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IGCSE Grade (10)

Topic 5
The periodic table

• Trend in group I (The alkali metals)

• Transition metals

• Trend in group VII (The halogens)

• Nobel gases

• Test and collection of gases

• Oxidation and reduction

IGCSE Grade (10)

Paper 2
Questions Answer Questions Answer
1 C 32 D
2 D 33 A
3 A 34 C
4 D 35 C
5 A 36 A
6 B 37 B
7 C 38 C
8 A 39 A
9 B 40 B
10 C 41 D
11 B 42 B
12 C 43 C
13 A 44 B
14 C 45 D
15 D 46 D
16 D 47 D
17 A 48 B
18 B 49 B
19 A 50 C
20 B 51 C
21 B 52 C
22 A 53 A
23 A 54 B
24 C 55 B
25 D 56 B
26 D 57 B
27 B 58 A
28 D 59 C
29 B 60 B
30 B 61 B
31 A 62 D
IGCSE Grade (10)

63 D 73 C
64 A 74 D
65 D 75 C
66 B 76 B
67 A 77 A
68 D 78 C
69 C 79 C
70 A 80 C
71 C 81 B
72 D
IGCSE Grade (10)

Paper 4
1. J. 02 (4. a, b)
Bromine is one of the halogens in Group VII.

(a) (i) Predict which halogen has the lightest colour.


(ii) Predict which halogens are solids at room temperature.

Iodine and Astatine ........................[1]

(b) Bromine is obtained from the bromide ions in sea water. Sea water is concentrated by
evaporation. Chlorine gas is bubbled through the solution. Chlorine oxidises the
bromide ion to bromine.

(i) Complete the following equation.

Cl2 + .2 .Br– 2 Cl- + Br2 [2]

(ii) Explain using the idea of electron transfer why the bromide ion is oxidised by

The bromide ion is oxidised because ...................................................................................

It has lost electrons

Chlorine is the oxidising agent because ...............................................................................

It gained electrons [2]

(ii) Name a reagent that can be oxidised by bromine molecules.

Iodide / metal / Iron II ...[1]

2. N. 02 (2. a)
Manganese is a transition element. It has more than one valency and the metal and its
compounds are catalysts.

(a) (i) Predict three other properties of manganese that are typical of transition elements.

High density - High melting point and boiling point

Forms coloured compounds - Hard ...[3]

IGCSE Grade (10)
(iii) Complete the electron distribution of manganese by inserting one number.

2 + 8 + ..13... + 2 [1]

3. N. 02 (3)
The elements in Period 3 and some of their common oxidation states are shown below.

Element Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
Oxidation State +1 +2 +3 +4 –3 –2 –1 0

(a) (i) Why do the oxidation states increase from sodium to silicon?

Number of valence electrons increases [1]

(ii) After Group (IV) the oxidation states are negative and decrease across the period.
Explain why.

Number of gained electrons decreases


(b) The following compounds contain two elements. Predict their formulae.

aluminium sulfide ………………………Al2S3……............................................

silicon phosphide ................................Si3P4.................................................................. [2]

(c) Choose a different element from Period 3 that matches each description.

(i) It has a similar structure to diamond.

...........................................Silicon ...........................................................[1]

(ii) It reacts violently with cold water to form a solution pH = 14.

.........................................Sodium................... ....................................................[1]

(iii) It has a gaseous oxide of the type XO2, which is acidic.

.......................................... Sulfur.................................................................................[1]
IGCSE Grade (10)
(d) The only oxidation state of argon is zero. Why it is used to fill light bulbs?

Does not react with the filament / unreactive


4. J. 03 (2. a)
Calcium and other minerals are essential for healthy teeth and bones. Tablets can be taken
to provide these minerals.

(a) Boron is a non-metal with a macromolecular structure.

(i) What is the valency of boron?


(ii) Predict two physical properties of boron.

High melting and boiling points, hard, brittle, poor conductor of electricity and heat

IGCSE Grade (10)
5. J. 03 (5. c)
The first three elements in Period 6 of the Periodic Table of the Elements are caesium,
barium and lanthanum.

(b) All three metals react with cold water. Complete the word equation for these reactions.

Metal + water .Metal + ..Hydrogen [2]


6. N. 03 (3. c)
(c) A solution of an impure zinc ore contained zinc, lead and silver(I) ions. The addition of
zinc dust will displace both lead and silver.

(i) The ionic equation for the displacement of lead is as follows.

Which change is reduction? Explain your answer.

Change 2

Pb2+ gain of electrons. ..[ 2]

(iii) Write an ionic equation for the reaction between zinc atoms and silver(I) ions.

