in interest following ten years with little advancement. Reports
that computers were surpassing humans in "______________________" activities like chess and
checkers, as well as developments in computer vision and speech recognition, were the main
drivers of this resurgence.

- Narrow

The changes proceeded gradually until 1992, at which point interest started to rise once more.
First, the development of computer ______________ and information storage technologies
contributed to an increase in interest in artificial intelligence research.

- Power

In the first part of the twenty-first century, artificial _______________ made tremendous strides.

- Intelligence

The creation of the self-learning __________________ network was the first significant
advancement in the 21st century.

- Neural

There have been notable gains in ________________ on several important benchmark issues,
including image recognition, where computers are now nearly as proficient as humans in certain

- Performance

Because the underlying technology had improved, ___________________ were able to increase
its performance over the following few years on a variety of tasks.

- Researchers

The creation of _________________ learning algorithms based on generative models was the
second important discovery at this time.

- Reinforcement

With the use of generative ______________, complex behaviors may be learned from very little
data by producing unique instances from a particular class.

- Models

Deep ________________ networks are being used more and more for computer vision
applications like object recognition and scene interpretation.

- Neural
The use of machine learning techniques in natural ______________ processing applications,
such as information extraction and question answering, has also gained more attention.

- Language

There's been an increasing interest in applying similar technologies to ________________

recognition tasks such as speaker identification (SID) and automated speech recognition (ASR).

- Speech

In computer science, __________________ intelligence is now the most popular area.

- Artificial

The ability to program computers to perform tasks that would normally need ______________
intelligence is known as artificial intelligence or AI for short.

- Human

____________________ learning (ML) and neural networks (NN) are the two main subfields of
artificial intelligence (AI).

- Machine

Using ________________ and experience, machine learning (ML) enables computers to perform
better on certain tasks or during decision-making.

- Data

Algorithms are used in machine learning to analyze data, draw conclusions from it, and do so
without the need for explicit __________________.

- Programming

____________________ for machine learning are frequently divided into supervised and
unsupervised categories.

- Algorithms

While ________________ algorithms can make deductions from datasets, supervised algorithms
can apply prior learnings to new data sets.

- Unsupervised

The goal of machine learning algorithms is to find both __________________ and non-linear
correlations in each data collection.
- Linear

By using _____________________ techniques to train the algorithm to classify or predict from a

dataset, this accomplishment is made possible.

- Statistical

Deep learning is a branch of machine learning that achieves ___________________ accuracy in

language translation, speech recognition, and object detection by utilizing multi-layered artificial
neural networks.

- Cutting-edge

One of the key technologies underlying _________________ vehicles is deep learning, which
allows machines to analyze vast volumes of complicated data and recognize faces in images or

- Autonomous

Inspired by the biological neurons found in the human brain, neural networks are made up of
layers of interconnected nodes known as "________________" that have mathematical functions
built in to interpret incoming input and forecast an output value.

- Neurons

An artificial neural network picks up ________________ by observation, much like people do

from their parents, instructors, and friends.

- Knowledge

___________________, also called neurons, are found in each layer, and it is from their
weighted inputs that the output is calculated.

- Nodes

____________ machine learning models reach a plateau in performance, and adding additional
data won't make it any better.

- Traditional

With ________________ data, deep learning models' performance keeps getting better.

- Additional

Narrow AI is concerned with teaching ____________ to perform a certain activity exceptionally

well, such as picture recognition or chess playing.
- Robots

Many academics hope that _______________ learning will someday lead to broad artificial
intelligence, although current research is focused on narrow AI.

- Machine

Global acceptance of AI as a ____________________ technology has occurred. It has been

transforming the industry from several industries for a while now. It is an all-encompassing
technology used in nearly every sector of the economy.

- Burgeoning

Nowadays, fully autonomous vehicles are just a fantasy.

- F

Tesla is the first automaker to equip a vehicle with every sensor, camera, and piece of software
required for a computer to operate autonomously.

- T

Using machine learning and statistical methods, predictive analytics, often known as forecasting,
uses artificial intelligence to estimate future occurrences based on historical data.

