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Cell division mitosis

Mitosis is cell division that produces two Identicle cells

n mitosis a parent cell divides to producetwo genetically
denticle cells Mitosis is needed
for growth and repare
Thecellcycle consistsof a Gapphase2 oa m Mitosis start the
cellkeeps g cellcycle
period cell growth andDNA rowina and
Gapphase cell
replication called interphase s growsandnew
Mitosis happens last But the
interphase is spat into parts Hittintha
Mitosis is one phase thats spat into a series of division phases
interphaseThe cell carries out normal functions while it prepares
a divideThe cells DNA is unraveled and replicated to doublethe

genetic content Organelles are also replicatedandATP content

also increases to provide energyfor division
Prophase The chromozones condense getshorter andfatter
Tiny bundles
of protiens called centrioles start deadline
moving to opposite sides of the cellforming
rotiens fibers spindles across the cell Nuclear fraternity
nvelope breaks down
As mitosis begins the chromosomes are Joint by centromere There
on inromotid
already duplicated interphase
trundi I
metaphase The chromozones une
up along sogou.EE
he middle the cell and become attached to the
of Id
spindle by ther centromere
3 Anaphase The centromeres divide separating eachpair
g sisterchromotides spindle fibers contract ifftp.iiefffd
Ulling chromotides to opposite poles
4 Telephase The chromotides reach opposite untri

sides and they uncoil to become longand i

thin again A nuclear envelopereforms sothere

I now two nuclear and two geneticallyidenticle
cells are created Mitosis is done and each cell prepours to
restart mitosis
Cancer The result uncontroved
of cell division
Mitosis and the cell cycle are controlled by genes Normally if
a cells divided enough times they stop unless theres a mutatio
when cells grow out of control cells will keepon dividing t
orm a tumour Cancer is a tumour that invades surrounding cell

ancer treatments
Some treatments designed to control rate of cell division by
disrupting the cell cycle These treatments dont distinguish type
of cell so will kill normaldividing cells However cancer cell
will divide more so treatment kills more cancercells thannorma
G1 some chemical drugs prevent synthesis of enzymes wh
re needed DNA replication which disrupts cells forcing
ell to kill itself
Sphase Radiation and some drugs damage DNA At several
points in the cell cycle.The DNA is checkedfor damageIf it
evere cell will kill itself preventing tumour growth

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