Zn + 2 Ag+ → Zn2+ + 2 Ag ..[2]

7. J. 04 (1. c)
(c) Silicon is made by the carbon reduction of the macromolecular compound, silicon (IV)

(i) Balance the equation for the reduction of silicon(IV) oxide.

SiO2 + …2. C → Si + …2.. CO [1]

(ii) Explain why the silicon (IV) oxide is said to be reduced.

O2 was lost / decrease in oxidation number of silicon [ Si4+ to Si0 ] ..[1]

IGCSE Grade (10)
Describe the structure of silicon (IV) oxide. You may use a diagram.

4 oxygen atoms are bonded to one silicon atom, and each 2 silicon atoms are bonded to
one oxygen atoms [2]

8. N. 04 (5. a)
Strontium and sulfur chlorides both have a formula of the type XCl 2 but they have
different properties.

(a) The formulae of the chlorides are similar because both elements have a valency of 2.
Explain why Group II and Group VI elements both have a valency of 2.

Group II metals lose 2 electrons

Group VI non-metals gain 2 electrons

9. J. 05 (1. a)
Three of the halogens in Group VII are:


(a) (i) How does their colour change down the Group?

IGCSE Grade (10)
(ii) How does their physical state (solid, liquid or gas) change down the Group?

Gas, liquid, then solid. .[1]

(iv) Predict the colour and physical state of fluorine.

Colour……………Pale yellow………………………………………….

Physical state………gas……………………………………………………………………. [2]

10. J. 06 (1. a, b)
Iron is a transition element
(a) Which of the following statements about transition elements are correct?

Tick three boxes.

The metals are highly coloured e.g. yellow, green, blue.

The metals have low melting points.

Their compounds are highly coloured. √

Their compounds are colourless.

The elements and their compounds are often used as catalysts. √

They have more than one oxidation state. √

. [3]

(b) (i) In which Period in the Periodic Table is iron to be found?

………………………Period 4…………………………………………………………[1]

(ii) Use the Periodic Table to work out the number of protons and the number of
neutrons in one atom of iron

number of protons = ………………26……………………………………………………..

number of neutrons =…………… 30…………………..…………………………….. [1]

IGCSE Grade (10)
11. J. 07 (4. a, b, d, e)
Use your copy of the periodic table to help you answer these questions.
(a) Predict the formula of each of the following compounds.

(i) barium oxide ………………………………BaO ………………………………………… [1]

(ii) boron oxide ………………………………B2O3… ………………………………………. [1]

(b) Give the formula of the following ions.

(i) sulfide ………………………………………S2-…………………………………….………….[1]

(ii) gallium …………………………………...…Ga3+…………………………. ……….………..[1]

(c) Potassium and vanadium are elements in Period IV.

(i) State two differences in their physical properties.

K- soft / lower b.p ./ low density

V – hard / high b.p. / high density. [2]

(ii) Give two differences in their chemical properties.

K – more reactive / reacts with col water / has oxidation number = 1

V - less reactive / does not react with cold water / has more than one oxidation
number. [2]

12. J.08 (1)

For each of the following select an element from Period 4, potassium to krypton,
that matches the description

(a) It is a brown liquid at room temperature. ……………Br………….

(d) It forms a compound with hydrogen having the formula XH4 .……..……Ge………….

(c) A metal that reacts violently with cold water. .. ………K or Ca……………

(d) It has a complete outer energy level. ……………Kr…………

(e) It has oxidation states of 2 and 3 only. ……………Fe…………

(f) It can form an ion of the type X- .……………Br…………

(g) One of its oxides is the catalyst in the Contact Process ……………V………… [Total: 7]
IGCSE Grade (10)
J. 2013 (2)

III / 3

Good conductor of electricity as it is metal due to freely moving electrons

N / P

M2 (SO4)3
IGCSE Grade (10)
Nov. 2013 (1)





Nitrogen / Phosphorous


IGCSE Grade (10)
J. 2014 (4)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 3 2 7

number of valency electrons = the group number

for Na to Al the valency is as the number of valence electrons lost

from the last energy level

for P to Cl the valency is 8 – [number of valence electrons] as this is

number of electrons gained for full energy level

change is from left to right basic to amphoteric to acidic

ionic (metal) chlorides on the left while covalent (non-metal)

chlorides on the right
IGCSE Grade (10)
J. 2015 (5 a)


Add chlorine to (potassium) iodide solution; colour changes from

colourless to reddish brown
Cl2 + 2KI 2KCl + I2

24 J. 2016 (2 h)

Last energy level is completely filled with electrons

Filling electric bulbs

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