- T

AI is being used in healthcare to assist physicians in diagnosing illnesses by compiling

information from medical photos, reports, and health records.

- T

AI may also be used to monitor patients and notify doctors when something is amiss as part of
the therapy process.

- T

According to Forbes, AI will save over 7 million lives in 2035.

- T

AI is used in retail for anything from chatbots for customer care to stock management.

- T

Consequently, a lot of companies are using AI to boost accuracy, productivity, and efficiency.
- T

Additionally, businesses come up with innovative methods to apply AI in product design and
customer service to simplify life for both staff and consumers.

- T

A novel kind of system known as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) has emerged
because of recent developments in AI.

- T

GANs can produce realistic text, audio, or image output.

- T

Some fear that in the future, GAN technology may replace humans because of its amazing

- T

AI is transforming our lives in many ways, GANs being just one example.

- T

More recent instances of artificial intelligence (AI) and its uses in software systems like GPT3,
DALL.E, and virtual reality/augmented reality (VR/AR).

- T

Advanced algorithms, unautomated reasoning tools, and fundamental models are only a few of
the layers that make up AI-based software systems.

- F

The layers are used by many of the most well-known AI-based systems, including DALL.E,
AlphaGo, RoBERTa, and GPT3.

- T

Large-scale models like DALL.E and GPT3 have produced amazing outcomes in computer
vision and natural language processing (NLP).

- T

An NLP model called the GPT3 is built using a deep learning approach known as informers.
- F

To generate outputs based on the entered data, GPT3 makes use of a sizable dataset that has been
trained in the English language.

- T

Any activity that can be imagined may be trained into the model, including text generation and
math problem-solving.

- T

The ______________ is an image generator that utilizes variational autoencoders (VAEs), a

deep learning method.

- DALL.E model

In a similar vein, _____________ may be generated by DALL.E based on text descriptions by

training them with an image dataset.

- Pictures

DALL.E may be used to create pictures that correspond with _________________.

- User-provided captions or URLs

The company that created the models, ______________, is closely associated with the US
government and the military-industrial complex (MIC).

- OpenAI

AlphaGo was developed by ____________________ as a software that could play the classic
game of Go by itself. The

- DeepMind

Though it has already made great strides, _____ is set to take even greater ones.

- Artificial intelligence

While artificial general intelligence (AGI), or AI that can perform any __________________
work that a person can, is still a way off, there has been a lot of advancement in other areas of

- Intellectual
As artificial intelligence replaces more and more work, more __________________ will become

- Employment

The explanation is straightforward: if an artificial general intelligence (AGI) system can do the
tasks of a single human, thousands or even millions of computers may be used to complete the

- Task

Since an AGI system could create its ______________ or figure out how to automate entire
industries once it learned enough, there is no reason why it would require humans at all.

- Machinery

The development of AI is ________________ people's lives and altering the corporate


- Improving

Thanks to _________________ technologies like cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT),
and big data analytics, most sectors will see a major shift in the upcoming years.

- Cutting-edge

In addition to having a significant impact on how _______________ run today, these

characteristics are also being applied in other fields, such as infrastructure development,
healthcare, and the military.

- Businesses

AI must be employed to enable _______________ simulations of the actual world to create an

engaging metaverse that appeals to millions of users who wish to study, create, and live in virtual

- Accurate

Individuals must experience complete ______________ in the settings in which they engage.

- Immersion

AI is contributing to the realization of the reality by improving the realism of things and allowing
computer vision, which allows users to move their bodies to interact with _______________.

- Virtual items
The fact that AI learns from _______________ is the most important thing to keep in mind.

- Data

The quality of the data injected into the ______________ and underlying algorithm depends on

- Model

The ________________ and availability of data are essential for AI system training.

- Quality

Concerns about possibly skewed datasets that might lead to poor _____________ or reinforce
racial and gender prejudices inside AI systems are among the main issues facing AI nowadays.

- Outcomes

Some machine learning models are more prone to ____________ than others, according to our
study on various model types.

- Bias

Bias in the training data may not have as much of an impact on other _______________ models
(such as random forests).

