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Montelukast Dosage

Allergic Rhinitis
Asthma - Maintenance
Bronchospasm Prophylaxis

15 years or older with asthma or allergic rhinitis:
10 mg orally once a day.

6 years to 14 years with asthma or allergic rhinitis:
5 mg chewable tablet orally once a day.

2 years to 5 years with asthma or allergic rhinitis:
4 mg chewable tablet or 4 mg granules orally once a day.

1 year to 2 years with asthma:
4 mg granules orally once a day in the evening.

6 months to 23 months with perennial allergic rhinitis:
4 mg granules orally once a day.

Fexofenadine Dosage
Usual Adult Dose
60 mg orally twice a day or 180 mg once daily with

Usual Pediatric Dose
oral tablets:
6 to 11 years: 30 mg orally twice a day with water
12 years or older: 60 mg orally twice a day or 180 mg
once daily with water

Oral tablet, disintegrating
6 to 11 years: 30 mg orally twice a day

Oral suspension:
allergic rhinitis:
2 to 11 years: 30 mg orally twice a day with water

Chronic idiopathic urticaria:
6 months to 1 year: 15 mg orally twice a day
2 to 11 years: 30 mg orally twice a day

Maximum Dosage Limits:
O Adults: 10 mg/day PO.
O lderly: 10 mg/day PO.
O Adolescents: 10 mg/day PO.
O ldren 6 - 12 years: 10 mg/day PO.
O ldren 2 - 5 years: 5 mg/day PO.
O ldren 2 years: SaIe and eIIective use
has not been established.
!atients with hepatic impairment:
For adults and children ~ 6 years, reduce initial
dosage to 10 mg PO every other day. For children 2
- 5 years: reduce initial dose to 5 mg PO every other
Alerid Tablets
Each Iilm-coated tablet contains
Cetirizine dihydrochloride 10 mg
Alerid Syrup
Each 5ml contains Cetirizine
dihydrochloride 5 mg
Dosage and administration
Alerid Tablets
Adults and cldren (above 12 years).
One tablet daily.
Alerid Syrup
ldren (2-6 years).
5 ml (halI measure) once daily.
ldren (above 6 years).
5-10 ml (halI to one measure) once daily. In
individual cases the 10 ml daily dose can be
administered as 5 ml in the morning and 5 ml in the
Theophylline Dosage
Maintenance dose:

less than 42 days: 4 mg/kg/day orally.

42 days to 181 days: 10 mg/kg/day orally. Alternate
dosing: |(0.2 x age in weeks) 5| x kg 24 hour oral
dose in milligrams.

6 months less than 12 months: 12 to 18 mg/kg/day.
Alternate dosing: |(0.2 x age in weeks) 5| x kg 24
hour oral dose in milligrams.

1 year to 8 years: 20 to 24 mg/kg/day.

9 years to 11 years: 16 mg/kg/day.

12 years to 15 years: 13 mg/kg/day.

16 years or older: 10 mg/kg/day. Do not exceed 900
FLUCLOXACILLIN (Do not give in PeniciIIin AIIergy)
By mouth, 250500 mg every 6 hours, at least 30
minutes beIore Iood;
%$ see BNF Ior Children;
1 month2 years, 62.5125 mg every 6 hours, at
least 30 minutes beIore Iood;
210 years, 125250 mg
every 6 hours, at least 30 minutes beIore Iood

CO-AMOXICLAV (Do not give in PeniciIIin AIIergy)
By mouth,
Co-amoxiclav, 375mg x TDS
Severe inIections 625mg x TDS

% 0.25 mL/kg oI 125/31 suspension x TDS

1 month-1 year,
0.25 mL/kg oI 125/31 suspension every 8 hours,
dose doubled in severe inIection;
1- years,
5mL oI 125/31 suspension every 8 hours
or 0.25 mL/kg oI 125/31 suspension
every 8 hours, dose doubled in severe inIection;
-12 years,
5mL oI 250/62 suspension every 8 hours or 0.15 mL/kg
oI 250/62 suspension every 8 hours, dose doubled in
severe inIection
Severe dental inIections (but not generally Iirst-line,
see notes above), expressed as co-amoxiclav,
ADULT and CHILD over 12 years, 375mg x tds Ior 5 days

By mouth (as ceIuroxime axetil), mg x BD in
most mild to moderate lower respiratory-tract inIections
(e.g. bronchitis); doubled iI pneumonia suspected

UTI - 1 mg x BD, doubled in 5yelone5rts

CHLD over 3 months, 125 mg twice daily, iI necessary
doubled in child over 2 years with otitis media
Lyme disease

DUL% and CHLD over 12 years, 500 mg twice daily
Ior 1421 days (Ior 28 days in Lyme arthritis)

200 mg on Iirst day, then 100 mg daily;
Severe inIections ReIractory UTI 200 mg daily
Early syphilis, 100 mg twice daily Ior 14 days;
Late latent syphilis, 100 mg twice daily Ior 28 days;
Neurosyphilis, 200 mg twice daily Ior 28 days
Uncomplicated genital chlamydia, non-gonococcal
urethritis, 100 mg twice daily Ior 7 days (14 days in
pelvic inIlammatory disease,

CHLD (only iI alternative antibacterial cannot be given)
5 mg/kg daily in 2 divided doses (max. 200 mg daily)

AZITHROMYCIN (Do not give in Erythromycin AIIergy)
mg once daily Ior 3 days or 500 mg on Iirst day
then 25 mg once daily for 4 days;

CHLD over 6 months 10 mg/kg once daily Ior 3 days; or
1525 kg, 200 mg once daily Ior 3 days; bodyweight
2635 kg, 300 mg once daily Ior 3 days; bodyweight
3645 kg, 400 mg once daily Ior 3 days

Uncomplicated genital chlamydial inIections and
nongonococcal urethritis, 1 g as a single dose

Typhoid 500 mg once daily Ior 710 days

CLARITHROMYCIN (Do not give in Erythromycin AIIergy)
By mouth, DUL% and CHLD over 12 years,
mg every 1 hours Ior 7 days, increased in
pneumonia or severe inIections to 500 mg every 12
hours Ior up to 14 days

CHLD bodyweight
Under 8 kg, 7.5 mg/kg twice daily;
811 kg, 62.5 mg twice daily;
1219 kg, 125 mg twice daily;
2029 kg, 187.5 mg twice daily;
3040 kg, 250 mg twice daily

DUL% and CHLD over 12 years, 500 mg every 12 hours
Ior 1421 days

CHLD 1 month12 years see BNF Ior Children

1 mg twice daily with Iood increased iI necessary to
2 mg twice daily; initial treatment in readily sedated
Patients 0.51 mg at night;

CHILD 3 years and over, 1 mg twice daily

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