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Name _______________________ Class ____________


I. Complétez le résumé du film avec les mots suivants : Groundhog Day – months - blizzard – cameraman –
Punxsutawney – producer – report – comedy – priorities - meteorologist – time loop
This movie is a_______________. It is about Phil Connors (Bill Murray) who plays an egocentric
_____________________ . On February 1st, he goes to _________________________ to film the annual
______________________ festivities. Rita, the ______________________ and Larry, the
______________________ are with him on the trip. After the _______________ is filmed, they try to
leave but a __________________ forces them to return to town. The next day, Phil wakes up and finds
himself in a ___________________, repeating the same day again and again. After days, weeks,
____________ and years of reliving the same day, he begins to re-examine his life and ______________.

II. True (Vrai) or False (Faux) – corrigez un mot des affirmations fausses pour les rendre vraies.
1. In the beginning of the film, everyone likes Phil. True False
2. Phil stays a different hotel than Rita and Larry. True False
3. Phil wakes up every morning at seven a.m. True False
4. Ned sells cars. True False
5. Phil saves a homeless person from dying. True False
6. Doris buys Phil at the end of the movie. True False

III. Que fait-il avec son temps? En anglais, utiliser le présent simple (rappel : –s au 3ième personne singulier)
et écrire des courte phrases pour dire des choses positives et négatives que Phil fait.
A. List 4 negative things Phil does with his time :

__________________________________ _____________________________________
__________________________________ _____________________________________
B. List 4 positive things Phil does with his time :

__________________________________ _____________________________________
__________________________________ _____________________________________

IV. What lesson about life do you learn in the film? (en anglais – phrases courtes et simples)

V. What would you do if you were stuck reliving the same day over and over? (en anglais – phrases courtes
et simples) If I were stuck reliving the same day over and over I would….._________________________

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