- Machine-learning

It makes sense that processing power needs will rise as artificial intelligence becomes more

- Prevalent

The primary problem with deep learning is its ____________ processing power requirements.

- High

Large volumes of data, such as hundreds or millions of photos, must be fed into a
_____________ network to train it using deep learning (DL).

- Neural

When developing a model on a ___________________ that can give a lot of computing power, it
might take days or even weeks.

- Single high-end GPU or CPU

To make matters worse, a ______________ is required to run the model at maximum capacity
after it has been trained.

- Supercomputer

_____________ is attempting to address this issue by utilizing cutting-edge hardware technology

through its investments in TPUs (Tensor Processing Units).

- Google

________________ is the field of computer science that seeks to develop machine intelligence.

- Artificial intelligence (AI)

The _________________ technology of today, artificial intelligence (AI) will play a big role in
many different sectors for years to come.

- Dominant

With good reason, _____________________ is one of the newest buzzwords in technology.

- Artificial intelligence

Over the past several years, several __________________ and developments that were
previously limited to science fiction have begun to come true.

- Discoveries

Artificial intelligence is seen by ____________ as a component of production that has the power
to bring forth new development opportunities and transform how work is done across sectors.

- Experts

The replication of ______________ intellect in robots that are designed to think and behave like
people is known as artificial intelligence or AI.

- Human

_______________ talents include things like learning, thinking, problem-solving, perception,

and language understanding.

- Cognitive

The process of making a _____________, robot under computer control, or piece of software
think intelligently like a human mind is known as artificial intelligence.
- Computer

. Artificial Intelligence is achieved via the examination of ______________ processes and the
patterns seen in the human brain.

- Cognitive

Artificial intelligence systems that are constrained to perform particular tasks are referred to as
______________ AI systems.

- Weak

Voice _______________ such as Alexa or Siri, recommendation algorithms, and picture

recognition systems are a few instances of weak AI.

- Assistants

Weak AI can only function inside pre-established parameters; it is limited to a ______________.

- single domain

_________________ describes AI systems that are as intelligent as humans or even more

intelligent than humans in a variety of activities.

- Strong artificial intelligence (AI)

In a way akin to human cognition, strong AI would be able to comprehend, reason, learn, and use
_________________ to solve complicated problems.

- Information

These machines are specialized in a single field of operation and lack memory or data. In a chess
match, for instance, the computer watches the movements and chooses the optimal move to win.

- Only Reactive

These devices gather historical data and keep adding to their memory. Their memory is poor, yet
they have sufficient experience or memory to make wise judgments. For instance, using the
location information that has been collected, this computer may recommend a restaurant.

- Short-Term Memory

This type of AI is socially interactive and can comprehend feelings and ideas. Still unbuilt is a
machine based on this kind.

- Mental Theory
These new technologies will eventually lead to the development of self-aware machines. They
will possess consciousness, sentience, and intelligence.

- Introspective

The goal of machine learning is to create models and _________________ that let computers
learn from data and make judgments or predictions without the need for explicit programming.

- Algorithms

To help the algorithm produce correct predictions, machine learning specialists manually
engineer or choose pertinent features from the input data.

- Feature Engineering

It involves training models on labeled data with predetermined results.

- Supervised learning

It involves training algorithms to find patterns and structures in unlabeled data.

- Unsupervised learning

Machine learning methods are used in several fields, such as recommendation systems, natural
language processing, and picture and audio recognition.

- Wide Range of Applications

A branch of machine learning called "_______________" is devoted to building artificial neural

networks with architecture and functionality modeled after the human brain

- Deep Learning

Rather than requiring explicit feature engineering, deep learning systems may automatically
extract pertinent features from unprocessed data.

- Automated Feature Extraction

To learn intricate hierarchical data representations, deep learning makes use of neural networks
with several layers of linked nodes, or neurons.

- Deep Neural Networks

In fields like computer vision, natural language processing, and speech recognition, deep
learning has proven to perform exceptionally well, frequently outperforming conventional
machine learning techniques.
- High Performance

____________ is the process of acquiring knowledge and the rules necessary to apply it.

- Learning

Drawing firm or close conclusions based on the information rules.

- Reasoning

The ongoing process of improving AI systems to make sure they provide the most accurate
outcomes possible.

- Self-Correction

______________ is an object-oriented, dynamically typed, reflective programming language

designed to support the "new world" of computing that is represented by the "symbiosis"
between humans and computers.

- Smalltalk

Utilize computers to communicate with the senses of smell, touch, hearing, and sight.

- Perception

Non-programmed intelligence that arises from the other AI characteristics

- New Wave of Intelligence

Computers can now do complex jobs thanks to AI __________________.

- Algorithms

Allows a computer to go from one location to another

- Organizing and navigating

The idea behind the New Wave of Intelligence' objective is to have moral thinking and emotional
intelligence in ____________.

- machines.

Like every other _____________ or invention, artificial intelligence has advantages and

- Idea
One of the duties carried out by AI-enabled gadgets is recognition of speech.

- T

One of the duties carried out by AI-enabled gadgets is object recognition.

- T

One of the duties carried out by AI-enabled gadgets is resolve issues and conclude the provided

- T

One of the duties carried out by AI-enabled gadgets is decide on a strategy for conducting the
next exams.

- T

One of the advantages of AI is it lessens human mistakes.

- T

One of the advantages of AI is it is always ready because it never sleeps.

- T

One of the advantages of AI is it can undertake repetitious jobs with ease since it is never boring.

- T

One of the advantages of AI is it moves quickly.

- T

One of the drawbacks of AI is it is expensive to install.

- T

One of the drawbacks of AI is it is unable to match human inventiveness.

- T

One of the drawbacks of AI is without a doubt, technology will displace certain occupations,
increasing unemployment.

- T
One of the drawbacks of AI is individuals may get too dependent on it.

- T

NLP uses AI to interpret and analyze unspoken language.

- F

Applications like sentiment analysis, machine translation, speech recognition, and virtual
assistants like Alexa and Siri are powered by human intelligence.

- F

Images and videos may not be analyzed and interpreted with the use of artificial intelligence
tools, such as computer vision.

- F

Recommendation ___________ driven by AI are utilized in social networking, streaming

services, and e-commerce to customize user experiences.

- Engines

In the ____________ sector, artificial intelligence (AI) is widely utilized for risk assessment,
credit scoring, algorithmic trading, and fraud detection.

- Banking

Large volumes of financial data may be analyzed using machine learning models, which can then
be used to spot trends and forecast _________________.

- Outcomes

AI is being used in ____________________ for a variety of purposes, including medication

development, patient monitoring, illness diagnosis, and medical imaging analysis.

- Healthcare

Artificial intelligence (AI) can help find trends in medical data and offer insights for more
accurate diagnosis and _________________.

- Treatment

____________________ and virtual assistants with AI capabilities converse with users,

comprehend their questions, and deliver pertinent information or carry out tasks.
- Chatbots

Artificial intelligence (AI) _______________ are used in games to provide intelligent decision-
making, lifelike virtual characters, and opponent conduct.

- Algorithms

Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible to create smart ______________ systems that can
learn from human preferences, automate chores, and control equipment.

- Home

The effectiveness and usefulness of Internet of Things (IoT) networks and devices can be
improved using ________________.

- AI

Through network ________________ analysis, anomaly detection, and attack prediction,

artificial intelligence (AI) aids in the detection and prevention of cyber threats.

- Traffic

Advanced _______________ detection and response technologies can improve system and data

- Threat

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed several businesses and improved

_________________ experiences, becoming an essential part of our everyday life.

- User

OpenAI's __________________ is a sophisticated language model that can converse in natural

language and produce replies resembling those of a person.

- ChatGPT

ChatGPT can comprehend and produce meaningful _______________ using deep learning
techniques, which makes it helpful for chatbots, virtual assistants, and customer service.

- Language

Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms are used by ________________ to deliver real-time

navigation, traffic updates, and customized suggestions.

- Google Maps
To _______________ the quickest routes, estimate arrival times, and even forecast traffic jams,
it analyzes enormous volumes of data, including user input and historical traffic trends.

- Recommend

Artificial intelligence (AI) is used by _____________ assistants such as Google Assistant,

Apple's Siri, and Amazon's Alexa to understand voice commands, respond to inquiries, and carry
out activities.

- Smart

Snapchat's "________________," or augmented reality filters, employ artificial intelligence (AI)

to detect facial traits, follow gestures, and instantly superimpose interactive effects on users'

- Lenses

_____________________ can apply a variety of filters, masks, and animations that sync with
user motions and facial expressions thanks to AI algorithms.

- Snapchat

AI plays a major role in perception, decision-making, and control in self-______________


- Driving

Artificial Intelligence is utilized by wearable _______________, including smartwatches and

fitness trackers, to track and evaluate user health data.

- Devices

DeepMind created the AI program __________________, which blends deep neural networks
with reinforcement learning.

- MuZero

MuZero has demonstrated amazing performance at _________________ levels in intricate board

games like chess, go, and shogi.

- superhuman

MuZero uses planning and self-play to develop and learn new _______________.

- Tactics
Wearable devices monitor heart rate, sleep habits, hobbies, and more, giving users individualized
insights and suggestions to __________________ general well-being.

- Enhance

People are often presented with tailored _______________ by artificial intelligence, which is
based on their previous searches, purchases, and other online activity.

- Recommendations

AI is very important to _____________, especially for logistics, inventory planning, and product

- Commerce

Artificial intelligence _____________ is already being used in voice assistants, face-unlocking

smartphones by photo recognition, and financial fraud prevention using machine learning.

- Software

Put simply, artificial intelligence (AI) is the capacity of computers or computer systems to carry
out ____________ that traditionally demand human intellect.

- Operations

AI is now divided into four main groups under the classification system: theory of mind, limited
memory, _____________, and self-aware.

- Reactive

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made it possible for _______________ to learn from past
mistakes, adjust to new inputs, and even carry out jobs that humans would find difficult.

- Machines

Artificial intelligence (AI) software can be downloaded from an online _________________; no

extra hardware is needed.

- Marketplace

Software and _____________ driven by AI and ML imitate human brain functions to help
civilization progress through the digital revolution.

- Devices
Artificial intelligence (AI) ____________- see their surroundings, process what they see, figure
out problems, and assist with tasks to ease daily life.

- Systems

Individuals often check their _____________ on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social
media platforms.

- Accounts

Not only can AI personalize your feeds in the background, but it also _____________ and
eliminates false information. That means AI is helping you with day-to-day tasks.

- Detects

Also referred to as Weak AI, ______________ is limited to executing tasks and is not capable of
general cognitive functions.

- Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)

Strong AI that is comparable to human intellect in terms of comprehension, learning, and

application across a wide range of fields.

- Artificial General Intellect (AGI)

Theoretical AI that is superior to human intelligence in every way, maybe able to solve
challenging puzzles and achieve breakthroughs that are incomprehensible to humans.

- Artificial Superintelligence (ASI)

Beyond only preparing for a world where ___________ computers exist in the future, artificial
intelligence as it exists now may already provide issues.

- Superintelligent

AI's benefits include shortening work completion times, saving costs associated with completed
tasks, operating constantly and without interruption, minimizing downtime, and enhancing the
skills of those with __________________.

- Impairments

Algorithms used in machine learning allow computers to learn from data and enhance their
_____________ without the need for explicit programming.

- Performance
The goal of______________ is to make it possible for computers to comprehend, interpret, and
produce human language.

- Natural Language Processing, or NLP

The field of computer ________________ focuses on enabling machines to recognize, analyze,

and comprehend visual data from pictures or movies.

- Vision

This field combines mechanical engineering and artificial intelligence to produce intelligent
devices that can carry out activities on their own.

- Robotics

Emulate human competence by using knowledge and reasoning to solve complicated issues in
certain fields.

- Expert systems

__________________ is the process of translating spoken words into text or commands so that
computers can communicate with people by speaking.

- Speech recognition

This area of study focuses on the algorithms that enable AI systems to decide what to do and
how best to accomplish objectives.

- Planning and Decision-Making

True or False. AI is very helpful nowadays.

- T

True of False. AI makes our daily lives more convenient and easy.

- T

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